a survey of waterfowl for echinostomes and schistosomes from lake wanaka and the waitaki river watershed, new zealand. | waterfowl from lake wanaka and the waitaki lakes watershed of new zealand's south island were surveyed to find natural hosts with adult echinostomes and schistosomes to provide sufficient numbers of eggs for laboratory studies. the canada goose (branta canadensis) was found to host an echinostome determined to be a new zealand strain of echinostoma revolutum. the new zealand scaup (aythya novaeseelandia) concurrently hosts three species of echinostomes (e. revolutum, echinoparyphium cinctum and ... | 2006 | 16469170 |
taxonomic structure of digenea in wild ducks (anatinae) from west pomerania. | parasitic fauna of birds connected with water environment, including digeneans, is relatively well researched in poland. the exception, however, is west pomerania, where those birds were not frequent objects of parasitological research until recently. the purpose of this work is to determine the taxonomic structure of the digenea, parasitising wild ducks living in west pomerania. the research material was 124 individuals of wild anatinae (anseriformes) belonging to 8 species: anas strepera, a. c ... | 2008 | 18702318 |