
biodegradation of pyrene by sediment fungi.micromycetes were isolated from pahs-contaminated sediment and identified. they were investigated for pyrene degradation (10 mg l-1) in liquid synthetic medium for two days. among the 41 strains isolated, 10 highly degraded pyrene (> 2.4 mg g-1 dry weight): two zygomycetes (mucor racemosus, m. racemosus var. sphaerosporus), 6 deuteromycetes (gliocladium virens, penicillium simplicissimum, p. janthinellum, phialophora alba, p. hoffmannii, trichoderma harzianum), a dematiaceae (scopulariopsis brum ...200010665394
liquid chromatography study of pyrene degradation by two micromycetes in a freshwater sediment.pyrene biodegradation in a freshwater sediment without fungi supply, or inoculated with two sediment micromycetes, mucor racemosus var. sphaerosporus and phialophora alba was studied after 0, 5, 13, 28, 60 and 90 days. the influence of glucose addition was estimated, and a liquid chromatographic method for simultaneous quantitative determination of residual anthracene, fluoranthene and pyrene in the sediment was developed. samples with pahs were extracted in soxhlet with ethyl acetate, and lc an ...200111545519
pyrene degradation by two fungi in a freshwater sediment and evaluation of fungal biomass by ergosterol content.mucor racemosus var. sphaerosporus and phialophora alba were investigated for their abilities to degrade pyrene in a freshwater sediment, with or without glucose supply as nutrient or carbon source, during 90 days. the ergosterol contents in sediment were quantified to estimate fungal biomass and to assess the correlation between fungal activity and biodegradation of pyrene. results showed that, in an heterogeneous environment, these fungi presented different abilities to degrade pyrene. p. alba ...200111601633
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