
human infections of entamoeba chattoni masquerade as entamoeba histolytica. 19921287923
entamoeba histolytica: naturally occurring infections in baboons.entamoeba chattoni frequently occurs as an intestinal infection in non-human primates. it has been isolated from both wild and captive animals. morphologically this amoeba resembles e. histolytica. e. histolytica has also been isolated from non-human primates on a number of occasions but these isolations have been from captive animals. in recent years identification of e. histolytica has been enhanced by the introduction of iso-enzyme electrophoresis methods. this technology has been widely appl ...19902136480
electrophoretic isoenzyme patterns of entamoeba histolytica and entamoeba chattoni in a primate survey.stocks of entamoeba histolytica grown in a monoxenic culture system from the feces of nonhuman primates are compared with the eleven zymodemes of e. histolytica so far demonstrated from man. in a similar fashion, entamoeba chattoni has also been grown and identified. both e. histolytica and e. chattoni have been demonstrated in keepers of the primate collections. comparisons have been made using the electrophoretic patterns of three enzymes: glucosephosphate isomerase [(gpi) e.c.], phosph ...19826283074
rapid postmortem invasion of cecal mucosa of macaques by nonpathogenic entamoeba chattoni.although entamoeba histolytica is the third leading parasitic cause of death in the world, most infections in humans are asymptomatic and restricted to the intestinal lumen. entamoeba histolytica infections have also been reported in most species of captive nonhuman primates, with new world monkeys being particularly susceptible to fatal invasive amebiasis. in contrast, old world monkeys appear to be resistant to the disease, although tissue invasion in asymptomatic monkeys has been reported. ou ...19969025684
entamoeba dispar, but not e. histolytica, detected in a colony of chimpanzees in japan.chimpanzees (pan troglodytes) residing in the kumamoto primate research park, sanwa kagaku kenkyusho, were surveyed for the presence of intestinal parasites. stool samples from 107 chimpanzees were examined by microscopy after formalin-ether sedimentation. of these animals, 100 were infected with at least 1 species of ameba. the positivity rates recorded were as follows: entamoeba coli, 88%; e. histolytica/e. dispar, 48%; e. hartmanni, 15%; iodamoeba buetschlii, 8%; endolimax nana, 4%; and entam ...200010935902
parasitological analyses of the male chimpanzees (pan troglodytes schweinfurthii) at ngogo, kibale national park, uganda.numerous intestinal parasites identified in populations of wild nonhuman primates can be pathogenic to humans. furthermore, nonhuman primates are susceptible to a variety of human pathogens. because of increasing human encroachment into previously nonimpacted forests, and the potential for disease transmission between human and nonhuman primate populations, further detailed investigations of primate ecological parasitology are warranted. for meaningful comparisons to be made, it is important for ...200515706587
high prevalence of entamoeba infections in captive long-tailed macaques in china.long-tailed macaques (macaca fascicularis) are bred in china for export and for use in experiments. entamoeba infections in captive long-tailed macaques were surveyed in one of the biggest colonies located in guangxi province, china. one stool sample was obtained from each of the 152 different cages representing >3,000 macaques in the colony. the samples were examined by pcr for five entamoeba species. the number of detected entamoeba coli infections comprised 94% of the samples, 93% for entamoe ...201121484347
prevalence and genetic diversity of entamoeba species infecting macaques in southwest china.many colonies of macaques (macaca fascicularis and macaca mulatta) are maintained in china, especially in guangxi and guizhou. a total of 803 fresh stool samples infected with entamoeba were obtained from three big colonies of macaques located in southwest china. the samples were examined for the presence of five entamoeba species using pcr. entamoeba nuttalli, entamoeba dispar, entamoeba coli, and entamoeba chattoni infections were detected, but entamoeba histolytica infection was not. this stu ...201323354942
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