
diversity and phylogenetic relationships of hemosporidian parasites in birds of socorro island, méxico, and their role in the re-introduction of the socorro dove (zenaida graysoni).the socorro dove zenaida graysoni , endemic to socorro island, was last reported in the wild in 1972. fortunately, the species has been propagated in zoos in europe and the united states, and plans are under way to re-introduce it to its native habitat. this will be the first known attempt to return a bird species extinct in the wild to its ancestral island. in order to assess the disease threats the socorro dove may face, the avifauna of socorro island, with a specific focus on socorro ground d ...201323043349
renal trematode infection due to paratanaisia bragai in zoo housed columbiformes and a red bird-of-paradise (paradisaea rubra).trematode infections affect a diverse range of avian species and the organs that are parasitised are also very varied. the family eucotylidae contains seven genera of renal flukes that parasitise various birds. in birds, mild to severe lesions have been reported for species of the genus paratanaisia, which was originally described from columbiform and galliform specimens collected in south america and has been identified in a number of wild avian species. this paper investigates eight cases of r ...201324533313
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