
[the experimental infection of bats with lyssavirus serotypes 1 and 4].the results of intramuscular inoculation of 111 bats (myotis daubentoni, myotis brandtii) with three strains of lyssaviruses--yuli, stade, and 1150 are presented. bats were found to have low susceptibility, especially to strains of serotype 4. after infection with serotype 4 viruses, fewer bats died but within shorter periods than after infection with serotype 1. after inoculation with strain 1150, 60% of bats yielded virus, whereas only 9-24% did after inoculation with type 4 strains. the survi ...19921471342
cryptic mammalian species: a new species of whiskered bat (myotis alcathoe n. sp.) in europe.the analysis of morphological, behavioural and genetic characters of whiskered bats revealed a new european bat species within the family vespertilionidae. we describe the morphology, karyology, genetic similarity, ecology and distribution of myotis alcathoe n. sp. it closely resembles myotis mystacinus, myotis brandtii and myotis ikonnikovi in morphology, but all four species show clear genetic differences in two mitochondrial genes (nd1 and 12s rrna). myotis alcathoe n. sp. is the smallest spe ...200111482435
the status of the japanese and east asian bats of the genus myotis (vespertilionidae) based on mitochondrial sequences.the genus myotis includes the largest number of species in the family vespertilionidae (chiroptera), and its members are distributed throughout most of the world. to re-evaluate the phylogenetic position of east asian myotis species with respect to myotis species worldwide, we analyzed mitochondrial gene sequences of nadh dehydrogenase subunit 1 and cytochrome b from 24 east asian individuals as well as 42 vespertilionid bats determined previously. the results suggest that: (1) some individuals ...200312878466
[lissavirus in bats residing in the south of west siberia].we caught, 2002-2003 in caves of novosibirsk region and altai territory, 52 bats (myotis daubentoni, myotis brandtii, murina leucogaster, plecotus auritus). examinations of the animals' brain samples by fluorescence antibody microscopy and rt-pcr revealed lyssaviruses, genotype 1, which were close to strains provoking rabies in the local animals. according to the results, bats can be involved in keeping alive the rabies foci in western siberia, which must be taken into account in antiepizootic m ...200515747869
[species structure and dynamics of bat communities (chiroptera: vespertilionidae) hibernating in artificial caves of samara luka].long-term data on the composition and absolute and relative abundance of eight bat species hibernating in artificial caves of samara luka are considered. about 13,000 hibernating individuals are annually accounted there. the relative abundance of the species decreased in the following order: myotis brandtii (35%), plecotus auritus (20%), m. daubentonii (13%), m. mystacinus (13%), eptesicus nilssonii (8%), m. dasycneme (8%), and m. nattereri (2%). singular e. serotinus were recorded not every yea ...200718038628
the application of genetic markers for eblv surveillance in european bat species.the united kingdom has performed passive surveillance for european bat lyssaviruses (eblvs) since 1987, and species-targeted surveillance since 2003. one critical component of these studies is the accurate identification of bats either submitted for testing or sampled in the field. identification is dependent on numerous morphological characteristics. whilst this is an effective means of bat identification, a number of problems remain with this approach. it relies on the experience of bat specia ...200818634497
[spatial structure of the community of bats (chiroptera: vespertilionidae) hibernating in artificial caves of samarskaya luka].specific features of the spatial distribution and localization of bats have been studied during their hibernation in artificial caves of samarskaya luka. the proportion of cave area occupied by bats varies from 70 to 93% in large caves (> 60000 m2), decreasing to 50% in medium-sized caves (10000-60000 m2) and to less than 30% in small caves (< 10000 m2). approximately 9% of bats choose sites near cave openings, up to 25% prefer central parts, but most bats (about 66%) concentrate in the deepest ...200818946997
heavy metals and metallothionein in vespertilionid bats foraging over aquatic habitats in the czech republic.there has been growing interest in the study and conservation of bats throughout the world. declines in their absolute numbers in recent decades are due, in part, to the fact that insectivorous bats may bioaccumulate toxic pollutants. the purpose of the present study was to quantify heavy metal concentrations in kidney, liver, and pectoral muscle samples in relation to metallothionein (mt) levels. in total, 106 bats belonging to 11 european species (i.e., myotis myotis, myotis daubentonii, myoti ...201020821471
the transcriptome of the bowhead whale balaena mysticetus reveals adaptations of the longest-lived mammal.mammals vary dramatically in lifespan, by at least two-orders of magnitude, but the molecular basis for this difference remains largely unknown. the bowhead whale balaena mysticetus is the longest-lived mammal known, with an estimated maximal lifespan in excess of two hundred years. it is also one of the two largest animals and the most cold-adapted baleen whale species. here, we report the first genome-wide gene expression analyses of the bowhead whale, based on the de novo assembly of its tran ...025411232
gene structure and evolution of transthyretin in the order chiroptera.bats are mammals in the order chiroptera. although many extensive morphologic and molecular genetics analyses have been attempted, phylogenetic relationships of bats has not been completely resolved. the paraphyly of microbats is of particular controversy that needs to be confirmed. in this study, we attempted to use the nucleotide sequence of transthyretin (ttr) intron 1 to resolve the relationship among bats. to explore its utility, the complete sequences of ttr gene and intron 1 region of bat ...201626681450
[specificity of content and morphology of peripheral blood cells in three bat species of karelia during hibernation].pronounced leukopenia during hibernation was found in bats (chiroptera) of karelia - brown long-eared bat (plecotus auritus), brandt's bat (myotis brandtii) and northern bat (eptesicus nilssoni). a higher content of lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils was revealed in the northern bat featuring an increased resistance to cold as compared to the brandt's bat and the brown long-eared bat. the differences in ratio of particular lymphocyte types may be related to biological, ecological and physiol ...201526547955
[single and group organizations of individual animals in the community of bats (chiroptera: vespertilionidae) hibernating in artificial caves of the samarskaia luka].the spatial arrangement of individual bats of seven species and their tendency to form groups were studied in artificial caves of the samara luka during five winter periods (1999 and 2003-2006). it was demonstrated that formation of dense groups did not depend on the hibernating population size or density and was related to the biological characteristics of the species. most myotis brandtii and m. dasycneme (60-80% of the populations) wintered in groups. m. mystacinus, m. daubentonii, pecotus au ...201619239117
a complete mitochondrial genome of the damaraland mole rat fukomys damarensis retrieved from the published genome of the brandt's bat myotis brandtii.we reported the complete mitochondrial genome of the damaraland mole rat fukomys damarensis which was retrieved from the published genome of the brandt's bat myotis brandtii. the mitogenome of f. damarensis is 16 868 bp in length with a base composition of 33.81% a, 30.79% t, 22.20% c, and 13.20% g, and contains 22 trna, two rrna, 13 protein-coding genes, and a non-coding control region. the sequence of f. damarensis was verified by a phylogenetic analysis. our study suggests a caution when util ...201626370231
the complete mitochondrial genome of insect-eating brandt's bat, myotis brandtii (myotis, vespertilionidae).in this study, we report the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of brandt's bat, myotis brandtii. the genome is found to be 17,470 bp in length and has a base composition of a (33.1%), g (13.6%), c (24.6%), and t (28.6%). similar to other bats, it contains a typically conserved structure including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer rna genes, 2 ribosomal rna genes, and 1 control region (d-loop). most of the genes are encoded on h-strand, except for the eight trna and nd6 genes. all protein ...201625103443
molecular evolution of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1 receptors in long-lived, small-bodied mammals.mammals typically display a robust positive relationship between lifespan and body size. two groups that deviate markedly from this pattern are bats and african mole-rats, with members of both groups being extremely long-lived given their body size, with the maximum documented lifespan for many species exceeding 20 years. a recent genomics study of the exceptionally long-lived brandt's bat, myotis brandtii (41 years), suggested that its longevity and small body size may be at least partly attrib ...201425065922
the first international mini-symposium on methionine restriction and has been 20 years since the orentreich foundation for the advancement of science, under the leadership dr. norman orentreich, first reported that low methionine (met) ingestion by rats extends lifespan (orentreich et al., 1993). since then, several studies have replicated the effects of dietary methionine restricted (mr) in delaying age-related diseases (richie et al., 1994; miller et al., 2005; ables et al., 2012; sanchez-roman and barja, 2013). we report the abstracts from the first interna ...201424847356
genome analysis reveals insights into physiology and longevity of the brandt's bat myotis brandtii.bats account for one-fifth of mammalian species, are the only mammals with powered flight, and are among the few animals that echolocate. the insect-eating brandt's bat (myotis brandtii) is the longest-lived bat species known to date (lifespan exceeds 40 years) and, at 4-8 g adult body weight, is the most extreme mammal with regard to disparity between body mass and longevity. here we report sequencing and analysis of the brandt's bat genome and transcriptome, which suggest adaptations consisten ...201323962925
flight and echolocation behaviour of three vespertilionid bat species while commuting on flyways.this study compares the flight and echolocation behaviour of three vespertilionid bat species while they commute on flyways. we measured the bats' spatial position relative to vertical background contours and relative to the ground while recording their echolocation behaviour. in myotis daubentonii, we found a significant influence of spatial context on the position and dimensions of flyways as well as on echolocation behaviour. in gap situations, flyways tended to be narrower and located closer ...200717885759
a new field record for bat longevity.a new longevity record has been established for a free-living bat-41 years for a male brandt's bat, myotis brandtii. the exceptional longevity of bats generally, and this species in particular, should make bats of special interest for researchers studying mechanisms of slow aging.200516339320
tentative novel lyssavirus in a bat in finland.a tentative novel member of the genus lyssavirus, designated as kotalahti bat lyssavirus, was detected in a brandt's bat (myotis brandtii) in finland. based on phylogenetic analysis, the virus differs from other known lyssaviruses, being closely related to khujand virus, aravan virus, bokeloh bat lyssavirus and european bat lyssavirus 2.201829446230
evolution of the mammalian insulin (ins) gene; changes in proteolytic processing.disruption of insulin signaling in humans leads to diabetes yet changes in insulin function is tolerated in some species. taking advantage of the large number of publicly available mammalian genome sequences i identified insulin gene (ins) in the genomes of 151 of 156 mammalian species with well-annotated genomes, of which 141 had complete ins coding sequences. complete ins coding sequences were identified from 8 additional species that lack complete genomes. duplicated ins genes were found in 1 ...202033144093
comparative analysis of long noncoding rnas in long-lived mammals provides insights into natural cancer-resistance.mouse and rats are staple model organisms that have been traditionally used for oncological studies; however, their short lifespan and highly prone to cancers limit their utilizationsin understanding the mechanisms of cancer resistance. in recent years, several studies of the non-standard long-lived mammalian species like naked mole rat (nmr) have provided new insights of mechanisms in natural anti-cancer. how long-lived species genetically maintain longevity and cancer-resistance remains largel ...202032635806
serological survey of lyssaviruses in polish bats in the frame of passive rabies surveillance using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.background: bats are known to host a number of nonpathogenic viruses, as well as highly pathogenic viruses causing fatal diseases like rabies. serological surveys as part of active and passive bat rabies surveillance mainly use seroneutralization assays, demonstrating the presence of lyssavirus-specific antibodies in a variety of european bats, particularly against european bat lyssaviruses type 1 (eblv-1). here, we present the first serological survey in european bats of this kind during which ...202032121200
incomer, a dd36e family of tc1/mariner transposons newly discovered in animals.the tc1/mariner superfamily might represent the most diverse and widely distributed group of dna transposons. several families have been identified; however, exploring the diversity of this superfamily and updating its classification is still ongoing in the life sciences.201931788035
table for five, please: dietary partitioning in boreal bats.differences in diet can explain resource partitioning in apparently similar, sympatric species. here, we analyzed 1,252 fecal droppings from five species (eptesicus nilssonii, myotis brandtii, m. daubentonii, m. mystacinus, and plecotus auritus) to reveal their dietary niches using fecal dna metabarcoding. we identified nearly 550 prey species in 13 arthropod orders. two main orders (diptera and lepidoptera) formed the majority of the diet for all species, constituting roughly 80%-90% of the die ...201830519417
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