
morphological and molecular characterization of a hirsutella species infecting the asian citrus psyllid, diaphorina citri kuwayama (hemiptera: psyllidae), in florida.the asian citrus psyllid, diaphorina citri kuwayama, is an invasive pest that vectors citrus greening disease, which recently was detected in florida. mycosed adult d. citri were collected at four sites in central florida between september 2005 and february 2006. observation of the cadavers using scanning electron microscopy revealed that the pathogen had branched synnemata supporting monophiladic conidiogenous cells. a high-fidelity polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was used to amplify the ...200717382959
morphological and molecular characterization of a fungus, hirsutella sp., isolated from planthoppers and psocids in argentina.a mycosed planthopper, oliarus dimidiatus berg (hemiptera: cixiidae), and two psocids, heterocaecilius sp. (psocodea: pseudocaeciliidae) and ectopsocus sp. (ectopsocidae), were collected from los hornos and la plata, buenos aires, argentina between february and september 2007. observations of mycelia growing on the host revealed that the putative fungal parasite had synnemata supporting monophialidic conidiogenous cells. likewise, in vitro fungal cultures presented characteristics typical of the ...201323885970
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