
circumscription of botryosphaeria species associated with proteaceae based on morphology and dna sequence data.botryosphaeria spp. occur on and cause diseases of proteaceae, but accurate identification has been problematic due to the lack of clear species circumscriptions of members of this genus. in this study, 46 isolates of botryosphaeria from proteaceous hosts growing in various parts of the world were studied, using morphology, cultural characters and sequence data from the its region of the rdna operon. five botryosphaeria spp. were found to be associated with proteaceae. botryosphaeria lutea was i ...200321156615
multiple gene sequences delimit botryosphaeria australis sp. nov. from b. lutea.botryosphaeria lutea (anamorph fusicoccum luteum) most easily is distinguished from other botryosphaeria spp. by a yellow pigment that is formed in young cultures. this fungus has been reported from a number of cultivated hosts in new zealand and portugal. during a survey of botryosphaeria fungi that occur on native acacia species in australia, a yellow pigment was observed in some cultures. these isolates were morphologically similar to b. lutea, but the pigment differed slightly from the one f ...200421148924
species of botryosphaeriaceae occurring on proteaceae.the botryosphaeriaceae includes several species that are serious canker and leaf pathogens of proteaceae. in the present study, sequence data for the its nrdna region were used in conjunction with morphological observations to resolve the taxonomy of species of botryosphaeriaceae associated with proteaceae. neofusicoccum luteum was confirmed from buckinghamia and banksia in australia, and on protea cynaroides in south africa. a major pathogen of banksia coccinea in australia was shown to be n. a ...200820396581
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