
effects of restoring oak savannas on bird communities and populations.efforts to restore and maintain oak savannas in north america, with emphasis on the use of prescribed fire, have become common. little is known, however about how restoration affects animal populations, especially those of birds. i compared the breeding densities, community structure, and reproductive success of birds in oak savannas maintained by prescribed fire (12 sites) with those in closed-canopy forests (13 sites). all sampling was conducted in illinois (u.s.a.). of the 31 bird species ana ...200616903107
weekend bias in citizen science data reporting: implications for phenology studies.studies of bird phenology can help elucidate the effects of climate change on wildlife species but observations over broad spatial scales are difficult without a network of observers. recently, networks of citizen volunteers have begun to report first arrival dates for many migratory species. potential benefits are substantial (e.g., understanding ecological processes at broad spatial and temporal scales) if known biases of citizen data reporting are identified and addressed. one potential sourc ...201323104424
mites of the subfamily harpirhynchinae (acariformes: harpirhynchidae) from north american birds.three new harpirhynchid species of the subfamily harpirhynchinae (acariformes: harpirhynchidae) are described from north american birds: harpyrhynchoides aegolius sp. n. from aegolius acadicus (strigiformes: strigidae), harpyrhynchoides accipiter sp. n. from accipiter striatus (accipitriformes: accipitridae), and neharpyrhynchus icterus sp. n. from icterus galbula (passeriformes: icteridae). three species are recorded from new hosts from north america for the first time: harpyrhynchoides trachea ...201323802444
species tree inference in a recent radiation of orioles (genus icterus): multiple markers and methods reveal cytonuclear discordance in the northern oriole group.recent computational advances provide novel opportunities to infer species trees based on multiple independent loci. thus, single gene trees no longer need suffice as proxies for species phylogenies. several methods have been developed to deal with the challenges posed by incomplete and stochastic lineage sorting. in this study, we employed four bayesian methods to infer the phylogeny of a clade of 11 recently diverged oriole species within the genus icterus. we obtained well-resolved and mostly ...201121729759
a molecular phylogeny of the new world orioles (icterus): the importance of dense taxon sampling.we sequenced 2005 bp of the mitochondrial nd2 and cytochrome b genes from the 25 recognized species of new world orioles (icterus). our data confirmed the monophyly of icterus and produced a well-resolved phylogeny showing three main clades of orioles. we also sequenced multiple subspecies for most polytypic taxa. our findings demonstrated the importance of dense taxon sampling below the species level in two ways. first, we found evidence that two species are polyphyletic, i. galbula (northern o ...199910381325
hemoprotozoa in mourning doves and other small birds of western oklahoma.blood smears obtained from 370 birds live-trapped in western oklahoma were examined for hemoprotozoa. haemoproteus spp. were found in 189 (90.4%) mourning doves (zenaida macroura), one oriole (icterus galbula), two mockingbirds (mimus polyglottos), and three brown thrashers (toxostoma rufum). plasmodium sp. was present in one brown thrasher. haemoproteus spp. in the mourning dove were identified as h. sacharovi and h. maccallumi, with the latter species predominating. the average parasitemia for ...1975811816
extensive introgressive hybridization within the northern oriole group (genus icterus) revealed by three-species isolation with migration analysis.until recently, studies of divergence and gene flow among closely-related taxa were generally limited to pairs of sister taxa. however, organisms frequently exchange genes with other non-sister taxa. the "northern oriole" group within genus icterus exemplifies this problem. this group involves the extensively studied hybrid zone between baltimore oriole (icterus galbula) and bullock's oriole (i. bullockii), an alleged hybrid zone between i. bullockii and black-backed oriole (i. abeillei), and li ...201223145328
extra-pair paternity in relation to male age in bullock's oriolessingle-locus minisatellite dna profiling was used to assign paternity in a population of bullock's orioles, icterus galbula bullockii, and to determine the contribution of age to a male's success in obtaining extra-pair paternity. there was a very low rate of intraspecific brood parasitism (2/202 = 1.0% of chicks). older adult males lost less within-pair paternity and gained more extra-pair fertilizations than did yearling subadult males. this resulted in adult males benefiting from an annual re ...199910632862
detection of babesia odocoilei in ixodes scapularis ticks collected from songbirds in ontario and quebec, canada.songbirds widely disperse ticks that carry a diversity of pathogens, some of which are pathogenic to humans. among ticks commonly removed from songbirds, the blacklegged tick, ixodes scapularis, can harbor any combination of nine zoonotic pathogens, including babesia species. from may through september 2019, a total 157 ticks were collected from 93 songbirds of 29 species in the canadian provinces of ontario and québec. pcr testing for the 18s gene of babesia species detected babesia odocoilei i ...202032987727
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