ciguatoxic fish in the french west indies. | an epidemiological study on ciguatera fish poisoning in the french west indies on st-barthelemy, st-martin and anguilla was conducted in the years 1985-1986-1987 and 1991-1992. a study on the toxicity of coral fish was realized. the toxicity of 700 fish belonging to 57 species was evaluated by bio-assays. 430 mosquito-bio-assays were performed on individual fish (flesh or liver) and 19 on pools (flesh or liver; with 4 to 24 fish). a second group was evaluated on liver by the chick feeding-test ( ... | 1992 | 1364103 |
[risk factors of ciguatera in the french west indies in saint-barthélémy, saint-martin and anguilla]. | an epidemiological study on ciguatera fish poisoning in the french west indies (st-barthelemy, st-martin and anguilla) was conducted during the years 1985-1986. the investigation on intoxications shows a non seasonal significant prevalence. though it was difficult to list the cases, the morbidity seems to vary between 7 and 30 per thousand. a study of fish toxicity was realised; 46 different species were tested (individually or by pools) by the mosquito bio-test. observations of intoxications gi ... | 1989 | 2485547 |
philometra (ranjhinema) salgadoi n. sp. (nematoda: philometridae) from the ocular cavity of the red grouper epinephelus morio (pisces: serranidae) from the yucatan peninsula, mexico. | a new nematode species, philometra (ranjhinema) salgadoi n. sp., is described from females found in the ocular cavity of the red grouper (epinephelus morio) from the mexican coast of the gulf of mexico (type locality telchac, yucatán). the nematode is characterized by the presence of 8 conspicuously large, crescent-shaped, fleshy cephalic papillae of the external circle and 2 small, subterminal papilla-like projections on the caudal end. another philometrid species, philometroides belousae n. sp ... | 1995 | 7472870 |
helminth parasites of epinephelus morio (pisces: serranidae) of the yucatan peninsula, southeastern mexico. | the present paper comprises a systematic survey of helminths from 202 red groupers, epinephelus morio (valenciennes) (pisces: serranidae), the most important commercial marine fish in the region, collected from ten localities off the yucatan peninsula in the gulf of mexico during 1994-1996; two more helminth species were recorded from e. morio earlier. thirty species of helminths were found: monogenea 1, cestoda 3, trematoda 17, nematoda 8, acanthocephala 1. of them, 15 species were adults, wher ... | 1997 | 9437838 |
pseudorhabdosynochus yucatanensis sp. n. (monogenea: diplectanidae) from the gills of the red grouper epinephelus morio (pisces: serranidae) of the yucatan peninsula, mexico. | pseudorhabdosynochus yucatanensis sp. n. (diplectanidae) is described from the gills of the red grouper, epinephelus morio (valenciennes, 1824) (serranidae), from the coast of the yucatan peninsula, mexico. this new species is characterized by having both the ventral and the dorsal squamodiscs composed of 10-12 rows of rods, with 0-1 innermost row forming a closed circle. furthermore, the vagina of p. yucatanensis has a non-sclerotized ampulla with a fine, sclerotized duct leading to a sclerotiz ... | 1997 | 9437840 |
determination of chlorate and chlorite and mutagenicity of seafood treated with aqueous chlorine dioxide. | the use of chlorine dioxide (clo(2)) as a potential substitute for aqueous chlorine to improve the quality of seafood products has not been approved by regulatory agencies due to health concerns related to the production of chlorite (clo(2)(-)) and chlorate (clo(3)(-)) as well as possible mutagenic/carcinogenic reaction products. cubes of atlantic salmon (salmo salar) and red grouper (epinephelus morio) were treated with 20 or 200 ppm aqueous chlorine or clo(2) solutions for 5 min, and extracts ... | 1999 | 10552689 |
'cebiche'--a potential source of human anisakiasis in mexico? | five fish species used for preparation of a popular dish (cebiche) made with raw fish flesh in mexico were obtained from five localities of the coast of yucatan. lutjanus synagris, gerres cinereus, sphyraena barracuda, epinephelus morio and haemulon plumieriwere examined for the presence of larvae of anisakid nematodes, causative agents of human anisakiasis. the nematode pseudoterranova sp. was found in e. morio and s. barracuda with a total prevalence of 83% and 6.5 +/- 6.2 worms per fish for e ... | 2000 | 10881286 |
first description of the male and redescription of the female of philometra salgadoi vidal-martínez et al., 1995 (nematoda: philometridae) from the ocular cavity of the marine fish epinephelus morio in mexico. | a redescription of the female and the first description of the male of the philometrid nematode philomnetra salgadoi vidal-martínez, aguirre-macedo et moravec, 1995 are presented on the basis of specimens collected from the type host, the red grouper. epinephelus morio (valenciennes; pisces: serranidae), in the gulf of mexico off the northern coast of yucatan, mexico. the morphology of this species is compared with that of related congeneric species. | 2001 | 11484847 |
spatial and temporal repeatability in parasite community structure of tropical fish hosts. | an assessment is made of the repeatability of parasite community structure in space for a marine fish, and in space and time for a freshwater fish from south-eastern mexico. the marine fish species was the red grouper, epinephelus morio (collected from 9 localities), and the freshwater species was the cichlid, cichlasoma urophthalmus (collected from 6 localities: including monthly at 2 localities for 1 year, and bimonthly at 1 locality in 1990 and 1999). pairwise interspecific associations and a ... | 2003 | 14636025 |
pearsonellum lemusi n. sp. (digenea: aporocotylidae) from blood vascular system of gag grouper, mycteroperca microlepis, (perciformes: serranidae) off alabama, with an emendation of pearsonellum overstreet & køie, 1989. | abstract abstract: pearsonellum lemusi n. sp. (digenea: aporocotylidae) infects the blood vascular system of the gag grouper, mycteroperca microlepis, (perciformes: serranidae) in the north-central gulf of mexico, approximately 80 km south of dauphin island, alabama (29°34'09"n; 88°22'16"w). the new species can be most easily differentiated from its only congeners pearsonellum corventum overstreet and køie, 1989 (type species) and pearsonellum pygmaeus nolan and cribb, 2004, both of which infe ... | 2011 | 22017521 |
pseudorhabdosynochus species (monogenoidea, diplectanidae) parasitizing groupers (serranidae, epinephelinae, epinephelini) in the western atlantic ocean and adjacent waters, with descriptions of 13 new species. | seventeen of twenty-three species of groupers collected from the western atlantic ocean and adjacent waters were infected with 19 identified species (13 new) of pseudorhabdosynochus yamaguti, 1958 (dactylogyridea, diplectanidae); specimens of the spanish flag gonioplectrus hispanus, coney cephalopholis fulva, marbled grouper dermatolepis inermis, mutton hamlet alphestes afer, and misty grouper hyporthodus mystacinus were not infected; the yellowmouth grouper mycteroperca interstitialis and yello ... | 2015 | 26272242 |
effects of preservation methods of muscle tissue from upper-trophic level reef fishes on stable isotope values (δ (13)c and δ (15)n). | research that uses stable isotope analysis often involves a delay between sample collection in the field and laboratory processing, therefore requiring preservation to prevent or reduce tissue degradation and associated isotopic compositions. although there is a growing literature describing the effects of various preservation techniques, the results are often contextual, unpredictable and vary among taxa, suggesting the need to treat each species individually. we conducted a controlled experime ... | 2015 | 25834776 |
[fatty acid profile of mero (epinephelus morio) raw and processed oil captured in the yucatan peninsula, mexico]. | unsaturated fatty acids are of current interest for their potential to reduce cardiovascular disease, the first cause of death worldwide. by its content of essential fatty acids, fish is one of the food products most in demand among the population. one of the most popular processes for fish consumption in yucatan peninsula, mexico is frying. however, studies show that frying food causes changes in the composition generating trans fatty acids. the objective of this study was to evaluate the fatty ... | 2014 | 25617583 |
temporal and spatial mapping of red grouper epinephelus morio sound production. | the goals of this project were to determine the daily, seasonal and spatial patterns of red grouper epinephelus morio sound production on the west florida shelf (wfs) using passive acoustics. an 11 month time series of acoustic data from fixed recorders deployed at a known e. morio aggregation site showed that e. morio produce sounds throughout the day and during all months of the year. increased calling (number of files containing e. morio sound) was correlated to sunrise and sunset, and peaked ... | 2014 | 25141790 |
modeling coral reef fish home range movements in dry tortugas, florida. | underestimation of reef fish space use may result in marine reserves that are too small to effectively buffer a portion of the stock from fishing mortality. commonly used statistical home range models, such as minimum convex polygon (mcp) or 95% kernel density (95% kd) methods, require the exclusion of individuals who move beyond the bounds of the tracking study. spatially explicit individual-based models of fish home range movements parameterized from multiple years of acoustic tracking data we ... | 2014 | 24558320 |