
susceptibility of two rocky mountain bighorn sheep to experimental infection with anaplasma north america, the role of wild ruminants in the epidemiology of anaplasmosis has not been clearly defined. such information is particularly meager in regard to bighorn sheep. we report the susceptibility of two rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) to experimental infection with a well characterized field isolate of anaplasma ovis obtained from domestic sheep in idaho. both bighorn sheep developed infection resulting in severe clinical disease, with relatively high parasi ...19921548791
field immobilization of bighorn sheep with xylazine hydrochloride and antagonism with idazoxan.xylazine hydrochloride was used to immobilize 124 rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) between 1983 and 1988. doses of xylazine for free-ranging lambs ranged from 70 to 130 mg with amounts increasing with lamb age. average doses for 11 free-ranging adult males and 21 adult females darted from the ground were (means +/- se) 363 +/- 16 and 251 +/- 7 mg, respectively. adult females captured in "stevenson's " box traps (n = 7) could be immobilized with significantly (p less than ...19901979085
isolation of pasteurella haemolytica from tonsillar biopsies of rocky mountain bighorn sheep.isolations of pasteurella haemolytica were compared from tonsillar biopsies versus nasal passages for 29 free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) from central idaho. overall, p. haemolytica was isolated from 11 (38%) of 29 sheep. two (18%) of the 11 positive samples were from only nasal passages compared to eight (73%) from tonsillar biopsies. pasteurella haemolytica biotype t was isolated from tonsils of nine sheep and from nasal biopsies. pasteurella haemolytica b ...19902338725
experimental contact transmission of pasteurella haemolytica from clinically normal domestic sheep causing pneumonia in rocky mountain bighorn sheep.two rocky mountain bighorn lambs (ovis canadensis canadensis) were held in captivity for 120 days before being housed with two domestic sheep. the lambs were clinically normal and had no pasteurella spp. on nasal swab cultures. the domestic sheep were known to carry pasteurella haemolytica biotype a in the nasal passages. after being in close contact for 19 days. p. haemolytica biotype a was cultured from nasal swabs of one of the bighorn lambs. by 26 days, both bighorn sheep developed coughs, w ...19883193561
response of vaccinated and unvaccinated bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) to experimental respiratory syncytial virus challenge.five rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis), approximately 5 mo old and without detectable antibody titers to respiratory syncytial virus (rsv), were assigned to two groups to study the effects of rsv challenge inoculation in vaccinated (n = 3) and unvaccinated (n = 2) bighorns. the three lambs vaccinated with a modified live bovine rsv vaccine developed a detectable antibody response to the vaccine. vaccinated and unvaccinated lambs challenged with an ovine isolate of rsv dev ...19883373644
physiologic values in wild bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) at capture, after handling, and after captivity. 19705452079
rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) milk. i. gross compositon and fat constitution. 19655829180
parasites of ovis canadensis canadensis in montana, with a checklist of the internal and external parasites of the rocky mountain bighorn sheep in north america. 19676066758
muellerius capillaris (mueller, 1889) (nematoda: protostrongylidae): an unusual finding in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis shaw) in south dakota.lungs and fecal samples from nine hunter-killed rocky mountain bighorn sheep were examined for lungworms. all samples contained adults and/or larvae of muellerius capillaris (mueller, 1889). protostrongylus spp., the lungworms commonly reported from bighorn sheep, were not present in any samples. larvae of m. capillaris bear a spine on the dorsal side of the posterior end and are shorter than dorsal-spined larvae of other lungworms recorded from north american ungulates. larvae similar in shape ...19846530714
anaplasma infections in wild and domestic ruminants: a review.anaplasma marginale can be transmitted, will grow and can survive in a large number of domestic and wild animals. it is pathogenic in cattle, and usually produces nonapparent or mild infections in other species. anaplasma marginale has been recovered from cattle, sheep, goats, water buffalo (bubalus bubalis), white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus), mule deer (odocoileus hemionus hemionus), black-tailed deer (odocoileus hemionus columbianus), pronghorn (antilocapra americana americana), rocky ...19846716555
susceptibility of phagocytes from elk, deer, bighorn sheep, and domestic sheep to pasteurella haemolytica cytotoxins.alveolar macrophages and peripheral blood neutrophils from elk (cervus elaphus), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis), and domestic sheep were exposed to culture supernatants from pasteurella haemolytica isolated from bighorn sheep and domestic sheep. in a second experiment, peripheral blood neutrophils from mule deer (odocoileus hemionus), elk, and bighorn sheep were exposed to culture supernatants from p. haemolytica isolated from elk, bighorn sheep and domestic sheep. alveolar macrophag ...19947760482
pasteurella haemolytica cytotoxin-dependent killing of neutrophils from bighorn and domestic sheep.peripheral blood neutrophils from rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) and domestic sheep were exposed to culture supernatants from pasteurella haemolytica isolates recovered from these two sheep species. six culture supernatants from bighorn sheep isolates and two from domestic sheep isolates were tested for cytotoxicity as determined by the release of lactate dehydrogenase. two of the bacterial culture supernatants from bighorn sheep were not cytotoxic, while the other fou ...19938445788
susceptibility of bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) to experimentally-induced fascioloides magna infections.three captive rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis), consisting of a female lamb, a yearling ram, and a 2 1/2-yr-old castrated ram were inoculated orally with 50 (n = 1) or 100 (n = 2) metacercariae of fascioloides magna in november 1991. all three sheep died from fluke infection on post-inoculation days 104, 140, and 197, respectively. numbers of f. magna recovered were 3 (3%), 18 (36%), and 21 (21%). all dukes were immature and were recovered from liver (n = 36), lungs (n = ...19968827689
toxoplasmic encephalitis in a free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep from washington.a 4-mo-old free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) from the hells canyon area (washington, usa) was diagnosed with encephalitis associated with toxoplasma gondii infection. the sheep had concurrent pneumonic pasteurellosis and resided in a geographic area with endemic pasteurella-associated pneumonia and mortality in bighorn sheep. the brain had multifocal necrotizing and nonsuppurative encephalitis with intralesional protozoa. the protozoa were identified as t. go ...200011085438
sex- and age-specific lungworm infection in rocky mountain bighorn sheep during and age-specific fecal lungworm (protostrongylus spp.) larvae concentrations in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) from the cinnabar winter range in southwestern montana were determined. all 228 fecal samples collected from bighorn sheep of known sex and age class from november to april, 1984 to 1987 contained first-stage lungworm larvae. fecal lungworm concentrations of ewes and rams declined significantly from late fall through early spring, whereas number of lungwo ...19938445795
sharing of pasteurella spp. between free-ranging bighorn sheep and feral goats.pasteurella spp. were isolated from feral goats and free-ranging bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) in the hells canyon national recreation area bordering idaho, oregon, and washington (usa). biovariant 1 pasteurella haemolytica organisms were isolated from one goat and one of two bighorn sheep found in close association. both isolates produced leukotoxin and had identical electrophoretic patterns of dna fragments following cutting with restriction endonuclease haeiii. similarly pasteure ...200314733287
efficacy of in-feed formulation ivermectin against psoroptes sp. in bighorn sheep.four rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) were experimentally inoculated with psoroptes sp. of bighorn sheep origin by placing approximately 50 mites into each ear. two sheep developed reproducing mite colonies and lesions consisting of alopecia, and exudative dermatitis with scabs on ears, face and neck. three months after inoculation, all four sheep were treated with an in-feed formulation of ivermectin at a dosage of 1 mg/kg of body weight in a pelleted ration daily for s ...19938445794
relationships among fecal lungworm loads, fecal glucocorticoid metabolites, and lamb recruitment in free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep.most wild rocky mountain big-horn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) in northern latitudes are infected with lungworms. indirect effects of lungworms on bighorn sheep are unknown, but high pulmonary burdens might increase stress (i.e., elevated glucocorticoid levels), and chronic stress could in turn decrease fitness. we hypothesized that high lungworm burdens in rocky mountain bighorn ewes increase stress, thereby increasing lamb mortality. to test our hypothesis, one subherd of bighorn sheep i ...200516107677
geographic distribution of the muscle-dwelling nematode parelaphostrongylus odocoilei in north america, using molecular identification of first-stage larvae.molecular identification of dorsal-spined larvae (dsl) from fecal samples indicates that the protostrongylid parasite parelaphostrongylus odocoilei occupies a broader geographic range in western north america than has been previously reported. we analyzed 2,124 fecal samples at 29 locations from thinhorn sheep (ovis dalli dalli and o. d. stonei), bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis and o. c. californiana), mountain goats (oreamnos americanus), woodland caribou (rangifer tarandus caribou), ...200516108550
use of dna analysis of pasteurella haemolytica biotype t isolates to monitor transmission in bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis).pneumonia has been identified as a major cause of poor lamb survival in indigenous herds of rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) in central idaho. pasteurella haemolytica was isolated from five adult rocky mountain bighorn ewes captured from a free-ranging herd in central idaho. the lambs from two of these ewes delivered by cesarean section were free of p. haemolytica until 40 days of age and after repeated contact with their dams. the lambs subsequently developed signs of p ...19938385150
microorganisms associated with a pneumonic epizootic in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis).a comprehensive study of a pneumonic epizootic was initiated when the first signs of disease were noted in a metapopulation of bighorn sheep inhabiting hells canyon, bordering idaho, oregon, and washington. a total of 92 bighorn sheep were tested for etiologic agents during the following 6-mo study period. the study population included bighorn sheep believed to be the subpopulation in which disease was first noted, and these sheep were translocated to a holding facility in an effort to contain t ...200718229860
bacteria isolated from nasal and tonsillar samples of clinically healthy rocky mountain bighorn and domestic sheep.nasal and tonsillar samples were collected from 14 free-ranging clinically healthy rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) and 10 domestic sheep (ovis aries). we identified 194 bacterial isolates, including 101 from bighorn and 93 from domestic sheep. of these isolates, 115 were gram-positive and 79 were gram-negative. staphylococcus species were the most numerous gram-positive organisms and had a higher incidence in samples from domestic than from bighorn sheep. in contrast st ...19948151809
fatal pneumonia following inoculation of healthy bighorn sheep with pasteurella haemolytica from healthy domestic a series of three experiments, isolates of pasteurella haemolytica biotype a, serotype 2, ribotype reference wsu-1, from healthy domestic sheep, were inoculated intratracheally into eight bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) and seven domestic sheep with doses of bacteria ranging from 5.3 x 10(8) to 8.6 x 10(11) colony forming units. seven of eight inoculated bighorn sheep died from acute pneumonia within 48 hr of inoculation, whereas all seven domestic sheep inoculated with comparable ...19948028096
experimental contagious ecthyma in mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorn and wapiti.hand-reared mule deer fawns (odocoileus hemionus), white-tailed deer fawns (odocoileus virginianus), pronghorn fawns (antilocapra americana) and wapiti calves (cervus elaphus nelsoni) were exposed to contagious ecthyma lesion material obtained from rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) to determine the susceptibility and pathogenesis in these species. all four species developed mucocutaneous proliferative lesions of the oral cavity, grossly and histologically compatible with ...19836685778
redescription of trichuris (equals trichocephalus) schumakovitschi (savinkova, 1967) from canadian rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis). 19734687486
psoroptes ovis (acarina: psoroptidae) in a rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) in idaho. 19853841164
experimental infections of free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep with lungworms (protostrongylus spp.; nematoda: protostrongylidae).twelve free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn lambs (ovis canadensis canadensis), each exposed experimentally to 125-1,000 infective third-stage larvae of protostrongylus stilesi and p. rushi, shed significantly more first-stage larvae in their feces than did control lambs, but showed no clinical signs of illness and had equivalent summer and overwinter survival as control lambs. two adult ewes, each exposed to 925 infective larvae, showed no increase in numbers of first-stage larvae in their feces ...19873625896
comparison of pulmonary defense mechanisms in rocky mountain bighorn (ovis canadensis canadensis) and domestic sheep.alveolar macrophages were obtained from rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) and domestic sheep for the purpose of comparing pulmonary host defense mechanisms in the two species. specific variables studied included (1) characterization of the cell types present in the lung, (2) alveolar macrophage phagocytic and bactericidal functions, (3) measurement of protein levels in lavage fluid, and (4) measurement of cortisol levels in lavage fluid. while phagocytic cell populations ...19892810551
psoroptic scabies in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) from wyoming.thirteen rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) with clinical signs of psoroptic scabies were captured in wyoming. signs included droopy ears, depilation on the head and neck, and exudate in the ears. mites were identified as either psoroptes cervinus or p. equi. two ewes with scabies at the time of original capture had no clinical signs of mite infection 1 and 2 yr later.19902250336
detecting nonhemolytic pasteurella haemolytica infections in healthy rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis): influences of sample site and handling.effects of sampling procedures on ability to culture pasteurella spp. from rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) were examined experimentally. sample site influenced (p less than 0.0001) recovery of p. haemolytica in adult bighorn sheep. we isolated nonhemolytic p. haemolytica from 18 of 19 tonsillar swabs and 18 of 19 tonsillar biopsies from adult sheep, yet only four of 19 nasal swabs yielded isolates. sample handling also affected (p less than 0.0001) recovery of p. haemol ...19912023328
spontaneous pasteurellosis in captive rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis): clinical, laboratory, and epizootiological observations.we observed clinical signs, compared adrenal responses, and performed diagnostic tests on 12 captive rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) during a spontaneous outbreak of pasteurellosis. cortisol in urine and feces was measured for bighorns sampled three times between 20 october and 1 november 1986. by 6 november, four of these had developed pneumonia, four showed only mild rhinitis, and four remained clinically normal. bighorns that ultimately developed pneumonia showed ele ...19911758018
using ribosomal rna gene restriction patterns in distinguishing isolates of pasteurella haemolytica from bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis).pasteurella haemolytica isolates (n = 31) from two isolated captive herds of rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) were characterized and compared phenotypically (biotype, serotype, hemolytic activity) and by a genomic fingerprinting method known as ribotyping. seven to nine distinct phenotypes were observed. depending on the method used for serotyping, one to three phenotypes were common to both herds. eighteen isolates, recovered from both herds, were non-hemolytic, biotype ...19921324994
characterization of pasteurella multocida associated with pneumonia in bighorn sheep.pasteurella multocida is a highly diverse group of bacteria recognized as important pathogens. although p. multocida is not ordinarily associated with disease in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis), numerous isolates were cultured in high numbers from free-ranging bighorn sheep in the hells canyon area of idaho, washington, and oregon (usa) during the winter of 1995-96. animals captured in hells canyon and held in captivity, and their offspring, also harbored p. multocida. ...200314567214
hemorrhagic disease in bighorn sheep in arizona.two bighorn sheep from arizona (usa) were submitted for necropsy. one was a rocky mountain bighorn (ovis canadensis canadensis) and the other was a desert bighorn (ovis canadensis mexicana). both had lesions consistent with those of hemorrhagic disease (hd). epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) type-2 and bluetongue virus (btv) type-17, respectively, were isolated from the sheep tissues. to our knowledge, hd caused by either ehdv or btv infection has not been documented previously in arizo ...200211838210
effects of delivery method on serological responses of bighorn sheep to a multivalent pasteurella haemolytica supernatant vaccine.the safety and efficacy of a remotely delivered multivalent pasteurella haemolytica supernatant vaccine (serotypes a2 and t10) were examined in captive rocky, mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis). twenty bighorn sheep were grouped according to baseline leukotoxin neutralizing antibody titers (< or =2 or >2 log2(-1)) and vaccination history (previously vaccinated or unvaccinated). within these groups, animals were randomly assigned to one of two delivery treatments: hand injection ...200010682747
polymerase chain reaction techniques for differentiating cytotoxic and noncytotoxic pasteurella trehalosi from rocky mountain bighorn evaluate 2 polymerase chain reaction (pcr)-based methods for differentiating cytotoxic and noncytotoxic pasteurella trehalosi from rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis).199910328428
immunologic responses of domestic and bighorn sheep to a multivalent pasteurella haemolytica vaccine.the efficacy of a pasteurella haemolytica vaccine (serotypes a1, a2, and t10) to induce humoral antibodies and alter colonization of the upper respiratory tract by related p. haemolytica spp. strains was evaluated in 10 bighorn (ovis canadensis canadensis) and 10 domestic (ovis aries) sheep. sheep of each species were divided into five pairs based on age and history of respiratory disease. one sheep in each pair was vaccinated twice 2 wk apart with 2 ml of vaccine (vac group) and the remaining a ...199910231755
experimental contact of bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) with horses and cattle, and comparison of neutrophil sensitivity to pasteurella haemolytica cytotoxins.peripheral blood neutrophils from horses, cattle, and rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) were evaluated for susceptibility to cytotoxin-dependent lysis of different biotypes and serotypes of pasteurella haemolytica of domestic sheep, cattle, bighorn sheep, or mountain goat (oreamnos americana) origin utilizing a cytotoxicity assay which measures the degree of bacteria cytotoxin-killing of neutrophils. all isolates of p. haemolytica (biotypes a and t) were noncytotoxic to h ...19969359057
contact transmission of psoroptic mange from bighorn to stone sheep.psoroptes sp. mites and tan crusty lesions were detected in the ears of a captive stone sheep (ovis dalli stonei) in april 1996, after contact with infected captive rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis). psoroptes spp. have not been detected in free-ranging ungulates in canada or alaska (usa). this is the first report of psoroptes sp. in stone sheep, indicating their susceptibility to infection.19979249721
effect of simulated stress on susceptibility of bighorn sheep neutrophils to pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin.we examined the effects of simulated stress on susceptibility of rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) neutrophils to pasteurella haemolytica leukotoxin in a blocked, crossover experiment. ten captive-raised bighorn sheep were sampled 10 hr after separate administrations of long-acting adrenocorticotrophic hormone (acth) gel and normal saline (control). we then compared in vitro leukotoxin-dependent neutrophil death rates after exposure to culture supernatants from four uniqu ...19979249702
use of fenbendazole for long-term control of protostrongylid lungworms in free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn an effort to control protostrongylus spp. in a rocky mountain bighorn sheep herd (ovis canadensis canadensis) of approximately 30 animals, fenbendazole-medicated salt was placed on the stillwater bighorn winter range in southcentral montana (usa) for four consecutive winters, 1990 to 1993. sheep of all age and sex classes were observed using the medicated salt throughout the study period. prevalence and average number of lungworm larvae per gram of bighorn feces declined significantly (p < 0. ...19979131579
attempted protection of bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis) from pneumonia using a nonlethal cytotoxic strain of pasteurella haemolytica, biotype a, serotype.between february and april, 1994, we tested the hypothesis that bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) inoculated with a cytotoxic isolate of pasteurella haemolytica biotype a, serotype 11 (a11) could withstand challenge inoculation with a cytotoxic strain of p. haemolytica a2 of domestic sheep origin known to cause lethal pneumonia in bighorn sheep. on experimental day o, two bighorn sheep were inoculated intratracheally with 6 x 10(9) colony forming units (cfu) of a cytotoxic strain of p. ...19968722270
comparison of three fecal steroid metabolites for pregnancy detection used with single sampling in bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis).we conpared three fecal steroid metabolite assays for their usefulness in detecting pregnalcy among free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) from bighorn canyon national recreation area, wyoming and montana (usa) and captive bighorn ewes at zoomontana in billings, montana. fecal samples were collected from 11 free-ranging, radio-collared bighorn ewes in late january-may 2001 and from 20 free-ranging, radio-collared ewes in late march to mid-may 2002. free-ranging ew ...200415362827
association of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae infection with population-limiting respiratory disease in free-ranging rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis).bronchopneumonia is a population-limiting disease in bighorn sheep in much of western north america. previous investigators have isolated diverse bacteria from the lungs of affected sheep, but no single bacterial species is consistently present, even within single epizootics. we obtained high-quality diagnostic specimens from nine pneumonic bighorn sheep in three populations and analyzed the bacterial populations present in bronchoalveolar lavage specimens of seven by using a culture-independent ...200818057131
variation in pasteurella (bibersteinia) and mannheimia spp. following transport and antibiotic treatment in free-ranging and captive rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis).morbidity and mortality associated with respiratory disease following capture and translocation of bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) is a significant concern, particularly when establishing new or augmenting existing bighorn populations. administration of prophylactic antibiotics at the time of capture is often done to minimize the risk of respiratory disease, but the efficacy of this practice is unknown. the effects of oxytetracycline and florfenicol on the pasteurella (bibersteinia) a ...200919368250
effects of modified cary and blair medium on recovery of nonhemolytic pasteurella haemolytica from rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) pharyngeal swabs.modified cary and blair transport medium (mcb) was evaluated for recovery of pasteurella spp. from pharyngeal swabs of healthy rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis). in experiment one, three pharyngeal swabs were collected from each of 25 bighorns. pasteurella haemolytica was recovered from 21 of 25 swabs tested almost immediately and from 16 of 25 swabs held in mcb medium at about 22 c for 24 hr before testing (p > 0.10). recovery of p. haemolytica decreased (p < 0.005) to 1 ...19948151818
experimental infection of bighorn sheep with liver flukes (fasciola hepatica).nine rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) were each inoculated orally with 250 metacercariae of fasciola hepatica. blood and fecal samples were collected at the time of inoculation and at 5, 10, 14, and 20 wk after inoculation. numbers of fluke eggs in feces, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, and eosinophil values were determined. five of the bighorn sheep were treated with triclabendazole at 40 mg/kg of body weight 14 wk after inoculation. based on fecal evaluations, all bigh ...200919901401
paranasal sinus masses of rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis).this article describes 10 cases of paranasal sinus masses in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis). among 21 bighorns that were examined from 11 herds in colorado, 10 individuals (48%) from 4 herds (36%) had masses arising from the paranasal sinuses. affected animals included 9 of 17 females (53%) and 1 of 4 males (25%), ranging in age from approximately 2 years to greater than 10 years. defining gross features of these masses included unilateral or bilateral diffuse thickeni ...201020926735
occurrence, diagnosis, and strain typing of mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection in rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) in southwestern alberta.the role that wildlife may play in the transmission of mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (map), the causative agent of johne's disease (jd), and the potential consequences of infection in these populations are being given increasing consideration. a yearling male rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) from southwestern alberta, canada, was found infected with map in august 2009. clinical signs of emaciation and diarrhea and histologic findings of diffuse granulom ...201222247368
assessing timing and causes of neonatal lamb losses in a bighorn sheep ovis canadensis canadensis herd via use of vaginal implant transmitters.we evaluated the use of vaginal implant transmitters (vits) as a means of detecting, capturing, and radio collaring rocky mountain bighorn sheep ( ovis canadensis canadensis) lambs to estimate survival and to facilitate carcass recovery to assess causes of mortality. we focused on one of several bighorn herds in colorado, usa, suffering from depressed recruitment that was not preceded by a classic all-age die-off. we captured, radio-collared, diagnosed pregnancy by ultrasound examination, and in ...201728192042
clinical, culture, serology, and histopathology outcomes of bighorn sheep experimentally infected with brucella ovis.disease caused by brucella ovis has not been previously reported in bighorn sheep (bhs; ovis canadensis canadensis). antibodies to b. ovis, however, are occasionally detected in free-ranging bhs, and this has been a concern for managers involved in translocation programs. to investigate the pathogenesis of b. ovis infection in this species, 20 bhs (10 male, 10 female) were inoculated intraconjunctivally (ic) with 5.4 × 10(8) colony forming units (cfu) b. ovis. six bhs (three male, three female) ...201324502717
experimental transmission of bighorn sheep sinus tumors to bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) and domestic sheep.bighorn sheep sinus tumors are a recently described disease affecting the paranasal sinuses of rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis). several features of this disease suggest an infectious cause, although a specific etiologic agent has not been identified. to test the hypothesis that bighorn sheep sinus tumors are caused by an infectious agent, we inoculated 4 bighorn sheep lambs and 4 domestic sheep lambs intranasally with a cell-free filtrate derived from a naturally occurr ...201627020536
corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis and copper deficiency in a male rocky mountain bighorn sheep ( ovis canadensis canadensis) in utah, usa.:  in 2015, an emaciated rocky mountain bighorn ( ovis canadensis) ram was submitted to the utah veterinary diagnostic laboratory for necropsy. there were numerous thick-walled abscesses subcutaneously and internally, and corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis was isolated in pure culture. in addition, the ram was severely copper deficient, with a liver copper concentration of 1.6 mg/kg.201828977770
evaluation of management treatments intended to increase lamb recruitment in a bighorn sheep herd.we administered a suite of treatments to a herd of rocky mountain bighorn sheep (ovis canadensis canadensis) that was experiencing poor lamb recruitment and showing signs of respiratory disease. despite 3 yr of treatment with various combinations of anthelmentics, antibiotics, vaccines, and hyperimmune serum products, recruitment was not improved.201222740546
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