
metazoan parasites of cetaceans off the northeastern coast of brazil.this study represents the first survey of the parasitic fauna of cetaceans off the northeastern coast of brazil. parasites were collected from 82 animals rescued from the states of ceará to bahia, including the archipelago of fernando de noronha. a total of 14 species of cetaceans were evaluated: sotalia guianensis, stenella sp., stenella clymene, stenella longirostris, stenella coeruleoalba, stenella frontalis, megaptera novaeangliae, peponocephala electra, steno bredanensis, kogia breviceps, k ...201020638793
genetic analysis of anisakis typica (nematoda: anisakidae) from cetaceans of the northeast coast of brazil: new data on its definitive hosts.anisakids from 5 different species of cetacean, kogia breviceps, peponocephala electra, stenella clymene, stenella longirostris and steno bredanensis, were submitted to genetic analysis. adults and larvae fixed in ethanol-formalin-acetic acid or in 70% ethanol for periods ranging from 10 months to 10 years were isolated from 9 cetaceans stranded on ceará coast, northeast brazil. the 18s rdna gene, its1, and specific anisakis typica its regions were amplified by pcr. 18s rdna and its1 region conf ...201121324600
lesions associated with halocercus brasiliensis lins de almeida, 1933 in the lungs of dolphins stranded in the northeast of brazil.the parasitic fauna of cetaceans is an important tool for ecological studies, including analyses on the causes of death. halocercus brasiliensis is a nematode frequently found in the bronchi and bronchioles of some cetaceans, and it is commonly associated with focal inflammation of the respiratory tract leading to bacterial pneumonia and septicemia and, sometimes, to death. the objective of this study was to report infections by h. brasiliensis in the respiratory tract of delphinidae stranded on ...201525171594
testing mitochondrial sequences and anonymous nuclear markers for phylogeny reconstruction in a rapidly radiating group: molecular systematics of the delphininae (cetacea: odontoceti: delphinidae).many molecular phylogenetic analyses rely on dna sequence data obtained from single or multiple loci, particularly mitochondrial dna loci. however, phylogenies for taxa that have undergone recent, rapid radiation events often remain unresolved. alternative methodologies for discerning evolutionary relationships under these conditions are desirable. the dolphin subfamily delphininae is a group that has likely resulted from a recent and rapid radiation. despite several efforts, the evolutionary re ...200919811651
brucellosis in a clymene dolphin (stenella clymene) stranded in brazil. 201728816014
hybrid speciation in a marine mammal: the clymene dolphin (stenella clymene).natural hybridization may result in the exchange of genetic material between divergent lineages and even the formation of new taxa. many of the neo-darwinian architects argued that, particularly for animal clades, natural hybridization was maladaptive. recent evidence, however, has falsified this hypothesis, instead indicating that this process may lead to increased biodiversity through the formation of new species. although such cases of hybrid speciation have been described in plants, fish and ...201424421898
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