reighardia sternae, a pentastomid from a slaty-backed gull in hokkaido, japan. | | 1982 | 7169724 |
[adrenergic neuromuscular junctions in the cerebral arteries of birds]. | by means of the histochemical and electron microscopical methods, adrenergic innervation of the middle cerebral artery and its branches have been investigated in three sparrows (passer montanus), blue rock pigeons (columba livia), hens (gallus domestica), hazel-grouses (tetrastes bonasia), large billed crows (corvus levaillantii), ducks (anas domestica) and slaty backed gulls (larus schistisagus). neuromuscular connections in all the birds investigated have similar organizational features. some ... | 1985 | 4091667 |
organochlorine pesticide accumulation in seabirds and marine mammals from the northwest pacific. | bioaccumulation of organochlorine pesticides by marine organisms is one of the methods of environmental quality. concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (hch isomers (α-, β-, γ-hch), p,p'-ddt and its metabolites (p,p'-ddd, p,p'-dde)) in samples of seabirds (northern fulmar fulmarus glacialis, crested auklet aethia cristatella, auklet-crumb aethia pusilla, pacific gull larus schistisagus, and gray petrel oceanodroma furcate) and marine mammals (gray whales eschrichtius robustus and pacific wa ... | 2018 | 29571365 |
[microphallus kurilensis sp. nov., a new species of microphallids from the pygmaeus species group (trematoda, microphallidae) from the coastal areas of okhotsk and bering seas]. | the pygmaeus-species group is composed of close related species from the genus microphallus in which metacercariae develop inside daughter sporocysts without encystment. infection of periwinkles littorina (neritremna) spp. with intramolluscan stages of a new species of this group (microphallus kurilensis sp. nov.) was recorded on the coasts of sakhalin and kuril islands, north of the sea of okhotsk and chukchi peninsula (the bering sea). application of molecular methods allowed us to establish t ... | 2012 | 21427958 |
contamination status and accumulation characteristics of metals and a metalloid in birds on teuri island, hokkaido, japan. | teuri island, hokkaido in japan is an important place for seabirds breeding. we measured the concentrations of heavy metals (hg, cd, cr, co, ni, cu, zn, and pb) and a metalloid (as) in rhinoceros auklet (cerorhinca monocerata) (n = 7), thick-billed murre (uria lomvia) (n = 2), spectacled guillemot (cepphus carbo) (n = 6), slaty-backed gull (larus schistisagus) (n = 15), jungle crow (corvus macrorhynchos) (n = 3), japanese anchovy (engraulis japonica) (n = 6) and atka mackerel (pleurogrammus azon ... | 2014 | 25282956 |
bioindicators of organochlorine pesticides in the sea of okhotsk and the western bering sea. | organochlorine pesticides (ocps), such as hchs and ddts, are still used as pesticides in the southern hemisphere and can reach the north pacific due to long range atmospheric transfer. marine mammals (pacific walrus odobenus rosmarus divergens, gray whale eschrichtius robustus), the seabirds (pacific gull larus schistisagus, crested auklet aethia cristatella, auklet crumb aethia pusilla, northern fulmar fulmarus glacialis, and grey petrel oceanodroma furcata) and pacific salmon (pink oncorhynchu ... | 2017 | 28528412 |
development and regulation of heart rate in embryos and hatchlings of gulls (larus schistisagus and larus crassirostris) in relation to growth. | we compared the developmental patterns of mean heart rate in larus crassirostris and l. schistisagus embryos and chicks with other avian species of different hatchling developmental modes. we proposed that, since mean heart rate is inversely related to fresh egg mass in all birds, larger species reached a higher fraction of their hatchling mean heart rate by the end of the early phase of incubation and that heart rate contributions to supplying the increasing metabolic demands during mid and lat ... | 2000 | 11083526 |