
parasites and associated pathology observed in pinnipeds stranded along the oregon coast.forty-two seals and sea lions found dead along the oregon coast were examined for parasites and associated pathology. nematode infections of the lung and/or gastrointestinal tract were the primary cause of death in 5 of 42 animals examined. new distribution records were established for pricetrema zalophi and zalophotrema hepaticum. new host records include z. hepaticum and diphyllobothrium cordatum in the steller's sea lion (eumetopias jubatus); nanophyetus salmincola in the california sea lion ...1978567698
the helminth fauna from the common seal (phoca vitulina vitulina, linné, 1758) of the wadden sea in lower saxony. part 2: nematodes.during the seal epidemic in 1988 and the beginning of 1989, 115 common seals found dead on the shores of the wadden sea of lower saxony were investigated for the presence of nematodes. the lungworm otostrongylus circumlitus railliet 1899 was found in 26.1% of the seals, the lungworm parafilaroides gymnurus railliet 1899 in 26.9% and the heartworm dipetalonema spirocauda leidy 1858 in 32.2% of the seals. in the digestive tract, two anisakid species were found, pseudoterranova decipiens mozgovoi 1 ...19911789022
prevalence and pathology of nematode infections in the lungs of ringed seals (phoca hispida) of the western arctic of canada.two genera of lung nematodes were found in a sample of 382 wild ringed seals (phoca hispida). otostrongylus circumlitus were found mainly in young of the year where they occupied the main stem bronchi causing extensive mucus production, mucosal hyperplasia and peribronchitis. immature stages of the nematode were found in pulmonary vessels causing end-arteritis. there was only a slight reduction in respiratory parenchyma in infected seals and no correlation between infection and size or body cond ...19892716101
characterization of otostrongylus circumlitus from pacific harbor and northern elephant seals.otostrongylus circumlitus (railliet, 1899) from pacific harbor seals (phoca vitulina richardsi) and northern elephant seals (mirounga angustirostris) were examined using morphological and molecular methods to determine whether northern elephant seals along the central california coast are infected by the same species of otostrongylus as are pacific harbor seals in the same area. fixed nematodes were examined and measured using light microscopy. the polymerase chain reaction (pcr) was used to amp ...200111227905
efficacy of ivermectin and moxidectin against otostrongylus circumlitus and parafilaroides gymnurus in harbour seals (phoca vitulina).verminous bronchopneumonia caused by infection with otostrongylus circumlitus and parafilaroides gymnurus is an important cause of death during the rehabilitation of harbour seals (phoca vitulina). during the winter of 2000/01, 35 juvenile harbour seals with severe clinical signs of verminous bronchopneumonia were treated with either 0.2 mg/kg ivermectin orally or 0.2 mg/kg moxidectin subcutaneously, and monitored for 30 days. the efficacy of the anthelmintics was determined by the pattern of la ...200312585598
immunoglobulin responses of northern elephant and pacific harbor seals naturally infected with otostrongylus circumlitus.immunoglobulin (ig) binding patterns of pacific harbor seals (phs, phoca vitulina richardsi) and northern elephant seals (nes, mirounga angustirostris) to tissues of adult otostrongylus circumlitus were examined by immunoblotting to investigate the role of age in the unusual response of juvenile nes to infection with o. circumlitus. serum was taken from nes between march 1997 and march 2001 and from phs between may 1996 and august 1999. the serum of seals infected with o. circumlitus contained a ...200415465714
metastrongyloid nematode (otostrongylus circumlitus) infection in a stranded california sea lion (zalophus californianus)--a new host-parasite association.a stranded yearling male california sea lion was admitted to a rehabilitation center june 2003. on presentation, the sea lion was emaciated and had diarrhea and neutrophilia. two weeks later, the animal became anorexic, blood and mucus were observed around the oral cavity, and corneal opacity was noted in the right eye. hematology results at that time included leukocytosis consisting of neutrophilia with a left shift, anemia, and thrombocytopenia. despite supportive care, the sea lion died. on p ...200516244070
transmission of lungworms of harbour porpoises and harbour seals: molecular tools determine potential vertebrate intermediate hosts.harbour porpoises (phocoena phocoena) and harbour seals (phoca vitulina) from german waters are infected by six species of lungworms (metastrongyloidea). these nematodes parasitise the respiratory tract, are pathogenic and often cause secondary bacterial infections. in spite of their clinical and epidemiological significance, the life cycle and biology of lungworms in the marine environment is still largely unknown. regions of ribosomal dna (its-2) of all lungworms parasitising harbour porpoises ...201020123100
bronchoalveolar lavage and pulmonary histopathology in harp seals (phoca groenlandica) experimentally infected with otostrongylus circumlitus.the objective of this study was to characterize pathologic changes associated with experimental infection of harp seals (phoca groenlandica) with the lungworm otostrongylus circumlitus (metastrongyloidea: crenosomatidae). the leukocyte differential cell count in samples obtained by unguided bronchoalveolar lavage (bal) and the intensity of the histologic lesions in the lungs were assessed in seven harp seals experimentally exposed to 300 infective, third-stage o. circumlitus larvae. seven unexpo ...201020688634
lungworm seroprevalence in free-ranging harbour seals and molecular characterisation of marine mammal msp.harbour seals (phoca vitulina) are frequently infected with the lungworms otostrongylus circumlitus and parafilaroides gymnurus. the infection is often accompanied by secondary bacterial infections and can cause severe bronchopneumonia and even death in affected animals. hitherto, the detection of lungworm infections was based on post mortem investigations from animals collected within stranding networks and a valid detection method for live free-ranging harbour seals was not available. recently ...201626977405
a recombinant antigen-based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for lungworm detection in seals.pinnipeds are frequently infected by the lungworms otostrongylus circumlitus and parafilaroides gymnurus (metastrongyloidea). infections are frequently associated with secondary bacterial bronchopneumonia and are often lethal. to date, a reliable lungworm diagnosis in individual seals is only possible during necropsy as examination of faeces collected from resting places does not allow assignment to individuals. therefore, a diagnostic tool for lungworm detection in living seals is desirable for ...201526329933
pharmacokinetic study of oral ε-aminocaproic acid in the northern elephant seal (mirounga angustirostris).ε-aminocaproic acid (eaca) is a lysine analogue antifibrinolytic drug used to treat bleeding disorders in humans and domestic animals. its use in zoological medicine is rare, and dosage is anecdotal. one possible application of eaca is to treat bleeding associated with prepatent otostrongylus arteritis in northern elephant seals ( mirounga angustirostris ) presenting to wildlife rehabilitation centers. this study used an in vitro model of hyperfibrinolysis and a thromboelastograph-based assay to ...201627468014
congenital hemicerebral anomaly in a stranded pacific harbor seal (phoca vitulina richardsi).a stranded 5-month-old female pacific harbor seal (phoca vitulina richardsi) was presented displaying tachypnea and diminished lung sounds. no neurological abnormalities were noted. the animal was treated for verminous pneumonia, but died 2 wk later. gross necropsy examination revealed a severe obstructive verminous pneumonia associated with large numbers of otostrongylus circumlitus. in addition, the majority of the right cerebral hemisphere was absent, with hypoplasia of the left cerebellar he ...200516244081
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