
potent heterologous antifungal proteins from cheeseweed (malva parviflora).two novel antifungal proteins were purified and characterized from cheeseweed (malva parviflora). both proteins, designated cw-1 and cw-2, are composed of two different subunits of 5000 and 3000 da, respectively. these proteins possess very potent antifungal activities, and more interestingly the inhibition is fungicidal instead of fungistatic. at low salt condition, the ic(50) of cw-1 and cw-2 against fusarium graminearum (fg) is 2.5 ppm. at high salt condition which diminishes the antifungal a ...200011118343
complete nucleotide sequence and host range of south african cassava mosaic virus: further evidence for recombination amongst begomoviruses.complete nucleotide sequences of the dna-a (2800 nt) and dna-b (2760 nt) components of a novel cassava-infecting begomovirus, south african cassava mosaic virus (sacmv), were determined and compared with various new world and old world begomoviruses. sacmv is most closely related to east african cassava mosaic virus (eacmv) in both its dna-a (85% with eacmv-mh and -mk) and -b (90% with eacmv-ug2-mld and eacmv-ug3-svr) components; however, percentage sequence similarities of less than 90% in the ...200111125158
purification and characterization of three antifungal proteins from cheeseweed (malva parviflora).three potent antimicrobial proteins were purified from cheeseweed (malva parviflora) seeds. these antimicrobial proteins, named cw-3, cw-4, and cw-5, showed different antimicrobial spectrum and potency compared to the two heterologous antimicrobial proteins (cw-1 and cw-2) purified previously. cw-3 and cw-4 possess antimicrobial activities against phytophthora infestans (pi), but not fusarium graminearum (fg). a database search indicated that cw-3 shares high homology to cotton vicilin, an abund ...200111302747
activity against multidrug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis in mexican plants used to treat respiratory diseases.the increase of multidrug-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis (mdr-tb) demands the search for alternative antimycobacterial drugs. the aim of this study was to evaluate plants used in mexican traditional medicine to treat respiratory diseases for activity against mdr-tb. a group of 22 plants was screened for activity against mycobacterium tuberculosis h37rv and mycobacterium avium at concentrations from 50 to 200 microg/ml. the antimycobacterial effect was determined by a microcolorimetric assa ...200313680821
antimicrobial activities of some selected traditional ethiopian medicinal plants used in the treatment of skin disorders.hydroalcoholic extracts of eight species of medicinal plants, namely, acokanthera schimperi (apocynaceae), calpurnia aurea (leguminosae), kalanchoe petitiana (crassulaceae), lippia adoensis (verbenaceae), malva parviflora (malvaceae), olinia rochetiana (oliniaceae), phytolacca dodecandra (phytolaccaceae) and verbascum sinaiticum (scrophulariaceae), traditionally used in the treatment of various skin disorders were screened for antimicrobial activity against different strains of bacteria and fung ...200516054532
ethnoveterinary medicines used for ruminants in british columbia, canada.the use of medicinal plants is an option for livestock farmers who are not allowed to use allopathic drugs under certified organic programs or cannot afford to use allopathic drugs for minor health problems of livestock.200717324258
two newly described begomoviruses of macroptilium lathyroides and common bean.abstract macroptilium lathyroides, a perennial weed in the caribbean region and central america, is a host of macroptilium yellow mosaic florida virus (maymfv) and macroptilium mosaic puerto rico virus (mamprv). the genomes of maymfv and mamprv were cloned from m. lathyroides and/or field-infected bean and the dna sequences were determined. cloned a and b components for both viruses were infectious when inoculated to m. lathyroides and common bean. comparison of the dna sequences for cloned a an ...200318943157
probable malva parviflora (small flowered mallow) intoxication in sheep in western australia. 200616629193
the response of some common egyptian plants to ozone and their use as biomonitors.relative sensitivity of five common egyptian plant species namely, senecio vulgaris, malva parviflora, sonchus oleraceus, medicago sativa and melilotus indicus to elevated levels of ozone has been studied. the plants were exposed to charcoal filtered air (cfa) and different levels of o3 (50 and 100 ppb) for 5 h per day. the studied parameters were recorded for five consecutive days after fumigation. the foliar injury varied significantly among species in a dose-dependent manner. severe injury sy ...200312758022
the clinical differentiation of nervous and muscular locomotor disorders of sheep in australia.many of the nervous and muscular locomotor disorders that affect sheep throughout australia are commonly referred to as "staggers" syndromes. the range of clinical signs displayed by sheep suffering these disorders is sufficiently diverse to enable each syndrome to be graded into one of 5 progressive clinical groups. the first group, the limb paresis syndromes, includes the primary myopathies associated with the ingestion of ixiolaena brevicompta, malva parviflora, and trachymene ochracea, as we ...19958526819
ethnobotanical survey of the medicinal flora used by the caribs of ethnobotanical survey was conducted among the carib population of guatemala in 1988-1989. in general terms, the sample surveyed possessed a relatively good standard of living. results indicated that health services were utilized by the population, and that domestic medicine, mainly plants (96.9%) was used by 15% of the population. one hundred and nineteen plants used for medicinal purposes were collected, of which 102 (85.7%) could be identified; a list of these together with the information ...19911795521
malva parviflora extract assisted green synthesis of silver nanoparticles.five plant leaf extracts (malva parviflora, beta vulgaris subsp. vulgaris, anethum graveolens, allium kurrat and capsicum frutescens) were screened for their bioreduction behavior for synthesis of silver nanoparticles. m. parviflora (malvaceae) was found to exhibit the best reducing and protecting action in terms of synthesis rate and monodispersity of the prepared silver nanoparticles. our measurements indicate that biosynthesis of ag nanoparticles by m. parviflora produces ag nanoparticles wit ...201223010627
structure elucidation of β-sitosterol with antibacterial activity from the root bark of malva parviflora.the powder of root bark of malva parviflora (malvaceae) was successively extracted with petroleum ether (b.p. 60-80 °c), chloroform and ethanol. the chloroform extract showed antibacterial activity against staphylococcus aureus and escherichia coli, whereas the ethanolic extract showed antibacterial activity against only s. aureus. the chloroform extract, after column chromatographic separation on silica gel using petroleum ether:chloroform (3:1) as eluent, furnished 98 mg of white crystalline c ...201627516948
the complete nucleotide sequence of a new bipartite begomovirus from brazil infecting abutilon.the complete nucleotide sequence of abutilon mosaic brazil virus (abmbv), a new bipartite begomovirus from bahia, brazil, is described and analyzed phylogenetically. its dna a is most closely related to those of sida-infecting begomoviruses from brazil and forms a phylogenetic cluster with pepper- and euphorbia-infecting begomoviruses from central america. the dna b component forms a cluster with different sida- and okra-infecting begomoviruses from brazil. both components are distinct from thos ...201020349251
cytochemical characterization of plastidal inclusions in abutilon mosaic-infected malva parviflora mesophyll cells.electron microscopy of plastids from mesophyll cells of malva parviflora infected with the abutilon mosaic virus revealed elongated "chains of pearls" with subunits of 7.5 nm in diameter. paracrystalline inclusions of the chains of pearls studied by means of cytochemical techniques gave evidence of the presence of dna.198018631715
photocontrol of the functional coupling between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in the intact leaf : blue light and par-dependent photosystems in guard cells.the photocontrol of the functional coupling between photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in the leaf was investigated in gas exchange experiments using monochromatic light provided by lasers. net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were measured in attached leaves of malva parviflora l. as a function of photon irradiance at 457.9 and 640.0 nanometers.photosynthetic rates and quantum yields of photosynthesis were higher under red light than under blue, on an absorbed or incident basis.stom ...198216662498
temperature dependence of violaxanthin de-epoxidation and non-photochemical fluorescence quenching in intact leaves of gossypium hirsutum l. and malva parviflora l.the temperature dependence of the rate of de-epoxidation of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin was determined in leaves of chilling-sensitive gossypium hirsutum l. (cotton) and chilling-resistant malva parviflora l. by measurements of the increase in absorbance at 505 nm (δa 505) and in the contents of antheraxanthin and zeaxanthin that occur upon exposure of predarkened leaves to excessive light. a linear relationship between δa 505 and the decrease in the epoxidation state of the xanthophyll-cycle pig ...199124194074
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