
[method of biological control of triatominae, vectors of chagas disease, using entomopathogenic hyphomycetes. preliminary study].bioassays determined the pathogenic activity of 14 strains of 5 entomopathogenic hyphomycetous species (fungi imperfecti), beauveria bassiana, beauveria brongniartii, metarhizium anisopliae, nomuraea rileyi and paecilomyces fumosoroseus to rhodnius prolixus. treatments consisted of direct spraying with conidial titrated suspensions on first instar larvae. when tested at 3 x 10(5) conidia/cm2, only 2 strains, b. bassiana n. 297 and b. bassiana n. 326 killed 100% of larvae at 10 days post-exposure ...19873111731
an antigenic water-soluble glucogalactomannan extracted from cell walls of paecilomyces fumosoroseus and paecilomyces farinosus.the water-soluble fraction (f1s) obtained after solubilizing in alkali the cell walls of four strains of paecilomyces fumosoroseus and two of paecilomyces farinosus amounted to 8.3-14.5% of the dry cell wall material. two polysaccharides, f1s-a (13-20%) and f1s-b (57-68%) were separated from f1s by gel permeation through sepharose cl-6b. 1h and 13c nmr spectra of f1s-b were recorded and showed analogous structural features in the six isolates of the two species. the fractions isolated from p. fu ...19969004512
pathogenicity of the entomopathogenic fungi paecilomyces spp. and beauveria bassiana against the silverleaf whitefly, bemisia argentifolii.pathogenicities of three species of entomopathogenic fungi against preimaginal bemisia argentifolii were measured and compared. third-instar nymphs on excised leaves of hibiscus rosa-sinensis were exposed to spray applications of 14 isolates of beauveria bassiana, 22 isolates of paecilomyces fumosoroseus, and five isolates of paecilomyces farinosus. b. bassiana and p. fumosoroseus isolates of diverse origins were highly pathogenic to the whitefly nymphs; median lethal doses of 14 of the 22 p. fu ...19989538026
preharvest mycobial population of indian jujube fruits (ziziphus mauritiana lamk.) and their implications in postharvest pathogenesis.a mycological survey was carried out on the fruit surface of indian jujube during its growth period (before harvest). a total of 32 microfungi belonging to 20 genera were isolated by surface washing technique. artificial inoculations with the isolated myco-propagules were also performed in mature jujube fruits and most of them were able to cause rot of varying severity. however, monodictys castaneae, eupenicillium lapidosum, paecilomyces fumosoroseus, trichurus spiralis and acremonium spp., alth ...19989926420
genetic transformation and mutagenesis of the entomopathogenic fungus paecilomyces fumosoroseuswe have developed a dna-mediated transformation system for the entomopathogenic fungus paecilomyces fumosoroseus based on resistance to the herbicide glufosinate ammonium. the resistance is provided by the bar gene from streptomyces hygroscopicus and is under the control of the aspergillus nidulans trpc promoter and terminator sequences. frequencies of up to 110 transformants/&mgr;g of linearized plasmid dna were obtained aided by the addition of the nuclease inhibitor, aurintricarboxylic acid ( ...199910534416
phylogeny of mitosporic entomopathogenic fungi: is the genus paecilomyces polyphyletic?we analyzed sequences of the divergent domain at the 5' end of the large subunit rrna gene from the mitosporic entomopathogenic fungi paecilomyces sp., paecilomyces fumosoroseus, paecilomyces farinosus, paecilomyces lilacinus, verticillium lecanii, verticillium psalliotae, beauveria bassiana, aschersonia sp., aschersonia placenta, ascomycetous cordyceps sp., and cordyceps militaris. phylogenetic analysis showed p. fumosorseus as the best characterized out of the analyzed species with the b. bass ...200111683463
penetration of cuticle and proliferation in hemolymph by paecilomyces fumosoroseus isolates that differ in virulence against lepidopteran larvae.frequencies of cuticular penetration and speed of proliferation in hemolymph were demonstrated for two isolates of paecilomyces fumosoroseus that differ in virulence against diamondback moth, plutella xylostella. penetrant hyphae of virulent isolate 4461 were visible in larval cuticle cross-sections of diamondback moth and fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda, within 22 h after inoculation. virtually no penetration was observed for isolate 1576 for up to 52 h after inoculation. isolate 4461 also ...200111812110
comparison of blastospores of two paecilomyces fumosoroseus isolates: in vitro traits and virulence when injected into fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda.blastospores of two isolates of paecilomyces fumosoroseus were compared to determine their productivity in vitro and their relative pathogenicity after injection of fall armyworm, spodoptera frugiperda. blastospores of less virulent p. fumosoroseus isolate 1576 are smaller than those of isolate 4461, and they germinate and proliferate more slowly in vitro. the pathogenicity of injected blastospores of isolate 1576 against s. frugiperda varies with larval size. in small larvae, percentage mortali ...200111812120
[evaluation of interactive efficacy of two mycoinsecticides and low application rate imidacloprid in controlling greenhouse whitefly trialeurodes vaporariorum (homoptera: aleyrodidae)].the interactive effects of pure emulsifiable formulations (10(10) of beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus conidia and 1% and 3% of imidacloprid 10% wp were tested for controlling greenhouse whitefly, trialeurodes vaporariorum, on lettuce grown in four polyethylene film-covered greenhouses (5 m x 100 m) in kunming, yunnan. six fungal treatments, two imidacloprid ones, and one water-spray control were included in the experiment, with each being replicated in three plots ( ...200314997650
relationship between thermotolerance and hydrophobin-like proteins in aerial conidia of beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus as fungal biocontrol agents.this study was to illustrate the relationship between the thermotolerance and the contents of hydrophobin-like or formic-acid-extractable (fae) proteins in aerial conidia of beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus produced on rice-based substrate.200415239698
a proposed role for the cuticular fatty amides of liposcelis bostrychophila (psocoptera: liposcelidae) in preventing adhesion of entomopathogenic fungi with dry-conidia.maximum challenge exposure of liposcelis bostrychophila to beauveria bassiana, paecilomyces fumosoroseus, aspergillus parasiticus or metarhizium anisopliae resulted in no more than 16% mortality. we investigated several of l. bostrychophila's cuticular lipids for possible contributions to its tolerance for entomopathogenic fungi. saturated c14 and c16 fatty acids did not reduce the germination rates of b. bassiana or m. anisopliae conidia. saturated c6 to c12 fatty acids that have not been ident ...200415518350
paecilomyces fumosoroseus (deuteromycotina: hyphomycetes) as a potential mycoparasite on sphaerotheca fuliginea (ascomycotina: erysiphales).hyphomycete paecilomyces fumosoroseus that is well known as saprophytic and entomopatogenic fungus was investigated for its mycoparasitism on the cucumber powdery mildew pathogen. mycoparasitism was documented by using standard bioassay and sem. effects of mycoparasitism were evaluated in three types of experiments. paecilomyces fumosoroseus was applied in the form of graded suspensions into a colony of powdery mildew on a leaf segment. interaction between both fungi was observed as the percenta ...200515750732
acute oral intragastric pathogenicity and toxicity in mice of paecilomyces fumosoroseus isolated from whiteflies.paecilomyces fumosoroseus, monospore culture eh-506/3, isolated in mexico from bemisia tabaci whitefly was tested for acute oral intragastric pathogenicity and toxicity in cd-1 mice. animals were inoculated by gavage with only one dose (10(8) conidia/animal) of viable (72 mice), heat-killed (24 mice) fungus and compared to 18 control mice. clinical observations were done daily; mycological and histological tests were performed during necropsies at days 3, 10, 17, and 21 after the inoculation. no ...200516096686
cultivation of entomopathogenic fungi for the search of antibacterial compounds.entomopathogenic fungi are a rich source of natural bioactive compounds. to establish cultivation conditions which facilitate the production of bioactive compounds and to select good genera among entomopathogenic fungi as the producer, 47 typical entomopathogenic fungi were tested for their ability to produce antibiotic activity. thirty-eight strains (81%) and 30 strains (64%) of these fungi produced either anti-bacillus compounds or anti-staphylococcus compounds, respectively, indicating that t ...200516244901
[beauvericin: chemical and biological aspects and occurrence].beauvericin (bea) is a cyclic hexadepsipeptide produced by beauveria bassiana, paecilomyces fumosoroseus, paecilomyces tenuipes, polyporus sulphurous, and a variety of fusarium species. this mycotoxin shows antimicrobial, insecticidal, cytotoxic, and apoptotic activity. it is the most potent specific inhibitor of cholesterol acyltransferase and possesses ionophoric properties. bea increases ion permeability in biological membranes by forming a complex with essential cations (ca2+, na+, k+), whic ...200516370518
transformation of the entomopathogenic fungus paecilomyces fumosoroseus with agrobacterium test the suitability of the agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (amt) method with paecilomyces fumosoroseus, a fungal pathogen that causes diseases in a wide range of insects including whiteflies.200616706904
development of a population-based threshold model of conidial germination for analysing the effects of physiological manipulation on the stress tolerance and infectivity of insect pathogenic fungi.entomopathogenic fungi are being used as biocontrol agents of insect pests, but their efficacy can be poor in environments where water availability is reduced. in this study, the potential to improve biocontrol by physiologically manipulating fungal inoculum was investigated. cultures of beauveria bassiana, lecanicillium muscarium, lecanicillium longisporum, metarhizium anisopliae and paecilomyces fumosoroseus were manipulated by growing them under conditions of water stress, which produced coni ...200616913922
[compatibility of two fungal biocontrol agents conidia with commercial chemical acaricides].in this paper, the biological compatibility of fungal biocontrol agents beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus conidia with 10 commercial chemical acaricides were assayed, based on the conidial germination rates in nutritional liquid and on sday plate. the results showed that nutritional liquid was more available than sday plate in the assay. so far as the 24 h conidial viability concerned, there were significant differences among the test acaricides with the concentrations of recommen ...200617044504
susceptibility of biological stages of the horn fly, haematobia irritans, to entomopathogenic fungi (hyphomycetes).the susceptibility of the egg, pupa, and adult of haematobia irritans (l.) (diptera: muscidae) to isolates of the fungi metarhizium anisopliae (metsch.) sor., beauveria bassiana (bals.) vuill., and paecilomyces fumosoroseus (wize) brown and smith, was evaluated under laboratory conditions. groups of 20 eggs than 4 h old, pupae less than 48h old and adults were sprayed with a conidial suspension of each isolate. eggs, pupae and adults of horn fly were susceptible to these entomopathogenic fungi. ...200517119632
ovicidal activity of entomopathogenic hyphomycetes on aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae) under laboratory conditions.the ovicidal activity of 21 hyphomycete fungi species against aedes aegypti (l.) (diptera: culicidae) was tested. fungi with ovicidal activity developed on high numbers of eggs (> or =70%) during 25 d of exposure. a clear ovicidal activity with low values of hatch (1.3-40%) was observed after 25 d of incubation with isaria farinosa (holm: fries) fries, paecilomyces carneus (duché & heim) brown & smith, paecilomyces marquandii (massee) hughes, isaria fumosorosea (wize), metarhizium anisopliae (me ...200717915511
defense mechanism of the termite, coptotermes formosanus shiraki, to entomopathogenic fungi.termites, coptotermes formosanus shiraki, reared individually, were highly susceptible to entomopathogenic fungi, paecilomyces fumosoroseus and beauveria brongniartii and metarhizium anisopliae, while termites reared in groups were highly resistant. quantitative assays with an epifluoresent microscope revealed a significant difference in the number of conidia attachments among three entomopathogenic fungi. the conidia of b. brongniartii and p. fumosoroseus bound to termite cuticles more effectiv ...200817949740
pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi on hibernating pupae of cameraria ohridella deschka & dimic 1986 (lepidoptera, gracillariidae). part 1: pathogenicity against the naked pupa.strains from paecilomyces fumosoroseus, lecanicillium muscarium, metarhizium anisopliae and beauveria bassiana were examined in standardized biotest to control the horse-chestnut leaf miner (cameraria ohridella) in her pupal stage in winter. the fungi were pathogenic against the hibernating pupae of cameraria ohridella at dose of 1.9 x 10(7) conidia/ml. they were aggressive, led to infection, death and mouldiness of naked pupae. even at low temperature of 5 degrees c and 12 degrees c. l. muscari ...200718399468
pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi on hibernating pupae of cameraria ohridella deschka & dimic 1986 (lepidoptera, gracillariidae). part 2: efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi against pupa in her pupal cell.the naked pupae of chestnut leafminer cameraria ohridella are susceptible for entomopathogenic fungi paecilomyces fumosoroseus strain p6; lecanicillium muscarium strain v24; metarhizium anisopliae strain m72 and beauveria bassiana strain b412. their activity at low temperature is advantageous especially for the use in the winter season. (richter et al., 2007a). therefore the possibility of infection should be examined in biotest for pupae in their pupal cells on leaf of chestnut at conditions li ...200718399469
perspectives for the biological control of cameraria ohridella.the horse chestnut leaf-miner, cameraria ohridella deschka et dimic (lepidoptera, gracillariidae) is a serious invasive pest of aesculus hippocastanum in europe. the larvae of this species feed on leaf parenchyma and can reduce the tree growth. we studied the impact of parasitoids on c. ohridella in the czech republic and also searched for entomopathogenic fungi associated with this pest. the results showed that the rate of parasitism varied between 5% and 15% in most cases. the most parasitized ...200718399483
isolation and characterization of an isaria fumosorosea isolate infecting the asian citrus psyllid in florida.a fungal pathogen that killed adult diaphorina citri kuwayama (asian citrus psyllid) (hemiptera: psyllidae) in florida citrus groves during the fall of 2005 was identified and characterized. investigation of this pathogen is important because d. citri vectors citrus greening disease (huanglongbing), which was reported in florida in 2005. the morphological and genetic data generated herein support identification of the fungus as isaria fumosorosea wize (ifr) (=paecilomyces fumosoroseus) (hypocrea ...200818433768
the role of antennae in removing entomopathogenic fungi from cuticle of the termite, coptotermes formosanus.our previous research has shown that the termite, coptotermes formosanus shiraki (isoptera: rhinotermitidae), protects itself from entomopathogenic fungi by mutual grooming behavior. the termite removes and discards foreign organisms, such as fungal conidia, from the body surface of its nestmates by mutual grooming behavior. the role of the antennae in detecting the condia was examind here. three entomopathogenic fungi were used, beauveria brongniartii 782 (saccardo) (hypocreales), paecilomyces ...200919611249
pathogenicity of some hypocrealean fungi to adult aedes aegypti (diptera: culicidae).the pathogenicity of 19 hypocrealean entomopathogenic fungi from seven different genera in adult aedes aegypti was tested. all fungi proved to be pathogenic, and isaria fumosorosea, lecanicillium muscarium, lecanicillium psalliotae, metarhizium anisopliae, metarhizium lepidiotae, metarhizium majus, metarhizium frigidum, paecilomyces carneus, and paecilomyces lilacinus caused total mortality within 15 days of exposure of mosquitoes to the fungal culture. all fungi developed on dead individuals. t ...201020680340
effects of fluctuating moisture and temperature regimes on the persistence of quiescent conidia of isaria fumosorosea.conidia of isaria fumosorosea were submitted to three regimes of temperature and moisture to simulate microclimatic conditions which prevail in temperate (43% rh and 28 degrees c to 98% rh and 15 degrees c), subtropical (75% rh and 35 degrees c to 98% rh and 25 degrees c), and arid areas (13% rh and 40 degrees c to 33% rh and 15 degrees c) with daily fluctuating cycles. germination, conidial viability, and virulence to spodoptera frugiperda larvae were less affected after 20 days exposure under ...201020685211
influence of fungal odor on grooming behavior of the termite, coptotermes formosanus.the termite coptotermes formosanus shiraki (isoptera: rhinotermitidae) protects itself from entomopathogenic fungus by mutual grooming behavior. c. formosanus removes foreign organisms, such as fungal conidia, from the body surface of its nestmates by mutual grooming behavior and eating them. the conidia removal rate from the body surface differed according to the isolate of entomopathogenic fungi (beauveria brongniartii 782, paecilomyces fumosoroseus k3, and metarhizium anisopliae 455), and the ...201021073347
occupational exposure to microorganisms used as biocontrol agents in plant production.exposure to bioaerosols containing fungi and bacteria may cause various deleterious respiratory health effects. fungi and bacteria are commercially produced and applied to the environment as microbiological pest control agents (mpcas). attention has been drawn towards the exposure and health risks due to the use of commercially important mpcas. as part of a risk evaluation this paper intends to review whether the exposure to mpcas (beauveria bassiana, verticillium lecanii, trichoderma harzianum, ...201121196399
entomopathogenic fungus as a biological control for an important vector of livestock disease: the culicoides biting midge.the recent outbreak of bluetongue virus in northern europe has led to an urgent need to identify control measures for the culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) biting midges that transmit it. following successful use of the entomopathogenic fungus metarhizium anisopliae against larval stages of biting midge culicoides nubeculosus meigen, we investigated the efficacy of this strain and other fungi (beauveria bassiana, isaria fumosorosea and lecanicillium longisporum) as biocontrol agents against ...201121264343
evaluation of organically acceptable insecticides as stand-alone treatments and in rotation for managing yellowmargined leaf beetle, microtheca ochroloma (coleoptera: chrysomelidae), in organic crucifer production.background: yellowmargined leaf beetle, microtheca ochroloma, is the most damaging pest of organic crucifer crops in the southern united states. experiments were conducted over four growing seasons (2007-2010) in alabama to evaluate some botanical and microbial insecticides approved by the organic materials review institute (omri) against m. ochroloma in organically grown crucifer crops. insecticides evaluated included pyganic(®) (pyrethrum), aza-direct(®) (azadiractin), entrust(®) (spinosad) ...201222231993
survival and immune response of the chagas vector meccus pallidipennis (hemiptera: reduviidae) against two entomopathogenic fungi, metarhizium anisopliae and isaria fumosorosea.chagas disease is a key health problem in latin america and is caused and transmitted by trypanosoma cruzi and triatomine bugs, respectively. control of triatomines has largely relied on the use pyrethroids, which has proved to be ineffective in the long term. alternatively, the use of entomopathogenic fungi has been implemented to control triatomine bugs. these fungi are highly efficient as they induce a reduction in immune response on insects. meccus pallidipennis is the main triatomine vector ...201627012246
virulence of entomopathogenic fungi metarhizium anisopliae and paecilomyces fumosoroseus for the microbial control of spodoptera exigua.the beet armyworm spodoptera exigua (lepidoptera: noctuidae) is difficult to control using chemical insecticides because of the development of insecticide resistance. several pest control agents are used to control the beet armyworm. entomopathogenic fungi are one of the candidates for eco-friendly pest control instead of chemical control agents. in this study, among various entomopathogenic fungal strains isolated from soil two isolates were selected as high virulence pathogens against larva of ...201425606011
comparative performance evaluation of multi-metal resistant fungal strains for simultaneous removal of multiple hazardous the present study, five fungal strains viz., aspergillus terreus aml02, paecilomyces fumosoroseus 4099, beauveria bassiana 4580, aspergillus terreus pd-17, aspergillus fumigatus pd-18, were screened for simultaneous multimetal removal. highest metal tolerance index for each individual metal viz., cd, cr, cu, ni, pb and zn (500mg/l) was recorded for a. fumigatus for the metals (cd, 0.72; cu, 0.72; pb, 1.02; zn, 0.94) followed by b. bassiana for the metals (cd, 0.56; cu, 0.14; ni, 0.29; zn, 0.8 ...201627497228
composition and antimicrobial activity of fatty acids detected in the hygroscopic secretion collected from the secretory setae of larvae of the biting midge forcipomyia nigra (diptera: ceratopogonidae).the hygroscopic secretion produced by the secretory setae of terrestrial larvae of the biting midge forcipomyia nigra (winnertz) was analysed using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (gc-ms). the viscous secretion is stored at the top of each seta and absorbs water from moist air. gc-ms analyses (four independent tests) showed that the secretion contained 12 free fatty acids, the most abundant of which were oleic (18:1), palmitic (16:0), palmitoleic (16:1) and linoleic (18:2). oth ...201222781366
evaluation of the time-concentration-mortality responses of plutella xylostella larvae to the interaction of isaria fumosorosea with the insecticides beta-cypermethrin and bacillus thuringiensis.entomopathogenic fungi are potential candidates for controlling plutella xylostella, a cosmopolitan pest of crucifers. in this study, bioassays were conducted to evaluate the interaction between isaria fumosorosea and sublethal doses of two insecticides, beta-cypermethrin and bacillus thuringiensis, against p. xylostella.201524668916
comparison of the effect of the chosen species of saprotrophic fungi on the development of toxocara canis and ascaris suum eggs.the study aim was to compare the antagonistic interaction between saprotrophic soil fungi and embryonic development of geohelminths toxocara canis and ascaris suum. the experimental cultures were fertilized eggs of t.canis and a. suum incubated together with mycelium of strains: fusarium culmorum, metarhizium anisopliae,paecilomyces fumosoroseus, trichoderma viride and trichothecium roseum. in the control cultures the eggs of both nematode species were incubated without fungi. the experiment was ...201425281819
mortality and repellent effects of microbial pathogens on coptotermes formosanus (isoptera: rhinotermitidae).two entomopathogenic fungi, isaria fumosorosea and metarhizium anisopliae, and one bacterium, bacillus thuringiensis, were tested for their ability to cause mortality of formosan subterranean termites (fst), coptotermes formosanus (shiraki), after liquid exposure, and for their lack of propensity to repel fst.201223241169
digestive tract mycobiota: a source of infection.the human mycobiome includes 390 fungal species detected on the skin, in the vagina, in the oral cavity, and in the digestive tract that includes 335 species and 158 genera. among these, 221 species are found only in the digestive tract, 88 only in the oral cavity, and 26 in both. these species belong to 126 genera of yeast and filamentous fungi, of the ascomycota, basidiomycota, and zygomycota phyla. forty species were identified only by culture, 188 species by molecular techniques, and 19 spec ...201525684583
how to start with a clean crop: biopesticide dips reduce populations of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) on greenhouse poinsettia propagative cuttings.(1) global movement of propagative plant material is a major pathway for introduction of bemisia tabaci (hemiptera: aleyrodidae) into poinsettia greenhouses. starting a poinsettia crop with high pest numbers disrupts otherwise successful biological control programs and widespread resistance of b. tabaci against pesticides is limiting growers' options to control this pest; (2) this study investigated the use of several biopesticides (mineral oil, insecticidal soap, beauveria bassiana, isaria fumo ...201627681741
compatibility among entomopathogenic hyphocreales and two beneficial insects used to control trialeurodes vaporariorum (hemiptera: aleurodidae) in mediterranean greenhouses.the effect of the combined use of encarsia formosa or macrolophus caliginosus and one of three marketed mycoinsecticides, mycotal-« (leucanicillium muscarium-based), naturalis-lôäó (beauveria bassiana-based) and preferal-« (isaria fumosorosea-based), on the control of the whitefly, trialeurodes vaporariorum, was studied under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. the results of both types of tests, the bioassays and the greenhouse trials, for all combinations of e. formosa with each of the three ...201121679715
effect of three entomopathogenic fungi on three species of stingless bees (hymenoptera: apidae) under laboratory conditions.development of alternative strategies for pest control with reduced effect on beneficial organisms is a priority given the increasing global loss of biodiversity. biological control with entomopathogenic fungi arises as a viable option to control insect pests. however, few studies have focused on the consequences of using these organisms on pollinators other than the honey bee (apis mellifera l.) or bumble bees (bombus spp). we evaluated the pathogenicity of commercial formulations of three wide ...201627151469
hydrophobicity-related protein contents and surface areas of aerial conidia are useful traits for formulation design of fungal biocontrol clarify the potential use of hydrophobicity-related traits of aerial conidia in formulation design of fungal biocontrol agents, hydrophobicity rates (h (r)) and surface areas (s (a)) of aerial conidia were assessed with 48 strains of beauveria bassiana, isaria fumosorosea and metarhizium spp. inter- or intra-specific variation was large in h (r) (59.7-92.2%) and s (a) (7.9-25.3 microm(2) conidium(-1)) measurements, which were significantly correlated (r (2) = 0.55). six isolates of the three ...201020155444
efficiency of entomopathogenic fungi in the control of eggs and larvae of the horn fly haematobia irritans (diptera: muscidae).the present study assessed the pathogenic effect of isolates e9, ibcb425 and ibcb159 of the metarhizium anisopliae fungus, jab06, jab07 and am09 of beauveria bassiana, ibcb133 and cb75 of isaria fumosorosea (=paecilomyces fumosoroseus) and cg189 and cg195 of isaria farinosa (=paecilomyces farinosus) against eggs and larvae of the horn fly haematobia irritans. eggs were inoculated with suspensions containing 10(6), 10(7) and 10(8)conidiaml(-1) of the fungal isolates and observed after 48h to dete ...201019880255
entomopathogenic fungal activity against pupae and adult haematobia irritans (diptera: muscidae).the horn fly haematobia irritans is one of the most important ectoparasites associated with grazing bovines. this study investigated the pathogenic activity of metarhizium anisopliae (e9, ibcb425 and ibcb159), beauveria bassiana (jab06, jab07 and am09), isaria fumosorosea (=paecilomyces fumosoroseus) (ibcb133 and cb75) and isaria farinosa (=paecilomyces farinosus) (cg189 and cg195) fungi isolates on pupae and adult h. irritans. groups of 20 pupae and 30 adult flies were respectively bathed and s ...201019880254
a beauvericin hot spot in the genus isaria.beauvericin is a naturally occurring cyclohexadepsipeptide originally described from beauveria bassiana but also reported from several fusarium species as well as members of the genus isaria. twenty-six isolates of isaria species and its cordyceps teleomorph, and ten taxonomically close strains including beauveria, nomuraea and paecilomyces species were sequenced and tested for beauvericin production. trees using its rdna and beta-tubulin sequence data were constructed and used to infer the phyl ...200919766720
effects of some bioinsecticides and entomopathogenic fungi on colorado potato beetle (leptinotarsa decemlineata l.).in this study, biological activity of entomopathogenic fungi (4 strains) isolated from the colorado potato beetle and the commercial biopesticides containing entomopathogenic fungi; priority® (paecilomyces fumosoroseus), nibortem® (verticillium lecanii), nostalgist® (beauveria bassiana), bio-magic* (metarhizium anisopliae), bio-nematon* (paeciliomyces sp.) and plant extracts; nimbedicine ec* (azadiractin) were determined against leptinotarsa decemlineata under laboratory conditions. an imidaclop ...201527145587
liquid culture fermentation for rapid production of desiccation tolerant blastospores of beauveria bassiana and isaria fumosorosea strains.a major constraint to the commercial use of fungal biocontrol agents is the availability of low-cost production media and processes. previous attempts in producing beauveria blastospores using liquid culture fermentation processes required long fermentation times (6-8days) and produced cells that had poor survival after desiccation and storage. in this study, isolates of beauveria bassiana and isaria fumosorosea were evaluated for blastospore yield, desiccation tolerance, storage stability, and ...201525497914
responsiveness of entomopathogenic fungi to menadione-induced oxidative stress.entomopathogenic fungi are predisposed to ros induced by heat and uv-a radiation when outside the insect host. when inside the host, they are subject to phagocytic cells that generate ros to eliminate invading pathogens. the oxidative stress tolerance of the entomopathogenic fungi aschersonia aleyrodis (arsef 430 and 10276), aschersonia placenta (arsef 7637), beauveria bassiana (arsef 252), isaria fumosorosea (arsef 3889), lecanicillium aphanocladii (arsef 6433), metarhizium acridum (arsef 324), ...201425457946
effect of fungal infection on reproductive potential and survival time of tetranychus urticae (acari: tetranychidae).the effect of fungal infection on the reproductive potential of two-spotted spider mite, tetranychus urticae, was evaluated as part of the full biocontrol potential of three entomopathogenic fungi by modeling of fecundity probability. female mites (<or=2-day-old) on leaves were exposed to the sprays of beauveria bassiana, paecilomyces fumosoroseus and metarhizium anisopliae at the concentrations of 1.13 x 10(3), 1.55 x 10(3) and 0.95 x 10(3) deposited conidia mm(-2) and then individually reared ...200919153812
virulence of hypocreales fungi to pecan aphids (hemiptera: aphididae) in the laboratory.there is need for efficacious biocontrol agents for aphids in commercial orchards. as a preliminary step to this end we determined the virulence of several hypocreales fungi to pecan aphids. in the first experiment we tested the virulence of isaria fumosorosea (arsef 3581) blastospores to three pecan aphids monellia caryella, melanocallis caryaefoliae, and monelliopsis pecanis under laboratory conditions. rates of 1x10(7) or 1x10(8) spores per ml were applied in 2 ml via a spray tower to 90 mm p ...200818675272
[pathogenicity of several fungal species on spodoptera litura].the virulence test of five species of entomogenous fungi beauveria brongniartii, beauveria bassiana, paecilomyces fumosoroseus, metarhizium anisopliae and nomuraea rileyi to spodoptera litura larvae showed that b. brongniartii and n. rileyi had evident pathogenic effects on s. litura, with the lt50 value to s. litura 2nd instars being 2.95 and 4.10 days, and the corrected accumulative mortality of the instars being 100% and 95.2%, respectively. the virulence of b. brongniartii and n. rileyi to t ...200717615897
evaluation of the entomopathogenic fungi beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, and isaria fumosorosea for control of sitophilus oryzae.the entomopathogenic fungi beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, and isaria fumosorosea were tested against the stored-grain pest sitophilus oryzae. the fungi were isolated from the soil (from three locations in attica, greece: b. bassiana from tatoion, m. anisopliae from marathon, and i. fumosorosea from aghios stefanos) using larvae of galleria mellonella as bait. suspensions of 2.11 × 10(7) and 2.11 × 10(8), 1.77 × 10(7) and 1.77 × 10(8), and 1.81 × 10(7) and 1.81 × 10(8) conidia per ml ...201424406003
[pathogenicity of hyphomycet fungi to aphids aphis gossypii glover and myzus persicae (sulzer) (hemiptera: aphididae)].the aphids aphis gossypii and myzus persicae are cosmopolitan, poliphagous and damage cultivated plants. the effects of the entomopathogenic fungi beauveria bassiana (isolate ibcb 66), metarhizium anisopliae (isolate ibcb 121), paecilomyces fumosoroseus (isolate ibcb 141) and lecanicillium (= verticillium) lecanii (isolate jab 02) on third instar nymphs of a. gossypii and m. persicae were evaluated in the laboratory at 25 degrees c, 70 +/- 10% rh and 12h photophase. the aphids were transferred t ...200617144139
phylogenetic and structural analyses of the mating-type loci in clavicipitaceae.entomopathogens and other econutritional fungi belonging to clavicipitaceae were phylogenetically analyzed on the basis of the 18s rrna gene and mating-type genes (mat1-1-1 and mat1-2-1). the phylogenies of the mating-type genes yielded better resolutions than that of 18s rrna gene. entomopathogens (cordyceps bassiana, cordyceps brongniartii, cordyceps militaris, cordyceps sinclairii, cordyceps takaomontana, isaria cateniannulata, isaria farinosa, isaria fumosorosea, isaria javanica, lecanicilli ...200617064371
[antioxidation and multidrug resistance of structure-similar atp-binding cassette transporter proteins in two fungal entomopathogens].structure-similar atp-binding cassette (abc) transporter proteins, bbt1 in beauveria bassiana (bb) and ift1 in isaria fumosorosea (if), were characterized.201323614237
[efficacy of emulsifiable formulations of two entomopathogenic fungi against small green leafhoppers on tea plant].a field trial was conducted to test the efficacy of emulsifiable formulations of beauveria bassiana (bb) and paecilomyces fumosoroseus (pf) conidia in controlling small green leafhoppers (empoasca spp.) on tea plant in a hillside tea garden located in shuichang, zhejiang during mid-summer 2002. both bb and pf formulations contained 10(10) conidia x ml(-1). adding 3% of imidacloprid 10% wp to each fungal formulation (w/v) resulted in two other formulations, i.e., bb-imidacloprid mixture (bbim) an ...200415334957
effects of double-stranded rna in metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum and paecilomyces fumosoroseus on protease activities, conidia production, and virulence.isogenic strains (with and without dsrna) of the entomogenous fungi metarhizium anisopliae var. acridum and paecilomyces fumosoroseus were investigated for correlation between the presence of dsrna and the production of cuticle-degrading proteases that play an important role in host parasitism, total secreted protein, and conidia production. similar levels of cuticle-degrading subtilisin-like (pr1) protease were observed for isogenic strains of m. anisopliae var. acridum after growth in medium s ...200415213741
biological control of greenhouse whitefly (trialeurodes vaporariorum) with fungal insecticides.the influence of the biological insecticide botanigard (beauveria bassiana) on different developmental stages of the greenhouse whitefly (trialeurodes vaporariorum) has been tested and compared with the influence of preferal (paecilomyces fumosoroseus), also a biological product. six experiments were set up to test the two products on eggs, which were four and seven days old, on larvae of the first, second/third and fourth stage and to test the effect on egg-deposition. these experiments were al ...200315149114
improved mortality of the formosan subterranean termite by fungi, when amended with cuticle-degrading enzymes or eicosanoid biosynthesis inhibitors.formosan subterranean termites (fst) were exposed to strains of beauveria pseudobassiana (bpb) and isaria fumosorosea (ifr) to determine virulence of the fungi. once lethality was determined, sublethal doses of bpb were combined with enzymes capable of degrading the insect cuticle to measure the potential to enhance fungal infection. bpb applied to fst in combination with proteinases and a chitinase caused increased mortality over the fungus alone. mortality was enhanced when ifr was applied to ...201626122366
comparison of non-linear temperature-dependent development rate models applied to in vitro growth of entomopathogenic fungi.five non-linear models with three to five parameters, built to quantify the effect of temperature on insect development and microbial growth, were tested to describe the influence of temperature on in vitro-measured growth rates of entomopathogenic hyphomycetes. data from two isolates of each of the four fungal species, paecilomyces fumosoroseus, beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, metarhizium flavoviride, were used to assess the features of each model. criteria for model evaluation incl ...200315000248
cuticular lipids and silverleaf whitefly stage affect conidial germination of beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus.beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus are generalist entomopathogenic fungi that infect the silverleaf whitefly (bemisia argentifolii). we found second and third instar whiteflies to be the most susceptible larval stage to both fungi. conidia of b. bassiana germinated most readily on the cuticle of second instars (54% germinated) and p. fumosoroseus germination was highest on third instar cuticle (45%). fourth instars (the ultimate instar) had low susceptibility to these pathogens, an ...200314615214
laboratory evaluation of temperature effects on the germination and growth of entomopathogenic fungi and on their pathogenicity to two aphid part of an approach to select potential mycoinsecticides for aphid biocontrol, we investigated the effects of temperature on the growth, germination and pathogenicity of some hyphomycete fungi. commercially available mycoinsecticides (based on beauveria bassiana (balsamo) vuillemin and verticillium lecanii (zimmermann) viegas) and other isolates of b bassiana, v lecanii, metarhizium anisopliae (metschnikoff) sorokin and paecilomyces fumosoroseus (wize) brown & smith were evaluated. the rate o ...200312587869
pathogenicity of entomopathogenic fungi to different developmental stages of rhipicephalus sanguineus (acari: ixodidae).the pathogenicity of 4 species of entomopathogenic fungi (hyphomycetes species: beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, metarhizium flavoviride, and paecilomyces fumosoroseus) to various developmental stages of rhipicephalus sanguineus (acari: ixodidae) ticks was compared under laboratory conditions. the most virulent isolate, m. anisopliae-108, caused 92-96% mortality to unfed larvae and nymphs on day 7 postinfection (pi) and 100% mortality to unfed adults and engorged females on day 21 pi. ...200111780821
host plant effects on activity of the mitosporic fungi beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus against two populations of bemisia whiteflies (homoptera: aleyrodidae).laboratory bioassays were conducted to determine the effect of host plant on mycosis in two geographically distinct populations of early 2nd-instar nymphs of bemisia argentifolii bellows & perring from the entomopathogenic fungi beauveria bassiana (balsamo) vuillemin and paecilomyces fumosoroseus (wize) brown & smith. mycosis in b. argentifolii nymphs varied according to the host plant on which the nymphs were reared but not according to the population. both populations of whiteflies reared on c ...200111502058
effects of exogenous nutrients on conidial germination and virulence against the silverleaf whitefly for two hyphomycetes.exogenous protein and sugar sources were tested for their impact on conidial germination of two silverleaf whitefly (bemisia argentifolii) pathogens: beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces fumosoroseus. in liquid culture, sugars stimulated only 5-27% germination of b. bassiana and < or =11% germination of p. fumosoroseus, whereas, yeast extract or peptone stimulated 95-100% germination. in the absence of additional nutrients, agar alone stimulated approximately 50% germination. storing spores for d ...200111273689
inactivation of conidia of paecilomyces fumosoroseus by near-ultraviolet (uvb and uva) and visible radiation.the detrimental effects of solar radiation, especially the ultraviolet waveband, on quiescent conidia of paecilomyces fumosoroseus were investigated. conidia were irradiated by a high-intensity source, which emitted a continuous spectrum from 270 to 1100 nm and which was equipped with long-pass filters to block short wavelengths below 280, 295, 320, or 400 nm. after irradiation, conidia were tested for germinability, survival, and infectivity toward spodoptera frugiperda larvae. it was demonstra ...19979028931
glossina morsitans morsitans: mortalities caused in adults by experimental infection with entomopathogenic fungi.various strains of the entomopathogenic fungi: beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, paecilomyces fumosoroseus and p. farinosus were found to be pathogenic for adult tsetse, glossina morsitans morsitans but b. bassiana and m. anisopliae were the most pathogenic, often causing mortalities of up to 100%. dose-mortality relationships were demonstrated for both b. bassiana and m. anisopliae and male tsetse were observed to be more susceptible to infection than females. pure cultures of b. bass ...19892565071
combined effect of microbial and chemical control agents on subterranean termites.termite mortality was measured when fungi were combined with bacteria or a chemical termiticide to determine whether a synergistic effect occurred. the fungus beauveria bassiana was combined with the non-repellant chemical termiticide imidacloprid. of the three b. bassiana strains tested one, b. bassiana atcc 90519, was sufficiently pathogenic on its own that the advantage of a supplementary chemical treatment was marginal. the mortality caused by another fungal strain, b. bassiana atcc 26037, w ...201324037651
evaluation of alternative plutella xylostella control by two isaria fumosorosea conidial formulations - oil-based formulation and wettable powder - combined with bacillus thuringiensis.entomopathogenic fungi are potential candidates for controlling the diamondback moth plutella xylostella (l.) (lepidoptera: plutellidae). the control efficacy of two isaria fumosorosea conidial formulations - wettable powder and oil-based formulation - combined with bacillus thuringiensis against p. xylostella was tested.201525641869
isolation and classification of fungal whitefly entomopathogens from soils of qinghai-tibet plateau and gansu corridor in china.qinghai-tibet plateau and gansu corridor of china with distinct geographic and climatic conditions are remote and less disturbed by humans, in which are likely to find some new strains of fungal entomopathogens against b-biotype whiteflies that is a very important invading pest worldwide. in this research, nineteen strains among six species of entomogenous fungi were isolated from the soil samples collected from 32 locations in qinghai-tibet plateau and gansu corridor. from the data of isolation ...201627228109
infectivity of housefly, musca domestica (diptera: muscidae) to different entomopathogenic fungi.the housefly musca domestica is a worldwide insect pest that acts as a vector for many pathogenic diseases in both people and animals. the present study was conducted to evaluate the virulence of different local isolates of beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae and isaria fumosorosea on m. domestica using two bioassay techniques: (1) adult immersion and (2) a bait method applied to both larvae and adults. the results showed evidence of a broad range of responses by both stages (larvae and a ...201727522925
potential of entomopathogenic fungi as biological control agents of diamondback moth (lepidoptera: plutellidae) and compatibility with chemical insecticides.the objectives were to evaluate the efficiency of entomopathogenic fungi against plutella xylostella (l.) and the compatibility of the most virulent isolates with some of the insecticides registered for use on cabbage crops. pathogenicity tests used isolates of beauveria bassiana, metarhizium rileyi, isaria fumosorosea, isaria sinclairii, and lecanicillium muscarium standardized at a concentration of 10(7) conidia/ml. cabbage leaf discs were immersed in these suspensions, and after evaporation o ...201626850733
microbial control of the invasive spiraling whitefly on cassava with entomopathogenic fungi.the entomopathogenic fungi beauveria bassiana, metarhizium anisopliae, lecanicillium lecanii and isaria fumosorosea were tested for their efficacy in managing the exotic spiraling whitefly aleurodicus dispersus (hemiptera, aleyrodidae) on cassava (manihot esculenta) during 2 seasons (2011-2012 and 2012-2013). the fungi i. fumosorosea and l. lecanii exhibited promising levels of control (> 70% mortality of the a. dispersus population). the percent mortality increased over time in both seasons. ap ...201726691465
efficacy of sub lethal concentration of entomopathogenic fungi on the feeding and reproduction of spodoptera the present investigation, impact of sub lethal concentrations of entomopathogenic fungi, namely isaria fumosorosea, beauveria bassiana and paecilomyces variotii, secondary metabolite on feeding, growth, fecundity and hatchability of spodoptera litura was performed. the s. litura treated with i. fumosorosea and b. bassiana metabolites exhibited renounced food consumption. the growth rate of treated s. litura with metabolite of i. fumosorosea had drastic reduction. in the case of approximate d ...201526558183
cloning and expression analysis of the chitinase gene ifu-chit2 from isaria fumosorosea.entomopathogenic fungi can produce a series of chitinases, some of which function synergistically with proteases and other hydrolytic enzymes to degrade the insect cuticle. in the present study, the chitinase gene ifu-chit2 from isaria fumosorosea was investigated. the ifu-chit2 gene is 1,435-bp long, interrupted by three short introns, and encodes a predicted protein of 423 amino acids with a 22 residue signal peptide. the predicted ifu-chit2 protein is highly homologous to beauveria bassiana c ...201726500443
prevalence of beauveria pseudobassiana among entomopathogenic fungi isolated from the hard tick, ixodes ricinus.human and animal disease-transmitting hard ticks (acari: ixodidae) are of great concern for public health and animal farming. alternatives to tick control by chemical acaricides are urgently needed, and one intensively evaluated biocontrol strategy is based on the use of tick-pathogenic filamentous fungi. an indispensable prerequisite for the development of tick-derived fungal isolates into registered myco-acaricides is their sound taxonomic characterisation. a set of fungal strains isolated fro ...201425065606
histopathological and molecular insights into the ovicidal activities of two entomopathogenic fungi against two-spotted spider mite.entomopathogenic fungi can infect and kill spider mite eggs but their ovicidal activities are poorly understood. here we gain histopathogenical and molecular insights into the ovicidal activities of beauveria bassiana and isaria fumosorosea against the two-spotted spider mite, tetranychus urticae. scanning electronic microscopy indicated successful adhesion and germination of fungal conidia on egg shell at 24h post-spray (hps). germ tubes of both fungi could penetrate into egg shell with penetra ...201424566192
pathogenicity, ovicidal action, and median lethal concentrations (lc 50 ) of entomopathogenic fungi against exotic spiralling whitefly, aleurodicus dispersus russell.biological control using entomopathogenic fungi could be a promising alternative to chemical control. entomopathogenic fungi, beauveria bassiana (balsamo) vuillemin, metarhizium anisopliae (metschnikoff) sorokin, lecanicillium lecanii (zimmerm.) zare and gams, and paecilomyces fumosoroseus (wize) brown and smith, were tested for their pathogenicity, ovicidal effect, and median lethal concentrations (lc50) against exotic spiralling whitefly, aleurodicus dispersus russell. the applications were ma ...201324455279
potent anti-calmodulin activity of cyclotetradepsipeptides isolated from isaria fumosorosea using a newly designed cyclotetradepsipeptides, namely beauverolides c (1), f (2), i (3), ja (4), l (5), m (6), and n (7), were isolated from the entomopathogenic fungus isaria fumosorosea. the beauverolides were evaluated as potential calmodulin (cam) inhibitors using the newly designed cam biosensor hcam m124c-af350; these peptides displayed high affinity to the protein with dissociation constants (kd) ranging from 0.078 μm to 3.44 μm. beauverolide ja, the only one containing a tryptophan residue in its struct ...201525920232
the antifungal activity of fatty acids of all stages of sarcophaga carnaria l. (diptera: sarcophagidae).fatty acids as components of cuticular lipids of insects play a significant role in antifungal in protection against fungal infection. the chemical composition of cuticular and internal extracts obtained from all developmental stages of flesh flies sarcophaga carnaria was identified. the fatty acids were detected using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and the most abundant for all examined stages were: 18:1 > 16:0 > 16:1 > 18:0 > 18:2. polyunsaturated fatty acids (pufa) c20 were ...201423969191
evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi against chilli thrips, scirtothrips dorsalis.commercial strains of entomopathogenic fungi were evaluated for control of chilli thrips, scirtothrips dorsalis hood (thysanoptera: thripidae), an invasive pest of ornamental and vegetable plants in the caribbean and southeastern united states. in laboratory assays, lc50 values against adult s. dorsalis were 5.1 × 10(4) cfu/ml for beauveria bassiana gha, with higher values 3.1 × 10(5) for metarhizium brunneum f52 and 3.8 × 10(5) for isaria fumosorosea apopka 97. second instars were comparatively ...201323895429
evaluation of entomopathogenic fungi and a nematode against the soil-dwelling stages of the crane fly tipula paludosa.larvae of the crane fly tipula paludosa (diptera: nematocera) are economically important pests of grasslands, nurseries and organically grown crops. this study was conducted to evaluate several entomopathogenic fungal strains, the entomopathogenic nematode heterorhabditis bacteriophora and the organophosphate insecticide dursban wg (75% chlorpyrifos) against larval stages of t. paludosa under laboratory and greenhouse conditions.201222740286
efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi (ascomycetes: hypocreales) against adult haematobia irritans (diptera: muscidae) under stable conditions in the mexican dry tropics.the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effect of five strains of metarhizium anisopliae (ma) and three strains of isaria fumosorosea (ifr) at a concentration of 1×10(8)colony-forming units/ml applied by spraying onto bovines with controlled infestation of haematobia irritans under stable conditions in the mexican dry tropics. four experiments were performed, in each of which three treatments (two fungal strains and one control) were evaluated with eight repetitions for each one, by carryin ...201525771932
optimization and synthesis of silver nanoparticles using isaria fumosorosea against human vector mosquitoes.the efficacy of silver generated larvicide with the help of entomopathogenic fungi, isaria fumosorosea (ifr) against major vector mosquitoes culex quinquefasciatus and aedes aegypti. the ifr-silver nanoparticles (agnps) were characterized structurally and functionally using uv-visible spectrophotometer followed by scanning electron microscopy (sem), energy-dispersive x-ray (edx) spectroscopy and fourier transform infrared (ftir) spectra. the optimum ph (alkaline), temperature (30 °c) and agitati ...201425085201
enhancing the thermotolerance of entomopathogenic isaria fumosorosea sfp-198 conidial powder by controlling the moisture content using drying and adjuvants.entomopathogenic fungi are promising pest-control agents but their industrial applicability is limited by their thermosusceptibility. with an aim to increase the thermotolerance of isaria fumosorosea sfp-198, moisture absorbents were added to dried conidial powder, and the relationship between its water potential and thermotolerance was investigated. mycotized rice grains were dried at 10℃, 20℃, 30℃, and 40℃ and the drying effect of each temperature for 24, 48, 96, and 140 hr was determined. dry ...201424808736
distribution, occurrence and natural invertebrate hosts of indigenous entomopathogenic fungi of central india.we report here that, during periodical surveys of insects inhabiting diverse habitats for the collection of entomopathogenic fungi; a large number of isolates were recovered belonging to seven species, from various regions of madhya pradesh and chhattisgarh forest areas and agricultural fields. the most common entomopathogenic fungi such as beauveria bassiana, nomuraea rileyi, paecilomyces farinosus and paecilomyces fumosoroseus were found to infect various insect hosts species naturally viz. hy ...201023100813
reduced entomopathogen abundance in myrmica ant nests-testing a possible immunological benefit of myrmecophily using galleria mellonella as a insects such as ants have evolved collective rather than individual immune defence strategies against diseases and parasites at the level of their societies (colonies), known as social immunity. ants frequently host other arthropods, so-called myrmecophiles, in their nests. here, we tested the hypothesis that myrmecophily may partly arise from selection for exploiting the ants' social immunity. we used larvae of the wax moth galleria mellonella as 'model myrmecophiles' (baits) to test thi ...201526587252
further screening of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes as control agents for drosophila suzukii.drosophila suzukii populations remain low in the uk. to date, there have been no reports of widespread damage. previous research demonstrated that various species of entomopathogenic fungi and nematodes could potentially suppress d. suzukii population development under laboratory trials. however, none of the given species was concluded to be specifically efficient in suppressing d. suzukii. therefore, there is a need to screen further species to determine their efficacy. the following entomopath ...201627294962
species clarification of isaria isolates used as biocontrol agents against diaphorina citri (hemiptera: liviidae) in mexico.entomopathogenic fungi belonging to the genus isaria (hypocreales: cordycipitaceae) are promising candidates for microbial control of insect pests. currently, the mexican government is developing a biological control program based on extensive application of isaria isolates against diaphorina citri (hemiptera: liviidae), a vector of citrus huanglongbing disease. previous research identified three promising isaria isolates (che-cnrcb 303, 305, and 307; tentatively identified as isaria fumosorosea ...201626895870
characterization and phylogeny of isaria spp. strains (ascomycota: hypocreales) using its1-5.8s-its2 and elongation factor 1-alpha sequences.the elongation factor 1-alpha (ef1-α) and the internal transcribed spacer (its) regions its1 and its2 (its1-5.8s-its2) sequences were used to characterize and to identify isaria isolates from argentina, mexico, and brazil, as well as to study the phylogenetic relationships among these isolates and other related fungi from the order hypocreales. the molecular characterization, which was performed by pcr-rflp of ef1-α and its1-5.8-its2 genes, was useful for resolving representative isolates of isa ...201424222441
virulence of isaria sp. and purpureocillium lilacinum to rhipicephalus microplus tick under laboratory conditions.rhipicephalus microplus (canestrini) is an ectoparasite accountable for great economic losses. the use of entomopathogenic fungi to control arthropods has shown promising responses. the present study evaluated the virulence of isaria farinosa (holmsk.) fr., isaria fumosorosea (wize) brown and smith, and purpureocillium lilacinum (=paecilomyces lilacinus) (thom.) samson to engorged females, eggs, and larvae of r. microplus. there were four treatment groups (10(5), 10(6), 10(7), and 10(8) conidia ...201222710525
lack of resistance development in bemisia tabaci to isaria fumosorosea after multiple generations of selection.the emergence of insecticide resistant insect pests is of significant concern worldwide. the whitefly, bemisia tabaci, is an important agricultural pest and has shown incredible resilience developing resistance to a number of chemical pesticides. entomopathogenic fungi such as isaria fumosorosea offer an attractive alternative to chemical pesticides for insect control, and this fungus has been shown to be an effective pathogen of b. tabaci. little is known concerning the potential for the develo ...201728230074
efficacy of topical application, leaf residue or soil drench of blastospores of isaria fumosorosea for citrus root weevil management: laboratory and greenhouse investigations.the efficacy of topical, leaf residue, and soil drench applications with isaria fumosorosea blastospores (ifr strain 3581) was assessed for the management of the citrus root weevil, diaprepes abbreviatus (l.). blastospores of ifr were applied topically at a rate of 10⁷ blastospores ml(-1) on both the larvae and adults, and each insect stage was incubated in rearing cups with artificial diet at 25 °c, either in the dark or in a growth chamber under a 16 h photophase for 2 weeks, respectively. per ...201627879644
comparison between superficial and solid-state cultures of isaria fumosorosea: conidial yields, quality and sensitivity to oxidant conditions.conidia production and quality from mycoinsecticides in solid-state cultures (ssc) are frequently inferred from superficial culture (sc) results. both parameters were evaluated for two isaria fumosorosea strains (arsef 3302 and cnrcb1), in sc and ssc, using culture media with the same chemical composition. for both strains, conidia production was higher in sc than ssc in terms of conidia per gram of dry substrate. germination in both strains did not show significant differences between sc and ss ...201627263006
antiparasitic drugs: in vitro tests against nematophagous fungi.the use of biological agents has been intensified in recent years against eggs and larvae of gastrointestinal nematodes as an alternative control method in pasture plant health management, with the concomitant use with antiparasitic drugs still occurring. the aim of this study was to test the in vitro activity of the following antiparasitic drugs: ivermectin and albendazole against the following nematophagous fungi: paecilomyces fumosoroseus, paecilomyces lilacinus and paecilomyces variotii. the ...201727224732
high resistance of isaria fumosorosea to carbendazim arises from the overexpression of an atp-binding cassette transporter (ift1) rather than tubulin mutation.probing possible mechanisms involved in the resistance of entomopathogenic fungus isaria fumosorosea to carbendazim fungicide.201222044666
biosafety of an entomopathogenic fungus isaria fumosorosea in an acute dermal test in rabbits.isaria fumosorosea (formerly paecilomyces fumosoroseus) is an entomopathogenic fungus that has been proposed as a low risk environmental alternative to the use of chemical insecticides to control agricultural pests and disease vectors. although there are some mycoinsecticides already being marketed in many countries, not all their biosafety protocols have been published. the acute dermal toxicity test in an animal model is one in a series of biosafety protocols that must be developed, in order t ...201727055483
laboratory evaluation of isaria fumosorosea ccm 8367 and steinernema feltiae ustinov against immature stages of the colorado potato beetle.the colorado potato beetle, leptinotarsa decemlineata, has developed resistance to most registered pesticides and has become one of the most difficult insect pests to control. development of new biopesticides targeting this pest might solve the resistance problem and contribute to sustainable crop production. laboratory experiments were conducted to assess the efficacy of isaria fumosorosea (syn. paecilomyces fumosoroseus) strain ccm 8367 against l. decemlineata when applied alone or combined wi ...201627015633
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