
isoprenoid quinones in the classification of coryneform and related bacteria.menaquinones were the only isoprenoid quinones found in 85 of the 95 coryneform bacteria examined. dihydromenaquinones having nine isoprene units were the main components isolated from corynebacterium bovis, from other glutamic acid-producing strains, and from arthrobacter globiformis and related species. dihydromenaquinones with eight isoprene units were found in brevibacterium linens, the remaining corynebacterium species and strains probably belonging to the genus rhodococcus. tetrahydromenaq ...1979107269
[carboxylation enzymes of coryneform bacteria].the enzymes of carbon dioxide heterotrophic fixation were studied in six strains of coryneform bacteria belonging to the genera arthrobacter, brevibacterium, corynebacterium and nocardia. all of the strains were found to contain pep (phosphoenolpyruvate) carboxylase (ec, nadp or nad dependent malic enzymes (ec pyruvate carboxylase (ec was found only in three strains of coryneforms: brevibacterium ammoniagenes, corynebacterium aquaticum and nocardia erythropolis. ...1979119147
the mannophosphoinositides of corynebacterium aquaticum.besides the monomannophosphoinositide previously reported in corynebacterium aquaticum small amounts of other, apparently more glycosylated, mannophosphoinositides have been identified in stationary phase cells. moreover, by labelling cells with [32p]pi, phosphatidylinositol was found, comprising about 1.5% of the stationary-phase phospholipids. 2. pulse-chase experiments performed on cells in the late exponential phase of growth further suggested the sequence phosphatidylinositol leads to monom ...1975168883
corynebacterium aquaticum septicemia. characterization of the 85-year-old woman with the diagnosis of diabetic ketoacidosis developed septicemia during hospitalization. cultures of the patient's blood revealed the presence of gram-variable coccobacilli, later identified as corynebacterium aquaticum. the microorganisms grew aerobically on blood agar plates after incubation overnight. the colonies were convex, non-hemolytic and slightly yellow-pigmented. no growth was observed on macconkey and endo agar plates. the organisms were catalase-positive, oxidas ...1975808959
high-performance liquid chromatography of corynomycolic acids as a tool in identification of corynebacterium species and related organisms.a high-performance liquid chromatography (hplc) study of 307 strains of corynebacterium species and related taxa revealed that strains classified as "corynebacterium aquaticum"; "corynebacterium asperum"; and centers for disease control (cdc) groups 1, 2, a-3, a-4, a-5, b-1, b-3, e, f-2, and i-2 as well as some unidentified coryneforms do not contain any corynomycolic acids; therefore, they should not be included in the genus corynebacterium. such an hplc method of identification permitted the c ...19921624556
cellular fatty acid composition as an adjunct to the identification of asporogenous, aerobic gram-positive rods.cellular fatty acid (cfa) compositions of 561 asporogenous, aerobic gram-positive rods were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography as an adjunct to their identification when grown on blood agar at 35 degrees c. the organisms could be divided into two groups. in the first group (branched-chain type), which included coryneform cdc groups a-3, a-4, and a-5; some strains of b-1 and b-3; "corynebacterium aquaticum"; brevibacterium liquefaciens; rothia dentocariosa; and listeria spp., the rods had siza ...19911899679
cellular fatty acid composition of oerskovia species, cdc coryneform groups a-3, a-4, a-5, corynebacterium aquaticum, listeria denitrificans and brevibacterium acetylicum.twenty four strains representing eight species of gram positive yellow-pigmented rods (oerskovia turbata, oerskovia xanthineolytica, cdc coryneform groups a-3, a-4, a-5, listeria denitrificans, corynebacterium aquaticum and brevibacterium acetylicum) were divided into two major groups based on the relative amounts of 12 methyltetradecanoate (15:0a) obtained by capillary gas liquid chromatography. o. turbata, o. xanthineolytica, cdc groups a-3 and a-4, l. denitrificans and c. aquaticum were place ...19902124793
characterization of a neuraminidase from corynebacterium aquaticum responsible for th polyagglutinability is characterized by the agglutination of the red blood cells (rbc) by arachis hypogaea, medicago disciformis, vicia cretica but, in contrast to the t phenomenon, not by glycine max (glycine soja). because th transformation of rbc has been obtained in vitro, the mechanism of th polyagglutinability expression has been studied and reproduced experimentally. an enzyme with neuraminidase specificity has been isolated from the culture supernatant of corynebacterium aquaticum, an ...19892617954
different species of corynebacteria in human investigations in investigations undertaken in cairo of ocular smears the following corynebacteria were isolated: corynebacterium a4, corynebacterium a5, corynebacterium bovis, corynebacterium aquaticum, corynebacterium diphtheriae, corynebacterium equi, corynebacterium f2, corynebacterium kutscheri, corynebacterium minutissimi, corynebacterium renale, corynebacterium xerosis, corynebacterium group i, corynebacterium spec. (at present not classified). in this study the hitherto isolated species and possible hu ...19892689286
corynebacterium aquaticum urinary tract infection in a neonate, and concepts regarding the role of the organism as a neonatal pathogen.corynebacterium aquaticum urinary tract infection developed in a neonate 8 days after uncomplicated vaginal delivery. prior to definitive identification, the isolate was thought to be listeria monocytogenes because of its microscopic morphology, catalase positivity, and tumbling motility. the infant responded to intravenous ceftriaxone. because the presentation of c. aquaticum in this patient suggested systemic involvement, c. aquaticum may be regarded as a bona fide neonatal pathogen.19892915029
isolation of corynebacterium aquaticum from spinal fluid of an infant with meningitis.a 4-week-old female was hospitalized because of vomiting, irritability, and nuchal rigidity. a spinal fluid culture yielded corynebacterium aquaticum. the diagnosis of c. aquaticum meningitis in this infant was supported by the following cerebrospinal fluid findings: gram stain, elevated protein, hypoglycorrhachia, positive c-reactive protein, and polymorphonuclear leukocytosis. antigen studies for common bacterial causes of meningitis were negative. c. aquaticum is a rare cause of human disease ...19863084551
phylogenetic analysis of the coryneform bacteria by 5s rrna sequences.nucleotide sequences of 5s rrnas from 11 coryneform bacteria were determined. these were the type strains of corynebacterium glutamicum, corynebacterium xerosis, brevibacterium linens, arthrobacter globiformis, cellulomonas biazotea, aureobacterium testaceum, curtobacterium citreum, pimelobacter simplex, and caseobacter polymorphus and representative strains of "corynebacterium aquaticum" and corynebacterium xerosis. a phylogenetic tree constructed from the sequences of these bacteria and publis ...19873106318
corynebacterium aquaticum infection in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease.patients with chronic granulomatous disease are uniquely susceptible to infection with catalase-producing bacteria. staphylococcus aureus, klebsiella, escherichia coli and serratia marcescans are common infecting organisms. a 17-month-old boy with corynebacterium aquaticum bacteremia is reported. this is only the third documented infection with this non-jk diphtheroid and the first case infection in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease. it is likely that our patient's underlying immune d ...19883407679
relapsing peritonitis in a patient undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis due to corynebacterium aquaticum.corynebacterium aquaticum was the cause of peritonitis in a 33-year-old diabetic woman on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd). this case represents the first reported instance of capd peritonitis due to this organism. moreover, the organism was recovered from fibrin clots removed from dialysate bags when the patient was on antibiotic therapy. routine cultural methods failed to reveal the organism at that time. the organism is described and key points differentiating it from similar ...19863489789
further studies on the lipids of corynebacteria. the mannolipids of corynebacterium aquaticum.1. the major free lipids of corynebacterium aquaticum were characterized as dimannosyl diglyceride, monomannophosphoinositide and phosphatidylethanolamine. bisphosphatidylglycerol and phosphatidylglycerol were also tentatively identified. 2. we regard this as the only well-documented case of an organism containing monomannophosphoinositide to the exclusion of dimannophosphoinositides and the higher homologues. 3. the co-existence of the two mannolipids in one organism is a distinctive feature. s ...19724342553
[ratio of coryneform bacteria to the organic substance concentration].the effect of various organic substances and their concentrations on growth was studied with 10 strains of coryneform bacteria belonging to different taxonomic groups. the dynamics of the cultural growth depended on the nature of a substrate, glucose or acetate. arthrobacter globiformis 281, a. variabilis 289, nocardia erythropolis 236, n. globerula 502, n. minima 311 and n. rhodochrous 435 had a higher growth rate on acetate than on glucose. a. pascens 284, brevibacterium ammoniagenes 334, cory ...19806782432
passage of corynebacterium aquaticum through membrane filters.cellulose ester and polycarbonate membrane filters were tested for sterilizing capability with a contaminant, corynebacterium aquaticum, isolated from cell culture medium. this contaminant, often found in water supplies, routinely passes filters of the polycarbonate type, but not of the cellulose ester type. c. aquaticum grows slowly requiring 7 to 10 days incubation in bme at 37 degrees c before turbidity develops. cryptic contamination is potentially a serious problem with this organism.19807409835
corynebacterium aquaticum septicemia with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 19947808861
primary identification of aureobacterium spp. isolated from clinical specimens as "corynebacterium aquaticum".over a 6-year period 11 yellow-pigmented gram-positive rods (gprs) with an oxidative carbohydrate metabolism were isolated from clinical specimens or were received as reference cultures and tentatively identified as "corynebacterium aquaticum" according to the guide of hollis and weaver for the differentiation of gprs (d. g. hollis and r. e. weaver, gram-positive organisms: a guide to identification, 1981). because these isolates seemed to be rather heterogeneous, comparative analyses with the t ...19947852557
corynebacterium aquaticum septicaemia in a neutropenic patient.corynebacteria are a well recognised cause of sepsis in the immunocompromised patient. corynebacterium aquaticum, however, is rarely seen in the clinical setting, being an environmental organism associated with fresh water. a septicaemic episode caused by this organism in a 74 year old neutropenic woman with an indwelling central venous catheter is reported. it is postulated that the source of the organism was untreated stored rainwater which she used for showering.19958537504
development of a specific biotinylated dna probe for the detection of renibacterium salmoninarum.a specific dna probe for the identification of renibacterium salmoninarum, the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease (bkd), was developed from one of 3 clones prs47, prs49, and prs26 of 5.1 kb, 5.3 kb, and 11.3 kb, respectively. the biotinylated prs47/bamhi insert probe was tested on 3 dilutions of dna extracted from 3 strains of r. salmoninarum and from 1 strain each of arthrobacter protophormiae, aeromonas salmonicida, corynebacterium aquaticum, carnobacterium piscicola, listonella angui ...19958548693
clinical microbiology of coryneform bacteria.coryneform bacteria are aerobically growing, asporogenous, non-partially-acid-fast, gram-positive rods of irregular morphology. within the last few years, there has been a massive increase in the number of publications related to all aspects of their clinical microbiology. clinical microbiologists are often confronted with making identifications within this heterogeneous group as well as with considerations of the clinical significance of such isolates. this review provides comprehensive informa ...19978993861
"corynebacterium aquaticum" wound infection after high-pressure water injection into the foot.the organisms presently named "corynebacterium aquaticum" have their natural habitat in water and are increasingly often isolated in clinical specimens, but are very seldom the proven cause of infection. a case of a 24-year-old man with a "c aquaticum" wound infection secondary to a high-pressure water injection injury in the foot is described. cefadroxil and cefuroxime were used for treatment.19969060071
corynebacterium aquaticum peritonitis in a patient on capd. 19979068036
[utilization of staphylococcus siderophores produced by corynebacterium and coryneform bacteria].the ability of iron utilizing by means of siderophores produced by donor strains-coryne-bacterium and coryneform organisms (8 strains) by 24 staphylococcal strains was investigated. all the donor strains synthesized catecholate class siderophores and two strains also hydroxamate class. the majority of staphylococcal strain could utilize these siderophores. most of strains utilized siderophores from corynebacterium pseudodiphtheriticum and corynebacterium aquaticum as well as chelators from plant ...19979554144
[septicemia due to corynebacterium aquaticum in an hiv-seropositive patient with an implantable chamber catheter]. 19989798464
purification and characterization of monovalent cation-activated levodione reductase from corynebacterium aquaticum m-13.(6r)-2,2,6-trimethyl-1,4-cyclohexanedione (levodione) reductase was isolated from a cell extract of the soil isolate corynebacterium aquaticum m-13. this enzyme catalyzed regio- and stereoselective reduction of levodione to (4r,6r)-4-hydroxy-2,2, 6-trimethylcyclohexanone (actinol). the relative molecular mass of the enzyme was estimated to be 142,000 da by high-performance gel permeation chromatography and 36,000 da by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. the enzyme require ...199910508066
influenza a virus-binding activity of glycoglycerolipids of aquatic the aqueous sphere has been proposed to be an important source medium for the virus infection of land animals, the glycolipids of some aquatic organisms were examined for human influenza a virus-binding activity. active compounds were not found among the eight echinoderm gangliosides, but two active non-sialylated glycoglycerolipids were isolated from an aquatic bacterium, corynebacterium aquaticum. the structural formula of one of them, h632a, was elucidated to be 1-14-methyl-hexadecanoyl-3- ...200010731684
a new type of glycoglycerolipids from corynebacterium aquaticum.a new type of glycoglycerolipids, s361a and s365a, were obtained from corynebacterium aquaticum strains, s361 and s365, newly isolated from soils, and were identified as (2r)-1-[alpha-glucopyranosyl-(1alpha-3)-(6o-acyl-alpha-manno pyranosyl)]-3-o-acylglycerol and (2r)-1-[alpha-mannopyranosyl-(1alpha-3)-(6-o-acyl-alpha-mannopyran osyl)]-3-o-acylglycerol, respectively. s365a was identical to a novel glycoglycerolipid recently isolated from some bacteria, but s361a was a new analog having a glucosy ...200010737205
leifsonia poae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from nematode galls on poa annua, and reclassification of 'corynebacterium aquaticum' leifson 1962 as leifsonia aquatica (ex leifson 1962) gen. nov., nom. rev., comb. nov. and clavibacter xyli davis et al. 1984 with two subspecies as leifsonia xyli (davis et al. 1984) gen. nov., comb. nov.the new genus leifsonia gen. nov. with two new species, leifsonia poae sp. nov. (type strain vkm ac-1401t) and leifsonia aquatica (ex leifson 1962) nom. rev., comb. nov. (the type species, with vkm ac-1400t = dsm 20146t = jcm 1368t as type strain), is proposed to accommodate bacteria found in poa annua root gall, induced by the nematode subanguina radicicola, and 'corynebacterium aquaticum' leifson 1962. further, it is proposed to reclassify clavibacter xyli davis et al. 1984 with two subspecies ...200010826825
cloning, sequence analysis, and expression in escherichia coli of the gene encoding monovalent cation-activated levodione reductase from corynebacterium aquaticum m-13.the gene encoding (6r)-2,2,6-trimethyl-1,4-cyclohexanedione (levodione) reductase was cloned from the genomic dna of the soil isolate bacterium corynebacterium aquaticum m-13. the gene contained an open reading frame consisting of 801 nucleotides corresponding to 267 amino acid residues. the deduced amino acid sequence showed approximately 35% identity with other short chain alcohol dehydrogenase/reductase (sdr) superfamily enzymes. the probable nadh-binding site and three catalytic residues (se ...200111388460
catheter-related microbacterium bacteremia identified by 16s rrna gene sequencing.we describe the application of 16s rrna gene sequencing in defining two cases of catheter-related microbacterium bacteremia. in the first case, a gram-positive bacillus was isolated from both the blood culture and central catheter tip of a 39-year-old woman with chronic myeloid leukemia. the api coryne system identified the isolate as 98.9% aureobacterium or corynebacterium aquaticum. in the second case, a gram-positive bacillus was recovered from five sets of blood cultures from both central ca ...200212089308
determination of the absolute configurations of the anteiso acid moieties of glycoglycerolipid s365a isolated from corynebacterium aquaticum.the absolute configurations of the two acid moieties, 12-methyltetradecanoate and 14-methylhexadecanoate, of glycoglycerolipid s365a isolated from corynebacterium aquaticum were determined by an hplc analysis after their conversion with the chiral fluorescent labeling reagents, (1s,2s)- and (1r,2r)-2-(2,3-anthracenedicarboximido)cyclohexanol. both anteiso acids had the s configuration.200212353633
microorganism selection and performance in bioslurry reactors treating pah-contaminated soil.a continuous-flow reactor (cstr) and a soil slurry-sequencing batch reactor (ss-sbr) were operated in 81 vessels for 200 days to treat a soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (pah). filtered slurry samples were used to quantify bulk biosurfactant concentrations and pah emulsification. concentrations of corynebacterium aquaticum, flavobacterium mizutaii, mycobacterium gastri, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and pseudomonas putida were determined using fatty acid methyl ester (fame) anal ...200212361376
in vitro activities of daptomycin, vancomycin, quinupristin- dalfopristin, linezolid, and five other antimicrobials against 307 gram-positive anaerobic and 31 corynebacterium clinical isolates.the activities of daptomycin, a cyclic lipopeptide, and eight other agents were determined against 338 strains of gram-positive anaerobic bacteria and corynebacteria by the nccls reference agar dilution method with supplemented brucella agar for the anaerobes and mueller-hinton agar for the corynebacteria. the daptomycin mics determined on ca(2+)-supplemented (50 mg/liter) brucella agar plates were one- to fourfold lower than those determined in unsupplemented media. daptomycin was highly active ...200312499210
leifsonia gen. nov., a genus for 2,4-diaminobutyric acid-containing actinomycetes to accommodate "corynebacterium aquaticum" leifson 1962 and clavibacter xyli subsp. cynodontis davis et al. 1984."corynebacterium aquaticum" was first proposed by leifson in 1962 but not included in the approved lists of bacterial names in 1980. this species has been left from reclassification of the genus corynebacterium because of the unusual chemotaxonomic characteristics such as 2,4-diaminobutyric acid (dab) in the peptidoglycan and menaquinones of mk-10 and mk-11. a close relationship of "c. aquaticum" to the genera agromyces and rathayibacter has been pointed out from the viewpoint of chemotaxonomic ...199912501368
production of a doubly chiral compound, (4r,6r)-4-hydroxy-2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone, by two-step enzymatic asymmetric reduction.a practical enzymatic synthesis of a doubly chiral key compound, (4r,6r)-4-hydroxy-2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone, starting from the readily available 2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1,4-dione is described. chirality is first introduced at the c-6 position by a stereoselective enzymatic hydrogenation of the double bond using old yellow enzyme 2 of saccharomyces cerevisiae, expressed in escherichia coli, as a biocatalyst. thereafter, the carbonyl group at the c-4 position is reduced selectively and st ...200312571014
standardized reprocessing of reusable colonoscopy biopsy forceps is effective: results of a german multicenter study.national and international guidelines recommend that a standardized protocol consisting of cleaning, ultrasound cleaning, and sterilization should be used for the reprocessing of endoscopic accessories in order to reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms. this german multicenter study investigated the efficacy of standardized reprocessing of reusable biopsy forceps used during colonoscopy.200312584636
the crystal structure and stereospecificity of levodione reductase from corynebacterium aquaticum m-13.the (6r)-2,2,6-trimethyl-1,4-cyclohexanedione (levodione) reductase (lvr) of the soil isolate bacterium corynebacterium aquaticum m-13 is a nad(h)-linked enzyme that catalyzes reversible oxidoreduction between (4r)-hydroxy-(6r)-2,2,6-trimethylcyclohexanone (actinol) and levodione. here the crystal structure of a ternary complex of lvr with nadh and its inhibitor 2-methyl-2,4-pentanediol has been determined by molecular replacement and refined at 1.6-a resolution with a crystallographic r factor ...200312621044
activity of daptomycin against multi-resistant gram-positive bacteria including enterococci and staphylococcus aureus resistant to linezolid.the activity of daptomycin was assessed against 545 isolates of gram-positive bacteria including enterococci, coagulase-positive and -negative staphylococci, beta-haemolytic streptococci, viridans streptococci and coryneforms. the panel of isolates was biased towards those with resistance to first-line antimicrobial agents and included linezolid-resistant enterococci and staphylococcus aureus. mics of daptomycin were < or =1mg/l for all the staphylococci, streptococci, and coryneforms, except fo ...200415380254
glyceroglycolipids preventing tert-butylhydroperoxide-induced cell death from microbacterium sp. and corynebacterium aquaticum strains.galactosyl diacylglycerols m874b and s365b obtained from the recently isolated bacteria identified as microbacterium sp. m874 and corynebacterium aquaticum s365 were found to prevent oxidative cell death induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide. their structures were determined to be 1,2-di-o-(12-methyltetradecanoyl)-3-o-beta-d-galactopyranosyl-sn-glycerol and 1-o-(14-methylhexadecanoyl)-2-o-(12-methyltetradecanoyl)-3-o-beta-d-galactopyranosyl-sn-glycerol, respectively.200016232721
[from the mailing list sin: epidemic of infections caused by 'aquatic' bacteria in patients undergoing hemodialysis via central venous catheters].bacteremia due to central venous catheter (cvc) infection is the most frequent complication of cvc use as vascular access for hemodialysis (hd). we report a case of an epidemic of cvc infections caused by 3 strains of unusual bacteria: ralstonia pickettii (rp), leifsonia xyli/leifsonia aquatica (lxa), tsuckamurella strandjordae (ts). from 20/8/01 to 30/9/01, 23 of 35 patients dialyzed via cvcs experienced intra-hd pyrogenic reactions. their hemocultures were positive for: rp (14 pts), lxa (3 pts ...200516267809
peritonitis with multiple rare environmental bacteria in a patient receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis.we describe a patient receiving long-term peritoneal dialysis who experienced 2 episodes of peritonitis in successive months caused by unusual bacteria of environmental origin: agrobacterium radiobacter, pseudomonas oryzihabitans, and corynebacterium aquaticum. a radiobacter and p oryzihabitans occurred simultaneously in the first episode of peritonitis, and c aquaticum, in the second episode. the patient's vocation necessitated exposure to moist soiled conditions. both episodes responded prompt ...200516310563
interstitial pulmonary inflammation due to microbacterium sp. after heart transplantation.a coryneform bacterium was isolated from the bronchoalveolar aspirate of a patient with interstitial pulmonary inflammation. commercial systems identified the isolate as corynebacterium sp. or aureobacterium sp./corynebacterium aquaticum, but 16s rrna gene analysis unequivocally attributed it to the genus microbacterium. this represents the first documented case of microbacterium pulmonary infection.200616476799
[evaluation of api coryne system, version 2.0, for diphteroid gram-positive rods identification with clinical relevance].the ability of the api coryne system, version 2.0, to identify 178 strains of gram-positive rods was evaluated. seventy eight isolates belonged to genus corynebacterium and one hundred to related genera, all strains were isolated from clinical samples at the laboratory of bacteriology, hospital de clínicas josé de san martin (uba) between 1995 and 2004. the isolates were identified according to von graevenitz and funke's scheme. one hundred and sixty two out of 178 strains (91%) were correctly i ...200617370571
ecological impact of solar ultraviolet-b (uv-b: 320-290 nm) radiation on corynebacterium aquaticum and xanthomonas sp. colonization on tea phyllosphere in relation to blister blight disease incidence in the assess the effects of solar uv-b radiation on phyllosphere bacteria of tea leaves in relation to blister blight disease in the field.200717451518
a case of septic shock secondary to corynebacterium aquaticum bacteremia occurring in an hiv-infected patient attending a promiscuous thermal spa.corynebacterium aquaticum, an environmental organism associated with fresh water, has very seldom proved to be a cause of infection, although it has increasingly been isolated from clinical specimens. this report describes an unusual case of bacteremia occurring in an hiv-infected patient, complicated by septic shock and secondary to an epididimo-orchitis. combination therapy of levofloxacin and metronidazole was used successfully.200818059254
central venous catheter-associated leifsonia aquatica bacteremia in a hemodialysis-dependent patient.infections associated with leifsonia aquatica are particularly uncommon. we describe a central venous catheter-associated l. aquatica bacteremia in a hemodialysis-dependent patient. a review of the literature revealed only 1 other case report involving 10 hemodialysis patients with documented l. aquatica bacteremia.200818243628
humibacter albus gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from sewage sludge compost.a bacterial strain isolated from sewage sludge compost, strain sc-083t, was characterized. the isolate was a motile, gram-positive, short rod, forming coryneform v-shaped cells during the early stages of growth. the organism was strictly aerobic and able to grow between 22 and 36 degrees c and between ph 5.5 and 8.0. the predominant fatty acids were cyclohexyl-c17 : 0, anteiso-c17 : 0 and iso-c16 : 0, the major respiratory quinones were menaquinone 11 (mk-11) and 12 (mk-12), and the genomic dna ...200818398211
relapsing peritonitis with corynebacterium aquaticum in a boy receiving automated peritoneal dialysis. 200919048297
antimicrobial activity of iodoquinol 1%-hydrocortisone acetate 2% gel against ciclopirox and clotrimazole.commercially available topical formulations consisting of iodoquinol 1%-hydrocortisone acetate 2%, ciclopirox 0.77%, and clotrimazole 1%-betamethasone dipropionate 0.5% were assessed for their antimicrobial activity against cultures of micrococcus luteus, propionibacterium acnes, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (mrsa), pseudomonas aeruginosa, corynebacterium aquaticum, trichophyton mentagrophytes, malassezia furfur, microsporum canis, candida albicans, trichophyton rubrum, or epiderm ...200819055171
leifsonia kribbensis sp. nov., isolated from soil.a yellow-pigmented actinobacterium, designated strain msl-13t, was isolated from a soil sample collected from bigeum island, republic of korea, and its taxonomic position was determined by using a polyphasic approach. strain msl-13t showed phenotypic and chemotaxonomic properties consistent with its classification in the genus leifsonia. 16s rrna gene sequence analysis of strain msl-13t with sequences from leifsonia naganoensis db103t, leifsonia aquatica dsm 20146t, leifsonia xyli subsp. cynodon ...200919126716
peritonitis caused by haemophilus parainfluenzae, leifsonia aquatica, and gordonia spp. in a patient undergoing continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.peritonitis has remained the most common serious complication of continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (capd). in most cases, these infections are monomicrobial, and the pathogens involved most commonly are staphylococci. recently, polymicrobial infections with rare organisms have been reported more often.201223268614
fusion of an alcohol dehydrogenase with an aminotransferase using a pas linker to improve coupled enzymatic alcohol-to-amine facilitate biocatalytic conversion of the biotechnologically accessible dicyclic dialcohol isosorbide into its industrially relevant diamines, we have designed a fusion protein between two homo-oligomeric enzymes: the levodione reductase (lr) from leifsonia aquatica and the variant l417m of the ω-aminotransferase from paracoccus denitrificans (pdωat(l417m)), mutually connected by a short pro/ala/ser linker sequence. the hybrid protein was produced in escherichia coli in correctly folded state ...201627578886
an engineered old yellow enzyme that enables efficient synthesis of (4r,6r)-actinol in a one-pot reduction system.(4r,6r)-actinol can be stereo-selectively synthesized from ketoisophorone by a two-step conversion using a mixture of two enzymes: candida macedoniensis old yellow enzyme (cmoye) and corynebacterium aquaticum (6r)-levodione reductase. however, (4s)-phorenol, an intermediate, accumulates because of the limited substrate range of cmoye. to address this issue, we solved crystal structures of cmoye in the presence and absence of a substrate analogue p-hba, and introduced point mutations into the sub ...201525639703
[corynebacterium aquaticum infection: one case report and literature review].to study the diagnosis and treatment of corynebacterium aquaticum infection.201324503431
septicemia caused by leifsonia aquatica in a healthy patient after retinal reattachment surgery.leifsonia aquatica is an aquatic bacterium that is typically found in environmental water habitats. infections due to l. aquatica are rare and commonly catheter associated in immunocompromised patients. we report the first case of an acute septicemia caused by l. aquatica in a healthy immunocompetent host after cryopexy in the absence of a catheter.201323946520
rudaibacter terrae gen. nov., sp. nov., isolated from greenhouse soil.a novel gram-stain-positive, non-motile, rod-shaped bacterium, designated 5ghs34-4(t), was isolated from greenhouse soil in yongin, republic of korea. growth occurred in the temperature range of 10-37 °c (optimum 28-30 °c) and at ph 5.0-9.0 (optimum ph 7.0). it can tolerate up to 3 % (w/v) nacl. the strain showed 16s rrna gene sequence similarity levels of 95.1-97.0 % with species of the genus leifsonia, 95.7-96.7 % with species of the genus herbiconiux, 95.1-96.4 % with species of the genus sal ...201323728372
cholesterol granuloma associated with otitis media in a 8-year-old, male neutered siamese cat was presented with horner syndrome and right head tilt. a soft tissue mass was observed in the right tympanic cavity, and bulla osteotomy was performed. tissue samples retrieved from the tympanic cavity were sent for histology, and a middle ear fluid swab was sent for bacterial culture and sensitivity. histologic diagnosis was of otitis media associated with cholesterol granuloma (cg). bacterial culture yielded pasteurella multocida and leifsonia (coryneb ...201323674460
catheter-associated bloodstream infection caused by leifsonia aquatica in a haemodialysis patient: a case report.leifsonia aquatica is an aquatic coryneform rod that is capable of forming biofilms in environmental water sources. it has rarely been associated with human infections and its pathogenicity and clinical significance are uncertain. we describe a case of catheter-related bloodstream infection in a haemodialysis patient. the isolate grew on conventional media as a yellow-pigmented colony, but identification required molecular methods. although the strain displayed reduced sensitivity to vancomycin, ...201222383440
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