
waterbirds (other than laridae) nesting in the middle section of laguna cuyutlán, colima, méxico.laguna de cuyutlán, in the state of colima, mexico, is the only large coastal wetland in a span of roughly 1150 km. despite this, the study of its birds has been largely neglected. between 2003 and 2006 we assessed the waterbirds nesting in the middle portion of laguna cuyutlán, a large tropical coastal lagoon, through field visits. we documented the nesting of 15 species of non-laridae waterbirds: neotropic cormorant (phalacrocorax brasilianus), tricolored egret (egretta tricolor), snowy egret ...200818624252
assessment of trace elements and stable isotopes of three ardeid species at birama swamp, cuba.the birama swamp is the second largest wetland in the caribbean region and it is inhabited by large populations of waterbirds. here we report, for the first time, the foraging ecology and pollutant levels of three ardeidae species: cattle egret (bubulcus ibis), snowy egret (egretta thula), and tricolored heron (e. tricolor) breeding in this wetland using stable-isotope (δ (15)n and δ (13)c) and trace elements [mercury (hg), lead (pb), and selenium (se)] analysis of chick feathers. our results sh ...201323535940
relative patterns and rates of evolution in heron nuclear and mitochondrial dna.mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence data from 15 species of herons (aves: ardeidae), representing 13 genera, were compared with dna hybridization data of single-copy nuclear dna (scndna) from the same species in a taxonomic congruence assessment of heron phylogeny. the two data sets produced a partially resolved, completely congruent estimate of phylogeny with the following basic structure: (tigrisoma, cochlearius, (((zebrilus, (ixobrychus, botaurus)), (((ardea, casmerodius), bubulcus), ((egrett ...200010723744
gryporhynchidae (cestoda: cyclophyllidea) in mexico: species list, hosts, distribution and new a result of this study, 8 new host (botaurus lentiginosus for glossocercus caribaensis and valipora mutabilis; egretta caerulea for valipora minuta; egretta thula for glossocercus cyprinodontis; egretta tricolor and nycticorax nycticorax for glossocercus caribaensis; pelecanus occidentalis and platalea ajaja for paradilepis caballeroi) and 31 new locality records for gryporhynchid cestode species in mexico are presented. with these data, the total number of species of this group of helminths ...201424870465
species differences in the sensitivity of avian embryos to methylmercury.we injected doses of methylmercury into the air cells of eggs of 26 species of birds and examined the dose-response curves of embryo survival. for 23 species we had adequate data to calculate the median lethal concentration (lc(50)). based on the dose-response curves and lc(50)s, we ranked species according to their sensitivity to injected methylmercury. although the previously published embryotoxic threshold of mercury in game farm mallards (anas platyrhynchos) has been used as a default value ...200918421496
productivity of waterbirds in potentially impacted areas of louisiana in 2011 following the deepwater horizon oil spill.the deepwater horizon oil spill (2010) could have affected the behavior and productivity of birds nesting along the gulf of mexico. this research examined the productivity of several species of colonial waterbirds in 2011 in la colonies that were classified according to the m252 peak scat shoreline map oiling designations (as of april 6 2011) within 2 km of each colony. colonies were classified as no oil, little oil, or medium to heavy oil. because of the uneven distribution of oil and variation ...201829427241
behavioral, morphological and physiological correlates of diurnal and nocturnal vision in selected wading bird species.we examined in selected wading bird species if diurnal or nocturnal foraging and the use of visual or tactile feeding strategies could be correlated with retinal structure and function. the selected species were the yellow-crowned night heron (nycticorax violaceus), a crepuscular and nocturnal forager, the great blue heron (ardea herodias), a mainly crepuscular, but also diurnal and nocturnal feeder, the roseate spoonbill (ajaia ajaja), a mainly crepuscular feeder which forages more at night tha ...199910473901
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