pharyngostomum cordatum from the domestic cat (felis catus) in india. | | 1970 | 5461092 |
diplostomulum of pharyngostomum cordatum in the muscle of a raccoon dog nyctereutes procyonoides. | | 1984 | 6482136 |
[prevalence of protozoans helminths among cats purchased for experimental use in the kanto area]. | prevalence of protozoan and helminth parasites in adult cats for experimental use obtained from kanto area, japan during the period of 1973-74 (91 cats) and 1980-81 (80 cats) was investigated by means of autopsy, fecal examination and serological tests. no protozoa were found in blood smear specimens. the rate of positive toxoplasma antibody tests was 65.4% (hemagglutination test) in 1973-74 and 26.3% (latex agglutination test) in 1980-81. oocysts of coccidia found in feces were isospora felis a ... | 1983 | 6653679 |
visceral helminths of wild boars (sus scrofa leucomystax) in japan, with special reference to a new species of the genus morgascaridia inglis, 1958 (nematoda: schneidernematidae). | twenty-nine japanese wild boars (sus scrofa leucomystax), collected during the hunting seasons of 2005 and 2006 in the western part of the mainland of japan (honshu), were examined for their visceral helminths. eighteen helminth parasites were prevalent in them, including 17 nematoda species (metastrongylus elongatus, metastrongylus salmi, metastrongylus asymmetricus, metastrongylus pudendotechus, stephanurus dentatus, gnathostoma doloresi, physocephalus sexulata, ascarops strongylina, capillari ... | 2008 | 18328113 |
[prevalence of intestinal canine and feline parasites in saitama prefecture, japan]. | we studied the prevalence of intestinal parasites in animal companions in saitama prefecture, japan, where no detailed data is currently available. between may 1999 and december 2007, fecal samples were collected from 906 dogs and 1,079 cats in public animal shelters and examined by microscopy. overall, prevalence of intestinal parasites in dogs was 38.6% and cats 43.1%. trichuris vulpis was the most prevalent canine parasite species (22.3%), followed by toxocara canis (12.5%), ancylostoma canin ... | 2009 | 19522305 |
[establishment of duplex pcr for identifying metagonimus yokogawai and haplorchis taichui]. | to develop a duplex pcr method for identifying metagonimus yokogawai and haplorchis taichui. | 2015 | 26541032 |
a new neodiplostomid (digenea) from the intestine of chicks infected with metacercariae from the grass snake, rhabdophis tigrina. | three species of neodiplostomula are known to inhabit the european grass snake, rhabdophis tigrina, in the republic of korea: pharyngostomum cordatum (large-sized neodiplostomula), an intestinal trematode of cats; neodiplostomum seoulense (small-sized neodiplostomula), an intestinal trematode of humans and rodents; and neodiplostomum leei (small-sized neodiplostomula), which migrates to the livers of rodents and is an intestinal trematode of birds. the present study describes a fourth species, n ... | 2008 | 18576824 |
infection status with helminthes in feral cats purchased from a market in busan, republic of korea. | the present study was performed to investigate the infection status with helminth in a group of feral cats in korea. more than 29 helminth species including adults or eggs were detected in visceral and fecal samples of the examined cats. among these were a host of nematodes, including toxocarids, ancylostoma sp. and the larva of anisakis simplex; trematodes, including clonorchis sinensis, paragonimus westermani, eurytrema pancreaticum, pharyngostomum cordatum, metagonimus spp., heterophyes nocen ... | 2005 | 16192750 |
intestinal parasites of cats purchased in seoul. | fecal samples of cats purchased in seoul were examined for helminth ova or protozoan oocysts from december 1987 to march 1988. out of the 41 samples, 31 (75.6%) were positive and 60 (146.3%) were cumulative positive for parasites. the followings were identified in the samples: eggs of toxocara cati, clonorchis sinensis, metagonimus sp., pharyngostomum cordatum, spirometra erinacei, taenia taeniaeformis and oocysts of isospora sp. from nine autopsied cats, larvae of anisakis simplex, adults of c. ... | 1993 | 8297895 |
helminth survey of wildcats in japan. | two iriomote cats (felis iriomotensis) and 2 tsushima leopard cats (felis bengalensis euptilura) killed probably by traffic accidents were submitted to the helminthological examination. in iriomote cats, 8 species of parasites (spirometra erinacei, toxocara cati, molineus springsmithi, uncinaria maya, capillaria aerophila, c. felis-cati, larvae of an unidentifiable lung worm and one species of acanthocephala) were found. in tsushima leopard cats, 10 species of parasites (pharyngostomum cordatum, ... | 1994 | 7696394 |
fecundity of pharyngostomum cordatum parasitic in domestic cats. | | 1988 | 3172600 |
metacercariae of pharyngostomum cordatum found from the european grass snake, rhabdophis tigrina, and its experimental infection to cats. | the metacercariae of pharyngostomum cordatum were found naturally infected in the european grass snake, rhabdophis tigrina, purchased from a local snake collector in jinju, kyongsangnam-do. they were experimentally fed to several kinds of animals such as mice, rats, hamsters, ducklings, a dog, and cats. the adult worms were recovered from the cats 5 weeks after the infection, but none from other animals. the measurements and other morphological characters of the metacercariae and adults were bot ... | 1990 | 2095199 |
pharyngostomum cordatum (trematoda: alariidae) collected from a cat in korea. | ten adult worms of pharynogostomum cordatum were recovered from a cat instesine purchased in august 1980 at the namdaemun market, seoul, korea. it is the first case report of cat pharyngostomiasis in korea. | 1981 | 12902712 |
neodiplostomum leei n. sp. (digenea: neodiplostomidae) from chicks infected with metacercariae from the grass snake rhabdophis tigrina. | neodiplostomula from the european grass snake rhabdophis tigrina, in the republic of korea, were thought to represent 2 species: pharyngostomum cordatum (large-sized neodiplostomula), an intestinal trematode of cats, and neodiplostomum seoulense (small-sized neodiplostomula), an intestinal trematode of humans and rodents. the present study describes n. leei n. sp. (digenea: neodiplostomidae) on the basis of adult flukes recovered from the small intestines of chicks experimentally infected with s ... | 2002 | 12537114 |
extraintestinal migration of pharyngostomum cordatum metacercariae in experimental rodents. | extraintestinal migration patterns of pharyngostomum cordatum (digenea: neodiplostomidae) were studied in experimental rodents such as mice, rats, and hamsters. when metacercariae isolated from grass snakes were infected orally to rodents, they penetrated the intestinal wall at days 2-3 post-infection (p.i.) and were discovered mainly in the diaphragm, intercostal muscles, and vital organ such as the lungs at days 7-28 p.i., without morphological changes. interestingly, from several rodents whic ... | 2001 | 11551320 |
helminths of the tsushima leopard cat (felis bengalensis euptilura). | three tsushima leopard cats (felis bengalensis euptilura) in japan were collected as road kills. three species of trematodes (pharyngostomum cordatum, paragonimus sp. and dicrocoeliidae gn. sp.), one species of cestode (spirometra erinacei) and nine species of nematodes (arthrostoma hunanensis, uncinaria felidis, uncinaria sp., ancylostoma tubaeforme, molineus springsmithi, toxocara cati, capillaria aerophila, capillaria felis-cati, and capillaria sp.) were found. among these helminths, arthrost ... | 1993 | 8445779 |
anthelmintic effect of praziquantel on pharyngostomum cordatum in domestic cats. | | 1986 | 3735887 |