
water uptake by the crab-eating frog rana cancrivora, as affected by osmotic gradients and by neurohypophysial hormones.1. the rate of water uptake across the skin was investigated in live rana cancrivora, an euryhaline frog which has been reported to tolerate sea water. when they were exposed to distilled water at 29 degrees c, the rate of water uptake was 8.4 +/- 0.4 mul./cm(2).hr; when bathed in solutions ranging from 30 to 570 m-osmole/l., irrespective of whether the solute was sucrose, urea or nacl, the rate of fluid uptake during the first day was inversely related to the osmolarity of the solution. no appr ...19705503862
urea and amphibian water economy.accumulation of urea in the body fluids enables some amphibians to tolerate high ambient salinities (bufo viridis, xenopus laevis, rana cancrivora, ambystoma tigrinum, batrachoseps spp.) or to estivate in soil with low water potentials (scaphiopus spp.). these species are assumed not only to accumulate urea produced in the normal metabolism, but to synthesize urea in response to water shortage. re-examination of the data did not support the view of an osmoregulatory urea synthesis. increased ure ...19979172374
purification, characterization and cloning of two novel tigerinin-like peptides from skin secretions of fejervarya cancrivora.while investigating the innate defense of brackish water-living amphibian and its comparison with freshwater-living amphibians, two novel 12-residue antimicrobial peptides were purified from the skin secretions of the crab-eating frog, fejervarya cancrivora which typically inhabits brackish water of mangrove forests of southeast asia. these two antimicrobial peptides, tigerinin-rc1 and -rc2 share significant structural similarity with tigerinins found in the skin of indian frog, hoplobatrachus t ...200919540421
Pathological Study of Blood Parasites in Rice Field Frogs, Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (Wiegmann, 1834).One hundred and forty adult rice field frogs, Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (Wiegmann, 1834), were collected in Srakaew province, Thailand. For blood parasite examination, thin blood smears were made and routinely stained with Giemsa. The results showed that 70% of the frogs (98/140) were infected with 5 species of blood parasites, including a Trypanosoma rotatorium-like organism, Trypanosoma chattoni, Hepatozoon sp. a, Hepatozoon sp. b, and Lankesterella minima. Pathological examination of the liver ...201121918731
the herpetofauna of timor-leste: a first report.fieldwork conducted throughout timor-leste in september 2004 and july 2009 resulted in a collection or recording of 263 herpetological specimens (100 amphibians, 163 reptiles), comprising at least seven species of frogs and toads, 20 species of lizards, seven species of snakes, two species of turtles, and one species of crocodile. among the amphibians, the most frequently encountered species were toads (duttaphrynus melanostictus), rice paddy frogs (genus fejervarya), and rhacophorid treefrogs ( ...201121852932
nematodes of amphibians from java, indonesia, with a description of <br />new species, meteterakis wonosoboensis n. sp. (nematoda : heterakoidea).during a survey on the parasites of amphibians of indonesia, toads (30 bufo melanostictus) and 246 frogs (213 fejervarya cancrivora, 11 f. limnocharis, 22 rana macrodon from west java and 68 f. cancrivora from central java) were examined for parasitic nematodes. three species of nematodes were found and described, i.e. meteterakis wonosoboensis n. sp. from fejervaria cancrivora; meteterakis japonica from bufo melanostictus, f. cancrivora and f. limnocharis; and chabaudus sp. from f. cancrivora, ...201526249921
icosiella turgeocauda n. sp. (nematoda: onchocercidae) and seuratascaris numidica (nematoda: ascarididae), parasites of the frog, rana cancrivora (anura: ranidae), from luzon, republic of the philippines.icosiella turgeocauda n. sp. from the intestinal mesenteries of rana cancrivora collected at luzon, republic of the philippines, is described and illustrated. icosiella turgeocauda n. sp. represents the ninth species to be assigned to the genus and is easily differentiated from all the previously described species by the position of the vulva and the presence of bilateral umbos on the caudal end of the male. seuratascaris numidica also was found. the philippines represents a new location record ...200312760651
transcriptomes reveal the genetic mechanisms underlying ionic regulatory adaptations to salt in the crab-eating frog.the crab-eating frog, fejervarya cancrivora, is the only frog that lives near seas. it tolerates increased environmental concentrations of sodium, chloride and potassium partly by raising ion and urea levels in its blood plasma. the molecular mechanism of the adaptation remains rarely documented. herein, we analyze transcriptomes of the crab-eating frog and its closely related saline-intolerant species, f. limnocharis, to explore the molecular basis of adaptations to such extreme environmental c ...201526619819
changes in plasma angiotensin ii, aldosterone, arginine vasotocin, corticosterone, and electrolyte concentrations during acclimation to dry condition and seawater in the crab-eating frog.the crab-eating frog fejervarya cancrivora inhabits mangrove swamps and marshes in southeast asia. in the present study, circulating angiotensin ii (ang ii), aldosterone (aldo), arginine vasotocin (avt), and corticosterone (cort) concentrations as well as various blood parameters were studied under osmotically stressful conditions. following acclimation to hyperosmotic seawater and dry condition for 5days, body weight was significantly decreased. under both conditions, plasma na(+), cl(-), and u ...201424184110
evolutionary landscape of amphibians emerging from ancient freshwater fish inferred from complete mitochondrial is very interesting that the only extant marine amphibian is the marine frog, fejervarya cancrivora. this study investigated the reasons for this apparent rarity by conducting a phylogenetic tree analysis of the complete mitochondrial genomes from 14 amphibians, 67 freshwater fishes, four migratory fishes, 35 saltwater fishes, and one hemichordate. the results showed that amphibians, living fossil fishes, and the common ancestors of modern fishes are phylogenetically separated. in general, am ...201222503684
phylogenetic relationships among hoplobatrachus rugulosus in thailand as inferred from mitochondrial dna sequences of the cytochrome-b gene (amphibia, anura, dicroglossidae).a fragment (564 bp) of the mitochondrial cytochrome-b (cyt-b) gene was studied for 73 individual rice field frogs (hoplobatrachus rugulosus) from 18 geographical locations (populations) within thailand. sequence analysis revealed the presence of 12 haplotypes, with five haplotypes being represented in two or more populations, and the other seven being population-distinct haplotypes. phylogenetic analysis by maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor joining analyses all placed the 12 ha ...201222233497
taxonomic status of three types of fejervarya cancrivora from indonesia and other asian countries based on morphological observations and crossing experiments.although the crab-eating frog fejervarya cancrivora is one of the most widely distributed species in asian region, taxonomic relationships among different populations remain unclarified. in this study, we attempted to elucidate the taxonomic status of f. cancrivora from indonesian and other asian populations. five populations of f. cancrivora from selangor (malaysia), cianjur (java, indonesia), trat (thailand), khulna (bangladesh), and makassar (sulawesi, indonesia) were morphologically observed ...201121186942
genetic divergence and evolutionary relationship in fejervarya cancrivora from indonesia and other asian countries inferred from allozyme and mtdna sequence elucidate genetic divergence and evolutionary relationship in fejervarya cancrivora from indonesia and other asian countries, allozyme and molecular analyses were carried out using 131 frogs collected from 24 populations in indonesia, thailand, bangladesh, malaysia, and the philippines. in the allozymic survey, seventeen enzymatic loci were examined for 92 frogs from eight representative localities. the results showed that f. cancrivora is subdivided into two main groups, the mangrove type an ...201020192690
complete nucleotide sequence and gene arrangement of the mitochondrial genome of the crab-eating frog fejervarya cancrivora and evolutionary implications.the complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial (mt) genome of the crab-eating frog, fejervarya cancrivora gravenhorst (amphibia: anura: ranidae), was determined. the mt genome is 17,843 bp long and contains 13 protein-coding (atp6, atp8, coi-iii, nd1-6 and 4l, and cyt b) and two ribosomal rna (12s and 16srrna) genes. although metazoan mt genomes typically encode 22 transfer rna genes (trnas), the f. cancrivora mtdna contains 23 trnas due to the presence of an extra copy of trna(met). a ma ...200918848608
the first antimicrobial peptide from sea amphibian.the crab-eating frog, rana cancrivora, is one of only a handful of amphibians worldwide that tolerates saline waters. it typically inhabits brackish water of mangrove forests of southeast asia. a large amount of antimicrobial peptides belonging to different families have been identified from skins of amphibians inhabiting freshwater. no antimicrobial peptide from sea amphibians has been reported. in this paper, we firstly reported the antimicrobial peptide and its cdna cloning from skin secretio ...200817707909
the crab-eating frog, rana cancrivora, up-regulates hepatic carbamoyl phosphate synthetase i activity and tissue osmolyte levels in response to increased salinity.the crab-eating frog rana cancrivora is one of only a handful of amphibians worldwide that tolerate saline waters. they typically inhabit brackish water of mangrove forests of southeast asia, but live happily in freshwater and can be acclimated to 75% seawater (25 ppt) or higher. we report here that after transfer of juvenile r. cancrivora from freshwater (1 ppt) to brackish water (10 -->20 or 20 -->25 ppt; 4-8 d) there was a significant increase in the specific activity of the key hepatic ornit ...200415229866
inter- and intraspecific evolutionary relationships of the rice frog rana limnocharis and the allied species r. cancrivora inferred from crossing experiments and mitochondrial dna sequences of the 12s and 16s rrna genes.the rice frog rana limnocharis is widely distributed in southeast asia and the rest of the asian region extending from india to japan. in japan, the sakishima-island populations of this species were regarded as a distinct species based on morphological and genetic divergences. the main purposes of this study were to confirm the presence of intraspecific reproductively isolating mechanisms in the sakishima-island populations of r. limnocharis, and to clarify molecular inter- and intraspecific rel ...200212414311
salinity tolerance and structure of external and internal gills in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, rana cancrivora.salinity tolerance and histology of gills were studied in rana cancrivora larvae. the tadpoles at the external gill stages (w stages 21-22) were able to survive in media containing up to 40% seawater, but died in water of higher salinity. their external gills appear to have no critical role in adaptation to seawater. however, advanced tadpoles with internal gills (t-k stages i-xviii) were able to tolerate 50% or higher seawater. in the internal gills, there are numerous mitochondria-rich cells ( ...19921735117
surface and subsurface structures of neuromasts in tadpoles of the crab-eating frog, rana cancrivora.neuromast structure in rana cancrivora larvae was observed by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. neuromast units, each being composed of two or three neuromasts, are arranged in several well-defined lines in the head, body, and tail regions. the structure of neuromasts in these three regions is basically identical. the neuromast is composed of sensory, sustentacular, and mantle cells. the top of each neuromast has a hillocklike appearance, and is surrounded by four to six epidermal c ...19912038062
the crab-eating frog rana cancrivora: serum mineral concentrations and histology of the ultimobranchial gland and the parathyroid the crab-eating frog rana cancrivora, taken from a full-strength seawater pond, the in situ levels of serum na, cl, k, ca, mg, pi, urea, and osmolarity were examined. the levels were higher than those usually reported for freshwater anurans. however, values for the monovalent salts, urea, and osmolarity were lower than those reported by gordon et al. (1961, j. exp. biol. 38, 659-678) following immersion of this species in 80% seawater for 7 days. the histological features of the ultimobranchi ...19902289681
structure of the kidney in the crab-eating frog, rana cancrivora.the structure of the nephron in the ranid frog, rana cancrivora, was studied by light and electron microscopy. this frog is the only amphibian species to live in mangrove swamps of very high salinity. the nephron consists of the following parts: renal corpuscle, ciliated neck segment, proximal tubule, ciliated intermediate segment, distal tubule, connecting tubule, and collecting duct. the distal tubule is located in the ventromedial region of the kidney, and the other tubules are situated in th ...19902348460
vasotocin-like activity in the plasms of the euryhaline frog (rana cancrivora) after transfer from fresh water to saline.when rana cancrivora were collected from fresh water and dehydrated (weight loss 4-10%) by exposure to saline, the plasma titre of hydro-osmotic activity, measured by amphibian bladder assay, was increased three-to fourfold. this activity, which was abolished by thioglycollate and by incubation with tyrosinase or trypsin, was ascribed to vasotocin. the plasma vasotocin activities (hydrated and dehydrated frogs respectively) were estimated to be 0-03-0-5 and 0-15-0-25 mug/1; if referred to oxytoc ...1975811747
oxygen consumption of liver and kidney of rana cancrivora in relation to environmental osmolality. 19751177138
oxygen consumption in vitro by skin and urinary bladder of the euryhaline frog, rana cancrivora. 19734759106
a note on lymphoid aggregations in the oesophagus of the frog (rana cancrivora). 19734703960
neurohypophysial hormones and homeostasis in the crab-eating frog. rana can crivora. 19734594113
the effect of long-term adaptation to different levels of salinity on urea synthesis and tissue amino acid concentrations in rana cancrivora. 19724653166
fluid uptake from intestine of the euryhaline frog, rana cancrivora, as affected by the salinity of the environment. 19725074418
permeability of urinary bladder of rana cancrivora to urea in the presence of oxytocin.1. when rana cancrivora collected from fresh water had been exposed for 3 days to saline solutions having osmolalities from 280 to 690 m-osmole/kg, urea concentrations in plasma and urine appeared to come into equilibrium, and were from 70 to 200 m-mole/l.2. plasma urea level of fresh water r. cancrivora (48 m-mole/l.) was doubled (82 m-mole/l.) after 8 hr of exposure to 270 m-osmolal saline. it continued the same after 24 hr of exposure.3. when isolated urinary bladders of r. cancrivora were ex ...19725045740
the effect of short-term changes in the external salinity on the levels of the non-protein nitrogenous compounds and the ornithine-urea cycle enzymes in rana cancrivora. 19725014291
potential differences and short circuit current across the skin of rana cancrivora, in vitro. 19714396835
ultrastructure of urinary bladder of rana cancrivora. 19705499060
effects of neurohypophyseal hormones on the skin permeability of rana cancrivora, in vivo. 19695821922
kidney function in the crab-eating frog (rana cancrivora). 196213908824
osmotic tolerance of the muscles of the crab-eating frog rana cancrivora. 196213920570
stable isotope analyses-a method to distinguish intensively farmed from wild frogs.consumption of frog legs is increasing worldwide, with potentially dramatic effects for ecosystems. more and more functioning frog farms are reported to exist. however, due to the lack of reliable methods to distinguish farmed from wild-caught individuals, the origin of frogs in the international trade is often uncertain. here, we present a new methodological approach to this problem. we investigated the isotopic composition of legally traded frog legs from suppliers in vietnam and indonesia. mu ...201728428844
effect of neurohypophysial hormones on fluid movement across isolated bladder of rana cancrivora, rana temporaria and bufo melanostictus.1. the rate of fluid movement across the wall of isolated amphibian urinary bladder was estimated using hemi-bladders of the tropical euryhaline rana cancrivora, the temperate r. temporaria and the tropical bufo melanostictus.2. the rate of water outflow across the bladder walls was: rana cancrivora, 4.8 mul./cm(2).hr; r. temporaria, 7.2 mul./cm(2).hr; bufo melanostictus, 3.7 mul./cm(2).hr.3. when neurohypophysial peptides were added to the serosal solution the rates of water outflow were increa ...19705500771
enhanced salt tolerance of euryhaline tadpoles depends on increased na+, k+-atpase expression after salinity acclimation.understanding physiological responses and osmoregulatory mechanisms for dealing with salinity stress is essential to clarify how amphibians living in coastal areas adapt to fluctuating salinity levels. euryhaline species are rare among reported tadpole species inhabiting saline habitats, and few studies addressed the osmoregulatory mechanisms. we quantified the effects of salinity acclimation on survival, osmolality, water content, ion concentration, and gill na+, k+-atpase (nka) expression of e ...201930308302
an ultrastructural study of the dorsal lingual epithelium of the crab-eating frog, rana cancrivora.the amphibian tongue contains two types of papilla which are believed to function in gustation and in the secretion of salivary fluid. scanning electron microscopy reveals that columnar, filiform papillae are compactly distributed over nearly the entire dorsal surface of the tongue of the frog, rana cancrivora, and fungiform papillae are scattered among the filiform papillae. microridges and microvilli are distributed on the epithelial cell surface of the extensive area of the filiform papillae. ...19938459450
corrigenda: species delimitation of crab-eating frogs (fejervarya cancrivora complex) clarifies taxonomy and geographic distributions in mainland southeast asia. zookeys 883: 119-153.[this corrects the article doi: 10.3897/zookeys.883.37544.].202031857791
species delimitation of crab-eating frogs (fejervarya cancrivora complex) clarifies taxonomy and geographic distributions in mainland southeast asia.the taxonomy and geographic distributions of species of crab-eating frogs (fejervarya cancrivora complex) in mainland southeast asia have been highly uncertain. three taxonomic names are used in recent literature (f. cancrivora, f. raja, and f. moodiei) but the applications of these names to localities has been inconsistent, especially owing to the lack of available molecular data for f. raja. morphometric and mitochondrial dna variation was examined in these frogs, including name-bearing types ...201931719776
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