
sexual dimorphism in auditory mechanics: tympanal vibrations of cicada cicadas, the tympanum is anatomically intricate and employs complex vibrations as a mechanism for auditory frequency analysis. using microscanning laser doppler vibrometry, the tympanal mechanics of cicada orni can be characterized in controlled acoustical conditions. the tympanum of c. orni moves following a simple drum-like motion, rather than the travelling wave found in a previous study of cicadatra atra. there is a clear sexual dimorphism in the tympanal mechanics. the large male tympanu ...200818626071
sound emission and reception tuning in three cicada species sharing the same habitat.many animal species acoustically communicate at the same place and time generating complex acoustic environments. however, the acoustic parameter space is usually structured, with each species emitting identifiable signals. while signal partitioning has been reported, very few analyses include the mechanical spectral response of auditory organs. the loud chorus generated by three cicadas (cicada orni, cicadatra atra, and lyristes plebejus) was studied. the vibration pattern of l. plebejus shows ...201020329866
nanostructuring of a polymeric substrate with well-defined nanometer-scale topography and tailored surface wettability.this study demonstrates a simple and highly reproducible method for fabricating well-defined nanostructured polymeric surfaces with aligned nanoembosses or nanofibers of controllable aspect ratios, showing remarkable structural similarity with interesting natural biostructures such as the wing surface of cicada orni and the leaf surface of lotus. our studies on the present biomimetic surfaces revealed that the wetting property of the nanostructured surface of a given chemical composition could b ...200415323517
the cerebral neurosecretory cells of cicadas (homoptera: cicadidae).the cerebral neurosecretory cells (nscs) of three cicadid species (tibicen plebeja scop., cicada orni l. and melampsalta musiva (germ.) were studied in sections stained with pth-pf, ab-pf and pthph. there were revealed numerous scattered nscs of the cellular cortex, three paired groups (m 1, m 2, m 3) of the median nscs homologous to the corresponding nsc groups of holometabola, and lateral nscs not forming a single compact group. the group mi located in the pars intercerebralis was found to con ...19836886385
is microhabitat segregation between two cicada species (tibicina haematodes and cicada orni) due to calling song propagation constraints?the cicada species tibicina haematodes and cicada orni are two sympatric species often inhabiting vineyards. we show that they occupy two distinct levels: males of t. haematodes produce their calling songs from a high position in vine foliage while males of c. orni call from a low position near the ground on vine trunks. experiments consisting of broadcasting and re-recording experimental signals in natural habitats from low and high positions show that signals are more and more modified as send ...200312883776
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