avian and mammalian hosts for spirochete-infected ticks and insects in a lyme disease focus in connecticut. | spirochetes and their vectors and reservoirs were studied in a lyme disease focus in east haddam, connecticut, from mid-may through september 1983. ixodes dammini subadults were comparable in number on white-footed mice (peromyscus leucopus) (means = 2.9 +/- 3.6 sd) to those on 27 different species of birds (means = 2.3 +/- 4.2 sd) representing 11 families within the order passeriformes. less commonly found ticks on birds (means less than or equal to 0.1) were immature ixodes dentatus and haemap ... | 1984 | 6516460 |
estimating the effects of habitat and biological interactions in an avian community. | we used repeated sightings of individual birds encountered in community-level surveys to investigate the relative roles of habitat and biological interactions in determining the distribution and abundance of each species. to analyze these data, we developed a multispecies n-mixture model that allowed estimation of both positive and negative correlations between abundances of different species while also estimating the effects of habitat and the effects of errors in detection of each species. usi ... | 2015 | 26287671 |
comparison of statistical and theoretical habitat models for conservation planning: the benefit of ensemble prediction. | selection of a modeling approach is an important step in the conservation planning process, but little guidance is available. we compared two statistical and three theoretical habitat modeling approaches representing those currently being used for avian conservation planning at landscape and regional scales: hierarchical spatial count (hsc), classification and regression tree (crt), habitat suitability index (hsi), forest structure database (fs), and habitat association database (ha). we focused ... | 2011 | 21939060 |
patterns of knemidokoptes jamaicensis (acari: knemidokoptidae) infestations among eight new avian hosts in the dominican republic. | the ectoparasitic mite knemidokoptes jamaicensis turk burrows into the cornified epithelium of the legs and feet of passeriform birds and has been reported from 12 species of north american birds. here we establish new host and distribution records for k. jamaicensis from eight species of birds from three habitats in the dominican republic. these species include hispaniolan pewee (contopus hispaniolensis bryant), northern mockingbird (mimus polyglottos l.), cape may warbler (dendoica tigrina gme ... | 2001 | 11372970 |
effects of vegetation, corridor width and regional land use on early successional birds on powerline corridors. | powerline rights-of-way (rows) often provide habitat for early successional bird species that have suffered long-term population declines in eastern north america. to determine how the abundance of shrubland birds varies with habitat within row corridors and with land use patterns surrounding corridors, we ran poisson regression models on data from 93 plots on rows and compared regression coefficients. we also determined nest success rates on a 1-km stretch of row. seven species of shrubland bir ... | 2012 | 22363660 |
the historical pattern of gene flow among migratory and nonmigratory populations of prairie warblers (aves: parulinae). | within a group of interbreeding organisms, the balance of gene flow among populations and microevolutionary forces acting within populations is expected to result in clinal transitions in the phenotypes possessed by members of differentiated populations. discontinuous variation between geographically adjacent populations suggests the presence of a significant barrier to gene flow. here i present genetic evidence for restricted gene flow between migratory and nonmigratory populations of prairie w ... | 1999 | 28565451 |
the evolution of clutch size. i. an equation for predicting clutch size. | we derive an equation for calculating the clutch sizes of birds and other long-lived animals from murray's (1979) theory on the evolution of clutch size. for the prairie warbler (dendroica discolor) in indiana, this equation predicts an average clutch size of 3.49, less than half an egg smaller than the recorded average clutch size of 3.89. we attribute the discrepancy to sampling error and suggest that the equation satisfactorily identifies the important factors affecting the evolution of clutc ... | 1989 | 28564339 |
prairie warbler in new hampshire. | | 1883 | 17783889 |
rainfall and habitat interact to affect the condition of a wintering migratory songbird in the bahamas. | on the subtropical and tropical wintering grounds of migratory birds, variation in moisture levels and habitat can influence the availability of food resources and subsequently impact overwintering birds. using stable carbon isotopes in blood samples as a measure of moisture, we assessed the interactive effects of rainfall, vegetation, and moisture on the demographics and condition of prairie warblers (setophaga discolor) wintering in the bahamas. carbon isotopes in prairie warbler blood were mo ... | 2019 | 31380070 |