
lassa virus activity in guinea: distribution of human antiviral antibody defined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with recombinant antigen.more than 3,100 households in 27 selected villages distributed in the main geographic regions of guinea were surveyed for the presence of lassa virus-specific igg antibodies (lva), using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) with lassa virus nucleocapsid protein expressed in insect cells infected with a recombinant baculovirus as antigen. the highest prevalence of lva (25-55%) was found among inhabitants of tropical secondary forest (areas near gueckedou, yomou, and lola) and guinea savan ...19938355019
[survey of parasitic prevalence in school-aged children in guinea (1995)].a national survey was carried out to assess the prevalence of helminth infections in all four geographical zones of guinea (the four official names should be used. guinée forestière, haute guinée, moyenne guinée and basse guinée) to provide information on which a school-based intervention program could be developed. the program, financed by the world bank, would consist of vitamin supplementation, antihelmintic treatment and hygiene education.19969053106
effects and mechanisms of glucosides of chaenomeles speciosa on collagen-induced arthritis in rats.effects of glucosides of chaenomeles speciosa (gcs)-a chinese traditional herbal medicine (ctm) on inflammatory and immune responses and its mechanisms in collagen-induced arthritis (cia) rat were studied. hind paw volumes of rats were measured by volume meter; lymphocyte proliferation, interleukin-1, interleukin-2, tnf-alpha level was determined by 3-(4,5-2 dimethylthiazal-2yl)2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide (mtt) assay; camp level in synoviocytes was analyzed by competitive protein binding assa ...200312689663
glucosides of chaenomeles speciosa remit rat adjuvant arthritis by inhibiting synoviocyte investigate the effects of glucosides of chaenomeles speciosa (gcs) on rat adjuvant arthritis (aa) and to clarify the role of synoviocytes in this process.200314627503
inhibition of escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin-induced diarrhea by chaenomeles speciosa.enterotoxigenic escherichia coli (etec) is responsible for millions of deaths in developing countries. heat-labile enterotoxin (lt), the virulence factor of etec, induces diarrhea by initially binding to the g(m1) on the surface of intestinal epithelial cells and consequently leading to the massive loss of fluid and ions from cells. fruit of chaenomeles (fc), the dried fruit of chaenomeles speciosa, has been used for diarrhea in china. however, the anti-diarrheal mechanism of fc is still unclear ...200717624704
dopamine transporter inhibitory and antiparkinsonian effect of common flowering quince extract.common flowering quince (fq) is the fruit of chaenomeles speciosa (sweet) nakai. fq-containing cocktails have been applied to the treatment of neuralgia, migraine, and depression in traditional chinese medicine. the present study assessed whether fq is effective in dopamine transporter (dat) regulation and antiparkinsonism by utilizing in vitro and in vivo assays, respectively. fq at concentrations of 1-1000 microg/ml concentration-dependently inhibited dopamine uptake by chinese hamster ovary ( ...200818485464
a system for screening agonists targeting beta2-adrenoceptor from chinese medicinal order to develop a model for screening the agonists of human beta(2)-adrenoceptor from chinese medicinal herbs extracts, we used a cell-based functional assay based on a common g protein-coupled receptor (gpcr) regulation mechanism and destabilized enhanced green fluorescent protein (d(2)egfp) reporter gene technique. the positive cell clone was confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) and imaging analysis. to assess the value of this model, we screened over 2000 high performanc ...200919353741
anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of chaenomeles speciosa fractions in laboratory animals.the prescription of current existing anti-inflammatory drugs is hampered by their adverse effects over time. botanical extracts are thought to be a potential source of a natural anti-inflammatory property with fewer adverse effects. chaenomeles speciosa has long been used as an herbal medicine for treatment of various diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, prosopalgia, and hepatitis. until now there have been no reports on the specific anti-inflammatory fractions of extract of c. speciosa (ecs). ...200919857064
[protecting effect of chaenomeles speciosa broth on immunosuppressive mice induced by cyclophosphamide].to investigate the effects of chaenomeles speciosa broth on immunoregulation for anti-tumor chemotherapy.200920034222
antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-influenza properties of components from chaenomeles speciosa.the fruit of chaenomeles speciosa is a traditional chinese medicine used for the treatment of dyspepsia and various inflammatory diseases. in the present study, we evaluated the potential radical scavenging capacity, and activity against nitrous oxide, inflammatory cytokines production and neuramindase (na) of its isolates. the results showed that 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid (1) displayed higher inhibitory activities on dpph and na with ic(50) values of 1.02 mg/ml and 1.27 mg/ml respectively, and ...201021102377
evaluation of contact tracing activities during the ebola virus disease outbreak in guinea, 2015.the objective of the study was to present the findings of an audit tool aimed at assessing contact tracing activities during an ebola outbreak.201728338749
japan-china joint medical workshop on drug discoveries and therapeutics 2008: the need of asian pharmaceutical researchers' cooperation.the japan-china joint medical workshop on drug discoveries and therapeutics 2008 (jcmwddt 2008) was held from september 29 to october 1, 2008 at the university of tokyo, tokyo, japan. jcmwddt is an international workshop that is mainly organized by asian editorial members of drug discoveries & therapeutics (<a href="" class="blue"></a>) for the purpose of promoting research exchanges in the field of drug discovery and therapeutic. this ...200822504718
biological activity of japanese quince extract and its interactions with lipids, erythrocyte membrane, and human albumin.the aim of the study was to determine in vitro biological activity of fruit ethanol extract from chaenomeles speciosa (sweet) nakai (japanese quince, jq) and its important constituents (-)-epicatechin (ec) and chlorogenic acid (ca). the study also investigated the structural changes in phosphatidylcholine (pc) liposomes, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine liposomes, and erythrocyte membranes (rbc) induced by the extract. it was found that the extract effectively inhibits oxidation of rbc, induced by ...201626861057
management of diabetes in guinean traditional medicine: an ethnobotanical investigation in the coastal lowlands.this survey was carried out in the coastal lowlands of guinea-conakry in order to make an inventory of plants used by traditional healers, herbalists and diabetic patients for the management of diabetes mellitus.201223006605
[total saponins of chaenomeles speciosa inhibit the degranulation of primary mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells in vitro].to study the effects of total saponins of chaenomeles speciosa on the degranulation of mouse bone marrow-derived mast cells (bmmcs).201526429537
biological screening of 100 plant extracts for cosmetic use (i): inhibitory activities of tyrosinase and dopa auto-oxidation.the aim of this study was to evaluate several plant extracts with a view to developing melanogenesis inhibitors. in this study, 100 plant extracts were screened to elucidate their whitening effects using in vitro inhibition of tyrosinase and dopa auto-oxidation activity. several plant extracts such as chaenomeles speciosa, dryopteris crassirhizoma, gastrodia ellata, glycyrrhiza glabra, morus alba, myristica fragrans, rheum palmatum and sophora japonica showed inhibition of mushroom tyrosinase ac ...199718505483
rapid classification of chinese quince (chaenomeles speciosa nakai) fruit provenance by near-infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration.the quality of chinese quince fruit is a significant factor for medicinal materials, influencing the quality of the medicine. however, it is difficult to distinguish different types of chinese quince fruit. the main objective of this work was to use near-infrared (nir) spectroscopy, which is a rapid and non-destructive analysis method, to classify the varieties of chinese quince fruits. raw spectra in the range of 1000 to 2500 nm were combined with linear discriminant analysis (lda), quadratic d ...201727796451
purification, characterization and in vitro antioxidant activities of polysaccharide from chaenomeles speciosa.a water-soluble polysaccharide named as csp-2 was isolated and purified from chaenomeles speciosa by deae-sepharose and sephadex g-100 column chromatography. csp-2 was composed of galactose (gal), rhamnose (rha), glucose (glc) and xylose (xyl) with a relative molar ratio of 3.8:1.6:1.2:0.4. the average molecular weight of csp-2 was estimated to be about 4.6×10(4)da. the in vitro antioxidant assay showed that csp-2 exhibited remarkable antioxidant activities to scavenge the dpph radical, superoxi ...201627471089
chemical composition and bioactivities of two common chaenomeles fruits in china: chaenomeles speciosa and chaenomeles sinensis.contents of total flavonoids, total phenolics, total triterpenes, total condensed tannin and total saponins in peels, flesh and endocarps of chaenomeles speciosa (csp) and chaenomeles sinensis (css) were determined by colorimetric method, while 5 phenolics (vanillic, gallic, chlorogenic, ferulic and p-coumaric acids), 2 triterpenes (oleanolic and ursolic acids), and 3 flavonoids (rutin, catechin and epicatechin) were identified and quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectr ...201627384225
territorial and land-use rights perspectives on human-chimpanzee-elephant coexistence in west africa (guinea, guinea-bissau, senegal, nineteenth to twenty-first centuries).the first part of this article compares the distribution of chimpanzee and elephant populations in reaction to human territorial dynamics of west african trade in parts of nineteenth century guinea, guinea-bissau and senegal. it answers for this specific region the question of whether present-day situations of close chimpanzee-human spatial proximity are stable or only temporary phenomena in long-term processes of environmental change, and shows that conservation policies centred on either of th ...201627038218
[biological characteristics and pollen morphology of different chaenomeles species in flowering stage].the biological characteristics and pollen morphology of different chaenomeles species in the flowering stage were studied,in order to provide a theoretical basis to discriminate the germplasm resources and new cultivars selection.201526762050
[preliminary investigation of the amount, the molecular weight and the activity of polysaccharides from chaenomeles speciosa fruits in ethanol fractional precipitation].chaenomeles speciosa fruits were extracted using water. the extracts were precipitated with 20%~95% (φ) ethanol, respectively. the amount of total polysaccharide was measured with phenol-sulfuric acid method. a method using high-performance size-exclusion chromatography (hpsec) equipped with multiangle laser-light-scattering photometry (malls) and differential refractometry (ri) was presented for determining the molecular weight and molecular weigh distribution. raw264.7 macrophage were cultured ...201526415455
antitumor and immunomodulatory activities of a water-soluble polysaccharide from chaenomeles this study, a water-soluble polysaccharide (csp) was successfully purified from chaenomeles speciosa by deae-sepharose and sephadex g-100 column chromatography. csp had a weight-average molecular weight of about 6.3 × 10(4)da and was composed of glucose (glc), galactose (gal), rhamnose (rha) and arabinose (ara) with a relative molar ratio of 4.6:1.3:0.8:0.5. csp could not only inhibit the growth of s180 tumor transplanted in mice, but also increase the relative spleen index and body weight of ...201526256355
expressions of identity and self in daily life at a group home for older persons with dementia in japan.this study focuses on expressions of identity and self among residents at a group home for older persons with dementia in japan--a study, which started as an explorative study on spirituality--and how residents make meaning of life. although aware of stages of dementia illness and briefly commenting on these, the analysis does not make any specific point of it. this article views dementia from a sociocultural perspective and is based on participant observations at a group home with 19 residents, ...201526171507
supplementation of superfine powder prepared from chaenomeles speciosa fruit increases endurance capacity in rats via antioxidant and nrf2/are signaling pathway.chaenomeles speciosa fruit is a traditional herb medicine widely used in china. in this study, superfine powder of c. speciosa fruit (sce), ground by supersonic nitrogen airflow at -140°c, was investigated to assess its in vitro antioxidant activity and in vivo antiphysical fatigue activity. sce was homogenous (d < 10 μm) and rich in antioxidants like polyphenols, saponins, oleanolic acid, ursolic acid, ascorbic acid, and sod. according to the in vitro experiments, sce displayed promising antiox ...201425610489
prevalence of anxiety and depression among diabetic african patients in guinea: association with hba1c levels.the prevalence and risk factors associated with symptoms of anxiety and depression were determined in african people with diabetes.201524880857
chaenomeles speciosa: a review of chemistry and pharmacology.chaenomeles speciosa (sweet) nakai (c. speciosa, rosaceae family) is an effective medicinal plant, which has long been used in china to treat various diseases, such as rheumatism, cholera, dysentery, enteritis, beriberi and vitamin c deficiency syndrome. a series of chemical constituents, including triterpenoid, phenolic and phenylpropionic acids, flavonoids, saccharides, essential oils and alkaloids, have been isolated from this plant and some have already been evaluated for their biological ac ...201424649061
polyphenols and triterpenes from chaenomeles fruits: chemical analysis and antioxidant activities assessment.mugua, fruit of the genus chaenomeles, is a valuable source of health food and chinese medicine. to elucidate the bioactive compounds of five wild chaenomeles species, extracts from fresh fruits were investigated by hplc-dad/esi-ms/ms. among the 24 polyphenol compounds obtained, 20 were flavan-3-ols (including catechin, epicatechin and procyanidin oligomers). the mean polymerisation degree (mdp) of procyanidins was examined by two acid-catalysed cleavage reactions; the mdp value was the highest ...201323993614
ethanol extract of chaenomeles speciosa nakai induces apoptosis in cancer cells and suppresses tumor growth in mice.chaenomeles speciosa nakai is commonly used in traditional chinese medicine for a variety of health-promoting effects. the present study aimed to investigate the antitumor effects of chaenomeles speciosa nakai. the tumor-inhibitory activity of the ethanol extract of chaenomeles speciosa nakai (eec) was evaluated by in vitro growth assays of tumor cells and in vivo h22 tumor formation assays in mice. mitochondrial membrane potential and dna ladder assays were used to detect tumor cell apoptosis i ...201323946814
[gc-ms analysis of volatile aromatic substances in chaenomeles speciosa fruit].to analyze the volatile aromatic substances in chaenomeles speciosa fruit produced in chongqing in order to provide the characteristic data for it's resources development and flavors chemistry research.201223213737
ethanolic extract and water-soluble polysaccharide from chaenomeles speciosa fruit modulate lipopolysaccharide-induced nitric oxide production in raw264.7 macrophage cells.chaenomeles speciosa fruits have been widely used in traditional chinese medicine for treatment of diseases related to inflammatory reaction. this study aims to identify anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory components of chaenomeles speciosa fruit and unravel their potential mechanisms.201223036814
[comprehensive evaluation of multi-quality characteristic indexes of chaenomeles speciosa and c. sinensis fruits].to evaluate the 8 main quality characteristic indexes of fruit-using chaenomeles speciosa and c. sinensis fruits produced in chongqing and explore the comprehensive assessment for the fresh eating-quality of the samples based on the theory of fuzzy comprehensive.201222792785
[extraction of oleanolic acid from leaves of chaenomeles speciosa and processing techniques of its hp-beta-cyclodextrin inclusion compound].to select the best extraction of oleanolic acid from leaves of chaenomeles speciosa and processing techniques of its hp-beta-cyclodextrin (hp-beta-cd) inclusion compound.201020873569
[development and structure defense strategies on the fruit of chaenomeles speciosa].to study the development rule and structure defense strategies on the fruit of chaenomeles speciosa.201020681292
[studies on the chemical constituents of chaenomeles speciosa].to study the chemical constituents of chaenomeles speciosa.200920034212
[primary research on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in rhizosphere of chaenomeles speciosa in xuancheng].to investigate the arbuscular mycorrhizal (am) fungi resources in rhizosphere of chaenomeles speciosa in xuancheng, anhui province.200919623971
speciosaperoxide, a new triterpene acid, and other terpenoids from chaenomeles speciosa.investigation on the etoh extract of the fruits of chaenomeles speciosa led to the isolation of a new triterpene acid bearing an unusual hydroperoxyl substitute group at c-11, speciosaperoxide (1), along with six known triterpenoids, 3beta-acetoxyurs-11-en-13beta,28-olide (2), 3-o-acetyl ursolic acid (3), oleanolic acid (4), ursolic acid (5), masilinic acid (6), and tormentic acid (7), and three known norsesquiterpenoids, roseoside (8), vomifoliol (9) and (6s,7e,9r)-6,9-dihydroxy-4,7-megastigmad ...200918335336
epilepsy in thomas phayer's the boke of chyldren (1546). 200717824948
cultural factors in dementia: perspectives from the anthropology of aging.the plasticity of cultural constructs of dementia is shown in two societies: japan, and an american indian nation. by demedicalizing the analysis of dementia, the social and cultural factors that influence recognition of symptoms, help-seeking strategies, caregiving behaviors, and adherence to biomedical and sociocultural coping advice become more obvious. notably in the japanese example, motivation toward primary prevention behavior is clear in the context of boke since it is an undesirable con ...200516327358
localizing senility: illness and agency among older japanese.for many japanese, fear about senility is not primarily expressed in relation to pathological conditions like alzheimer's disease (ad). instead, as people grow older, their concern focuses on a widely recognized category of decline in old age which, although symptomatically and conceptually overlapping with ad and other forms of senile dementia, is distinguished from unambiguously pathological conditions. this article examines the meaning and experience of this condition, known as boke, and show ...199814617920
the life of andrew boorde, c1490-1549.physician, traveller, writer and spy, andrew boorde was born c1490 and became a carthusian monk after abandoning his medical studies at oxford. temperamentally unsuited to the life of a religious, after 20 years at the london charterhouse he obtained a dispensation to travel to europe to continue his medical studies. returning to england he began to practise medicine, treating members of the nobility and, through a meeting with thomas cromwell which was to influence the rest of his life, he atte ...200212503257
[the history of the first jewish hospitals in pest].author tells the story of the first jewish hospitals in pest (budapest). the first jewish hospitals were founded at the end of the xviiith century. in 1808 the permanently growing community hired a building for the hospital. its first director was fülöp jakubovics. since the building soon proved to be narrow, the jewish community decided to get hold of an own house. after some delay caused by the lack of money and the bureaucratic leadership of the town, the hospital opened its gates in 1840, in ...200112184331
antedatings and additions for oed from the vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of herbes (1527). 198511616012
[the custodis procedure--technic and results (author's transl)].within the post 11 years 2,722 retinal detachments needed surgery. the mostly used procedure of custodis consists in an implant, which covering the area of the hole is impressed into the sclera by mattress sutures. in 70% of our cases--due to custodis--we succeeded in avoiding drainage of the subretinal fluid. since 1966 the additional diathermy and/or lightcoagulation was mostly replaced by cryopexy. summarizing the number of retinal detachments operated in the university clinic of münster duri ...1978357835
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Displaying items 1 - 47 of 47