
inhibition of microlax-induced experimental diarrhoea with narcotic-like extracts of psidium guajava leaf in rats.measurement of rates of propulsion in the small intestine in control and experimental groups of male sprague-dawley rats (200-250 g) were carried out as a means of assessing antidiarrhoeal activity of aqueous extracts of the leaf of psidium guajava (l.), using morphine as the standard drug of reference. hyperpropulsion (diarrhoea) was induced by gavaging rats in a control group with microlax, using phenol red mixed into it as a marker in the intestine, and the mean rate of the hyperpropulsion wa ...19921434689
plants used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 1. screening of 84 plants against enterobacteria.gastrointestinal disorders are important causes of morbidity in developing countries. natural healing is the traditional way of treating these diseases in guatemala. ethnobotanical surveys and literature reviews showed that 385 plants from 95 families are used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. the activity of 84 of the most commonly used plants was screened in vitro against five enterobacteria pathogenic to man (enteropathogenic escherichia coli, salmonella enteritidi ...19902214824
effects on mice locomotor activity of a narcotic-like principle from psidium guajava leaves.studies were carried out on the suppression of both exploratory and spontaneous locomotor activities in the mouse by a non-polar fraction from a methanol extract of the dried leaves of psidium guajava. shortly after intraperitoneal administration of this fraction, typical narcotic-like effects were observed, including catalepsy, analgesia, straub tail, shallow respiratory movements and exophthalmos. the dose for 90% suppression of exploratory activity was between 3.3 and 6.6 mg/kg intraperitonea ...19883253493
the effects of fruit juices and fruits on the absorption of iron from a rice meal.the effects of the chemical composition of fruit juices and fruit on the absorption of iron from a rice (oryza sativa) meal were measured in 234 parous indian women, using the erythrocyte utilization of radioactive fe method. the corrected geometric mean fe absorptions with different juices varied between 0.040 and 0.129, with the variation correlating closely with the ascorbic acid contents of the juices (rs 0.838, p less than 0.01). ascorbic acid was not the only organic acid responsible for t ...19873593665
radiation induced biochemical mutation in colletotrichum gloeosporioides penz. causing anthracnose of guava (psidium guajava l). 19734763736
studies on antimutagenic effects of guava (psidium guajava) in salmonella typhimurium.the water and chloroform extracts of guava were tested for their antimutagenicity. the water extract was effective in inactivating the mutagenicity of direct-acting mutagens, e.g., 4-nitro-o-phenylenediamine, sodium azide, and the s9-dependent mutagen, 2-aminofluorene, in the tester strains of salmonella typhimurium. the chloroform extract was inactive. autoclaving of the water extract for 15 min did not reduced its activity appreciably. the enhanced inhibitory activity of the extracts on pre-in ...19937683763
[in vitro effect against giardia of 14 plant extracts].to investigate antigiardiasic activity in plants used in mexico as antidiarrheics and/or antiparasitics.19947839013
quercetin glycosides in psidium guajava l. leaves and determination of a spasmolytic principle.the traditional herbal remedy from psidium guajava leaves has been medically proposed in mexico as effective treatment of acute diarrhea. a methanolic leaf extract was subjected to a bioassay-guided isolation of spasmolytic constituents. six fractions were separated on a polyvinylpolypyrrolidine (pvpp) column using a water methanol-gradient. the fraction containing flavonols inhibited peristalsis of guinea pig ileum in vitro. a trace of quercetin aglycone together with five glycosides was isolat ...19948019108
calcium-antagonist effect of quercetin and its relation with the spasmolytic properties of psidium guajava l.the antidiarrheal properties of water and methanolic extracts of psidium guajava leaves have been demonstrated with anteriority and their spasmolytic effect was attributed to quercetin, a flavonoid contained in this plant. the present paper reports the intestinal smooth muscle relaxation produced by quercetin on isolated guinea pig ileum previously contracted by a depolarizing kcl solution. quercetin also inhibited intestinal contraction induced by different concentrations of calcium, shifting t ...19948019109
plants used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. 3. confirmation of activity against enterobacteria of 16 plants.ethnobotanical surveys and literature review identified 408 plants used in guatemala for the treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. the screening of 84 showed that 34 inhibit one or more enterobacteria; 16 of these were selected for further investigation. extracts were obtained with three solvents of different polarity (n-hexane, acetone and alcohol) and the in vitro activity was demonstrated against enteropathogenic escherichia coli, salmonella enteritidis and shigella flexneri. the activity ...19938479202
antibacterial activity of south african plants used for medicinal purposes.crude extracts from 21 south african medicinal plants, traditionally used for ailments of an infectious or septic nature, were screened for in vitro antibacterial activity using the agar diffusion and dilution methods. almost all the activity exhibited was against gram-positive bacteria, with 12 of the 21 plant species tested showing some activity against bacillus subtilis. only the warburgia salutaris methanol extract inhibited the growth of escherichia coli. none of the extracts had any activi ...19979147258
antiamoebic and phytochemical screening of some congolese medicinal plants.results from the in vitro antiamoebic activity of some congolese plant extracts used as antidiarrhoeic in traditional medicine indicated that of 45 plant extracts tested, 35 (77.78%) exhibited an antiamoebic activity and 10 (22.22%) were inactive. the highest activity (mic < 100 microg/ml) was obtained with extracts from root bark of paropsia brazzeana, cryptolepis sanguinolenta, alchornea cordifolia, hensia pulchella, maprounea africana, rauwolfia obscura and voacanga africana, leaves and stem ...19989687082
anticough and antimicrobial activities of psidium guajava linn. leaf extract.the anticough activity of psidium guajava linn. (guava) leaf extract was evaluated in rats and guinea pigs. the results showed that water extract of the plant at doses of 2 and 5 g/kg, p.o. decreased the frequency of cough induced by capsaicin aerosol by 35 and 54%, respectively, as compared to the control, within 10 min after injection of the extract, (p < 0.01). however, the anticough activity is less potent than that of 3 mg/kg dextromethorphan which decreased frequency of cough by 78% (p < 0 ...199910619385
antiamoebic and spasmolytic activities of extracts from some antidiarrhoeal traditional preparations used in kinshasa, congo.three major extracts from some traditional preparations, based on medicinal plants, used as antidiarrhoeal agents were investigated for their putative antiamoebic and spasmolytic activities in vitro. results indicated that both biological activities are concentrated in the polyphenolic fraction, and not in the saponin or alkaloid containing fractions. the most active polyphenolic extracts were those from euphorbia hirta whole plant, leaves of alchornea cordifolia, crossopteryx febrifuga, nauclea ...200010782488
medicinal plants used for dogs in trinidad and tobago.this paper documents ethnoveterinary medicines used to treat dogs in trinidad and tobago. in 1995, a 4-stage process was used to conduct the research and document the ethnoveterinary practices. twenty-eight ethnoveterinary respondents were identified using the school-essay method, which is a modified rapid rural appraisal (rra) technique. semi-structured interviews were held with these respondents as well as with 30 veterinarians, 27 extension officers and 19 animal-health assistants and/or agri ...200010821961
purification, molecular cloning, and expression of the gene encoding fatty acid 13-hydroperoxide lyase from guava fruit (psidium guajava).guava fruit was identified as a particularly rich source of 13-hydroperoxide lyase activity. the enzyme proved stable to chromatographic procedures and was purified to homogeneity. based on gel filtration and gel electrophoresis, the native enzyme appears to be a homotetramer with subunits of 55 kd. starting with primers based on the peptide sequence, the enzyme was cloned by polymerase chain reaction with 3' and 5' rapid amplification of cdna ends. the sequence shows approximately 60-70% identi ...200010941871
[physicochemical and microbiological evaluation of 3 commercial guava jams (psidium guajava l.)].four different production batches were taken from each brand. samples were purchased from retail markets in maracay, cagua and turmero. (venezuela). the average physical and chemical values were: vacuum = 38.81 cm hg; ph = 3.28; titrable acidity (%citric acid) = 0.59%; degree brix = 67.24; reducing sugars = 55.28%; total sugars = 62.28, and the color parameters a = +14.44, b = +8.77 and l = 17.09. molds, yeast and aerobic plate counts were lower than 10 ufc/g; it reveals an excellent microbiolog ...200011347301
microbicidal effect of medicinal plant extracts (psidium guajava linn. and carica papaya linn.) upon bacteria isolated from fish muscle and known to induce diarrhea in children.out of the twenty-four samples of shrimp and fish muscle used for this study, twelve were collected near a large marine sewer for waste disposal, 3 km off the coast of fortaleza (brazil) and used for the isolation of e. coli. other twelve were collected at the mucuripe fresh fish market (fortaleza, brazil) and used for the isolation of staphylococcus aureus. ethanol, water and acetone-diluted extracts of guava and papaya leaf sprouts were tested on the bacteria in order to verify their microbici ...200111452322
[clinical study on treatment of infantile rotaviral enteritis with psidium guajava l].to observe the clinical effect of olium psidium guajava (pg) in treating infantile rotaviral enteritis.200011938857
screening of some plants used in the brazilian folk medicine for the treatment of infectious diseases.extracts of 13 brazilian medicinal plants were screened for their antimicrobial activity against bacteria and yeasts. of these, 10 plant extracts showed varied levels of antibacterial activity. piper regnellii presented a good activity against staphylococus aureus and bacillus subtilis, a moderate activity on pseudomonas aeruginosa, and a weak activity against escherichia coli. punica granatum showed good activity on s. aureus and was inactive against the other standard strains. eugenia uniflora ...200212471432
antimicrobial activity of psidium guajava l.psidium guajava aqueous bark and methanolic extracts were found to possess anti-bacterial activity.200212490238
tropical fruit trees as bioindicators of industrial air pollution in southeast brazil.psidium guajava l., psidium cattleyanum sabine and mangifera indica l. were tested under field conditions as possible tropical bioindicators of industrial air pollution. the study was performed around the industrial complex of cubatão, se brazil, which comprises 23 industries, including fertilizer, cement, chemical, petrochemical, and steel plants, with 110 production units and 260 emission sources of pollutants. saplings were exposed to environmental conditions during four periods of 16 weeks e ...200212437286
[mechanism of quercetin as an antidiarrheal agent].to investigate the antidiarrheal mechanism of quercetin extracted from psidium guajava l.200314559685
studies on the antiplasmodial properties of some south african medicinal plants used as antimalarial remedies in zulu folk medicine.the parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pldh) assay method, a recently developed in vitro enzymatic method for evaluating antimalarial compounds, was used to examine the antiplasmodial activities of the aqueous leaf, stem-bark and fruit extracts of some plants used for the treatment and/or prophylaxis of malaria in kwazulu-natal province of south africa. the in vitro antiplasmodial assay was carried out using a chloroquine-sensitive strain of malarial parasite, plasmodium falciparum d10. a prelimina ...200212428427
inhibition of growth, enterotoxin production, and spore formation of clostridium perfringens by extracts of medicinal plants.the extracts of 14 plants used in the traditional medicine of mexico were evaluated for their effects on the growth, spore formation, and enterotoxin production of clostridium perfringens type a. the extracts of psidium guajava l., haemotoxylon brasiletto, and euphobia prostata were the most effective inhibitors of growth, spore formation, and enterotoxin production. no enterotoxins were detected when extracts were added to the media at less than the mic for growth.200212380759
evaluation of phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of leaf extract of tapinanthus sessilifolius (p. beauv) van tiegh.leaf extracts of t. sessilifolius growing on five different host plants (psidium guajava, citrus lemon, vernonia amygdalina, persea americana and jatropa curcas) were evaluated for antimicrobial activity of the plant. powdered leaves of t. sessilifolius collected from each host plant was divided into two portions. one portion was used for aqueous infusion and the other portion was successively extracted with hexane, ethylacetate and methanol. infusion of aqueous extract of powdered leaves did no ...200415233306
triterpenoids from the leaves of psidium guajava.two triterpenoids, 20beta-acetoxy-2alpha,3beta-dihydroxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid (guavanoic acid, 3), and 2alpha,3beta-dihydroxy-24-p-z-coumaroyloxyurs-12-en-28-oic acid (guavacoumaric acid, 7), along with six known compounds 2alpha-hydroxyursolic acid (1), jacoumaric acid (2), isoneriucoumaric acid (4), asiatic acid (5), ilelatifol d (6) and beta-sitosterol-3-o-beta-d-glucopyranoside (8), have been isolated from the leaves of psidium guajava. their structures were determined through spectroscopic ...200212377233
effective medicinal plants against enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli o157:h7.the stimulating effect of subinhibitory concentrations of antibiotics on the production of verocytotoxin (vt) by enterohaemorrhagic escherichia coli (ehec) o157:h7 has been claimed. the purpose of this study was to find an alternative, but bioactive medicine for the treatment of this organism. fifty-eight preparations of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of 38 medicinal plant species commonly used in thailand to cure gastrointestinal infections were tested for their antibacterial activity against d ...200415261962
isolation of antimicrobial compounds from guava (psidium guajava l.) and their structural elucidation.four antibacterial compounds were isolated from leaves of guava (psidium guajava l.), and the structures of these compounds were established on the basis of chemical and spectroscopic evidence. two new flavonoid glycosides, morin-3-o-alpha-l-lyxopyranoside and morin-3-o-alpha-l-arabopyranoside, and two known flavonoids, guaijavarin and quercetin, were identified. the minimum inhibition concentration of morin-3-o-alpha-l-lyxopyranoside and morin-3-o-alpha-l-arabopyranoside was 200 microg/ml for e ...200212353635
anti-diarrhoeal evaluation of some medicinal plants used by zulu traditional healers.aqueous and methanolic extracts of several medicinal plants, psidium guajava (leaves), aristea spp., iridaceae family (stem), bridelia micrantha (bark) and eleutherina bulbosa (bulb), used by zulu traditional healers were evaluated for anti-diarrhoeal activity against different experimental models of diarrhoea in rats as well as for anti-microbial activity against different pathogenic microorganisms that cause diarrhoea. the methanolic extract of p. guajava (leaves) was the only agent showing si ...200211744295
guava fruit (psidium guajava l.) as a new source of antioxidant dietary fiber.guava (psidium guajava l.) is a tropical fruit, widely consumed fresh and also processed (beverages, syrup, ice cream, and jams). pulp and peel fractions were tested, and both showed high content of dietary fiber (48.55-49.42%) and extractable polyphenols (2.62-7.79%). the antioxidant activity of polyphenol compounds was studied, using three complementary methods: (i) free radical dpph* scavenging, (ii) ferric reducing antioxidant power assay (frap), and (iii) inhibition of copper-catalyzed in v ...200111714349
long-term effects of intercropping and bio-litter recycling on soil biological activity and fertility status of sub-tropical soils.on-farm field experiments were carried out at two sites having 38- and 10-year-old orchard cropping systems under sub-tropical climatic regions to evaluate changes in organic carbon accumulation and chemical and microbiological properties of the soils. under a system of different intercropped fruit trees, the cultivation of coconut (cocos nucifera l.) intercropped with guava (psidium guajava l.) enhanced the soil microbial activity approximately 2-fold after 38 yrs over 10 yrs of the same interc ...200111131798
inhibition of staphylococcus aureus by aqueous goiaba extracts.the antimicrobial activity of an aqueous extract of three brazilian medicinal plants, alhodomato (allium sativon), traoeraba (comnelina beghlensis) and goiaba (psidium guajava), was studied and compared with commercial antibiotics using three different methods: plate count, disk inhibition zone and turbidity techniques. results indicated that goiaba leaf extract at a concentration of 8 and 40 mg/ml showed promising results. as goiaba leaf extract showed good antimicrobial activity against staphy ...199910624868
biological screening of traditional preparations from some medicinal plants used as antidiarrhoeal in kinshasa, congo.forty six aqueous extracts from 38 medicinal plant species belonging to different families were selected on the basis of their traditional medicinal use as antidiarrhoeic agents. they were submitted in a broad biological screening including antibacterial, antiamoebic and antispasmodic activities. the results of the testing have indicated that 37 extracts (80.43%), 33 (71.74%) and 32 (69.54%) exhibited some level of antibacterial, antiamoebic and antispasmodic activity respectively. only 8 plant ...199910228613
effects of some natural extracts on the acetylcholine release at the mouse neuromuscular junction.natural extracts have been proved to be useful in different human pathological conditions. the scientific consideration of the therapeutic potential of plant extracts is still inappropriate due to the lack of both pharmacological and epidemiological basic studies. here, we started from an electrophysiological point of view, a study on the effects of two extracts on the acetylcholine (ach) release at the neuromuscular junction. the extracts purified from sugar cane (policosanol) and psidium guaja ...199910094851
antibacterial and wound healing properties of methanolic extracts of some nigerian medicinal plants.this study was conducted to evaluate methanolic extracts of ageratum conyzoides, anthocleista djalonensis, napoleona imperialis, ocimum gratissimum, and psidium guajava for antibacterial and wound healing properties. antibacterial properties of the extracts were studied against eleven wound isolates (staphylococcus aureus (four strains), e. coli (two strains), pseudomonas aeruginosa (one strain), proteus spp. (three strains), and shigella spp. (one strain)) using the well diffusion method. wound ...200616226414
antifungal activity of plant extracts against arthrinium sacchari and chaetomium funicola.various plant extracts were examined for antifungal activity with the objective of improving the commercial sterility of aseptically filled tea beverage products in pet bottles. when the hot water extract and the methanol extract of 29 samples were measured for their antifungal activity against arthrinium sacchari m001 and chaetomium funicola m002 strains, five samples, acer nikoense, glycyrrhiza glabra, lagerstroemia speciosa, psidium guajava and thea sinensis, showed high activity. of these, t ...200016232887
analysis of antidiarrhoeic effect of plants used in popular medicine.people customarily use the extracts of plants known to have antidiarrhoeal effects without any scientific base to explain the action of the extract. for this reason, an investigation was undertaken with a view to determining the efficacy of the effects of the brute aqueous extract (bae) of the leaves of psidium guajava (guava), stachytarpheta cayenensis (bastard vervain), polygonum punctatum (water smartweed), eugenia uniflora (brazil or surinam cherry) and aster squamatus (zé-da-silva) on the i ...19958734966
sos-red fluorescent protein (rfp) bioassay system for monitoring of antigenotoxic activity in plant optical antigenotoxicity assay using genetically engineered red fluorescent bacteria is presented. exposure of escherichia coli rs4u to genotoxicants [mitomycin c (mmc), nalidixic acid (na) and hydrogen peroxide (hp)] resulted in phenotypic red fluorescence proportional to the concentration of the inducer. except for tannic acid (ta), co-treatment of the genotoxicant-activated bacteria with ascorbic acid (aa) and aqueous plant extracts (mangifera indica, psidium guajava and syzygium cumini) a ...200616321516
anti-hyperglycemic effect of some edible plants.the anti-hyperglycemic effect of 12 edible plants was studied on 27 healthy rabbits, submitted weekly to subcutaneous glucose tolerance tests after gastric administration of water, tolbutamide or a traditional preparation of the plant. tolbutamide, cucurbita ficifolia, phaseolus vulgaris, opuntia streptacantha, spinacea oleracea, cucumis sativus and cuminum cyminum decrease significantly the area under the glucose tolerance curve and the hyperglycemic peak. brassica oleracea var. botrytis, alliu ...19958569244
anti-diabetic properties of the african mistletoe in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.the african mistletoe, loranthus bengwensis l. (loranthaceae), has been widely used in nigerian folk medicine to treat diabetes mellitus. the aqueous extract or infusion (1.32 g/kg per day) of the leaves of this plant parasitic on lemon, citrus limon (l.) brum f. (rutaceae), guava, psidium guajava l. (myrtaceae) and jatropha, jatropha curcas l. (euphorbiaceae), respectively, were supplied ad libitum to separate groups of both non-diabetic and streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, as their only s ...19947967645
retroviral reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity in thai herbs and spices: screening with moloney murine leukemia viral enzyme.fifty-seven thai herbs and spices were examined for their retroviral reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity. all herbs and spices were extracted with hot-water and methanol. reverse transcriptase inhibitory activity of the extracts was determined by using moloney murine leukemia virus reverse transcriptase (m-mulv-rt) reacted with 3h-dttp and radioactivity measured with a scintillation counter. eighty-one per cent (46/57) of hot-water extracts and 54% (31/57) of methanol extracts showed inhib ...19937524165
hypoglycemic effect of guava juice in mice and human subjects.guava is a plentiful fruit in taiwan and it was taken from the plants of psidium guajava linn. (myrtaceae). according to the folklore in chinese medicine, gauva was useful in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. in the present study, acute i.p. treatment with 1 g/kg guava juice produced a marked hypoglycemic action in normal and alloxan-treated diabetic mice. although effective duration of guava is more transient and it is less potent than chlorpropamide and metformin, blood glucose lowering effe ...19836660217
inhibition of gastrointestinal release of acetylcholine by quercetin as a possible mode of action of psidium guajava leaf extracts in the treatment of acute diarrhoeal disease.the electrically stimulated guinea-pig ileum and spontaneously contracting guinea-pig ileum preparations were employed in studies on the effects of an alcoholic extract and two flavonoid compounds, quercetin and quercetin-3-arabinoside, extracted from the leaves of psidium guajava. the extract showed a morphine-like inhibition of acetylcholine release in the coaxially stimulated ileum, together with an initial increase in muscular tone, followed by a gradual decrease. the morphine-like inhibitio ...19892747259
[anti-infective phytotherapies of the tree-savannah, senegal (occidental africa). iii: a review of phytochemical substances and the antimicrobial activity of 43 species].a review has been made of the ethnobotanical and pharmacological data of 43 medicinal plants of the tree-savannah used by the diola against infectious diseases. the traditional use of ten plants can be explained by pharmacologically active principles: adansonia digitata, azadirachta indica, carica papaya, cassia tora, fagara leprieurii, guiera senegalensis, khaya senegalensis, mangifera indica, psidium guajava and voacanga africana. four of these herbs are recommended for use in primary health c ...19892664354
[model of intraluminal perfusion of the guinea pig ileum in vitro in the study of the antidiarrheal properties of the guava (psidium guajava)].an experimental in vitro model was developed for the study of plant extracts reported by traditional medicines in the treatment of diarrhea. the guinea-pig isolated ileum is perfused with the plant extract using an intraluminal approach. the peristaltic reflex is induced by electrical stimulation while the plant extract is perfused. the spasmolytic effects of psidium guajava leaf methanol, hexane and water extracts were demonstrated suggesting the existence of two different types of active compo ...19902103704
phomopsis destructum on psidium guajava fruits in india. 1976995140
soil as a possible source for the severe fruit rot of guava (psidium guajava l.) due to phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica (dastur) wat. at kurukshetra (india).severe fruit rot of guava due to phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica (syn. p. parasitica dastur sensu stricto) was observed during the months of july and august in 1976 at kurukshetra (india). the pathogen was successfully isolated from the soil below the infected fruit trees using ripe guava fruits as baits as well as by using a selective medium at regular intervals for a period of one year. presence of the pathogen in the soil below the guava trees and its isolation from the soil for a per ...1978754575
guaijaverin -- a plant flavonoid as potential antiplaque agent against streptococcus mutans.the aim of the present study was to investigate the anti-streptococcus mutans activity and the in vitro effects of subminimal inhibitory concentrations of guaijaverin isolated from psidium guajava linn. on cariogenic properties of strep. mutans.200616882158
native and introduced host plants of anastrepha fraterculus and ceratitis capitata (diptera: tephritidae) in northwestern argentina.wild or commercially grown, native and exotic fruit were collected in 30 localities in the tucumán province (nw argentina) from january 1990 to december 1995 to determine their status as hosts of anastrepha fraterculus (wiedemann) and/or ceratitis capitata (wiedemann), the only two fruit fly species of economic and quarantine importance in argentina. a total of 84,094 fruit (3,466.1 kg) representing 33 species (7 native and 26 exotic) in 15 plant families were sampled. we determined the followin ...200314503581
inotropic effects of extracts of psidium guajava l. (guava) leaves on the guinea pig atrium.many pharmacological effects have been ascribed to extracts of psidium guajava l. (guava) leaves. however, in spite of its widespread use in brazilian folk medicine and a reasonable number of scientific reports about it, we could not find any study dealing with its action on the mammalian myocardium. in the present study, by measuring isometric force, we observed that the crude extract of p. guajava (water-alcohol extract obtained by macerating dry leaves) depresses the guinea pig atrial contrac ...200312715086
topical hemostatic effect of a common ornamental plant, the geraniaceae pelargonium zonale.geranium has been traditionally used as a local hemostatic medicine in some andean regions, but this effect has not been tested in controlled experiments. in the present report, the leaves of a geraniaceae (pelargonium zonale) were tested on a bleeding rat model. the bleeding time was 50% shorter in the geranium leaf juice treatment group (18.10 +/- 2.03 min) and 80% shorter in the geranium crushed-leaf group (7.10 +/- 0.88 min) than in the control (nontreatment) group (37.6 +/- 3.04 min), p < 0 ...200312638398
cardioprotective effects of extracts from psidium guajava l and limonium wrightii, okinawan medicinal plants, against ischemia-reperfusion injury in perfused rat hearts.the aim of this study was to determine whether the medicinal herbs growing in okinawa and possessing a radical-scavenging activity would exert cardioprotective effects against ischemia-reperfusion injury using isolated perfused rat hearts. effects of the aqueous extracts from psidium guajava l. and limonium wrightii at concentrations having an equipotent radical-scavenging activity on myocardial injury produced by global ischemia followed by reperfusion were tested and were further compared with ...200312571408
the anti-adherence effect of piper betle and psidium guajava extracts on the adhesion of early settlers in dental plaque to saliva-coated glass surfaces.the aqueous extracts of piper betle and psidium guajava were prepared and tested for their anti-adherence effect on the adhesion of early plaque settlers (strep. mitis, strep. sanguinis and actinomyces sp.). the saliva-coated glass surfaces were used to simulate the pellicle-coated enamel surface in the oral cavity. our results showed that the anti-adherence activities of piper betle and psidium guajava extracts towards the bacteria were different between the bacterial species. psidium guajava w ...200314763515
screening of tropical fruit volatile compounds using solid-phase microextraction (spme) fibers and internally cooled spme this study, the optimization and comparison of an internally cooled fiber [cold fiber with polydimethylsiloxane (pdms) loading] and several commercial solid-phase microextraction (spme) fibers for the extraction of volatile compounds from tropical fruits were performed. automated headspace solid-phase microextraction (hs-spme) using commercial fibers and an internally cooled spme fiber device coupled to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (gc-ms) was used to identify the volatile compounds o ...200617090108
inhibitory effect of some herbal extracts on adherence of streptococcus mutans.the objective of this study was to investigate the inhibitory effect of the crude extracts from some herbs on adherence of streptococcus mutans (s. mutans) atcc 25175 and tpf-1 in vitro. six herbs, andrographis paniculata; cassia alata; chinese black tea (camellia sinensis); guava (psidium guajava); harrisonia perforata and streblus asper, were extracted with 50 or 95% ethanol and dried. herbal extracted solution at 0.5% concentration (w/v) was initially tested for bacterial adherence on glass s ...200415138013
possible modulating actions of plant extracts on the chromosome breaking activity of mmc and ara-c in human lymphocytes in vitro.plants popularly used as medicine have been seen as promising natural agents by the pharmaceutical industry. in the present study the action of psidium guajava l. (pg) and achillea millefolium l. (am) infusions on chromosomal aberration formation in human lymphocyte system in vitro was assessed, associating them with the alkylating agent mitomycin c (mmc) and the dna repair inhibitor cytosine-beta-arabin-furanoside (ara-c). the cells were cultivated for 72 h and treated continuously with pg and ...200415251179
effect of water extract of psidium guajava leaves on alloxan-induced diabetic rats.a water extract of psidium guajava leaves was screened for hypoglycemic activity on alloxan-induced diabetic rats. in both acute and sub-acute tests, the water extract, at an oral dose of 250 mg/kg, showed statistically significant hypoglycemic activity.200415497764
antidiabetic effects of extracts from psidium guajava.during a screening of medicinal plants for inhibition of protein tyrosine phosphatase1b (ptp1b), an extract from psidium guajava (myrtaceae) leaves exhibited significant inhibitory effect on ptp1b. thus, its antidiabetic effect on lepr(db)/lepr(db) mice was evaluated. significant blood glucose lowering effects of the extract were observed after intraperitoneal injection of the extract at a dose of 10mg/kg in both 1- and 3-month-old lepr(db)/lepr(db) mice. in addition, histological analysis of th ...200515619559
evaluation of air pollution phytotoxicity downwind of a phosphate fertilizer factory in india.the effects of air pollution on plants downwind of a fertilizer factory at udaipur, india, were studied using three woody perennials. seedlings of these species including a shrub (carissa carandas l.), a leguminous avenue tree (cassia fistula l.) and a fruit tree (psidium guajava l.) were grown in earthen pots at different study sites receiving varying levels of air pollution input. changes in plant growth, morphological characteristics, photosynthetic pigment, ascorbic acid, n and s contents an ...200515727311
bacteriostatic effect of flavonoids isolated from leaves of psidium guajava on fish pathogens.the antimicrobial activity against fish bacterial pathogens of flavonoids (morin, morin-3-o-lyxoside, morin-3-o-arabinoside, quercetin, and quercetin-3-o-arabinoside) isolated from the leaves of psidium guajava was evaluated. the flavonoids were shown to have bacteriostatic effect on all of the tested bacteria.200717553634
in vitro anti-rotavirus activity of some medicinal plants used in brazil against diarrhea.acute diarrhea, especially in children, is a very common disease with worldwide distribution and with a significant public health impact. rotaviruses have been recognized as the major agents of diarrhea in infants and young children in developed as well as developing countries. in brazil, diarrhea is one of the principal causes of death, mainly in the infant population. to fight diarrhea, traditional brazilian medicine uses a great variety of plants. in this work, 12 medicinal plant species were ...200515876501
ethnobotanical survey and antibacterial activity of some plants used in guinean traditional medicine.a total of 418 healers have been interviewed in guinea, a coastal country of west africa, ranging between 7 degrees 30 and 12 degrees 30 of northern latitude and 8 degrees and 15 degrees of western longitude. plant species used by the local inhabitants to treat infectious diseases were identified using ethnobotanical, ethnographic and taxonomic methods. during these investigations, 218 plants were registered, of which the following were the most frequently used: erythrina senegalensis, bridelia ...200717825510
the antimicrobial activities of psidium guajava and juglans regia leaf extracts to acne-developing organisms.this study aims to present the in vitro inhibitory effect of psidium guajava and juglans regia leaf extracts on the main developer of acne lesions, propionibacterium acnes (p. acnes), and other organisms that are isolated from acne lesions. thirty-eight subjects (males and females) who had various types of acne were enrolled in the study. the contents of the acne lesions were cultured and the frequency of p. acnes (alone and with staphylococci spp.) was 47%, whereas the frequencies for staphyloc ...200515974479
anti-proliferative activity of essential oil extracted from thai medicinal plants on kb and p388 cell lines.anti-proliferative activity of essential oil from 17 thai medicinal plants on human mouth epidermal carcinoma (kb) and murine leukemia (p388) cell lines using mtt assay were investigated. an amount of 1 x 10(4)cells/well of kb cell line and 1 x 10(5) cells/well of p388 cell line were treated with the oil samples at different concentrations ranging from 0.019 to 4.962 mg/ml. in kb cell line, guava (psidium guajava l.) leaf oil showed the highest anti-proliferative activity with the ic(50) value o ...200615979235
acyl-homoserine lactones from erwinia psidii r. ibsbf 435t, a guava phytopathogen (psidium guajava l.).the phytopathogen erwinia psidii r. ibsbf 435t causes rot in branches, flowers, and fruits of guava (psidium guajava l.), being responsible for crop losses, and has no effective control. it was demonstrated that this strain produces two compounds [s-(-)-n-hexanoyl and n-heptanoyl-homoserine lactone], both belonging to the class of quorum-sensing signaling substances. a protocol using gas chromatography-flame ionization detection with chiral stationary phase is described for the absolute configur ...200516076103
anti-allergic psidium guajava extracts exert an antitumor effect by inhibition of t regulatory cells and resultant augmentation of th1 cells.th1 polarization is one of the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effects of herbal medicine. the action of anti-allergic agents from psidium guajava (p. guajava) on t cell immunity in mice was investigated. the addition of p. guajava extracts blocked il-10-mediated, in vitro induction of t regulatory (tr) cells from cd4+ splenocytes of c57bl/6 mice, whereas the extracts exerted only a weak or no effect on the development of th1 and th2 cells. accordingly, tr cells were not induced from splen ...200516302737
antibacterial activity of guava (psidium guajava l.) and neem (azadirachta indica a. juss.) extracts against foodborne pathogens and spoilage bacteria.the antibacterial activity of guava (psidium guajava) and neem (azadirachta indica) extracts against 21 strains of foodborne pathogens were determined--listeria monocytogenes (five strains), staphylococcus aureus (four strains), escherichia coli o157:h7 (six strains), salmonella enteritidis (four strains), vibrio parahaemolyticus, and bacillus cereus, and five food spoilage bacteria: pseudomonas aeroginosa, p. putida, alcaligenes faecalis, and aeromonas hydrophila (two strains). guava and neem e ...200718041957
[study on the hypoglycemic activity of different extracts of wild psidium guajava leaves in panzhihua area].to illuminate the role of water-soluble, 650 ml/l edible alcohol and 950 ml/l edible alcohol-soluble extracts of wild psidium guajava leaves in panzhihua area in decreasing blood glucose.200516334572
antibacterial activity of guava, psidium guajava linnaeus, leaf extracts on diarrhea-causing enteric bacteria isolated from seabob shrimp, xiphopenaeus kroyeri (heller).guava leaf tea of psidium guajava linnaeus is commonly used as a medicine against gastroenteritis and child diarrhea by those who cannot afford or do not have access to antibiotics. this study screened the antimicrobial effect of essential oils and methanol, hexane, ethyl acetate extracts from guava leaves. the extracts were tested against diarrhea-causing bacteria: staphylococcus aureus, salmonella spp. and escherichia coli. strains that were screened included isolates from seabob shrimp, xipho ...200818327481
host breadth and parasitoids of fruit flies (anastrepha spp.) (diptera: tephritidae) in puerto rico.twenty fruit species representing 12 families were collected from various regions in western puerto rico and monitored for the emergence of anastrepha spp. pupae. we collected 14,154 tephritid pupae from 16 fruit species representing 10 families. the relative infestations of these fruits (pupae per kilogram of fruit) were recorded. recorded host ranges were not in complete agreement with those reported in the literature. this host-use pattern should give pause to regulators of fruit importation ...200818348802
effects of two medicinal plants psidium guajava l. (myrtaceae) and diospyros mespiliformis l. (ebenaceae) leaf extracts on rat skeletal muscle cells in primary culture.crude decoction, aqueous and ethanolic extracts of two medicinal plants (psidium guajava and diospyros mespiliformis), widely used in the central plateau of burkina faso to treat many diseases were evaluated for their antagonistic effects on caffeine induced calcium release from sarcoplasmic reticulum of rat skeletal muscle cells. these different extracts showed a decrease of caffeine induced calcium release in a dose dependent manner. comparison of the results showed that psidium guajava leaf e ...200616365927
identification of a novel storage glycine-rich peptide from guava (psidium guajava) seeds with activity against gram-negative bacteria.bacterial pathogens cause an expressive negative impact worldwide on human health, with ever increasing treatment costs. a significant rise in resistance to commercial antibiotics has been observed in pathogenic bacteria responsible for urinary and gastro-intestinal infections. towards the development of novel approaches to control such common infections, a number of defense peptides with antibacterial activities have been characterized. in this report, the peptide pg-amp1 was isolated from guav ...200818448201
hypoglycemic and hypotensive effects of psidium guajava linn. (myrtaceae) leaf aqueous extract.the leaf of psidium guajava linn. (family, myrtaceae) is used traditionally in african folk medicine to manage, control, and/or treat a plethora of human ailments, including diabetes mellitus and hypertension. in order to scientifically appraise some of the anecdotal, folkloric, ethnomedical uses of p. guajava linn., the present study was undertaken to investigate the hypoglycemic and hypotensive effects of p. guajava leaf aqueous extract (pge, 50-800 mg/kg) in rat experimental paradigms. the hy ...200516395418
classification of the guava wilt fungus myxosporium psidii, the palm pathogen gliocladium vermoesenii and the persimmon wilt fungus acremonium diospyri in nalanthamala.psidium guajava wilt is known from south africa, malaysia and taiwan. the fungus causing this disease, myxosporium psidii, forms dry chains of conidia on surfaces of pseudoparenchymatous sporodochia, which develop in blisters on bark. similar sporodochia are characteristic of nalanthamala madreeya, the type species of nalanthamala. nalanthamala, therefore, is the appropriate anamorph genus for myxosporium psidii, while myxosporium is a nomen nudum (based on m. croceum). for m. psidii the combina ...200516396346
inhibitory effect of thai plant extracts on p-glycoprotein mediated efflux.curcuminoids from curcuma longa l. and extracts of psidium guajava l., andrographis paniculata (burm. f.) nees, phyllanthus emblica l. and solanum trilobatum l. were investigated for their inhibitory effect on p-glycoprotein (p-gp) on the efflux transport of rhodamine 123 (rho-123 ) in caco-2 cells and rat ileum. of the five tested samples, curcuminoids and an extract of p. guajava showed the highest inhibitory effect on p-gp mediated efflux of rho-123 in caco-2 cells. additionally, they were fo ...200616397849
hepatoprotective activity of psidium guajava linn. leaf extract.the study was designed to evaluate the hepatoprotective activity of p. guajava in acute experimental liver injury induced by carbon tetrachloride, paracetamol or thioacetamide and chronic liver damage induced by carbon tetrachloride. the effects observed were compared with a known hepatoprotective agent, silymarin. in the acute liver damage induced by different hepatotoxins, p. guajava leaf extracts (250 and 500mg/kg, po) significantly reduced the elevated serum levels of aspartate aminotransfer ...200616629373
guava extract (psidium guajava) alters the labelling of blood constituents with technetium-99m.psidium guajava (guava) leaf is a phytotherapic used in folk medicine to treat gastrointestinal and respiratory disturbances and is used as anti-inflammatory medicine. in nuclear medicine, blood constituents (bc) are labelled with technetium-99m ((99m)tc) and used to image procedures. however, data have demonstrated that synthetic or natural drugs could modify the labelling of bc with (99m)tc. the aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of aqueous extract of guava leaves on the labelling of ...200616691636
contribution of natural food sources to reproductive behaviour, fecundity and longevity of ceratitis cosyra, c. fasciventris and c. capitata (diptera: tephritidae).the influence of food sources comprising the natural diet on the reproductive behaviour, fecundity and longevity of three african fruit flies ceratitis cosyra (walker), c. fasciventris (bezzi) and c. capitata (wiedemann) was investigated. three natural food sources, varying in protein and sugar content, were evaluated. these included bird droppings (farm chicken), aphid honeydew and guava (psidium guajava l.) juice. for c. fasciventris and c. capitata, flies fed on a protein-rich diet displayed ...200616768814
consumption of guava (psidium guajava l) and noni (morinda citrifolia l) may protect betel quid-chewing papua new guineans against diabetes.rapid increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes (dm2) in papua new guinea, coupled with compelling epidemiological evidence supporting a diabetogenic association with betel quid (bq) chewing has lead us to investigate dietary strategies that might offer protection from developing dm2. we investigated the dietary habits of kalo residents from coastal central province who are avid bq chewers yet have a relatively low incidence of dm2 compared to the ethnically similar and adjacent wanigelans wh ...200819114402
synergism between plant extract and antimicrobial drugs used on staphylococcus aureus diseases.searches for substances with antimicrobial activity are frequent, and medicinal plants have been considered interesting by some researchers since they are frequently used in popular medicine as remedies for many infectious diseases. the aim of this study was to verify the synergism between 13 antimicrobial drugs and 8 plant extracts--"guaco" (mikania glomerata), guava (psidium guajava), clove (syzygium aromaticum), garlic (allium sativum), lemongrass (cymbopogon citratus), ginger (zingiber offic ...200616951808
antidiabetic activity of an ethanol extract obtained from the stem bark of psidium guajava (myrtaceae).this study analyzed the antidiabetic properties of an ethanol extract of the stem bark of psidium guajava, an indigenous medicinal plant used to control diabetes in indian system of medicine. the anti-hyperglycaemic activity of this plant on blood glucose levels of normal, normal glucose loaded (ogtt) and alloxan-induced hyperglycaemic rats was evaluated. the results showed that ethanol stem bark extract exhibited statistically significant hypoglycaemic activity in alloxan-induced hyperglycaemic ...200616964719
antiinflammatory and analgesic effects of psidium guajava linn. (myrtaceae) leaf aqueous extract in rats and many parts of africa, the leaf, stem-bark, and roots of psidium guajava linn. (family: myrtaceae) are used traditionally for the management, control, and/or treatment of an array of human disorders. in an effort to scientifically appraise some of the ethnomedical properties of p. guajava leaf, and probe its efficacy and safety, the present study was undertaken to examine the antiinflammatory and analgesic properties of the plant's leaf aqueous extract in some experimental animal paradigms. th ...200617003849
hydroperoxide lyases (cyp74c and cyp74b) catalyze the homolytic isomerization of fatty acid hydroperoxides into hemiacetals.the conversion of linoleic acid 9-hydroperoxide (9-hpod) by recombinant melon (cucumis melo l.) hydroperoxide lyase (hpl, cyp74c subfamily) was studied. short (5 s-1 min) incubations at 0 degrees c followed by rapid extraction and trimethylsilylation made it possible to trap a new unstable (t(1/2) <30 s) product, i.e. the hemiacetal (1'e,3'z)-9-hydroxy-9-(1',3'-nonadienyloxy)-nonanoic acid. identification was performed by gc-ms analysis and substantiated by the formation of trimethylsilyl 9-trim ...200617049304
psidium guajava 'paluma' (the guava plant) as a new bio-indicator of ozone in the tropics.psidium guajava 'paluma' saplings were exposed to carbon filtered air (cf), ambient non-filtered air (nf), and ambient non-filtered air+40ppb ozone (nf+o(3)) 8h per day during two months. the aot40 values at the end of the experiment were 48, 910 and 12 895ppbh(-1), respectively for the three treatments. after 5 days of exposure (aot40=1497ppbh(-1)), interveinal red stippling appeared in plants in the nf+o(3) chamber. in the nf chamber, symptoms were observed only after 40 days of exposure (aot4 ...200717116349
survey of crop losses in response to phytoparasitic nematodes in the united states for 1994.previous reports of crop losses to plant-parasitic nematodes have relied on published results of survey data based on certain commodities, including tobacco, peanuts, cotton, and soybean. reports on crop-loss assessment by land-grant universities and many commodity groups generally are no longer available, with the exception of the university of georgia, the beltwide cotton conference, and selected groups concerned with soybean. the society of nematologists extension committee contacted extensio ...199919270925
effects of initial climatic conditions on growth and accumulation of fluoride and nitrogen in leaves of two tropical tree species exposed to industrial air pollution.saplings of tibouchina pulchra and psidium guajava, cultivated under standardized soil conditions, were placed in two sites at cubatão (state of são paulo, southeast brazil) to study the effects of air pollution on growth, biomass allocation and foliar nitrogen and fluoride concentrations. thirty-six potted plants were maintained over two periods of one year (jul/00 to jun/01; dec/00 to nov/01) at each of two experimental sites with distinct levels of air pollution: pilões river valley (pv) with ...200717289116
contractile effect of the aqueous extract of psidium guajava leaves on aortic rings in rat.aqueous leaves extract of psidium guajava significantly and dose-dependently (0.25-2 mg/ml) contracted aorta rings. the effect was evaluated also in presence of nifedipine and phentolamine. the sensitivity of the aortic rings to cumulative doses of p. guajava was significantly enhanced in the presence of phentolamine suggesting that the effect of p. guajava was to a large extent mediated by activation of alpha-adrenoceptor and to a lesser extent by acting via calcium ion channel.200717346902
susceptibility of guava genotypes to natural infestation by anastrepha spp. (diptera: tephritidae) in the municipality of monte alegre do sul, state of são paulo, brazil.the infesting species and their infestation indices of fruit flies were determined for eleven guava genotypes (psidium guajava l.). from march to april 2000, ten mature fruits of each genotype were harvested at weekly intervals from insecticide unsprayed trees located in the municipality of monte alegre do sul, sp, brazil. fruits were brought to the laboratory, weighed and placed in individual plastic cups containing sand at the bottom to obtain the tephritid pupae. about 95% of guavas produced ...200617352077
[effect of psidium guajava leaf extract on alpha-glucosidase activity in small intestine of diabetic mouse].to investigate the inhibition effect of psidium guajava linn (pgl), a leaf water-soluble extract, on the activities of alpha-glucosidases.200717441354
screening of indigenous palestinian medicinal plants for potential anti-inflammatory and cytotoxic extracts of 24 selected plant species, used by palestinian traditional healers to treat different illnesses and diseases, were tested for their anti-inflammatory and anti-tumoral activities. the plant selection was based on existing ethnobotanic information and interviews with local healers. the extracts of the plants under investigation were tested for their potential anti-tumor (cytotoxic) effect on the murine fibrosarcoma l929sa cells, and on the human breast cancer cells mda-mb231 an ...200717716845
bacteriostatic effect of piper betle and psidium guajava extracts on dental plaque this study, the bacteriostatic effect of piper betle and psidium guajava extracts on selected early dental plaque bacteria was investigated based on changes in the doubling time (g) and specific growth rates (micro). streptococcus sanguinis, streptococcus mitis and actinomyces sp. were cultured in brain heart infusion (bhi) in the presence and absence of the extracts. the growth of bacteria was monitored periodically every 15 min over a period of 9 h to allow for a complete growth cycle. grow ...200919580002
repellent activity of essential oils against cockroaches (dictyoptera: blattidae, blattellidae, and blaberidae) in commercial essential oils extracted from the plant species boesenbergia rotunda (l.) mansf., citrus hystrix dc., curcuma longa l., litsea cubeba (lour.) pers., piper nigrum l., psidium guajava l. and zingiber officinale roscoe, and naphthalene as a control, were evaluated for repellent activity against the three cockroach species periplaneta americana (l.), blattella germanica (l.) and neostylopyga rhombifolia (stoll) under laboratory conditions. the essential oil derived from citrus hystr ...200717883004
molecular action mechanism against apoptosis by aqueous extract from guava budding leaves elucidated with human umbilical vein endothelial cell (huvec) model.chronic cardiovascular and neurodegenerative complications induced by hyperglycemia have been considered to be associated most relevantly with endothelial cell damages (ecd). the protective effects of the aqueous extract of psidium guajava l. budding leaves (pe) on the ecd in human umbilical vein endothelial cell (huvec) model were investigated. results revealed that glyoxal (go) and methylglyoxal (mgo) resulting from the glycative and autoxidative reactions of the high blood sugar glucose (g) e ...200717894456
endothelial cytoprotection from oxidized ldl by some crude melanesian plant extracts is not related to their antioxidant capacity.habitual consumption of some melanesian medicinal and food plants may influence atherosclerosis development via their antioxidant capacity at the endothelial level. areca nut (an; areca catechu), piper inflorescence (pbi; piper betle), betel quid (bq), guava buds (gb; psidium guajava), the leaves (nl), juice (nj), fruit (nf), and root (nr) of noni (morinda citrifolia), the propagules of raw (mbr), and cooked (mbc) mangrove (bruguiera gymnorrhiza) were evaluated for their ability to scavenge the ...200717912700
glycaemic evaluation of psidium guajava in rats.many plant polysaccharides exhibit hypoglycaemic effect. though the fruit of psidium guajava is known to contain free sugars, the fruit extract showed hypoglycaemic effect in alloxan treated mice and human subjects. the present study was aimed to determine the glycaemic potential of p. guajava fruit peel extract on blood glucose level (bgl) of normal and streptozotocininduced sub-diabetic rats during fasting blood glucose (fbg) and glucose tolerance test (gtt).200718037718
spermatoprotective activity of the leaf extract of psidium guajava linn.the leaves of psidium guajava linn. (guava) contain several natural antioxidants. we therefore designed the present study to evaluate the effect of ethanol extract of guava leaves on gossypol-associated sperm toxicity in wistar rats.200718163132
[faunistic analysis of fruit flies (diptera: tephritidae) in the northern and northwestern regions of rio de janeiro state, brazil].this study aimed to characterize the fruit fly populations in three municipalities of the northern region and two municipalities of the northwestern region of rio de janeiro state, brazil, and to evaluate the similarity among their populations. a faunistic analysis was performed from the fruit fly specimens captured in plastic mcphail traps with an aqueous solution of hydrolyzed protein to 5% placed in orchards of guava (psidium guajava l.) and/or other fruits during 26 months. the total of 3,95 ...200818368244
fermented guava leaf extract inhibits lps-induced cox-2 and inos expression in mouse macrophage cells by inhibition of transcription factor nf-kappab.the goal of this study was to elucidate the antiinflammatory activities of psidium guajava l. (guava) leaf. to improve the functionality of guava leaf, it was fermented with phellinus linteus mycelia, lactobacillus plantarum and saccharomyces cerevisiae. the ethanol extract from fermented guava leaf inhibited lipopolysaccharide (lps)-induced nitric oxide (no) and prostaglandin e(2) (pge(2)) production. western blot analysis showed that fermented guava leaf extract decreased lps-induced inducible ...200818618521
in vitro antibacterial activity of psidium guajava linn. leaf extract on clinical isolates of multidrug resistant staphylococcus the present study, antibacterial activity of aqueous and organic extracts of psidium guajava leaves was evaluated against multidrug resistant (mdr) clinical isolates of staphylococcus aureus strains collected from hospitals in northern (malabar region) kerala. the strains which exhibited resistance against all the antibiotics tested was selected for antibacterial assays. minimum inhibitory concentration (mic) for methanolic and aqueous extracts was found to be 625 ug/ml and 7.5 mg/ml, respect ...200818697570
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