habitat selection as a hierarchical spatial process: the green woodpecker at the northern edge of its distribution range. | habitat selection can be envisaged as a hierarchical spatial process, from choice of home range to choice of dietary item. the green woodpecker (picus viridis) is described as being closely bound to cultivated land and deciduous forests, mainly due to its summer diet composed of ants (hymenoptera: formicidae) found on meadows and pastures. to explore possible responses of this woodpecker to recent changes in land use practice, we studied home ranges, feeding habitats and food selection of a marg ... | 2000 | 28308405 |
investigations into causes of neurologic signs and mortality and the first identification of sarcocystis calchasi in free-ranging woodpeckers in germany. | between june and november 2015, 25 woodpeckers (picidae) with neurologic signs or unknown cause of death were admitted to a veterinary clinic. alive birds were clinically examined. birds that were found dead or died despite intensive care treatment were forwarded to a pathologic examination. necropsy and subsequent tests included screening for several infectious agents and toxins. three birds tested positive for sarcocystis calchasi. toxoplasma gondii was detected in one bird demonstrating intra ... | 2018 | 29517425 |