biochemical, biological, and genetic characterization of a sylvatic isolate of trichinella. | biological, biochemical, and genetic relationships of trichinella isolates were assessed and compared from 3 species of illinois fur-bearing mammals. tongue muscle collected from 1987 through 1989 from 323 raccoons (procyon lotor), 9 red fox (vulpes fulva), and 1 coyote (canis latrans) were digested and trichinella muscle larval prevalences and mean intensities (larvae/g) determined. the prevalence and mean intensity of tongue muscle-stage larvae were 2.8% and 44.4% and 326 and 2 larvae/g for ra ... | 1993 | 8501590 |
characterization of spanish trichinella isolates by random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd). | the random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) assay was used to find molecular markers able to distinguish trichinella spiralis from t. britovi, the two recognized spanish trichinella species. fourteen spanish trichinella isolates, as well as reference trichinella isolates representing the five species t. spiralis (t1), t. nativa (t2), t. britovi (t3), t. pseudospiralis (t4) and t. nelsoni (t7) and the three other taxa trichinella t5, trichinella t6 and trichinella t8 of the genus, were characteri ... | 1996 | 8960230 |
trichinella spiralis (t1) and trichinella t5: a comparison using animal infectivity and molecular biology techniques. | we compared trichinella t5 of bobcat (lynx rufus) origin with trichinella spiralis (t1) by using animal infectivity and molecular biology techniques. swine, sd rats, and cf1 mice were highly resistant to infection with trichinella t5 but sensitive to t. spiralis, whereas deer mice (peromyscus maniculatus) had similar sensitivity to both parasites. the fecundity of trichinella t5 in deer mice was 10-35-fold higher in comparison to the fecundity in laboratory rodents (sd rats and cf1 mice). fecund ... | 1997 | 9057702 |
a complementary dna encoding an antigen from trichinella spiralis muscle larvae and its analog from trichinella t5 of bobcat origin: sequence, cloning and expressions. | reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) was employed to amplify a cdna encoding an excretory-secretory (es) antigen with mol. wt 45-50 kda by sds-page from t. spiralis muscle larvae. the pcr product was purified by electrophoresis and sequenced by thermal cycle sequencing with primer walking. the cdna is 890 bp long and encodes a polypeptide of 255 amino acid (aa) residues. using the same methods, we also recovered a corresponding cdna from trichinella t5, which is 891 bp long a ... | 1997 | 9184935 |
characterization of eleven antigenic groups in trichinella genus and identification of stage and species markers. | several monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were raised against the l1 muscle stage (l1m) of trichinella spiralis (ts) and trichinella pseudospiralis (tp). western blot analysis of various antigenic preparations established that mabs described by different authors recognized 8 antigenic fractions (tsl1-tsl8) in crude extracts of infective larvae. the tsl1 fraction was immunodominant and present on the cuticle of different parasite stages. mabs against trichinella t5 (t5) and ts were selected in order t ... | 1997 | 9488876 |
the detection of trichinella with polymerase chain reaction (pcr) primers constructed using sequences of random amplified polymorphic dna (rapd) or sequences of complementary dna encoding excretory-secretory (e-s) glycoproteins. | diagnostic pcr primers for trichinella were constructed. twelve pairs of primers were designed based on the sequences of random amplified polymorphic dna, and 4 pairs of primers were designed based on the reported sequences of complementary dna encoding excretory-secretory glycoproteins. with these primers, 31 samples of dna from different strains of trichinella including 5 species (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi, trichinella nativa, trichinella nelsoni and trichinella pseudospiralis) ... | 1998 | 9778640 |
polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) for the identification of trichinella isolates. | in the present study, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) analysis was developed to identify 5 species (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi, trichinella nativa, trichinella nelsoni and trichinella pseudospiralis) and 3 phenotypes of uncertain taxonomic status (trichinella t5, t6, and t8). eleven restriction endonucleases were used to restrict 3 dna fragments (1) a 2800 bp fragment of the 43 kda excretory-secretory (e-s) protein gene, (2) a 1250 bp ... | 1999 | 10028536 |
identification of trichinella isolates by polymerase chain reaction--restriction fragment length polymorphism of the mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit i gene. | we developed a polymerase chain reaction based approach using restriction fragment length polymorphisms of the mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit i to identify nine genotypes (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi-european strains, trichinella britovi-japanese strains, trichinella nativa, trichinella nelsoni, trichinella t5, trichinella t6, trichinella t8 and trichinella pseudospiralis) in the genus trichinella. partial mitochondrial cytochrome c-oxidase subunit i genes of nine genot ... | 1999 | 10501621 |
trichinella murrelli n. sp: etiological agent of sylvatic trichinellosis in temperate areas of north america. | trichinella t5, collected from sylvatic carnivores in north america, was identified previously as a different phenotype of trichinella, with an uncertain taxonomic level due to the availability of only 2 isolates. cross-breeding experiments carried out with single female and male larvae of 2 strains of trichinella t5, with single female and male larvae of 2 strains of trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella pseudospiralis, trichinella nelsoni, and trichinella t ... | 2000 | 10701576 |
infectivity, persistence, and antibody response to domestic and sylvatic trichinella spp. in experimentally infected pigs. | groups of pigs were inoculated with genotypes of trichinella belonging to: trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella pseudospiralis (from caucasus), t. pseudospiralis (from usa), trichinella murrelli, trichinella sp. (from north america), and trichinella nelsoni. the pigs were sacrificed between 5 and 40weeks p.i., and the number of muscle larvae per gram (l.p.g.) of tissue was determined as an average of 18 muscles. all trichinella genotypes were infective for p ... | 2000 | 10704604 |
dna fingerprints of trichinella as revealed by restriction fragment length polymorphism and single-strand conformational polymorphism (rflp-sscp). | a method was developed for gene fingerprinting, combining the principles of restriction fragment length polymorphism and single-strand conformational polymorphism (pcr-rflp-sscp). taking advantage of this method, we analysed the genotypes of 20 isolates from five species of trichinella (trichinella spiralis, trichinella britovi, trichinella nativa, trichinella murrelli and trichinella pseudospiralis) and two uncertain genotypes (trichinella t6 and trichinella t8). target genes for the analysis i ... | 2000 | 11040092 |
factors affecting the flow among domestic, synanthropic and sylvatic cycles of trichinella. | nematodes of the genus trichinella are maintained in nature by sylvatic or domestic cycles. the sylvatic cycle is widespread on all continents, from frigid to torrid zones, and it is maintained by cannibalism and scavenging behavior of carnivores. trichinella is primarily a parasite of carnivorous mammals, although one non-encapsulated species, trichinella pseudospiralis, has also been detected in birds. the anaerobic metabolism of larvae in nurse cells allows their survival in extremely decayed ... | 2000 | 11099840 |
genetic diversity within the genus trichinella as shown by cleavage fragment length polymorphism analysis. | the genetic diversity within the genus trichinella was studied using cleavage fragment length polymorphism (cflp) analysis. the cflp method generates specific fingerprints based on single nucleotide mutations. by this method the amplified intergenic regions of the 5s rrna genes of the eight different genotypes of trichinella were analysed. the cflp pattern of t. spiralis was completely different compared with the sylvatic species t. britovi, t. nativa, t. nelsoni, and the genotypes trichinella t ... | 2001 | 11316474 |
sylvatic and domestic trichinella spp. in wild boars; infectivity, muscle larvae distribution, and antibody response. | thirty-six wild boars were inoculated with trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella pseudospiralis (ussr), t. pseudospiralis (usa), t. pseudospiralis (aust), trichinella murrelli, trichinella t6, and trichinella nelsoni. the wild boars were killed at 5 and 10 wk postinoculation (pi), and the number of muscle larvae per g (lpg) of tissue was determined for 18 muscles or muscle groups. five weeks pi, all trichinella genotypes had established as muscle larvae, but ... | 2001 | 11318560 |
trichinella murrelli: pathological features in human muscles at different delays after infection. | the authors describe the pathological aspects of muscles of three patients infected with trichinella murrelli. biopsies were carried out at various intervals. six weeks after infection, the muscular larvae were not encapsulated whereas encapsulation was seen 10 weeks after infection. six years after infection, the larvae were still alive in a nurse cell surrounded by a very thick capsule. fourteen years after infection, cuticular larvae remnants were seen in degenerating nurse cells. the late en ... | 2001 | 11484348 |
sylvatic trichinellosis in texas. | there are no published reports of domestic or sylvatic trichinellosis in texas. the aim of the present survey was to determine the presence of trichinella species in selected representative species of potential wildlife reservoirs in southern texas. in 1998-99, tongues of 211 wild mammals were collected in southern texas: 154 coyotes (canis latrans), three bobcats (lynx rufus), 32 racoons (procyon lotor), 13 opossum (didelphis marsupialis), four ocelots (leopardus pardalis) and five wild boars ( ... | 2001 | 11484391 |
new patterns of trichinella infection. | human and animal trichinellosis should be considered as both an emerging and reemerging disease. the reemergence of the domestic cycle has been due to an increased prevalence of trichinella spiralis, which has been primarily related to a breakdown of government veterinary services and state farms (e.g., in countries of the former ussr, bulgaria, romania), economic problems and war (e.g., in countries of the former yugoslavia), resulting in a sharp increase in the occurrence of this infection in ... | 2001 | 11516583 |
trichinella infection in wildlife of the southwestern united states. | several potential mammalian reservoirs of sylvatic species of trichinella were examined from texas, new mexico, and arizona. during 1998-99, tongues were collected from a black bear (ursus americanus) in arizona; from 9 black bears, a coyote (canis latrans), and a mountain lion (felis concolor) in new mexico; and from 154 coyotes, 32 raccoons (procyon lotor), 13 opossums (didelphis marsupialis), 4 ocelots (leopardus pardalis), 3 bobcats (lynx rufus), and 5 feral hogs (sus scrofa) in southern tex ... | 2001 | 11695403 |
tolerance to low temperatures of domestic and sylvatic trichinella spp. in rat muscle tissue. | the present study was designed to investigate the tolerance to low temperatures of 9 trichinella isolates in rat muscle tissue. nine groups of 24 rats were infected with encapsulated trichinella spiralis, trichinella nativa, trichinella britovi, trichinella murrelli, trichinella t6, trichinella nelsoni, and 3 nonencapsulated trichinella pseudospiralis strains. six rats from each of the groups were necropsied at 5, 10, 20, and 40 wk postinfection (wpi). muscle tissues containing trichinella larva ... | 2003 | 14533685 |
biochemical analysis of encapsulated and non-encapsulated species of trichinella (nematoda, trichinellidae) from cold- and warm-blooded animals reveals a high genetic divergence in the genus. | multilocus enzyme electrophoresis was used to analyse genetic variation in the genus trichinella. twenty-eight isolates belonging to eight species and six genotypes were analysed for 12 enzyme systems, producing 19 different phenotypes. according to jaccard's similarity index, the isolates clustered into two main groups, specifically, encapsulated species/genotypes and non-encapsulated species/genotypes. furthermore, the non-encapsulated species clustered into two other groups: the species infec ... | 2003 | 14557876 |
a trichinella murrelli infection in a domestic dog in the united states. | trichinella murrelli infection was diagnosed in a naturally infected beagle bitch from va, usa, where encapsulated larvae were found in histological sections of several skeletal muscles. a laboratory reared dog fed infected muscles resulted in viable muscle larvae that were subsequently infective to swiss-webster mice. multiplex pcr using larvae from the experimentally infected dog demonstrated two distinct bands migrating at 127 bp and 316 bp which together are diagnostic for t. murrelli; the i ... | 2006 | 16483719 |
molecular characterization of trichinella genotypes by inter-simple sequence repeat polymerase chain reaction (issr-pcr). | a bulk analysis of inter-simple sequence repeat-polymerase chain reaction (issr-pcr) provides a quick, reliable, and highly informative system for dna banding patterns that permit species identification. the present study evaluates the applicability of this system to trichinella species identification. after a single amplification carried out on a single larva with the primer 816([ca]nry) under high stringency conditions, which provide high reproducibility, we were able to identify by consistent ... | 2006 | 16884006 |
[methods and tools for parasite differentiation within the genus trichinella]. | this review summarizes the major biological, biochemical and molecular methods which have been developed during last 20 years to distinguish parasites of the genus trichinella. from the time of the discovery of trichinella in 1835 until the 1970, it was assumed that trichinellosis was caused by a single species of parasite, trichinella spiralis. many biological parameters have been compared to differentiate the parasite, such as host specificity, geographical distribution, reproductive abilities ... | 2006 | 17432239 |
trichinella murrelli in scavenging mammals from south-central wisconsin, usa. | tissues and serum from 59 raccoons (procyon lotor), 42 coyotes (canis latrans), and seven striped skunks (mephitis mephitis) collected in dane and iowa counties, wisconsin, usa, between october 2005 and march 2006 were microscopically and serologically examined for the presence of trichinella spp. encapsulated larvae were found on compression slides prepared from tongue tissues from a few animals. complete tissue digestion of tongues revealed that 19% of the raccoons, 26% of the coyotes, and non ... | 2008 | 18689648 |
human dispersal of trichinella spiralis in domesticated pigs. | to investigate the human impact on the evolutionary ecology of animal pathogens, we compared genetic diversity of severe foodborne parasites contracted by eating infected pork or wild game. in particular, we characterized trichinella spp. from twenty-eight countries and four continents by genotyping nine microsatellite loci and sequencing one-fifth of the mitochondrial genome. all specimens of trichinella spiralis, a swine parasite that can infect many species of wildlife, were remarkably unifor ... | 2008 | 18718558 |
the first occurrence of trichinella murrelli in wild boar in iran and a review of iranian trichinellosis. | trichinella larvae isolated from the thigh muscle of a wild boar, sus scrofa, captured from gilan province, northern iran, was processed for dna analysis. polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for amplification of the 5s rdna fragment demonstrated a 700 bp band on agarose gel. analysis of dna sequencing by blast confirmed the isolate as t. murrelli. this report constitutes the first recorded occurrence of t. murrelli in asia, and also the first occurrence in a wild boar host. | 2009 | 19531274 |
survival of north american genotypes of trichinella in frozen pork. | north american genotypes of trichinella spiralis (t-1), trichinella nativa (t-2), trichinella pseudospiralis (t-4), trichinella murrelli (t-5), and trichinella t-6 were examined for susceptibility to freezing in pork using time-temperature combinations that have been proven to inactivate t. spiralis. infections were established in 3-month-old pigs of mixed sex and breed by oral inoculation of 10,000 muscle larvae (ml) (all genotypes, rodent-derived ml), 20,000 ml (t-1, t-4, and t-5; cat-derived ... | 2009 | 20003740 |
incorrect sequencing and taxon misidentification: an example in the trichinella genus. | molecular analyses such as polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and sequencing are very useful for taxon identification, especially when morphological characters useful for identifying taxa are lacking. however, the use of molecular tools can be the source of taxon misidentification if they are not correctly applied and the results are not critically evaluated and compared with the literature and genbank data. we describe a case of misidentification of a taxon of the genus trichinella due to sequenci ... | 2010 | 20230655 |
next-generation sequencing of the trichinella murrelli mitochondrial genome allows comprehensive comparison of its divergence from the principal agent of human trichinellosis, trichinella spiralis. | the mitochondrial genome's non-recombinant mode of inheritance and relatively rapid rate of evolution has promoted its use as a marker for studying the biogeographic history and evolutionary interrelationships among many metazoan species. a modest portion of the mitochondrial genome has been defined for 12 species and genotypes of parasites in the genus trichinella, but its adequacy in representing the mitochondrial genome as a whole remains unclear, as the complete coding sequence has been char ... | 2010 | 20946970 |
detection of trichinella murrelli in coyotes (canis latrans) from oklahoma and north texas. | we determined the prevalence and mean intensity of trichinella sp. infection in coyotes from six counties in oklahoma and one in northern texas. tongues from 77 coyotes were examined using histology and artificial tissue digestion. histological examination showed a prevalence of 3.9% (3 of 77) whereas the prevalence was 6.5% (5 of 77) based on artificial digestion of 5.0g of muscle from coyote tongues. one sample was positive for trichinella sp. on histology but negative by artificial digestion. ... | 2011 | 21723041 |
isolation and characterization of new genetic types of toxoplasma gondii and prevalence of trichinella murrelli from black bear (ursus americanus). | black bears (ursus americanus) are hosts for two important zoonotic parasites, toxoplasma gondii and trichinella spp. and bears are hunted for human consumption in the usa. little is known of the genetic diversity of t. gondii circulating in wildlife. in the present study, antibodies to t. gondii were found in juice from tongues of 17 (25.7%) of 66 wild black bear from maryland during the hunting season of 2010 and 2011. antibodies to t. gondii were assessed by the modified agglutination test. t ... | 2013 | 23537944 |
trichinella patagoniensis n. sp. (nematoda), a new encapsulated species infecting carnivorous mammals in south america. | until a few years ago, trichinella spiralis was the only taxon of the genus trichinella detected in both domestic and wild animals of south america. recently, a new genotype, named trichinella t12, was identified in cougars (puma concolor) from argentina, on the basis of molecular studies using mitochondrial and nuclear ribosomal markers. in the present study, cross-breeding experiments indicated that trichinella t12 is reproductively isolated from all other encapsulated trichinella spp. and sug ... | 2012 | 22921601 |
outbreak of human trichinellosis in northern california caused by trichinella murrelli. | in october of 2008, an outbreak of trichinellosis occurred in northern california that sickened 30 of 38 attendees of an event at which meat from a black bear was served. morphologic and molecular testing of muscle from the leftover portion of bear meat revealed that the bear was infected with trichinella murrelli, a sylvatic species of trichinella found in temperate north america. clinical records revealed a high attack rate for this outbreak: 78% for persons consuming any bear meat and 100% fo ... | 2012 | 22855761 |
long-read sequencing improves assembly of trichinella genomes 10-fold, revealing substantial synteny between lineages diverged over 7 million years. | genome assemblies can form the basis of comparative analyses fostering insight into the evolutionary genetics of a parasite's pathogenicity, host-pathogen interactions, environmental constraints and invasion biology; however, the length and complexity of many parasite genomes has hampered the development of well-resolved assemblies. in order to improve trichinella genome assemblies, the genome of the sylvatic encapsulated species trichinella murrelli was sequenced using third-generation, long-re ... | 2017 | 28583210 |