
occurrence of an invertebrate iridescent-like virus (iridoviridae) in reptiles.viral isolates were obtained in 1998, 1999 and 2000 from the lung, liver and intestine of two bearded dragons (pogona vitticeps) and a chameleon (chamaeleo quadricornis) and from the skin of a frill-necked lizard (chamydosaurus kingii) by using viper heart cells (vh2) at 28 degrees c. electron microscopic examination of infected vh2 cells revealed the assembly of icosahedral iridovirus-like particles measuring 139 nm (side to side) and 151 nm (apex to apex). negatively stained virus particles ha ...200111765804
detection and isolation of an iridovirus from chameleons (chamaeleo quadricornis and chamaeleo hoehnelli) in the united kingdom. 200211993977
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