
evolution of the mitochondrial dna cytochrome b gene in tetraonidae birds].mitochondrial fragments containing the cytochrome b gene (1020 bp in size) of four bird species belonging to four genera of the family tetraonidae (tetrao parvirostris, bonasa umbellus, lagopus lagopus scoticus, and falcipennis falcipennis) were directly sequenced. of the 1020 nucleotide positions, 186 were variable and uniformly distributed over the gene and only 46 were parsimony informative. most substitutions were synonymous. replacement substitutions were detected for 15 out of 340 amino ac ...200010994496
long-term ecological data for conservation: range change in the black-billed capercaillie (tetrao urogalloides) in northeast china (1970s-2070s).long-term ecological data can be an effective tool to help ecologists integrate future projections with historical contexts and provide unique insights into the long-term dynamics of endangered species. however, hampered by data limitations, including incomplete and spatially biased data, relatively few studies have used multidecadal datasets or have examined changes in biogeography from a historical perspective. the black-billed capercaillie (tetrao urogalloides) is a large capercaillie (classi ...201829721263
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