occurrence of colombian datura virus in brugmansia hybrids, physalis peruviana l. and solanum muricatum ait. in hungary. | colombian datura virus (cdv) has been found to infect angel trumpets (brugmansia spp.) frequently and cape gooseberry (physalis peruviana) and pepino (solanum muricatum) sporadically in hungary. a cdv brg/h isolate was characterized. it had flexuous thread-like virions of about 750 x 12 nm in size. host range and symptomathological studies revealed its great similarity to authentic cdv isolates. nicotiana tabacum cultivars and lines resistant to potato virus y (pvyn) either genically or transgen ... | 2005 | 16047739 |
daphne mosaic virus (dapmv), a new potyvirus from daphne mezereum in the czech republic. | daphne shrubs with light green rings and mosaic on leaves contained flexuous filamentous virions (696 x 13 nm) and cylindrical inclusions typical of the subdivision iii of edwardson's classification for inclusions induced by members of the family potyviridae. decoration tests using antisera to 67 potyviruses revealed distant serological relations among chilli veinal mottle virus, colombian datura virus, papaya ringspot virus, tobacco vein mottling virus and yam mosaic virus. the 3' terminal regi ... | 2006 | 16292598 |
genome sequence of a virus isolate from tamarillo (solanum betaceum) in colombia: evidence for a new potyvirus. | based on the results of a deep sequencing transcriptome study of tamarillo (solanum betaceum), we report the genome sequence of a virus from this host plant. since this probably represents a new member of the genus potyvirus, the name tamarillo leaf malformation virus (talmv) has been proposed. phylogenetic analysis reveals that talmv is the closest relative of colombian datura virus (cdv), followed by three other potyviruses: tobacco etch virus, potato virus a and tobacco vein mottling virus. t ... | 2015 | 25466572 |