exoantigen studies of sporothrix schenckii, ceratocystis minor, and graphium penicilliodes cultures. | cultures of sporothrix schenckii were serologically tested by the exoantigen immunodiffusion technique of kaufman and standard (l. kaufman and p.g. standard, j. clin. microbiol. 8:42-45, 1978). this rapid and sensitive technique permitted the identification of 10 isolates of s. schenckii within 3 days. the production of the antigen-antiserum reference system and exoantigens with two different methods are reported. the demonstration of common antigens in s. schenckii and ceratocystis minor, the s ... | 1982 | 7200490 |
systemic effects of heterobasidion annosum on ferulic acid glucoside and lignin of presymptomatic ponderosa pine phloem, and potential effects on bark-beetle-associated fungi. | concentrations of soluble phenolics and lignin in the phloem of ponderosa pines inoculated with the pathogen heterobasidion annosum were assessed over a period of 2 years in a 35-year-old plantation in northern california, usa. the major effect of the pathogen on phloem-soluble phenolics consisted of a significant accumulation of ferulic acid glucoside: 503 +/- 27 microg/g fresh weight (fw), compared with 366 +/- 26 microg/g fw for mock-treated and 386 +/- 27 microg/g fw for control trees. ligni ... | 2003 | 12857029 |
a new method for loading bursaphelenchus xylophilus (nematoda: aphelenchoididae) on adult monochamus alternatus (coleoptera: cerambycidae). | a new method was developed for loading the pinewood nematode, bursaphelenchus xylophilus (steiner et buhrer) nickle, on the beetle monochamus alternatus hope. postdiapause beetle larvae were sterilized with 70 and 99.9% aqueous ethanol and placed singly in flasks where b. xylophilus reproduced on the fungus ophiostoma minus (hedgcock) h. et p. sydow that had been grown on autoclaved barley grain and pinus densifiora sieb. et zucc. wood chips. the fungus produced a large nematode population that ... | 2004 | 15279275 |
interactions between the yeast ogataea pini and filamentous fungi associated with the western pine beetle. | ecologically important microbes other than filamentous fungi can be housed within the fungal-transport structures (mycangia) of dendroctonus bark beetles. the yeast ogataea pini (saccharomycetales: saccharomycetaceae) was isolated from the mycangia of western pine beetle (dendroctonus brevicomis) populations in northern arizona (usa) with a frequency of 56%. we performed a series of in vitro assays to test whether volatile organic compounds produced by o. pini affected radial growth rates of mut ... | 2010 | 21085946 |
limited response of ponderosa pine bole defenses to wounding and fungi. | tree defense against bark beetles (curculionidae: scolytinae) and their associated fungi generally comprises some combination of constitutive (primary) and induced (secondary) defenses. in pines, the primary constitutive defense against bark beetles consists of preformed resin stored in resin ducts. induced defenses at the wound site (point of beetle entry) in pines may consist of an increase in resin flow and necrotic lesion formation. the quantity and quality of both induced and constitutive d ... | 2011 | 21551357 |
altered carbohydrates allocation by associated bacteria-fungi interactions in a bark beetle-microbe symbiosis. | insect-microbe interaction is a key area of research in multiplayer symbiosis, yet little is known about the role of microbe-microbe interactions in insect-microbe symbioses. the red turpentine beetle (rtb) has destroyed millions of healthy pines in china and forms context-dependent relationships with associated fungi. the adult-associated fungus leptographium procerum have played key roles in rtb colonization. however, common fungal associates (l. procerum and ophiostoma minus) with rtb larvae ... | 2016 | 26839264 |
i-omii and i-omiii: two intron-encoded homing endonucleases within the ophiostoma minus rns gene. | the mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal rna (rns) gene of the ascomycetous fungus ophiostoma minus [strain win(m)371] was found to contain a group ic2 and a group iib1 intron at positions ms569 and ms952 respectively. both introns have open reading frames (orfs) embedded that encode double motif laglidadg homing endonucleases (i-omii and i-omiii respectively). codon-optimized versions of i-omii and i-omiii were synthesized for overexpression in escherichia coli. the in vitro characterization o ... | 2014 | 25110134 |
the highly variable mitochondrial small-subunit ribosomal rna gene of ophiostoma minus. | mitochondrial genomes in the true fungi are highly variable both in size and organization. most of this size variation is due to the presence of introns and intron-encoded open reading frames (orfs). the objectives for this work were to examine the mitochondrial small-subunit ribosomal rna (rns) gene of strains of ophiostoma minus for the presence of introns and to characterize such introns and their encoded orfs. dna sequence analysis showed that among different strains of o. minus various rns ... | 2011 | 22036291 |
mutual interactions between an invasive bark beetle and its associated fungi. | interactions between invasive insects and their fungal associates have important effects on the behavior, reproductive success, population dynamics and evolution of the organisms involved. the red turpentine beetle (rtb), dendroctonus valens leconte (coleoptera: scolytinae), an invasive forest pest in china, is closely associated with fungi. by carrying fungi on specialized structures in the exoskeleton, rtb inoculates fungi in the phloem of pines (when females dig galleries for egg laying and w ... | 2011 | 21777500 |
identification of sporothix schenckii of various mtdna types by nested pcr assay. | we employed a nested pcr assay to detect sporothrix schenckii dna of 38 strains (including all the 24 mtdna types) collected from different areas of the world, in tissue of eight mice infected with atcc10268 strain of the fungus, and the skin biopsies of nine patients with sporotrichosis. in addition, the same procedures were used with two strains of ceratocystis minor and isolates of 10 species of other pathogenic fungi. the outer primers ss(1) and ss(2) and inner primers ss(3) and ss(4) of the ... | 2010 | 19626548 |
competitive interactions among symbiotic fungi of the southern pine beetle. | the southern pine beetle, a damaging pest of conifers, is intimately linked to three symbiotic fungi. two fungi, ceratocystiopsis ranaculosus and entomocorticium sp. a, are transported within specialized structures (mycangia) in the beetle exoskeleton and are mutualists of the beetle. a third fungus, ophiostoma minus, is transported externally on the beetle exoskeleton (phoretically) and is an antagonist of the beetle. this study examined competitive interactions among these three fungi. the res ... | 1997 | 16535518 |
antagonisms, mutualisms and commensalisms affect outbreak dynamics of the southern pine beetle. | feedback from community interactions involving mutualisms are a rarely explored mechanism for generating complex population dynamics. we examined the effects of two linked mutualisms on the population dynamics of a beetle that exhibits outbreak dynamics. one mutualism involves an obligate association between the bark beetle, dendroctonus frontalis and two mycangial fungi. the second mutualism involves tarsonemus mites that are phoretic on d. frontalis ("commensal"), and a blue-staining fungus, o ... | 2006 | 16323015 |
effects of mass inoculation on induced oleoresin response in intensively managed loblolly pine. | oleoresin flow is an important factor in the resistance of pines to attack by southern pine beetle, dendroctonus frontalis zimm., and its associated fungi. abiotic factors, such as nutrient supply and water relations, have the potential to modify this plant-insect-fungus interaction; however, little is known of the effects of inoculation with beetle-associated fungi on oleoresin flow. we observed that constitutive and induced resin yield in loblolly pine, pinus taeda l., were affected by either ... | 2005 | 15805088 |
phylogenetic analysis of the bluestain fungus ophiostoma minus based on partial its rdna and beta-tubulin gene sequences. | in an attempt to clarify the relationship between fungi classified as ophiostoma minus, but of different geographic origins and mating systems, sequencing of the 5.8s and its 2 rdna, and beta-tubulin gene was carried out. the beta-tubulin gene was highly informative, supporting the sub-division of o. minus into two groups based on geographic origin. furthermore, isolates previously classified as o. pseudotsugae were confirmed as being clearly distinct from o. minus. however, sequencing did not r ... | 2004 | 15446708 |
effects of available water on growth and competition of southern pine beetle associated fungi. | competitive, interactions among bark beetle associated fungi are potentially influenced by abiotic factors. water potential, in particular, undergoes marked changes over the course of beetle colonization of tree hosts. to investigate the impact of water potential on competition among three southern pine beetle associated fungi, ophiostoma minus, entomocorticium sp. a and ceratocystiopsis ranaculosus, we utilized artificial media with water potentials of 0, -5, -10, and -20 mpa. growth of all thr ... | 2004 | 15119355 |
characterization of the induced response of slash pine to inoculation with bark beetle vectored fungi. | six 25- to 30-year-old slash pine, pinus elliottii englm. var. elliottii, trees were inoculated with ophiostoma minus (hedgc.) h.p. sydow, o. ips (rumb.) nannf or sterile water. two, 4 and 6 weeks after inoculation, the lengths of developing lesions and the monoterpene concentration of the necrotic tissue within each lesion were measured. both sterile and fungal wounding resulted in the development of lesions in the phloem-outer xylem. at both 4 and 6 weeks after inoculation, lesions induced by ... | 1995 | 14965920 |
[dna base composition in strains of "sporothrix schenckii" and "ceratocystis" (author's transl)]. | deoxyribonucleic acid base composition, as measured by guanine and cytosine content, was determined in strains of ceratocystis minor, c. stenoceras and sporothrix schenckii. the value for c. minor is 51.2 and the average value is 52.4 for c. stenoceras and 54.5 for s. schenckii. these values are in agreement with a close relationship between these fungi. | 1981 | 7325496 |
biosynthetic arginine decarboxylase in phytopathogenic fungi. | it has been reported that while bacteria and higher plants possess two different pathways for the biosynthesis of putrescine, via ornithine decarboxylase (odc) and arginine decarboxylase (adc); the fungi, like animals, only use the former pathway. we found that contrary to the earlier reports, two of the phytopathogenic fungi (ceratocystis minor and verticillium dahliae) contain significant levels of adc activity with very little odc. the adc in these fungi has high ph optimum (8.4) and low km ( ... | 1989 | 2497290 |
dimorphism in ceratocystis minor var. barrasii. | ceratocystis minor var. barrasii, a fungus associated with the southern pine beetle, dendroctonus frontalis, exhibits dimorphism which is influenced by the concentration of both carbon dioxide and phosphate. the mycelium produces blastospores from the tips and sides of its hyphae when the concentration of carbon dioxide is high, and these blastospores germinate if the concentration of phosphate is above about 10(-2) mm, whereas below this concentration they bud. | 1977 | 600307 |
fungi associated with the southern pine beetle: avoidance of induced defense response in loblolly pine. | loblolly pines (pinus taeda) are rapidly killed by colonizing southern pine beetle (dendroctonus frontalis). the female beetles carry two species of fungi (ceratocystis minor var. barrasii and an unnamed basidiomycete) within a mycangium. the insects are also frequently associated with a blue-staining form of c. minor. these fungi are inoculated into the tree during colonization. the tree has an induced defensive response that involves resin soaking and necrosis of affected tissue isolating the ... | 1987 | 28312476 |
defensive mechanisms of loblolly and shortleaf pine against attack by southern pine beetle,dendroctonus frontalis zimmermann, and its fungal associate,ceratocystis minor (hedgecock) hunt. | loblolly and shortleaf pine growing on a single site in the north carolina piedmont were examined to determine similarities and differences in their defensive mechanisms against the southern pine beetle,dendroctonus frontalis zimmermann, and its fungal associate,ceratocystis minor (hedgecock) hunt. both species responded to wounding and fungal inoculation by forming a hypersensitive lesion around the wound site. there were significantly less soluble sugars and more monoterpenes in the lesion tis ... | 1986 | 24307119 |