[fractional composition of serum proteins in amur sturgeons and its evolutionary significance]. | by means of polyacrylamide gel disc-electrophoresis studies have been made on a serum proteins of the kaluga huso dauricus and amur sturgeon asipenser schrencki. high electrophoretic heterogeneity (18--23 components) of serum proteins of both species was demonstrated together with ecological peculiarities of fractional composition of these proteins as compared to those in caspian sturgeons. the described high heterogeneity of serum proteins in the ganoid fishes is particularly interesting from t ... | 1978 | 664999 |
[discrimination of interspecific hybrids in natural populations of amur sturgeon fishes using multilocus rapd-pcr markers]. | rapd-pcr analysis of 46 individuals of sturgeons from amur river has been carried out. genetic status of amur sturgeon acipenser schrenckii brandt, 1869 and kaluga huso dauricus georgi, 1775 native populations has been estimated. genetic evidences of hybrid origin for two phenotypical hybrids were obtained; estimations of genetic distances between species and hybrids appeared to be at interspecific level. the exact test for differentiation of populations (exact test) and multidimensional scaling ... | 2008 | 19140442 |
isolation of yersinia ruckeri strain h01 from farm-raised amur sturgeon acipenser schrencki in china. | yersinia ruckeri is the causative agent of enteric redmouth disease or yersiniosis, which affects salmonids and several other species of fish. however, there are no reports on the characteristics and pathogenicity of y. ruckeri isolated from farm-raised amur sturgeon acipenser schrencki. here, we isolated and characterized y. ruckeri strain h01 from the diseased amur sturgeon in china. the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of y. ruckeri were observed, and its virulence was tested by exami ... | 2013 | 23241058 |
cloning hsp70 and hsp90 genes of kaluga (huso dauricus) and the effects of temperature and salinity stress on their gene expression. | the genes encoding hsp70 and hsp90 proteins were isolated from kaluga by homologous cloning and rapid amplification of complementary dna (cdna) ends (race). hsp70 (genbank accession no. kp050541) and hsp90 (genbank accession no. kp050542) cdnas were composed of 2275 and 2718 bp and encoded polypeptides of 650 and 725 amino acids, respectively. basic local alignment search tool (blast) analysis showed that hsp70 and hsp90 of kaluga shared high identities with those of acipenser ruthenus, acipense ... | 2016 | 26683614 |
[the use of microsatellite loci for identification of sturgeon species (acipenseridae) and hybrid forms]. | the genetic polymorphism often sturgeon species that inhabit the territory of the russian federation (russian sturgeon, siberian sturgeon, amur sturgeon, sakhalin sturgeon, persian sturgeon, ship sturgeon, starlet, stellate sturgeon, beluga, and kaluga) was examined at five microsatellite loci (afug41, afug51, an20, aoxd161, aoxd165) (in total, 3821 individuals). the examined loci were successfully amplified with the same primer set in all species tested and demonstrated a high level of variatio ... | 2013 | 25508908 |
[the use of microsatellite loci for identification of sturgeon species (acipenseridae) and hybrid forms]. | the genetic polymorphism often sturgeon species that inhabit the territory of the russian federation (russian sturgeon, siberian sturgeon, amur sturgeon, sakhalin sturgeon, persian sturgeon, ship sturgeon, starlet, stellate sturgeon, beluga, and kaluga) was examined at five microsatellite loci (afug41, afug51, an20, aoxd161, aoxd165) (in total, 3821 individuals). the examined loci were successfully amplified with the same primer set in all species tested and demonstrated a high level of variatio ... | 2013 | 25486777 |
[discrete phenotypical variability of electrophoretic specters of one of myogen systems in the acipenseridae family]. | analysis of electrophoregrams of water-soluble proteins of white skeletal muscle of 10 fish species belonging to three genera of the acipenseridae family has allowed revealing an earlier not described system that can serve as a biochemical marker. this protein system represents a set of five fractions (a, b, c, d, e). a part of the studied species is monomorphous for one of these fractions (sterlet, starred sturgeon, great sturgeon, and big shovelnose had phenotype a, barbel sturgeon--phenotype ... | 2010 | 20799609 |
[molecular identification and the features of genetic diversity in interspecific hybrids of amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii x a. baerii, a. baerii x a. schrenckii, a. schrenckii x a. ruthenus, and a. ruthenus x a. schrenckii) based on variability of multilocus rapd markers]. | the method of polymerase chain reaction with random primers (rapd pcr) was used to identify the progeny of the crosses between three sturgeon species, amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii brandt, 1869), siberian sturgeon (a. baerii brandt, 1869), and sterlet (a. ruthenus linnaeus, 1758). using ten primers, genetic variation in 70 yearlings, produced in seven individual crosses: acipenser schrenckii x a. schrenckii, a. baerii x a. baerii, a. ruthenus x a. ruthenus, a. schrenckii x a. baerii, a. ba ... | 2008 | 19137727 |
[polymorphism of the mitochondrial dna control region in eight sturgeon species and development of a system for dna-based species identification]. | intraspecific and interspecific nucleotide sequence variations of the mtdna control region (d-loop) were studied with mtdnas isolated from tissue specimens of more than 1400 sturgeons of nine species: russian sturgeon acipenser gueldenstaedtii, persian sturgeon a. persicus, siberian sturgeon a. baerii, amur sturgeon a. schrenkii, fringebarbel sturgeon a. nudiventris, sterlet a. ruthenus, stellate sturgeon a. stellatus, beluga huso huso, and kaluga h. dauricus. the results were used to analyze th ... | 2008 | 18767539 |
immunoglobulin heavy chain constant region of five acipenseridae: cdna sequence and evolutionary relationship. | the immunoglobulin m (igm) heavy chain constant region genes of russian sturgeon (acipenser gueldenstaedtii), sterlte sturgeon (acipenser ruthenus), amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii), chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis) and great sturgeon (huso huso) were cloned and analyzed with molecular biology and bioinformatics methods. we cloned igh nucleic acid sequences by rt-pcr using the specific primer, then determined the characteristics and functions of the amino acid sequences. the gene contai ... | 2007 | 17234432 |
[a research on ig heavy chain constant region of five acipenseridae]. | analyzed the immunoglobulin (ig) heavy chain constant regions of russian sturgeon (a. gueldenstaedtii); sterlte sturgeon (a. ruthenus); amur sturgeon (a. schrenckii); chinese sturgeon (a. sinensis) and great sturgeon (huso huso) with molecular biology and bioinformatics methods. we cloned igh nucleic acid sequences by rt-pcr using the specific primer, then determined the characteristics and functions of the amino acid sequences and plotted out the sequence into four sub-regions (ch1-ch4), of whi ... | 2006 | 17035183 |
[determination of 17 amino acids in fish eggs by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled with precolumn derivatization]. | a rapid quantitative method of ultra performance liquid chromatography (uplc) has been developed for the analysis of 17 amino acids in fish eggs from acipenser schrenckii, huso dauricus and acipenser ruthenus. the analytes were hydrolyzed with 6 0 mol/l hci. the extraction solution was concentrated under low pressure and neutralized with naoh solution before derivatization with 6-aminoquinolyl-n-hydroxy-succinimidyl carbamate (aqc) as derivatization agent in borate buffer solution (ph 8.8). grad ... | 2013 | 23786002 |
identification of genes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis in the brain of amur sturgeons (acipenser schrenckii) by comparative transcriptome analysis in relation to kisspeptin treatment. | kisspeptin plays an important role in the reproduction and onset of puberty in vertebrates through stimulation of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (gnrh). however, the mechanisms whereby kisspeptin-related genes regulate sexual differentiation in teleosts are poorly understood. we aimed to study the relationship between the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad (hpg) axis and sexual differentiation in relation to kisspeptin in the sturgeon acipenser schrenckii. we performed comparative transcriptomic analy ... | 2016 | 27688073 |
corticosteroid and progesterone transactivation of mineralocorticoid receptors from amur sturgeon and tropical gar. | the response to a panel of steroids by the mineralocorticoid receptor (mr) from amur sturgeon and tropical gar, two basal ray-finned fish, expressed in hek293 cells was investigated. half-maximal responses (ec50s) for transcriptional activation of sturgeon mr by 11-deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone, 11-deoxycortisol, cortisol and aldosterone, and progesterone (prog) were between 13 and 150 pm. for gar mr, ec50s were between 8 and 55 pm. such low ec50s support physiological regulation by these ... | 2016 | 27520308 |
transcriptome analysis and de novo annotation of the critically endangered amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). | the aim of this study was to provide comprehensive insights into the genetic background of sturgeon by transcriptome study. we performed a de novo assembly of the amur sturgeon acipenser schrenckii transcriptome using illumina hiseq 2000 sequencing. a total of 148,817 non-redundant unigenes with base length of approximately 121,698,536 bp and ranges from 201 to 26,789 bp were obtained. all the unigenes were classified into 3368 distinct categories and 145,449 singletons by homologous transcript ... | 2016 | 27420941 |
[unidirectional hybridization of kaluga acipenser dauricus georgi, 1775 and amur sturgeon acipenser schrenckii brandt, 1869, inferred from the mitochondrial dna genotyping of their natural hybrids]. | in 2009 through 2011, among 730 individuals of kaluga and amur sturgeon collected in the lower reaches of the amur river and the amursky liman, 17 morphologically intermediate individuals (hybrids) with the body length of 56 to 202 cm (median, 81 cm) were identified, including 11 individuals (4.6%) found in 2009, three individuals (1.6%) found in 2010, and three individuals (1.1%), in 2011. in 16 hybrids 819 bp of the mtdna control regions were sequences and 11 haplotypes were identified. since ... | 2016 | 27281853 |
conservation, sex-biased expression and functional annotation of micrornas in the gonad of amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). | micrornas (mirnas) are involved in post-transcriptional gene regulation and have crucial roles in regulating the expression of gametogenesis-related genes in animals. however, the mechanism of sex determination and differentiation in the sturgeon has remained unclear. identifying mirnas and characterizing sex-biased mirna expression is therefore critical for understanding the role of mirnas during sexual differentiation in sturgeon. in this study, five different tissues from sturgeon before sex ... | 2016 | 27089517 |
comparative transcriptome analysis of testes and ovaries for the discovery of novel genes from amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). | sturgeons (acipenser schrenckii) are of high evolutionary, economic, and conservation value, and caviar isone of the most valuable animal food products in the world. the illumina hiseq2000 sequencing platform was used to construct testicular and ovarian transcriptomes to identify genes involved in reproduction and sex determination in a. schrenckii. a total of 122,381 and 114,527 unigenes were obtained in the testicular and ovarian transcriptomes, respectively, with average lengths of 748 and 69 ... | 2015 | 26782541 |
characterization of type i and ii procollagen α1 chain in amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii) and comparison of their gene expression. | to characterize type i and ii collagen in the amur sturgeon at the molecular level, mrnas encoding the proα chain of both types of collagen were cloned and sequenced. full sequences of both were obtained, and the molecular phylogeny based on the deduced amino acid sequence indicated that the correct sequences of the target genes were obtained. analyses of primary structure of the proα chains revealed that type i and ii collagen share the basic structure of the proα chain of fibril collagen, but ... | 2016 | 26768575 |
rapid development of polymorphic microsatellite markers for the amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii) using next-generation sequencing technology. | anthropogenic activities have seriously impacted wild resources of the amur sturgeon, acipenser schrenckii, and more information on local and regional population genetic structure is required to aid the conservation of this species. in this study, we report the development of 12 novel polymorphic microsatellite loci using next-generation sequencing technology, and the genotyping of 24 individuals collected from a sturgeon farm. the results show that the mean number of ob-served alleles per locus ... | 2015 | 26214471 |
complete mitochondrial genome of the hybrid of acipenser schrenckii (♀) × huso dauricus (♂). | the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of the hybrid of acipenser schrenckii (♀) × huso dauricus (♂) (a × h) was first determined by a pcr-based sequencing method in this study. the mitochondrial was 16 687 bp in length, including 13 protein genes, two ribosomal rna (rrna) genes, 22 transfer rna (trna) genes, and one control region. all genes were encoded on the heavy strain except for nd6 and eight trna genes. base composition of the heavy strain was a (29.80%), t (24.42%), c (28.94%), g (1 ... | 2016 | 26122339 |
phylogenetic relationships of paradiclybothrium pacificum and diclybothrium armatum (monogenoidea: diclybothriidae) inferred from 18s rdna sequence data. | the diclybothriidae (monogenoidea: oligonchoinea) includes specific parasites of fishes assigned to the ancient order acipenseriformes. phylogeny of the diclybothriidae is still unclear despite several systematic studies based on morphological characters. together with the closely related hexabothriidae represented by parasites of sharks and ray-fishes, the position of diclybothriidae in different taxonomical systems has been matter of discussion. here, we present the first molecular data on dic ... | 2015 | 26116246 |
[mitochondrial dna sequence variation, demographic history, and population structure of amur sturgeon acipenser schrenckii brandt, 1869]. | the variability of the mtdna control region (d-loop) was examined in amur sturgeon endemic to the amur river. this species is also classified as critically endangered by the iucn red list of threatened species. sequencing of 796- to 812-bp fragments of the d-loop in 112 sturgeon collected in the lower amur revealed 73 different genotypes. the sample was characterized by a high level of haplotypic (0.976) and nucleotide (0.0194) diversity. the identified haplotypes split into two well-defined mon ... | 2015 | 25966586 |
antioxidant and cryoprotective effects of amur sturgeon skin gelatin hydrolysate in unwashed fish mince. | antioxidant and cryoprotective effects of amur sturgeon skin gelatin hydrolysates prepared using different commercial proteases in unwashed fish mince were investigated. gelatin hydrolysates prepared using either alcalase or flavourzyme, were effective in preventing lipid oxidation as evidenced by the lower thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances formation. gelatin hydrolysates were able to retard protein oxidation as indicated by the retarded protein carbonyl formation and lower loss in sulfhyd ... | 2015 | 25794753 |
high-throughput sequencing of microrna transcriptome and expression assay in the sturgeon, acipenser schrenckii. | sturgeons are considered as living fossils and have very high evolutionary, economical and conservation values. the multiploidy of sturgeon that has been caused by chromosome duplication may lead to the emergence of new micrornas (mirnas) involved in the ploidy and physiological processes. in the present study, we performed the first sturgeon mirnas analysis by rna-seq high-throughput sequencing combined with expression assay of microarray and real-time pcr, and aimed to discover the sturgeon-sp ... | 2014 | 25506840 |
two hsps gene from juvenile amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii): cloning, characterization and expression pattern to crowding and hypoxia stress. | in this study, the cdna sequences of hsp70 and hsp90 were isolated from the special chondr-ganoid scale, amur sturgeon, for the first time. homology analysis indicated that amino acid sequences of hsp70 and hsp90 shared high identity with other species (82.68-99.07 and 90.19-98.07%, respectively). the tissue expression analysis showed that the ashsp70 and ashsp90 mrna were ubiquitously expressed in all the examined tissues under unstressed condition. the expression pattern of hsp70 and hsp90 und ... | 2014 | 25117508 |
the physiological performance and immune responses of juvenile amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii) to stocking density and hypoxia stress. | stocking density and hypoxia are considered priority issues in aquaculture research. in this study, two experiments were carried out in order to investigate the effects of chronic stress (stocking density) and acute stress (hypoxia) on the immune physiology responses (hematology, serum cortisol, glucose, total protein and the mrna expression of cyp 1a) of juvenile amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). in the chronic stress study, three triplicate groups of amur sturgeon (42.0 ± 2.3 g) were reare ... | 2014 | 24355406 |
preparation and characterisation of type i and v collagens from the skin of amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). | the collagen in amur sturgeon was extracted by pepsin digestion and separated into two fractions, p₂.₄ (92.40%) and p₄.₀ (2.16%), by sodium chloride precipitation. sds-page and amino acid profile suggested that the p₂.₄ and p₄.₀ might be classified as type i collagen (psc-i) and type v collagen (psc-v), respectively. these collagens appeared to be dense sheet-like film linked by random-coiled filaments under sem. the denaturation and melting temperatures of psc-v (35.92 and 122.86 °c) were signi ... | 2014 | 24262576 |
the complete mitochondrial genome of the acipenser schrenckii (acipenseridae: acipenser). | the acipenser schrenckii is an ancient freshwater chondrostei species, which is mainly distributed in amur river in china and russian. the complete mitochondrial genome of a. schrenckii was obtained for the first time in this study. the circular genome (16,548 bp in length) consists of 37 typical animal mitochondrial genes (13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer rna genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes) and 1 control region. overall base composition of the complete mitochondrial dna was 30% a, 24% t, 29.4 ... | 2015 | 23901924 |
complete mitochondrial genome of acipenser schrenckii (acipenseriformes, acipenseridae). | abstract the complete nucleotide sequence of acipenser schrenckii mtdna is 16,592 bp long (accession no. kc820796). the total mitochondrial genome is consisted of 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rrna genes, 22 trna genes and 1 control region. the gene organization and arrangement is identical to typical vertebrates. | 2014 | 23841603 |
complete mitochondrial genome of amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). | the complete mitochondrial genome of amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii) was determined in this study. the mitogenome is 16,684 bp in length and contains 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer rna genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes and 2 non-coding regions (the control region and the putative origin of the light strand replication) with a typical vertebrate mitochondrial gene arrangement. the overall base composition of the heavy strand is 30.07% for a, 29.36% for c, 16.44% for g and 24.13% for t, with ... | 2014 | 23795831 |
swimming capability and swimming behavior of juvenile acipenser schrenckii. | acipenser schrenckii, the amur sturgeon, was a commercially valuable fish species inhabiting the amur (heilongjiang) river but populations have rapidly declined in recent years. dams impede a. schrenckii spawning migration and wild populations were critically endangered. building fishways helped maintain fish populations but data on swimming performance and behavior was crucial for fishway design. to obtain such data on a. schrenckii, a laboratory study of juvenile a. schrenckii (n = 18, body ma ... | 2013 | 23359615 |
analysis of free amino acids in amur sturgeon by ultra-performance liquid chromatography using pre-column derivatization with 6-aminoquinolyl-carbamyl. | a rapid, sensitive, and reliable ultra-performance liquid chromatography (uplc) coupled with photodiode array detection method was developed for the amino acid analysis of amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii brandt). the method uses minimal sample volume and automated online precolumn derivitization of amino acids with fluorescent 6-aminoquinolyl-carbamyl reagent. the chromatographic separation was achieved by uplc, which used a column with 1.7 μm particle packing that enabled higher speed of an ... | 2012 | 23225708 |
effects of replacement of fish meal by soy protein isolate on the growth, digestive enzyme activity and serum biochemical parameters for juvenile amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). | an 8-wk experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of replacing fish meal (fm) with soy protein isolate (spi) on the growth, digestive enzyme activity and serum biochemical parameters of juvenile amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii). spi was used to replace 0, 25, 50, 62.5, 75, 87.5, 100% of dietary fm and 100% replacement supplemented crystalline amino acid. healthy sturgeon with an average initial weight of 26.38±0.24 g were randomly assigned to 24 aquaria (8 treatments with triplicates e ... | 2012 | 25049521 |
effect of stocking density on growth and serum concentrations of thyroid hormones and cortisol in amur sturgeon, acipenser schrenckii. | this study investigated the effects of different stocking densities on growth and serum concentrations of thyroid hormones and cortisol in amur sturgeon, acipenser schrenckii. fish were reared at low, medium, and high stocking densities (initial experimental densities were 0.30, 0.75, and 1.78 kg m(-2), respectively) for 70 days. the results showed that high stocking density had negative effects on growth and feeding efficiency, and altered serum levels of thyroid hormones and cortisol in amur s ... | 2012 | 21717129 |
assessment of the amur river ecosystem pollution with benzene and its derivatives caused by an accident at the chemical plant in jilin city, china. | assessment of concentrations of benzene and its derivatives in the amur water and fish caught in summer and autumn 2006 was carried out after jilin chemical plant accident (winter 2005) in the people’s republic of china. fish sampling of leiocassis ussuriensis conducted in the amur river near khabarovsk identified benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, isopropylbenzene, xylene reaching to 16, 98.7, 55, 54, and 206 μg kg−1, respectively. for hypophthalmichtys molitrix valenciennes sampled in the lower r ... | 2009 | 19572090 |
[phylogenetic relationships of amur sturgeon acipenser schrenckii brandt, 1869 based on 18s rdna sequensing data]. | the analysis of phylogenetic relationships based on 18s rdna sequences of amur sturgeon acipenser schrenckii brandt, 1869 with other acipenseriform species was performed in this study. complete sequences (1746 b. p.) in seven individual clones of a. schrenckii 18s rrna were determined. mutation profile of amur sturgeon 18s rdna demonstrated high similarity with that of lake sturgeon a. fulvescens. both presumably functional sequence and the specific mutation (insertion of adenine after position ... | 2009 | 19435281 |
characterization and genetic diversity of the sturgeon acipenser schrenskii ig heavy chain. | it is still unknown about the vh gene organization and diversity of the immunoglobulin (ig) heavy chain locus in amur sturgeon. in this study, ig heavy chain alleles were cloned by rt-pcr using the specific primers. sequence analysis showed that amur sturgeon's vh regions belonged to the same family with higher than 90% identities of their leader peptide (lp). moreover, a number of conserved motifs in the d segment were identified, and the variability of the cdr3 region was substantial. further, ... | 2009 | 19362681 |
increased genetic diversity of 18s rdna in the genomes of f1 hybrids of sturgeons acipenser schrenckii x a. baerii and a. schrenckii x huso dauricus. | | 2016 | 18841813 |
effect of sedatin (synthetic dermorphin analog) on the development of acipenser schrenckii young fish. | we studied delayed effects of sedatin (arginine-containing mu/delta-opioid receptor agonist) and its arginine-free analog on the ontogenetic development of fish. fertilized eggs of the amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii) were treated with the peptides. the results indicate that sedatin increased activities of the antiradical and antioxidant defense systems, stimulated fry development by increasing body weight and length, and increased the number of nucleoli in the myocardium and liver of young ... | 2007 | 18642708 |
[development and allometric growth patterns of larval acipenser schrenckii]. | the growth and development of larval amur sturgeon acipenser schrenckii could be divided into two stages, i.e., pre-larval or free embryonic stage [from hatching (0 day of age and 10.17 +/- 0.63 mm of body length) to initial feeding (9 days of age and 18.93 +/- 0.74 mm of body length)], and post-larval stage [from initial feeding to juvenile stage (38 days of age and 41.89 +/- 5.09 mm of body length)]. during pre-larval stage, some organs related to feeling, feeding, breathing and swimming devel ... | 2007 | 18333470 |
[proliferative zones in the brain of the amur sturgeon fry. interactions with neuromeres and migration of secondary matrix zones]. | neurogenesis in the forebrain region was studied in the amur sturgeon acipenser schrenki fry using immunocytochemical marking of the proliferative nuclear antigen. the brain zones with high proliferative activities were located at the brain ventricle surface facing the periventricular cavity. in addition to the periventricular zone of primary proliferation, several secondary proliferative zones were found in the forebrain region of the amur sturgeon. | 2007 | 18038653 |
study of the spinal cords of the sturgeon acipenser schrenckii, gar lepisosteus oculatus, and goldfish carassius auratus by morphological, immunohistochemical, and biochemical approaches. | little is known about the spinal cords of phylogenetically ancient actinopterygeans. the spinal cords of the chondrostean acipenser schrenckii (amur sturgeon), holostean lepisosteus oculatus (spotted gar), and teleost carassius auratus (goldfish) were, therefore, analyzed by immunohistochemistry, electron microscopy and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. morphology showed numerous similarities between sturgeons and gars. in both, a dorsal column between the two dorsal horns was lacking, giving ... | 2007 | 17868134 |
[effects of rearing density on juvenile acipenser schrenckii digestibility, feeding rate and growth]. | a 60-day rearing experiment was conducted in this study. the initial weight of juvenile acipenser schrenckii was 43.90 +/- 1.75 g, and the initial rearing density was 0.525 (lsd), 1.171 (msd), and 2.138 (hsd) kg x m(-2), respectively. the results showed that with increasing rearing density, the specific growth rate (sgr) and daily weight gain (dwg) of juvenile a. schrenckii were significantly decreased, while net yield (ny) was increased. the digestibility was significantly higher in lsd and msd ... | 2006 | 17066714 |
comparative blood biochemistry of amur sturgeon, acipenser schrenckii, and chinese surgeon, acipenser sinensis. | this study compared amur sturgeon (acipenser schrenckii) and chinese sturgeon (acipenser sinensis) on several biochemical parameters including glucose (glu), urea, lactate dehydrogenase (ldh-l), activities of alanine aminotransferase (alt), aspartate aminotransferase (ast), direct bilirubin (d.bili), alkaline phosphatase (alp), cholesterol (chol), triglyceride (tgl), creatinine (crea), total protein (tp), and total bilirubin (t.bili). the results showed that there were great differences in these ... | 2006 | 20035480 |
[effect of stocking density on growth of juvenile acipenser schrenckii]. | the effect of stocking density on growth of juveniles acipenser schrenckii was studied, and the results showed that juveniles acipenser schrenckii reared for 28 days in a flowing water system under different stocking densities of 0.232, 0.665, 1.347, and 2.469 kg.m-2 grew in allometry. there were no significant differences between the final and initial sv under the four treatments. the growth efficiency, dwg, ny, and sgr of juveniles were decreased with the increase of stocking densities. howeve ... | 2002 | 12216405 |
[ecological characteristics of the hemoglobinograms of 3 species of sturgeons]. | studies have been made on fractional composition of hemoglobin in the russian acipenser güldenstädti, siberian a. baeri and amur a. shrencki sturgeons by polyacrylamide gel disc-electrophoresis. high electrophoretic heterogeneity (6--7 components) of hemoglobin in each of the species was found together with a distinct species specificity of hemoglobinograms. the observed differences in fractional composition of hemoglobin are of an adaptive character which makes it possible to consider the amur ... | 2006 | 676581 |