
[intestinal parasites of parrots].the aim of this study was to determine a parasitic species composition, prevalence and intensity of infection in selected parrots.200717912808
the prevalence of beak and feather disease virus infection in wild populations of parrots and cockatoos in new determine the prevalence of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) infection in exotic parrots and cockatoos in the wild in new zealand.200717928900
clinical beak and feather disease virus infection in wild juvenile eastern rosellas of new zealand; biosecurity implications for wildlife care facilities.four juvenile eastern rosellas (platycercus eximius) were admitted to two separate wildlife care facilities in the auckland region by members of the public. they had missing or dystrophic wing and tail feathers that rendered them flightless, suggestive of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) infection. two were subject to euthanasia after failing to re-grow their feathers, with samples taken for histopathology and pcr analysis. blood samples were obtained from the other two birds at the time of ...201424916448
molecular detection and characterization of beak and feather disease virus in psittacine birds in tehran, iran.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv), a member of genus circovirus, is a small, non-enveloped, single stranded dna virus. although bfdvs are among the most well studied circoviruses, there is little to no information about bfdvs in iran. the aim of the present study was to detect and identify bfdv molecules from the birds referred to the avian clinic of the faculty of veterinary medicine, tehran university, iran. a total of 55 dna samples were extracted from birds from nine different species of ...201829805458
antemortem diagnosis of coxiellosis in a blue and gold macaw ( ara ararauna).a 15-year-old female blue and gold macaw ( ara ararauna) was presented for evaluation after being found laterally recumbent, reluctant to move, and lethargic. results of a complete blood count showed an increased number of immature heterophils with increased cytoplasmic basophilia and degranulation and the presence of a left shift. radiographs and a computed tomography scan were performed and revealed a markedly enlarged spleen. an ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspirate of the spleen was submitt ...201729327963
nestlings reduce their predation risk by attending to predator-information encoded within conspecific alarm calls.predation is one of the main threats to altricial nestlings, with predators often locating nests via eavesdropping on begging signals. nestlings may be able to adjust their begging based on the current level of risk by monitoring both intra- and interspecific alarm calls near the nest. we show that noisy miner (manorina melanocephala) nestlings can differentiate between terrestrial and aerial alarm calls of their own species, as they suppressed begging behaviour for longer in response to terrest ...201728916776
newcastle disease vaccination in captive-bred wild birds.the breeding of wild birds in captivity assumes an increasingly important role in conservation due to the loss of species and their habitats. providing the environmental and nutritional needs of species kept in captivity is the key for achieving success in such initiatives. among the flock health practices, we highlight here wild bird vaccination, a scarcely studied subject. this study clinically and serologically evaluates the effect of applying a vaccination protocol against newcastle disease ...201829536316
molecular characterisation of beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) in new zealand and its implications for managing an infectious disease.beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) infections are often fatal to both captive and wild parrot populations. its recent discovery in a wild population of native red-fronted parakeets has raised concerns for the conservation of native parrots, all of which are threatened or endangered. the question of a recent introduction versus a native genotype of the virus poses different conservation-management challenges, and thus, a clear understanding of the molecular phylogeny of bdfv is a crucial step ...201222638639
emerging infectious disease or evidence of endemicity? a multi-season study of beak and feather disease virus in wild red-crowned parakeets (cyanoramphus novaezelandiae).beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is a single-stranded dna virus that is the etiological agent of beak and feather disease in both wild and captive parrots. given that bfdv is globally recognized as a conservation threat for wild parrots, between 2011-2013, red-crowned parakeets (cyanoramphus novaezelandiae, n = 229), which are endemic to new zealand, were captured in mist nets on tiritiri matangi island and hauturu-o-toi/little barrier island (lbi), new zealand, for disease surveillance. bl ...201526138559
experimental infection of rosellas (platycercus eximius) with velogenic viscerotropic newcastle disease virus (vvndv).plaque-purified and non-plaque-purified velogenic viscerotropic newcastle disease viruses (vvndvs) were inoculated into golden-mantled rosellas (platycercus eximius). vvndv produced acute clinical disease in this species: all birds died within 6 days postexposure. there was no difference between the two inoculation groups in clinical signs. seven tissues and five tissue swabs were collected from each of 15 birds. the vvndv concentration in each specimen was titrated, and the concentrations were ...19863729892
origins of descending spinal pathways in prehensile birds: do parrots have a homologue to the corticospinal tract of mammals?in mammals, the supraspinal descending projections that influence distal limb muscles are the rubrospinal and corticospinal tracts. the former, which is found in other vertebrates, shows greater somatotopy in mammals that are 'dextrous' (e.g. monkeys) than those that are not (e.g. opossums). similarly, the corticospinal tract, which is found only in mammals, has more extensive connections (i.e. direct corticomotoneural) in mammals that are dextrous than in mammals that are not. descending spinal ...19902279235
does control of insensible evaporative water loss by two species of mesic parrot have a thermoregulatory role?insensible evaporative water loss (ewl) at or below thermoneutrality is generally assumed to be a passive physical process. however, some arid zone mammals and a single arid zone bird can control their insensible water loss, so we tested the hypothesis that the same is the case for two parrot species from a mesic habitat. we investigated red-rumped parrots (psephotus haematonotus) and eastern rosellas (platycercus eximius), measuring their ewl, and other physiological variables, at a range of re ...202032747451
beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) prevalence, load and excretion in seven species of wild caught common australian parrots.pathogens pose a major risk to wild host populations, especially in the face of ongoing biodiversity declines. beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) can affect most if not all members of one of the largest and most threatened bird orders world-wide, the psittaciformes. signs of disease can be severe and mortality rates high. its broad host range makes it a risk to threatened species in particular, because infection can occur via spill-over from abundant hosts. despite these risks, surveillance o ...202032609774
dysgerminoma in an eastern rosella (platycercus eximius eximius).this report describes a case of dysgerminoma in a 21-year-old eastern rosella (platycercus eximius eximius) that presented with dyspnea and a severely distended coelom. the bird was euthanatized, and a large, left-sided coelomic mass was identified. microscopically, the mass was composed of sheets and nests of round to polygonal neoplastic cells with lacy cytoplasm. the neoplastic cells were weakly positive for vimentin and c-kit but negative for pancytokeratin, ae1, and inhibin. on the basis of ...201121500650
dispharynx nasuta (nematoda:acuariidae) infection causing proventricular lesions and death in three captive rosellas (psittaciformes:psittacidae).two adult male crimson rosellas (platycercus elegans) and an adult female eastern rosella (platycercus eximius) were found dead in their cages in a private aviary in march 2009, april 2010, and february 2010, respectively, without premonitory signs. their postmortem examination showed pectoral muscle atrophy and a distended proventriculus. the proventricular mucosal surface was covered with a gelatinous, whitish material, where a large number of nematode parasites identified as dispharynx nasuta ...201122946392
phylogenetic analysis of the australian rosella parrots (platycercus) reveals discordance among molecules and plumage.relationships and species limits among the colourful australian parrots known as rosellas (platycercus) are contentious because of poorly understood patterns of parapatry, sympatry and hybridization as well as complex patterns of geographical replacement of phenotypic forms. two subgenera are, however, conventionally recognised: platycercus comprises the blue-cheeked crimson rosella complex (crimson rosella p. elegans and green rosella p. caledonicus), and violania contains the remaining four cu ...201526021439
does human-induced habitat modification influence the impact of introduced species? a case study on cavity-nesting by the introduced common myna (acridotheres tristis) and two australian native parrots.introduced species pose a major threat to biodiversity across the globe. understanding the impact of introduced species is critical for effective management. many species around the world are reliant on tree cavities, and competition for these resources can be intense: threatening the survival of native species. through the establishment of 225 nest boxes, we examined the relationship between tree density and the abundance and nesting success of three bird species in canberra, australia. the com ...201323716011
dissection by genomic and plumage variation of a geographically complex hybrid zone between two australian non-sister parrot species, platycercus adscitus and platycercus eximius.the study of hybrid zones advances understanding of the speciation process, and approaches incorporating genomic data are increasingly used to draw significant conclusions about the impact of hybridisation. despite the progress made, the complex interplay of factors that can lead to substantially variable hybridisation outcomes are still not well understood, and many systems and/or groups remain comparatively poorly studied. our study aims to broaden the literature on avian hybrid zones, investi ...201930082918
a non-invasive method to assess environmental contamination with avian pathogens: beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) detection in nest boxes.indirect transmission of pathogens can pose major risks to wildlife, yet the presence and persistence of wildlife pathogens in the environment has been little studied. beak and feather disease virus (bfdv) is of global conservation concern: it can infect all members of the psittaciformes, one of the most threatened bird orders, with infection often being lethal. indirect transmission of bfdv through contaminated nest hollows has been proposed as a major infection source. however, data on whether ...202032566393
novel siadenovirus infection in a cockatiel with chronic liver disease.a 15-year-old female cockatiel (nymphicus hollandicus) undergoing long term management for hepatopathy died and underwent necropsy. microscopic findings were consistent with chronic liver disease characterized by distorted hepatic architecture, fibrosis and biliary proliferation. the additional finding of large intranuclear inclusion bodies within hepatocytes and renal tubular epithelium prompted diagnostic next generation sequencing. the assembled sequences isolated from pooled kidney and liver ...201930711577
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