
[development and reproduction of sipha flava (forbes) (hemiptera: aphididae) at different temperatures].the aphid sipha flava (forbes) is a pest on elephant grass, but little is known about its biology. the objective of this work was to evaluate the temperature effects on the development, survival and reproduction of s. flava fed on pennisetum purpureum. twelve-hour-old nymphs were individualized on sections of elephant grass blades and maintained at 12, 16, 20, 24, 28 and 32 degrees c+/-1 degrees c, ur 70+/-10% and 12 h photophase. a total of 150 nymphs were used per treatment divided in 30 repli ...200919618044
insect and plant-derived mirnas in greenbug (schizaphis graminum) and yellow sugarcane aphid (sipha flava) revealed by deep sequencing.schizaphis graminum (green bug; gb) and sipha flava (yellow sugarcane aphid; ysa) are two cereal aphid species with broad host ranges capable of establishing on sorghum (sorghum bicolor) and several switchgrass (panicum virgatum) cultivars. switchgrass and sorghum are staple renewable bioenergy crops that are vulnerable to damage by aphids, therefore, identifying novel targets to control aphids has the potential to drastically improve yields and reduce losses in these bioenergy crops. despite th ...201727838454
categorizing sugarcane cultivar resistance to the sugarcane aphid and yellow sugarcane aphid (hemiptera: aphididae).sugarcane (saccharum spp.) in louisiana is colonized by two aphid species, the sugarcane aphid, melanaphis sacchari (zehntner), and the yellow sugarcane aphid, sipha flava (forbes) (hemiptera: aphididae). the main problem associated with m. sacchari is transmission of sugarcane yellow leaf virus, a casual agent of yellow leaf disease whose absence has been added to certification standards for micropropagated sugarcane in louisiana. greenhouse studies were conducted to categorize dominant commerc ...201020857758
feeding by the aphid sipha flava produces a reddish spot on leaves of sorghum halepense: an induced defense?feeding by the aphid sipha flava produces a reddish spot on mature leaves of sorghum halepense. the present work is aimed at determining whether this plant response entails induced resistance against the aphid. old and young leaves showed the same response to aphid feeding (reddish coloration). water-stressed plants displayed a similar reddish coloration to aphid-infested plants. this was verified by evaluation of absorbance peaks of the respective leaf extracts. aphid fecundity was reduced on p ...200114768815
a comparative life-table analysis of sipha flava (hemiptera: aphididae) on two biofuel hosts, miscanthus x giganteus and saccharum spp.among the insects reported in biofuel crops, the yellow sugarcane aphid, sipha flava (forbes), is a potential pest of giant miscanthus, miscanthus x giganteus greef et deu ex hodkinson et renvoize (m x g) and energy cane 'l79-1002', saccharum spp. l. we studied the biology of s. flava on m x g and energy cane and estimated the development period, fecundity, longevity, intrinsic rate of increase, doubling time, reproductive value, and survivorship curves. to demonstrate the host suitability in a ...201425026666
evaluation of tetraploid switchgrass (poales: poaceae) populations for host suitability and differential resistance to four cereal aphids.switchgrass, panicum virgatum l., is being developed as a bioenergy feedstock. the potential for large-scale production has encouraged its evaluation as a host for important grass pests. eight no-choice studies were performed for two developmental stages of two switchgrass cultivars ('kanlow' and'summer') and two experimental strains, k x s, and s x k produced by reciprocal mating of these cultivars followed by selection for high yield. plants were evaluated for host suitability and damage diffe ...201424665729
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