identification and synthesis of macrolide pheromones of the grain beetle oryzaephilus surinamensis and the frog spinomantis aglavei. | macrolide lactones, the so called cucujolides derived from unsaturated fatty acids, are aggregation pheromones of cucujid grain beetles. thirty years ago, oehlschlarger et al. showed that (3z,6z)-dodeca-3,6-dien-11-olide (4) and the respective 12-olide (7) attract the sawtoothed grain beetle oryzaephilus surinamensis, whereas (5z,8z,13r)-tetradeca-5,8-dien-13-olide (5) increases the response synergistically. the frass of this beetle is attractive for its parasitoid cephalonomia tarsalis, which p ... | 2014 | 24523150 |
identification, synthesis and mass spectrometry of a macrolide from the african reed frog hyperolius cinnamomeoventris. | the contents of the gular glands of the male african reed frog hyperolius cinnamomeoventris consist of a mixture of aliphatic macrolides and sesquiterpenes. while the known macrolide gephyromantolide a was readily identified, the structure of another major component was suggested to be a tetradecen-13-olide. the synthesis of the two candidate compounds (z)-5- and (z)-9-tetradecen-13-olide revealed the former to be the naturally occurring compound. the synthesis used ring-closing metathesis as ke ... | 2016 | 28144343 |