
two new quill mites of the family syringophilidae (acari: prostigmata) parasitising the tapaculos (passeriformes: rhinocryptidae) in south america.two new species of syringophilid mites (acari: prostigmata: syringophilidae) associated with passeriform birds of the family rhinocryptidae in south america are described: syringophiloidus teledromas sp. nov. from teledromas fuscus (sclater and salvin) in argentina and aulonastus pteroptochos sp. nov. from pteroptochos tarnii (king) in chile. the genus aulonastus kethley, 1970 is recorded from the tapaculos for the first time, and the new species of syringophiloidus kethley, 1970 described here ...201425543578
patch network criteria for dispersal-limited endemic birds of south american temperate rain forest.we developed a set of simple empirically based criteria for distinguishing forest patch configurations that we expected to support persistent populations of two endemic tapaculo species with limited dispersal ability (chucao tapaculos [scelorchilus rubecula] and black-throated huet-huets [pteroptochos tarnii]) in south american temperate rain forest. the criteria address sustainable population sizes (tested using population viability analysis), habitat area needed to support sustainable populati ...200718213959
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