
detection of novel chlamydiae in cats with ocular detect and characterize the full range of chlamydial infections in cats with ocular disease by use of polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assays, cytologic examination, immunohistochemical analysis, and evaluation of clinical information including status for feline herpesvirus-1 (fehv-1).200314620780
emerging role of chlamydia and chlamydia-like organisms in adverse pregnancy outcomes.this review considers the roles of chlamydia spp. and newly identified chlamydia-like organisms in miscarriage, stillbirths and preterm labour in both animals and humans.200818192789
[Environmental Chlamydiae with medical significance].The molecular biological analysis of a chlamydia-like bacterium from Acanthamoeba sp., originated from the nasal mucosa of a female subject, led to the description of the new species Parachlamydia acanthamoebae. It provided the basis for establishing its own family Parachlamydiaceae, which was genetically separated from the traditional Chlamydiaceae. In the following years other chlamydia-like bacteria, replicating within different free-living amoeba species, have been observed. Due to their clo ...201121971886
molecular detection of chlamydia-like organisms in cattle drinking water.a substantial proportion of the causes of infectious bovine abortion remain largely undiagnosed, potentially due to the presence of previously unrecognised infectious agents. recently, several reports have demonstrated the presence of parachlamydia sp. in placental and foetal tissues derived from bovine abortions of unknown aetiology but the route of transmission remains undefined. the drinking water from one such recent case study was analysed for the presence of parachlamydia sp. as a potentia ...201121549530
comparison of five commercial serological tests for the detection of anti-chlamydia trachomatis antibodies.screening for chlamydia trachomatis-specific antibodies is valuable in investigating recurrent miscarriage, tubal infertility and extrauterine pregnancy. we compared here the performance of immunofluorescence (if) to four other commercial tests in detecting igg antibodies directed against c. trachomatis: two enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisas) using the major outer membrane protein (momp) as the antigen, commercialised respectively by medac and r-biopharm (rb), one elisa using the chlamy ...201020349260
characterization of a neochlamydia-like bacterium associated with epitheliocystis in cultured arctic charr salvelinus alpinus.infections of branchial epithelium by intracellular gram-negative bacteria, termed epitheliocystis, have limited culture of arctic charr salvelinus alpinus. to characterize a bacterium associated with epitheliocystis in cultured charr, gills were sampled for histopathologic examination, conventional and immunoelectron microscopy, in situ hybridization, 16s ribosomal dna (rdna) amplification, sequence analysis and phylogenetic inference. sampling was conducted at the freshwater institute (shepher ...200717718162
resistance of different chlamydia-like organisms to quinolones and mutations in the quinoline resistance-determining region of the dna gyrase a- and topoisomerase-encoding genes.parachlamydia acanthamoebae has been shown to be resistant to fluoroquinolones. in this study, we determined the susceptibility of neochlamydia hartmannellae and simkania negevensis to quinolones using amoebal co-culture in the presence of serial dilutions of ciprofloxacin. the gyra and parc quinoline resistance-determining regions (qrdrs) were amplified and sequenced, and amino acid substitutions that may explain the observed quinolone resistance were investigated. neochlamydia and simkania wer ...200616697560
conserved indels in essential proteins that are distinctive characteristics of chlamydiales and provide novel means for their identification.all known chlamydiae are either proven human or animal pathogens or possess such potential. due to increasing reports of chlamydiae diversity in the environment, it is important to develop reliable means for identifying and characterizing chlamydiales species. the identification of environmental chlamydiae at present relies on their branching pattern in 16s rrna trees, as well as 16s/23s consensus motifs which display variability. at present, no reliable molecular signatures are known which are ...200516079343
detection and differentiation of chlamydiae by fluorescence in situ hybridization.chlamydiae are important pathogens of humans and animals but diagnosis of chlamydial infections is still hampered by inadequate detection methods. fluorescence in situ hybridization (fish) using rrna-targeted oligonucleotide probes is widely used for the investigation of uncultured bacteria in complex microbial communities and has recently also been shown to be a valuable tool for the rapid detection of various bacterial pathogens in clinical specimens. here we report on the development and eval ...200212147510
evidence for additional genus-level diversity of chlamydiales in the environment.the medically important order chlamydiales has long been considered to contain a few closely related bacteria which occur exclusively in animals and humans. this perception of diversity and habitat had to be revised with the recent identification of the genera simkania, waddlia, parachlamydia, and neochlamydia with the latter two comprising endosymbionts of amoebae. application of a newly developed pcr assay for the specific amplification of a near full length 16s rdna fragment of these novel ch ...200111682181
neochlamydia hartmannellae gen. nov., sp. nov. (parachlamydiaceae), an endoparasite of the amoeba hartmannella amoebae are increasingly being recognized to serve as vehicles of dispersal for various bacterial human pathogens and as hosts for a variety of obligate bacterial endocytobionts. several chlamydia-like acanthamoeba endocytobionts constituting the recently proposed family parachlamydiaceae are of special interest as potential human pathogens. in this study coccoid bacterial endocytobionts of a hartmannella vermiformis isolate were analysed. infection of h. vermiformis with these bacte ...200010832651
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