
[wheat streak mosaic virus and biological properties of its vectors aceria tulipae keifer (acarina: eriophydae)]. 19674899375
distribution of wheat streak mosaic virus-like particles in aceria tulipae. 19695784849
genetic characterization of north american populations of the wheat curl mite and dry bulb mite.the wheat curl mite, aceria tosichella keifer, transmits at least three harmful viruses, wheat streak mosaic virus (wsmv), high plains virus (hpv), and triticum mosaic virus (trimv) to wheat (triticum aestivum l.) throughout the great plains. this virus complex is considered to be the most serious disease of winter wheat in the western great plains. one component of managing this disease has been developing mite resistance in wheat; however, identification of mite biotypes has complicated deploy ...201223156180
neoseiulus paspalivorus, a predator from coconut, as a candidate for controlling dry bulb mites infesting stored tulip bulbs.the dry bulb mite, aceria tulipae, is the most important pest of stored tulip bulbs in the netherlands. this tiny, eriophyoid mite hides in the narrow space between scales in the interior of the bulb. to achieve biological control of this hidden pest, candidate predators small enough to move in between the bulb scales are required. earlier experiments have shown this potential for the phytoseiid mite, neoseiulus cucumeris, but only after the bulbs were exposed to ethylene, a plant hormone that c ...201424509788
population growth rate of dry bulb mite, aceria tulipae (acariformes: eriophyidae), on agriculturally important plants and implications for its taxonomic status.dry bulb mite (dbm), aceria tulipae, is an economically important mite with a worldwide distribution and a broad host range. as a generalist, it is the most important eriophyoid mite attacking bulbous plants such as garlic, onion and tulip. to date, dbm has been recorded on host plants belonging to the families liliaceae, amaryllidaceae, melanthiaceae and asparagaceae. however, a precise understanding of dbm host range is lacking as it is largely based on casual records of mites on plants, some ...201728856573
below-ground plant parts emit herbivore-induced volatiles: olfactory responses of a predatory mite to tulip bulbs infested by rust mites.although odour-mediated interactions among plants, spider mites and predatory mites have been extensively studied above-ground, belowground studies are in their infancy. in this paper, we investigate whether feeding by rust mites (aceria tulipae) cause tulip bulbs to produce odours that attract predatory mites (neoseiulus cucumeris). since our aim was to demonstrate such odours and not their relevance under soil conditions, the experiments were carried out using a classic y-tube olfactometer in ...200415285135
allexivirus transmitted by eriophyid mites in garlic plants.viruses in garlic plants (allium sativum l.) have accumulated and evolved over generations, resulting in serious consequences for the garlic trade around the world. these viral epidemics are also known to be caused by aphids and eriophyid mites (aceria tulipae) carrying potyviruses, carlaviruses, and allexiviruses. however, little is known about viral epidemics in garlic plants caused by eriophyid mites. therefore, this study investigated the infection of garlic plants with allexiviruses by erio ...200718092468
localization of wheat streak mosaic virus in the alimentary canal of its vector aceria tulipae keifer. 19676025881
[transmission of wheat streak mosaic virus by aceria tulipae keifer mites]. 19675619958
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