
the partial sequencing of the genomic rna of a uk isolate of pepino mosaic virus and the comparison of the coat protein sequence with other isolates from europe and peru.a 3599 nucleotide portion of the genomic rna of a uk isolate of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), isolated from tomato, has been sequenced (accession no. af340024). the region sequenced includes the 3'-end of the rna polymerase, the triple gene block (tgb), the coat protein (cp) and 3' untranslated region (utr). in addition, the cp sequences of another 15 pepmv isolates, including 14 european tomato isolates and a peruvian pepino isolate, have been determined and compared. this analysis shows that al ...200111811692
complete sequence of the pepino mosaic virus rna genome.we have determined the complete nucleotide sequence (accession no. af484251) of the pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) rna genome. pepmv is the etiological agent of a new disease which affects tomato crops in europe and north america. the pepmv genome consists of one single stranded positive sense rna 6410 nt long that contains five open reading frames (orfs). orf 1 is the putative rna dependent rna polymerase (rdrp), as it has the characteristic methyltransferase, ntp-binding and polymerase motifs. or ...200212376761
complete nucleotide sequence of the genomic rna of a french isolate of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv). brief report.the complete nucleotide sequence of the genomic rna of a french isolate of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) was determined. with a length of 6,425 nucleotides excluding the poly(a) tail at the 3' terminus, the pepmv genome contains five major open reading frames encoding a 164 kda replicase, triple gene block proteins of 26 kda, 14 kda and 9 kda, and a 25 kda coat protein. this genome organization, as well as characteristic consensus motifs and high degrees of similarity of pepmv proteins with those ...200212417957
biological and molecular characterization of p101 isolate, a tobamoviral pepper strain from bulgaria.a tobamovirus isolated from pepper crops in bulgaria has been characterized, and is referred to below as p101. it was closely related to paprika mild mottle virus (pammv) (dutch isolate), based upon the serological relationship of its coat protein, and the nucleotide sequence analysis of the gene encoding the coat protein and the 3' non-coding region of the viral rna. the coat proteins of the two isolates differ by two amino acids, and these substitutions may be responsible for the different rea ...200314579173
the complete sequence of the genomic rna of an isolate of lily virus x (genus potexvirus).the complete sequence of the genomic rna of an isolate of lily virus x (lvx) has been determined for the first time. the isolate from the netherlands was 5823 nucleotide (nt) long excluding the 3'-poly(a) tail, making it the shortest reported potexvirus sequence. the 5'-non-coding region begins with ggaaaa like that of scallion virus x (scavx) and some isolates of cymbidium mosaic virus (cymmv), whereas those of other sequenced potexviruses probably all begin with gaaaa. the genome organisation ...200415578239
comparison of the complete sequences of three different isolates of pepino mosaic virus: size variability of the tgbp3 protein between tomato and l. peruvianum isolates.the complete nucleotide sequence of the genomes of two spanish isolates (le-2000 and le-2002) from tomato and one peruvian isolate (lp-2001) from lycopersicon peruvianum of the pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) were determined. the tomato isolates share identities higher than 99%, while the genome of lp-2001 had mean nucleotide identities of 95.6% to 96.0% with tomato isolates. the predicted amino acid sequences showed similarities ranging between 95.2% and 100% with tgbp3 and tgbp2 and cp proteins, r ...200415592891
two unique us isolates of pepino mosaic virus from a limited source of pooled tomato tissue are distinct from a third (european-like) us isolate.three strains of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) found in the us have been cloned and sequenced by rt-pcr using total rna from infected tissue as template, and degenerate potexvirus- and pepmv species- and isolate-specific primers. despite limited source material, the complete nucleotide sequences (6413 and 6410 nts, respectively) of two isolates, pepmv-us1 and pepmv-us2, were obtained and analyzed using total rna from less than 0.2 g of a pooled infected tomato leaf sample from arizona. sequence of ...200515750864
susceptibility of some weed species to pepino mosaic virus (pepmv).the aim of our investigations was to study the susceptibility of 22 weed species to pepino mosaic virus (pepmv). seven plants of each species were mechanically inoculated at 4-6 leaf stage with pepmv in a vector free virological glasshouse. inoculated plants were tested on the basis of symptoms, by das elisa serological method and back inoculation. among the 22 weed species, only some solanum ones (s. aethiopicum, s. dulcamara, s. luteum, s. nigrum) were susceptible to pepmv infection. all of th ...200516637220
molecular characterization of two pepino mosaic virus variants from imported tomato seed reveals high levels of sequence identity between chilean and us isolates.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), a member of the genus potexvirus, was first described in south america on pepino (solanum muricatum a.). only in recent years, it was reported to infect greenhouse-grown tomatoes. genome nucleotide sequences from several european isolates showed extensive sequence identity (>99%). recent genome nucleotide sequences from two us isolates (us1 and us2) however showed much greater sequence divergence from that of the european pepmv isolates. my interest in characterizing ...200716927118
development of a one-step immunocapture real-time taqman rt-pcr assay for the broad spectrum detection of pepino mosaic virus.a real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (rt-pcr) was developed for efficient detection of genetically diverse pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) isolates. the novel detection system was designed to use a duo-primer system targeting the conserved region in the triple gene block 2 (tgb2) gene with a single conserved taqman probe to broaden its reaction to cover all available pepmv strains. this duo-primer real-time rt-pcr assay was evaluated against us1, us2, ch1, ch2 and 25 field iso ...200717499368
complete nucleotide sequence analysis of cymbidium mosaic virus indian isolate: further evidence for natural recombination among potexviruses.the complete nucleotide sequence of an indian strain of cymbidium mosaic virus (cymmv)was determined and compared with other potexviruses. phylogenetic analyses on the basis of rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp), triple gene block protein and coat protein (cp) amino acid sequences revealed that cymmv is closely related to the narcissus mosaic virus (nmv), scallion virus x (svx), pepino mosaic virus (pepmv)and potato aucuba mosaic virus (pamv). different sets of primers were used for the amplifi ...200717762139
complete genomic rna sequence of the polish pepino mosaic virus isolate belonging to the us2 strain.we have determined the complete nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the polish pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) isolate marked as pepmv-pk. the pepmv-pk genome consists of a single positive-sense rna strand of 6412-nucleotide-long that contains five open reading frames (orfs). orf1 encodes the putative viral polymerase (rdrp), orfs 2-4 the triple gene block (tgb 1-3), and orf5-coat protein cp. two short untranslated regions flank the coding ones and there is a poly (a) tail at the 3' end of the ge ...200817934803
nucleotide sequence and phylogenetic analysis of a new potexvirus: malva mosaic virus.a filamentous virus isolated from malva neglecta wallr. (common mallow) and propagated in chenopodium quinoa was grown, cloned and the complete nucleotide sequence was determined (genbank accession # dq660333). the genomic rna is 6858 nt in length and contains five major open reading frames (orfs). the genomic organization is similar to members and the viral encoded proteins shared homology with the group of the potexvirus genus in the flexiviridae family. phylogenetic analysis revealed a close ...200818054524
genetic structure of the population of pepino mosaic virus infecting tomato crops in spain.abstract the population structure of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), which has caused severe epidemics in tomato in spain since 2000, was analyzed. isolates were characterized by the nucleotide sequence of the triple gene block and coat protein gene and, for a subset of isolates, a part of the rna-dependent rna polymerase gene. the full-length sequence of the genomic rna of a solanum muricatum isolate from peru also was determined. in spite of high symptom diversity, the spanish population of pepmv ...200618944442
infectious rna transcripts derived from cloned cdna of a pepino mosaic virus isolate.for the first time, a full-length cdna clone of the rna genome of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) was constructed. rna was extracted from purified virions of isolate pepmv-pa and used for cdna synthesis. the full-length cdna was produced as one 6.4-kb fragment representing the entire pepmv genome. this fragment was ligated into the pcr-xl-topo vector downstream of t7 rna polymerase promoter, which was included in the 5' primer sequence used for rt-pcr. the pepmv-pa rna transcripts obtained were infe ...200919333548
next-generation sequencing and metagenomic analysis: a universal diagnostic tool in plant virology.a novel, unbiased approach to plant viral disease diagnosis has been developed which requires no a priori knowledge of the host or pathogen. next-generation sequencing coupled with metagenomic analysis was used to produce large quantities of cdna sequence in a model system of tomato infected with pepino mosaic virus. the method was then applied to a sample of gomphrena globosa infected with an unknown pathogen originally isolated from the flowering plant liatris spicata. this plant was found to ...200919523106
real-time quantitative pcr based sensitive detection and genotype discrimination of pepino mosaic virus.over the last decade a new virus disease caused by pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) has been threatening the tomato industry worldwide. reliable detection is vitally important to aid disease control. methods must be both sensitive and capable of detecting the range of distinct genotypes that have been identified. the development of five new reverse transcription real-time quantitative pcr (rt-qpcr) assays is described, which allow the detection of all known pepmv genotypes. the performance of the ass ...200919643139
mixed infections of pepino mosaic virus strains modulate the evolutionary dynamics of this emergent virus.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is an emerging pathogen that causes severe economic losses in tomato crops (solanum lycopersicum l.) in the northern hemisphere, despite persistent attempts of control. in fact, it is considered one of the most significant viral diseases for tomato production worldwide, and it may constitute a good model for the analysis of virus emergence in crops. we have combined a population genetics approach with an analysis of in planta properties of virus strains to explain an ...200919759144
impact of piriformospora indica on tomato growth and on interaction with fungal and viral pathogens.piriformospora indica is a root endophytic fungus with plant-promoting properties in numerous plant species and induces resistance against root and shoot pathogens in barley, wheat, and arabidopsis. a study over several years showed that the endophyte p. indica colonised the roots of the most consumed vegetable crop tomato. p. indica improved the growth of tomato resulting in increased biomass of leaves by up to 20%. limitation of disease severity caused by verticillium dahliae by more than 30% ...201019789897
multiple coat protein mutations abolish recognition of pepino mosaic potexvirus (pepmv) by the potato rx resistance gene in transgenic tomatoes.despite the fact that pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) and potato virus x (pvx) share less than 40% identity in their coat proteins (cp), the known pvx elicitor of rx, transgenic tomato (cv. microtom) plants expressing a functional potato rx resistance gene showed resistance toward pepmv. however, in a low percentage of plants, pepmv accumulation was observed and back inoculation experiments demonstrated that these plants contained resistance-breaking pepmv variants. sequencing of the cp gene of thes ...201020192825
an increasing the resistance of field tomato to pepino mosaic virus.a resistance degree of three cultivars: 'atol', 'betalux' and 'promyk' of lycopersicon esculentum mill. to the pathogen was investigated. the most susceptible to pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) turned out to be the 'betalux' cultivar, therefore it was chosen for further studies. for this cultivar, under the transmission electron microscope, a few particles of the virus were observed in leaves, and many virions arranged in the form of the bundle--in fruits. an influence of two inducers was examined-- ...200920222574
emerging viral diseases of tomato crops.viral diseases are an important limiting factor in many crop production systems. because antiviral products are not available, control strategies rely on genetic resistance or hygienic measures to prevent viral diseases, or on eradication of diseased crops to control such diseases. increasing international travel and trade of plant materials enhances the risk of introducing new viruses and their vectors into production systems. in addition, changing climate conditions can contribute to a success ...201020367462
pepino mosaic virus: a successful pathogen that rapidly evolved from emerging to endemic in tomato crops.taxonomy: pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) belongs to the potexvirus genus of the flexiviridae family. physical properties: pepmv virions are nonenveloped flexuous rods that contain a monopartite, positive-sense, single-stranded rna genome of 6.4 kb with a 3' poly-a tail. the genome contains five major open reading frames (orfs) encoding a 164-kda rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp), three triple gene block proteins of 26, 14 and 9 kda, and a 25-kda coat protein. genome diversity: four pepmv genotype ...201020447268
oligonucleotide microarray-based detection and identification of 10 major tomato viruses.a dna microarray chip was developed for screening 10 major economically important tomato viruses from infected plants using "combimatrix" platform 40-mer oligonucleotide probes. a total of 279 oligonucleotide virus probes were specific for simultaneous multiple detection, identification, differentiation and/or genotyping of each of the following tomato rna viruses and/or strains and a virus satellite: cucumber mosaic virus, cucumber mosaic virus satellite rna, tomatoinfectiouschlorosisvirus, tom ...201020470828
quasispecies nature of pepino mosaic virus and its evolutionary dynamics.genetic variability is an essential feature of rna viruses. it allows them to adapt to the ever-changing environmental conditions. important biological properties of the viruses, their infectivity, adaptability, and host range, may also depend on the level of quasispecies diversity. here, we present the analysis of the genetic polymorphism of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv). the examined populations were isolated from the naturally infected tomato plants (solanum lycopersicum). in order to determine ...201020549323
evidence for rna recombination between distinct isolates of pepino mosaic virus.genetic recombination plays an important role in the evolution of virus genomes. in this study we analyzed publicly available genomic sequences of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) for recombination events using several bioinformatics tools. the genome-wide analyses not only confirm the presence of previously found recombination events in pepmv but also provide the first evidence for double recombinant origin of the us2 isolate.201020725647
development of expression vectors based on pepino mosaic virus. 201121396092
differential tomato transcriptomic responses induced by pepino mosaic virus isolates with differential aggressiveness.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is a highly infectious potexvirus and a major disease of greenhouse tomato (solanum lycopersicum) crops worldwide. damage and economic losses caused by pepmv vary greatly and can be attributed to differential symptomatology caused by different pepmv isolates. here, we used a custom-designed affymetrix tomato genechip array with probe sets to interrogate over 22,000 tomato transcripts to study transcriptional changes in response to inoculation of tomato seedlings with ...201121427280
single mutation converts mild pathotype of the pepino mosaic virus into necrotic one.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is a member of the flexiviridae family, genus potexvirus. pepmv isolates from the same genotype differ in the symptoms they induce in datura inoxia and solanum lycopersicum. necrotic isolates cause necrosis on these plants whereas mild isolates are very often asymptomatic or induce mild mosaic. sequence analysis of the genomes of mild (pepmv-p22) and necrotic (pepmv-p19) strains revealed that they differ by several nonsynonymous mutations. eleven mutations are located ...201121536084
tridimensional model structure and patterns of molecular evolution of pepino mosaic virus tgbp3 protein.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is considered one of the most dangerous pathogens infecting tomatoes worldwide. the virus is highly diverse and four distinct genotypes, as well as inter-strain recombinants, have already been described. the isolates display a wide range on symptoms on infected plant species, ranging from mild mosaic to severe necrosis. however, little is known about the mechanisms and pattern of pepmv molecular evolution and about the role of individual proteins in host-pathogen inte ...201121702943
characterization of the necrosis determinant of the european genotype of pepino mosaic virus by site-specific mutagenesis of an infectious cdna clone.mild and necrotic isolates have been described for the european (eu) genotype of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), an important pathogen of tomato worldwide. in this study, we produced various infectious cdna clones of an eu isolate with point mutations introduced by site-directed mutagenesis. our results showed that the genetic determinant responsible for necrosis induction on tomato and datura inoxia was amino acid 67 of tgbp3. this amino acid residue also acts as necrosis determinant in pepmv isol ...201122068882
pepino mosaic virus capsid protein interacts with a tomato heat shock protein cognate 70.plant viral capsid proteins (cp) can be involved in virus movement, replication and symptom development as a result of their interaction with host factors. the identification of such interactions may thus provide information about viral pathogenesis. in this study, pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) cp was used as bait to screen a tomato (solanum lycopersicum) cdna library for potential interactors in yeast. of seven independent interacting clones, six were predicted to encode the c-termini of the heat ...201121884738
the effects of plant virus infection on polarization reflection from leaves.alteration of leaf surface phenotypes due to virus infection has the potential to affect the likelihood of colonisation by insect vectors, or to affect their feeding activities. the aim of this study was to investigate whether viruses that rely on insects for their transmission, and which can be sensitive to the polarization of light, affect the percentage polarization of light reflected from leaves. we also set out to discover whether a correlation exists between the expression of eceriferum (c ...201627100188
assessment of reference gene stability influenced by extremely divergent disease symptoms in solanum lycopersicum l.tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) is one of the most important vegetables of great worldwide economic value. the scientific importance of the vegetable results from the fact that the genome of s. lycopersicum has been sequenced. this allows researchers to study fundamental mechanisms playing an essential role during tomato development and response to environmental factors contributing significantly to cell metabolism alterations. parallel with the development of contemporary genetics and the cons ...201323994079
simultaneous detection of the seven main tomato-infecting rna viruses by two multiplex reverse transcription polymerase chain reactions.cucumber mosaic virus, tomato spotted wilt virus, tomato mosaic virus, tomato chlorosis virus, pepino mosaic virus, torrado tomato virus and tomato infectious chlorosis virus cause serious damage and significant economic losses in tomato crops worldwide. the early detection of these pathogens is essential for preventing the viruses from spreading and improving their control. in this study, a procedure based on two multiplex rt-pcrs was developed for the sensitive and reliable detection of these ...201222939978
pepino mosaic virus and tomato torrado virus: two emerging viruses affecting tomato crops in the mediterranean basin.the molecular biology, epidemiology, and evolutionary dynamics of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) are much better understood than those of tomato torrado virus (totv). the earliest descriptions of pepmv suggest a recent jump from nontomato species (e.g., pepino; solanum muricatum) to tomato (solanum lycopersicum). its stability in contaminated plant tissues, its transmission through seeds, and the global trade of tomato seeds and fruits may have facilitated the global spread of pepmv. stability and ...201222682177
strain-dependent mutational effects for pepino mosaic virus in a natural host.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is an emerging plant pathogen that infects tomatoes worldwide. understanding the factors that influence its evolutionary success is essential for developing new control strategies that may be more robust against the evolution of new viral strains. one of these evolutionary factors is the distribution of mutational fitness effect (dmfe), that is, the fraction of mutations that are lethal, deleterious, neutral, and beneficial on a given viral strain and host species. th ...201728264646
the near-atomic cryoem structure of a flexible filamentous plant virus shows homology of its coat protein with nucleoproteins of animal viruses.flexible filamentous viruses include economically important plant pathogens. their viral particles contain several hundred copies of a helically arrayed coat protein (cp) protecting a (+)ssrna. we describe here a structure at 3.9 å resolution, from electron cryomicroscopy, of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), a representative of the genus potexvirus (family alphaflexiviridae). our results allow modeling of the cp and its interactions with viral rna. the overall fold of pepmv cp resembles that of nucl ...201526673077
pepino mosaic virus rna-dependent rna polymerase pol domain is a hypersensitive response-like elicitor shared by necrotic and mild isolates.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is an emerging pathogen that represents a serious threat to tomato production worldwide. pepmv-induced diseases manifest with a wide range of symptoms, including systemic necrosis. our results showed that pepmv accumulation depends on the virus isolate, tomato cultivar, and environmental conditions, and associates with the development of necrosis. substitution of lysine for glutamic acid at position 67 in the triple gene block 3 (tgb3) protein, previously described as ...201626667188
high population densities of macrolophus pygmaeus on tomato plants can cause economic fruit damage: interaction with pepino mosaic virus?the zoophytophagous predator macrolophus pygmaeus rambur (hemiptera: miridae) is a successful biocontrol agent against several pest species in protected tomato crops. this predator is considered to be harmless for the crop. however, in recent years, heteroptera feeding punctures on tomato fruit in belgian and dutch greenhouses have been misinterpreted as pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) symptoms. in this study, three hypotheses were tested: (1) m. pygmaeus causes fruit damage that increases with popu ...201626419416
ultrastructural insights into tomato infections caused by three different pathotypes of pepino mosaic virus and immunolocalization of viral coat proteins.this paper presents studies on an ultrastructural analysis of plant tissue infected with different pathotypes of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) and the immunolocalization of viral coat proteins. because the pepmv virus replicates with a high mutation rate and exhibits significant genetic diversity, therefore, isolates of pepmv display a wide range of symptoms on infected plants. in this work, tomato plants of the beta lux cultivar were inoculated mechanically with three pathotypes representing the ...201526369497
evidence for different, host-dependent functioning of rx against both wild-type and recombinant pepino mosaic virus.the potato rx gene provides resistance against pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) in tomato; however, recent work has suggested that the resistance conferred may not be durable. resistance breaking can probably be attributed to multiple mutations observed to accumulate in the capsid protein (cp) region of resistance-breaking isolates, but this has not been confirmed through directed manipulation of an infectious pepmv clone. the present work describes the introduction of two specific mutations, a-t78 a ...201625787776
evaluation of disinfectants to prevent mechanical transmission of viruses and a viroid in greenhouse tomato recent years, a number of serious disease outbreaks caused by viruses and viroids on greenhouse tomatoes in north america have resulted in significant economic losses to growers. the objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of commercial disinfectants against mechanical transmission of these pathogens, and to select disinfectants with broad spectrum reactivity to control general virus and viroid diseases in greenhouse tomato production.201525623384
generation of an attenuated, cross-protective pepino mosaic virus variant through alignment-guided mutagenesis of the viral capsid protein.mild variants of many viruses are able to protect infected plants from subsequent invasion by more severe variants of the same viruses through a process known as cross-protection. in the past, the cross-protective viral variants were commonly derived from mild field isolates that were sometimes genetically heterogeneous, providing variable levels of cross-protection. here, we report a novel approach to rapidly generate cross-protective variants of the tomato-infecting pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) ...201525496364
multifaceted capsid proteins: multiple interactions suggest multiple roles for pepino mosaic virus capsid protein.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) (family alphaflexiviridae, genus potexvirus) is a mechanically transmitted tomato pathogen that, over the last decade, has evolved from emerging to endemic worldwide. here, two heat-shock cognate (hsc70) isoforms were identified as part of the coat protein (cp)/hsc70 complex in vivo, following full-length pepmv and cp agroinoculation. pepmv accumulation was severely reduced in hsp70 virus-induced gene silenced and in quercetin-treated nicotiana benthamiana plants. sim ...201425162316
a pathogenicity determinant maps to the n-terminal coat protein region of the pepino mosaic virus genome.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) poses a worldwide threat to the tomato industry. considerable differences at the genetic level allow for the distinction of four main genotypic clusters; however, the basis of the phenotypic outcome is difficult to elucidate. this work reports the generation of wild-type pepmv infectious clones of both eu (mild) and ch2 (aggressive) genotypes, from which chimeric infectious clones were created. phenotypic analysis in three solanaceous hosts, nicotiana benthamiana, dat ...201525131553
role of the pepino mosaic virus 3'-untranslated region elements in negative-strand rna synthesis in vitro.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is a mechanically-transmitted positive-strand rna potexvirus, with a 6410 nt long single-stranded (ss) rna genome flanked by a 5'-methylguanosine cap and a 3' poly-a tail. computer-assisted folding of the 64 nt long pepmv 3'-untranslated region (utr) resulted in the prediction of three stem-loop structures (hp1, hp2, and hp3 in the 3'-5' direction). the importance of these structures and/or sequences for promotion of negative-strand rna synthesis and binding to the rn ...201425051146
ecological and genetic determinants of pepino mosaic virus emergence.virus emergence is a complex phenomenon, which generally involves spread to a new host from a wild host, followed by adaptation to the new host. although viruses account for the largest fraction of emerging crop pathogens, knowledge about their emergence is incomplete. we address here the question of whether pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) emergence as a major tomato pathogen worldwide could have involved spread from wild to cultivated plant species and host adaptation. for this, we surveyed natural ...201424390328
survival and transmission of potato virus y, pepino mosaic virus, and potato spindle tuber viroid in water.hydroponic systems and intensive irrigation are used widely in horticulture and thus have the potential for rapid spread of water-transmissible plant pathogens. numerous plant viruses have been reported to occur in aqueous environments, although information on their survival and transmission is minimal, due mainly to the lack of effective detection methods and to the complexity of the required transmission experiments. we have assessed the role of water as a source of plant infection using three ...201424334672
ratio of mutated versus wild-type coat protein sequences in pepino mosaic virus determines the nature and severity of yellowing symptoms on tomato plants.recently, pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) infections causing severe yellowing symptoms in tomato plants have been reported in glasshouse tomato crops. when studying this phenomenon in commercial glasshouses, two different types of yellowing symptoms, occurring in adjacent plants, were distinguished: interveinal leaf yellowing and yellow mosaics. after several weeks, the interveinal leaf yellowing symptoms gradually disappeared and the plant heads became green again, with yellow mosaic patterns on th ...201323855964
pepino mosaic virus infection of tomato affects allergen expression, but not the allergenic potential of fruits.the plant pathogen pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) is a major disease of greenhouse tomato crops worldwide. plant pathogens can induce expression of defence- or pathogenesis-related proteins, including identified allergens. therefore we hypothesised that pepmv infection results in the expression of allergens leading to a higher allergenic potential of tomato fruits. transcript level analyses showed differential expression of 17 known and putative tomato fruit allergen encoding genes at early and lat ...201323762294
a new method for detection and discrimination of pepino mosaic virus isolates using high resolution melting analysis of the triple gene block 3.diagnostic methods distinguished different pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) genotypes but the methods do not detect sequence variation in particular gene segments. the necrotic and non-necrotic isolates (pathotypes) of pepmv share a 99% sequence similarity. these isolates differ from each other at one nucleotide site in the triple gene block 3. in this study, a combination of real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and high resolution melting curve analysis of triple gene block 3 wa ...201323680091
pepino mosaic virus triple gene block protein 1 (tgbp1) interacts with and increases tomato catalase 1 activity to enhance virus accumulation.various plant factors are co-opted by virus elements (rna, proteins) and have been shown to act in pathways affecting virus accumulation and plant defence. here, an interaction between pepino mosaic virus (pepmv) triple gene block protein 1 (tgbp1; p26) and tomato catalase 1 (cat1), a crucial enzyme in the decomposition of toxic hydrogen peroxide (h₂o₂), was identified using the yeast two-hybrid assay, and confirmed via an in vitro pull-down assay and bimolecular fluorescent complementation (bif ...201323634807
detection of pepino mosaic virus isolates from tomato by one-step reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification.loop-mediated isothermal amplification (lamp) of dna is a novel technique for the amplification of dna under isothermal conditions. for the first time, we applied this method to develop a simple and sensitive tool for the detection of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv). pepmv is an emerging pathogen that causes yield and quality losses in tomato crops. specific rt-lamp primers for pepmv detection were designed based on triple gene block sequences. the reaction was performed in a single tube at 65 °c fo ...201323605670
pepino mosaic virus genotype shift in north america and development of a loop-mediated isothermal amplification for rapid genotype identification.pepino mosaic, once an emerging disease a decade ago, has become endemic on greenhouse tomatoes worldwide in recent years. three distinct genotypes of pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), including eu, us1 and ch2 have been recognized. our earlier study conducted in 2006-2007 demonstrated a predominant eu genotype in canada and united states. the objective of the present study was to monitor the dynamic of pepmv genetic composition and its current status in north america.201323587202
simultaneous detection and identification of four viruses infecting pepino by multiplex rt-pcr.potato virus m (pvm), pepino mosaic virus (pepmv), tomato mosaic virus (tomv), and potato virus s (pvs) infect pepino and cause serious crop losses. in this study, a multiplex rt-pcr method was developed for simultaneous detection and differentiation of pvs, tomv, pepmv and pvm. the method was highly reliable and sensitive; validation was accomplished by testing pepino samples collected from different regions of china. in this survey, pvm, tomv and pvs were detected in 37.0 %, 31.0 % and 5.5 % o ...201323338706
major tomato viruses in the mediterranean basin.tomato (solanum lycopersicum l.) originated in south america and was brought to europe by the spaniards in the sixteenth century following their colonization of mexico. from europe, tomato was introduced to north america in the eighteenth century. tomato plants show a wide climatic tolerance and are grown in both tropical and temperate regions around the world. the climatic conditions in the mediterranean basin favor tomato cultivation, where it is traditionally produced as an open-field plant. ...201222682165
deep sequencing of small rnas in tomato for virus and viroid identification and strain differentiation.small rnas (srna), including micrornas (mirna) and small interfering rnas (sirna), are produced abundantly in plants and animals and function in regulating gene expression or in defense against virus or viroid infection. analysis of sirna profiles upon virus infection in plant may allow for virus identification, strain differentiation, and de novo assembly of virus genomes. in the present study, four suspected virus-infected tomato samples collected in the u.s. and mexico were used for srna libr ...201222623984
in vitro template-dependent synthesis of pepino mosaic virus positive- and negative-strand rna by its rna-dependent rna polymerase.pepino mosaic virus (pepmv)-infected tomato plants were used to develop an in vitro template-dependent system for the study of viral rna synthesis. differential sedimentation and sucrose-gradient purification of pepmv-infected tomato extracts resulted in fractions containing a transcriptionally active membrane-bound rna-dependent rna polymerase (rdrp). in the presence of mg(2+) ions, (32)p-labelled utp and unlabelled atp, ctp, gtp, the pepmv rdrp catalysed the conversion of endogenous rna templa ...201222617023
a versatile papaya mosaic virus (papmv) vaccine platform based on sortase-mediated antigen coupling.flexuous rod-shaped nanoparticles made of the coat protein (cp) of papaya mosaic virus (papmv) have been shown to trigger innate immunity through engagement of toll-like receptor 7 (tlr7). papmv nanoparticles can also serve as a vaccine platform as they can increase the immune response to fused peptide antigens. although this approach shows great potential, fusion of antigens directly to the cp open reading frame (orf) is challenging because the fused peptides can alter the structure of the cp a ...201728720097
chemical addressability of potato virus x for its applications in bio/nanotechnology.potato virus x (pvx), a type member of the plant virus potexvirus group, offers a unique nanotechnology platform based on its high aspect ratio and flexible filamentous shape. the pvx platform has already been engineered and studied for its uses in imaging, drug delivery, and immunotherapies. while genetic engineering procedures are well established for pvx, there is limited information about chemical conjugation strategies for functionalizing pvx, partly due to the lack of structural informatio ...201728647539
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