haematopoietic malignancies in zoo animals. | myelogenous leukaemia was found in a russell's viper, a honduran milk snake, a marine toad, a byrne's marsupial mouse and an african hedgehog. lymphocytic leukaemia was present in a broad banded copperhead and an indian lion. visceral lymphomatosis was observed in a snowy owl. | 1992 | 1556254 |
tracheal malformation in a bicephalic honduran milk snake (lampropeltis hondurensis) and subsequent fatal salmonella arizonae infection. | a bicephalic honduran milk snake (lampropeltis hondurensis) with tracheal duplication and malformation and salmonella arizonae infection is described. there were atypically wide collapsed tracheal rings with necrotizing tracheitis and abundant necrotic epithelial debris and inflammatory cells obstructing the lumen in one of the duplicate tracheae. salmonella arizonae was cultured from the malformed duplicate trachea and was considered to be the etiologic agent causing necrosis. | 1997 | 9365948 |
descriptions of six new species of caryospora (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) from guatemalan snakes (serpentes: colubridae and viperidae). | one hundred and seventy snakes were collected in guatemala and examined for coccidia. of these, 8 individuals representing 6 host species were positive for caryospora spp., 6 of which are described as new species. sporulated oocysts of caryospora bothriechis n. sp. from bothriechis aurifer are spheroidal to subspheroidal, 12.7 x 12.5 (12-14 x 12-13) microm, with a length/width (l/w) ratio of 1.0; they lack a micropyle (m) or oocyst residuum (or), but 1 large polar granule (pg) is usually present ... | 2005 | 16539030 |
a phylogeny of the lampropeltis mexicana complex (serpentes: colubridae) based on mitochondrial dna sequences suggests evidence for species-level polyphyly within lampropeltis. | the systematic relationships of snakes in the lampropeltis mexicana complex (l. mexicana, l. alterna, and l. ruthveni) are poorly known despite several taxonomic studies over the last 80 years. mitochondrial dna sequences were used to infer the phylogeny of the l. mexicana complex. at least one representative sample from the nine currently recognized species of lampropeltis was sequenced. our results suggest that a deep basal split resulted in the divergence of two groups of lampropeltis, with o ... | 2007 | 17270467 |
response of a reptile guild to forest harvesting. | despite the growing concern over reptile population declines, the effects of modern industrial silviculture on reptiles have been understudied, particularly for diminutive and often overlooked species such as small-bodied snakes. we created 4 replicated forest-management landscapes to determine the response of small snakes to forest harvesting in the coastal plain of the southeastern united states. we divided the replicated landscapes into 4 treatments that represented a range of disturbed habit ... | 2008 | 18477031 |
mitochondrial dna extraction and sequencing of formalin-fixed archival snake tissue. | formalinized specimens used in mitochondrial dna (mtdna) studies have shown shortcomings with respect to efficacy of dna isolation and subsequent pcr amplification. in order to pinpoint the source of some of the problems with formalinized tissues in reptiles, we compared the efficacy of isolation and amplification of mtdna from two different snake species micrurus fulvius and lampropeltis triangulum--that differ in composition of tissues typically sampled (intercostal muscle tissue) by researche ... | 2008 | 19489136 |
what makes some species of milk snakes more attractive to humans than others? | animals are ancestrally important stimuli for humans who pay disproportional attention to animal objects and exhibit an outstanding ability to categorize animal species, especially those most relevant to them. humans as well as other primates perceive snakes as ambivalent stimuli that elicit unspecific arousal and attention. we assessed human aesthetic preferences toward milk snakes, the traditional model for studies of batesian mimicry. the genus is fairly uniform in size and shape, but include ... | 2009 | 19890672 |
molecular identification of cryptosporidium species from pet snakes in thailand. | cryptosporidium is an important pathogen causing gastrointestinal disease in snakes and is distributed worldwide. the main objectives of this study were to detect and identify cryptosporidium species in captive snakes from exotic pet shops and snake farms in thailand. in total, 165 fecal samples were examined from 8 snake species, boa constrictor (boa constrictor constrictor), corn snake (elaphe guttata), ball python (python regius), milk snake (lampropeltis triangulum), king snake (lampropeltis ... | 2016 | 27658593 |
pet snakes illegally marketed in brazil: climatic viability and establishment risk. | invasive species are one among many threats to biodiversity. brazil has been spared, generically, of several destructive invasive species. reports of invasive snakes' populations are nonexistent, but the illegal pet trade might change this scenario. despite the brazilian laws forbid to import most animals, illegal trade is frequently observed and propagules are found in the wild. the high species richness within brazilian biomes and accelerated fragmentation of natural reserves are a critical fa ... | 2017 | 28817630 |
a novel pattern of yolk processing in developing snake eggs (colubridae: lampropeltini) and its functional and evolutionary implications. | early amniotic vertebrates evolved large-yolked eggs that permitted production of well-developed, terrestrial hatchlings. this reproductive pattern required new mechanisms for cellularizing the yolk and mobilizing it for embryonic use. in birds, cells that line the yolk sac cavity phagocytose and digest the yolk material, a pattern that is commonly assumed to be universal among oviparous amniotes. however, recent evidence challenges the assumption that all squamate reptiles conform to the avian ... | 2017 | 28544760 |
fetal membrane ultrastructure and development in the oviparous milksnake lampropeltis triangulum (colubridae) with reference to function and evolution in snakes. | in eggs of oviparous reptiles, fetal membranes maintain developing embryos through the exchange of respiratory gases and provision of water and calcium. as part of a survey of reptilian fetal membranes, we used scanning electron microscopy to study fetal membrane morphology in the oviparous pueblan milksnake, lampropeltis triangulum campbelli. the chorioallantois initially is an avascular structure lined by enlarged chorionic and allantoic epithelia. upon vascularization, the chorionic epitheliu ... | 2016 | 27373551 |
independent demographic responses to climate change among temperate and tropical milksnakes (colubridae: genus lampropeltis). | the effects of late quaternary climate change have been examined for many temperate new world taxa, but the impact of pleistocene glacial cycles on neotropical taxa is less well understood, specifically with respect to changes in population demography. here, we examine historical demographic trends for six species of milksnake with representatives in both the temperate and tropical americas to determine if species share responses to climate change as a taxon or by area (i.e., temperate versus tr ... | 2015 | 26083467 |
coalescent species delimitation in milksnakes (genus lampropeltis) and impacts on phylogenetic comparative analyses. | both gene-tree discordance and unrecognized diversity are sources of error for accurate estimation of species trees, and can affect downstream diversification analyses by obscuring the correct number of nodes, their density, and the lengths of the branches subtending them. although the theoretical impact of gene-tree discordance on evolutionary analyses has been examined previously, the effect of unsampled and cryptic diversity has not. here, we examine how delimitation of previously unrecognize ... | 2014 | 24335429 |
evolutionary persistence of chemically elicited ophiophagous antipredator responses in gartersnakes (thamnophis sirtalis). | the ability to detect and respond to potential predators is key for the survival of individuals, but this ability is sometimes lost via relaxation of antipredator behavior when prey species are separated from predators. adult and predator-naïve neonate gartersnakes (thamnophis sirtalis) from mainland and insular sites where they do and do not occur with ophiophagous (snake-eating) snakes were tested to determine if responses to such predators have been lost, reduced, or retained, and what might ... | 2011 | 21604849 |
thermal quality influences effectiveness of thermoregulation, habitat use, and behaviour in milk snakes. | we investigated the link between thermal quality and the effectiveness of thermoregulation in milk snakes in a thermally challenging environment. we defined thermoregulatory effectiveness as the extent to which an individual maintains its body temperature (tb) closer to the preferred range (tset) than allowed by the thermal quality of its environment. we defined thermal quality as the magnitude of the difference between operative environmental temperatures (te) and tset. because ectotherms regul ... | 2006 | 16425042 |
myxosarcoma in a sinaloan milksnake. | a 2-year-old sinaloan milksnake was examined because of a 1-cm mass attached to the lateral wall of the coelom. a diagnosis of myxosarcoma was made on the basis of histologic features and special staining characteristics. | 1991 | 1813474 |
phycomycosis in a red milksnake (lampropelitis triangulum syspila). | | 1974 | 245886 |
the multispecies coalescent over-splits species in the case of geographically widespread taxa. | many recent species delimitation studies rely exclusively on limited analyses of genetic data analyzed under the multispecies coalescent (msc) model, and results from these studies often are regarded as conclusive support for taxonomic changes. however, most msc-based species delimitation methods have well-known and often unmet assumptions. uncritical application of these genetic-based approaches (without due consideration of sampling design, the effects of a priori group designations, isolation ... | 2020 | 31180508 |
detection of ophidiomyces ophiodiicola in two captive bocourt water snakes ( subsessor bocourti) and one captive pueblan milk snake ( lampropeltis triangulum campbelli). | two captive bocourt water snakes ( subsessor bocourti) presented with chronic white skin lesions on their heads; ophidiomyces ophiodiicola was identified by culture and polymerase chain reaction (pcr) in skin scrapings from both snakes. histopathology performed in one bocourt water snake revealed fungal hyphae in epidermal structures of lesions. one pueblan milk snake ( lampropeltis triangulum campbelli) from the same zoologic institution presented with yellow crusts and white blisters on its bo ... | 2018 | 29517434 |