the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus glomus geosporum in european saline, sodic and gypsum soils. | plants of saline and sodic soils of the hungarian steppe and of gypsum rock in the german harz mountains, thus soils of high ionic strength and electric conductivity, were examined for their colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (amf). roots of several plants of the saline and sodic soils such as artemisia maritima, aster tripolium or plantago maritima are strongly colonized and show typical amf structures (arbuscules, vesicles) whereas others like the members of the chenopodiaceae, salic ... | 2002 | 12189475 |
hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of suaeda maritima (l.) dumort ethanolic extract on concanavalin-a induced hepatotoxicity in rats. | hepatoprotective and antioxidant properties of suaeda maritima (l.) dumort on concanavalin-a induced stress in wistar albino rats have been reported. rats were administered with ethanolic extract of suaeda maritimna at the concentration of 75, 150 and 300 mg/kg of body wt. for 9 days and concanavalin-a was administrated (iv) 12 mg/kg on 9th day. rats in concanavalin-a administered group showed elevated levels of ast, alt, alp and bilurubin. pretreatment of rats with ethanolic extract (300 mg/kg) ... | 2011 | 21702225 |
fine structure and localization of adenosine triphosphatase in the halophyte suaeda maritima. | | 2002 | 124067 |
antimicrobial activity of fatty acid methyl esters of some members of chenopodiaceae. | fatty acid methyl ester (fame) extracts of four halophytic plants, viz. arthrocnemum indicum, salicornia brachiata, suaeda maritima and suaeda monoica belonging to the family chenopodiaceae, were prepared and their composition was analyzed by gc-ms. the fame extracts were also screened for antibacterial and antifungal activities. the gc-ms analysis revealed the presence of more saturated fatty acids than unsaturated fatty acids. among the fatty acids analyzed, the relative percentage of lauric a ... | 2008 | 18669016 |
[sequence analysis of bacterial transposon in nhx gene of populus euphratica]. | the united nations environment program estimates that approximately 20% of agricultural land and 50% of cropland in the world is salt-stressed. the gene nhx (na+/h+ exchanger) encodes functional protein that catalyzes the countertransport of na+ and h+ across membranes and may play an important role in plant salt tolerance. to clone the nhx from the wild plant populus euphratica collected in tarim basin and xinjiang wujiaqu district into a t-vector, designed primer was used to amplify 1kb nhx cd ... | 2003 | 15969097 |
[different nacl-dependence of the circadian co2-gas-exchange of some halophil growing coastal plants]. | co2-exchange, diurnal changes in malate- and ion concentrations of the halophytes carpobrotus edulis, crithmum maritimum, mesembryanthemum nodiflorum, salicornia fruticosa, suaeda maritima, and trifolium fragiferum were investigated after culture at different nacl concentrations. in carp. edulis and mes. nodiflorum the diurnal rhythm of co2-exchange is in accordance with that of crassulacean acid metabolism (cam), in sal. fruticosa, crithm. maritimum, suaeda maritima, and trif. fragiferum with t ... | 1974 | 28308642 |
labrenzia suaedae sp. nov., a marine bacterium isolated from a halophyte, and emended description of the genus labrenzia. | an endophytic, gram-staining-negative bacterium was isolated from sterilized roots of a plant, suaeda maritima, growing on tidal flats. cells of the strain were motile by means of a single polar flagellum and colonies were pigmented light brown. strain yc6927(t) was able to grow at 15-37 °c (optimum at 28-30 °c) and at ph 5.0-10.0 (optimum at ph 7.0-8.0). the strain was able to grow at nacl concentrations of 0-9.0 % (w/v), with optimum growth at 0-5.0 % nacl. comparison of 16s rrna gene sequence ... | 2014 | 24408521 |
in vitro bioactivity and phytochemical screening of suaeda maritima (dumort): a mangrove associate from bhitarkanika, india. | to investigate the in vitro antioxidant and antimicrobial activities along with phytochemical screening of organic and aqueous extracts of leaf and stem of suaeda maritima (dumort), a mangrove associate from bhitarkanika of odisha, india. | 2011 | 21967697 |
a peroxiredoxin q homolog from gentians is involved in both resistance against fungal disease and oxidative stress. | an antifungal protein (gtafp1) showing antimicrobial activity against phytopathogenic fungi was purified from leaves of gentiana triflora. the deduced amino acid sequence of the cdna of the corresponding gene, gtafp1, showed 94, 75, 72 and 63% amino acid identities with peroxiredoxin q from populus balsamifera x p. deltoides subsp. trichocarpa, sedum lineare, suaeda maritima and arabidopsis thaliana, respectively. the gtafp1 gene is suggested to be present in the genome in one to two copies and ... | 2005 | 15840643 |
amorphus suaedae sp. nov., isolated from the root of a tidal flat plant, suaeda maritima. | a novel bacterial strain, yc6899(t), was isolated from the root of suaedae maritima growing on a tidal flat of namhae island, korea. cells were gram-reaction-negative, rod-shaped, non-motile, slightly halophilic and heterotrophic. strain yc6899(t) grew optimally at a salinity of 2-4 %, at 25-37 °c and at ph 6.5-8.0. phylogenetic analysis of 16s rrna gene sequences demonstrated that strain yc6899(t) was closely related to amorphus orientalis yim d10(t) (96.1 % similarity) and amorphus coralli rs. ... | 2013 | 23687061 |
hoeflea suaedae sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from the root of the halophyte suaeda maritima. | a gram-negative, aerobic, short rod-shaped bacterium, designated strain yc6898(t), was isolated from the surface-sterilized root of a halophyte (suaeda maritima) inhabiting tidal flat of namhae island, korea. strain yc6898(t) grew optimally at 30-37 °c and ph 6.5-7.5. the strain inhibited mycelial growth of pythium ultimum and phytophthora capsici. phylogenetic analyses based on 16s rrna gene sequences indicated that strain yc6898(t) belongs to the genus hoeflea in the family phyllobacteriaceae. ... | 2013 | 23159752 |
effect of dietary supplementation with suaeda maritima on blood physiology, innate immune response, and disease resistance in olive flounder against miamiensis avidus. | the effect of suaeda maritima enriched diet on blood physiology, innate immune response, and disease resistance in olive flounder paralichythys olivaceus against miamiensis avidus on weeks 1, 2, and 4 was investigated. feeding with any enriched diet and then challenging with m. avidus significantly increased white blood cells (wbc) on weeks 2 and 4; the red blood cells (rbc) significantly increased with 0.1% and 1.0% enriched diets on week 4. the hemoglobin (hb) and hematocrit (ht) levels signif ... | 2012 | 22490817 |