
surgical management of an intrathoracic branchial cyst in a yellow-crested cockatoo (cacatua sulphurea).a 40-year-old, female lesser crested cockatoo (cacatua sulphurea) was presented with a complaint of hyporexia and sudden onset of sneezing and wheezing. physical examination revealed mild stertorous inhalation, and the apex of the heart was palpable caudoventral to the distal tip of the sternum. projection radiographic images showed a soft tissue mass displacing the heart and the thoracic portion of the trachea. a subsequent computed tomography series revealed a single, large, and predominantly ...201931893625
a disseminated cryptococcus gattii vgiia infection in a citron-crested cockatoo (cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) in québec, canada.cryptococcus gattii infection in mammals and birds has been confined historically to tropical and subtropical regions in australia, southeast asia, africa, and south america. since the early 2000s, numerous reports describe the emergence of c. gattii on the pacific coast of north america. we report on a c. gattii infection in an 8-year-old male citron-crested cockatoo (cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) hatched on the canadian pacific coast and raised in the province of québec, canada. the bird ...201728644079
effects of mydriatic agents in cockatoos, african gray parrots, and blue-fronted amazon compare, in psittacines, the mydriatic effects of several topically applied curariform, sympathomimetic, and parasympatholytic drugs with and without the addition of surface-acting penetrating agents.19968567377
proventricular dilatation disease associated with avian bornavirus infection in a citron-crested cockatoo that was born and hand-reared in japan.a 5-month-old female citron-crested cockatoo (cacatua sulphurea citrinocristata) that was born and hand-reared in japan died with suspected proventricular dilatation disease (pdd). macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the bird revealed characteristic features of pdd, i.e., distention of the proventriculus and infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells in ganglia of various organs and in central and peripheral nerves. a linkage of this pdd case to infection with avian bornavirus (abv) wa ...201121289471
immunocytochemical diagnosis of pacheco's indirect immunoperoxidase method for the detection of herpesvirus in the liver and digestive tract of two psittacines (ara macao and cacatua sulphurea) with pacheco's disease is described. the anti-pachecovirus antiserum used was obtained from hyperimmunized specific pathogen-free chickens. it is concluded that this easily executed technique yields reliable results, allows a firm diagnosis of pacheco's disease to be made and it would be suitable for investigating the pathogenesis of pacheco's ...199218670969
ultrastructural, protein composition, and antigenic comparison of psittacine beak and feather disease virus purified from four genera of psittacine birds.psittacine beak and feather disease (pbfd) virus, was purified from diseased tissues of a lesser sulphur-crested cockatoo (cacatua sulphurea), a black palm cockatoo (probosiger aterrimus), a red-lored amazon parrot (amazona autumnalis), and a peach-faced lovebird (agapornis roseicollis). the histopathology of diseased feathers and follicular epithelium from the different species was compared; basophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies were identified in the follicular epithelium and intracytoplasm ...19902338723
zoo playgrounds: a source of enrichment or stress for a group of nearby cockatoos? a case study.there is increasing evidence that in some circumstances, zoo visitors may be aversive stimuli to nonhuman animals housed in zoos. yet, most previous research has focused on primates with little attention given to numerous other species who are housed in zoos. the focus animal of this project was the cockatoo, a species who has received minimal attention in zoo-based research. furthermore, although the influence of the zoo setting has become increasingly important in visitor effect studies, this ...201525932924
hepatic intranuclear inclusion bodies in a cockatoo bird (cacatua sulphurea).one hundred and nineteen cockatoos (cacatua sulphurea) were kept at the animal quarantine station in denpasar, indonesia. these birds were intended to be exported overseas. nine birds were found dead in a period of 17 days. necropsies were performed on three, and tissues were taken for microbiological and histopathological examination. examinations revealed that two birds had both newcastle disease and aspergillosis, and one bird was found to contain hepatic intranuclear inclusion bodies suggest ...20046303294
quill mites of the family syringophilidae (acariformes: prostigmata) associated with cockatoos (psittaciformes: cacatuidae).quill mites of the family syringophilidae (acariformes: prostigmata: cheyletoidea) parasitizing cockatoos (psittaciformes: cacatuidae) are reviewed. three new species are described: neoaulobia cacatui sp. nov. from the yellow-tailed black-cockatoo calyptorhynchus funereus (type host) in australia and the palm cockatoo probosciger aterrimus in papua new guinea, lawrencipicobia calyptorhyncha sp. nov. from the glossy black-cockatoo calyptorhynchus lathami in australia, and lawrencipicobia sulphure ...201931716476
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