
mucormycosis in a free-ranging green tree frog from australia.mucor amphibiorum is reported for the first time from a free-ranging native amphibian, a green tree frog (litoria caerulea) from queensland, australia. the nasal cavity was largely replaced by granulomatous inflammatory tissue, and most internal organs had nodular granulomas. typical mother and daughter sphaerules of m. amphibiorum occurred in these nodules which were due to granulomatous inflammation as well as areas of more active mixed inflammation with necrosis. tissue homogenate from the sp ...19979391982
isolation of mucor circinelloides from a case of ulcerative mycosis of platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus), and a comparison of the response of mucor circinelloides and mucor amphibiorum to different culture temperatures.the fungus mucor circinelloides was isolated from a platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) suffering from ulcerative mycosis. on horse blood agar at 20, 25 and 30 degrees c, the fungus formed sphaerule-like bodies, a morphology previously associated with mucor amphibiorum, the species thought to be responsible for the disease in platypus. a biopsy taken from the ulcer was fixed, cut and stained. the sections were compared with sections taken from other platypuses suffering from ulcerative mycosis, ...199910421852
serological responses against the pathogenic dimorphic fungus mucor amphibiorum in populations of platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) with and without ulcerative mycotic dermatitis.mucor amphibiorum, a dimorphic fungus, causes ulcerative dermatitis and systemic infections in the platypus ornithorhynchus anatinus in some river systems in tasmania but apparently not in other regions of australia. as yet there are no suitable tests for population surveys, nor for detection of internal lesions in live animals. consequently, immunoglobulins were purified from the serum of platypuses and anti-immunoglobulin antisera were prepared in rabbits in order to develop an enzyme-linked i ...200212079747
possible differences in pathogenicity between cane toad-, frog- and platypus-derived isolates of mucor amphibiorum, and a platypus-derived isolate of mucor circinelloides.platypuses (ornithorhynchus anatinus) in the north of the island state of tasmania, australia, suffer from a serious disease called ulcerative mycosis, which is responsible for high morbidity and, presumably, mortality rates in areas where it occurs. the disease is caused by the dimorphic fungus mucor amphibiorum, which is also found in queensland, new south wales and victoria. however, it does not cause disease in platypuses in those states. it has been previously reported that a closely relate ...200515832556
genotypic analysis of mucor from the platypus in australia.mucor amphibiorum is the only pathogen known to cause significant morbidity and mortality in the free-living platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) in tasmania. infection has also been reported in free-ranging cane toads (bufo marinus) and green tree frogs (litoria caerulea) from mainland australia but has not been confirmed in platypuses from the mainland. to date, there has been little genotyping specifically conducted on m. amphibiorum. a collection of 21 mucor isolates representing isolates fro ...201020090018
preliminary investigation into the prevalence of mucormycosis in the platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) in three catchments in north-west investigate the distribution and prevalence of mucormycosis in platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) from the inglis, emu and black-detention catchment areas in north-west tasmania.201020529030
disease conditions and subclinical infections of the platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus).before the arrival of european settlers in australia, the platypus, ornithorhynchus anatinus, probably suffered from little disease. among other things, european settlement has involved substantial environmental perturbation, introduction of large predators, introduction of motor vehicles and translocation of potential pathogens. as a result, platypuses are now killed by motor vehicles, dogs, foxes and discarded plastic litter. information programmes targeting appropriate segments of the public ...19989720107
pathology of mucormycosis of cane toads in australia.the gross and microscopic pathology of a fungal septicaemia caused by the zygomycete. mucor amphibiorum in 27 free-ranging cane toads, bufo marinus, in australia is described. seven of the 27 toads had clinical signs of illness when discovered and five of these seven were moribund. multiple granulomas were found in many organs, and in massive infections granulomas tended to coalesce. liver, spleen, kidneys, urinary bladder, heart and lung were most commonly involved, but granulomas also occurred ...19979027697
mucor amphibiorum in the toad, bufo marinus, in australia.mucor amphibiorum, a fungus previously found in captive amphibians in europe and the platypus in australia, was observed in free-ranging toads, bufo marinus, in australia. in tissues the fungus occurred as sphaerules 4.9 to 36.4 microns in diameter; hyphae were not formed. some spharules developed two to 11 daughter sphaerules internally and these were released into tissues by dissolution of the outer wall. infected toads were found at 11 sites from nine locations in northern and eastern austral ...19947933284
gross, histological and immunohistochemical features of mucormycosis in the platypus.nine male and five female adult free-living platypuses, obtained in a prospective capture-release study from northern tasmania, exhibited gross features of cutaneous mycosis caused by mucor amphibiorum. the lesions were present on the hind limbs (six cases), front limbs (four), tail (five), dorsal trunk (three) and ventral trunk (one). they varied in size, and ranged from raised red nodules or plaques, which sometimes exuded purulent material, to ulcerated lesions with central cavitation, red ex ...200010906254
[blue-light induced expression of s-adenosy-l-homocysteine hydrolase-like gene in mucor amphibiorum rcs1].to determine blue-light induced expression of s-adenosyl-l-homocysteine hydrolase-like (sahhl) gene in fungus mucor amphibiorum rcs1.201324377253
haematological, serum biochemical and serological features of platypuses with and without mycotic granulomatous determine whether there are haematological, serum biochemical and serological differences between platypuses (ornithorhynchus anatinus) with and without granulomatous dermatitis due to mucor amphibiorum infection. an additional objective was to establish reference haematological and serum biochemical ranges for the species in tasmania.199910685184
controlling wildlife fungal disease spread: in vitro efficacy of disinfectants against batrachochytrium dendrobatidis and mucor amphibiorum.chytridiomycosis in amphibians, and mucormycosis in the platypus ornithorhynchus anatinus and amphibians, are serious fungal diseases affecting these aquatic taxa. in tasmania, australia, the fungi that cause these diseases overlap in range along with phytophthora cinnamomi (pc), an invasive fungal plant pathogen. to identify disinfectants that may be useful to reduce anthropogenic spread of these fungi to uninfected wilderness areas, for example by bush walkers and forestry or fire-fighting ope ...201222691980
mucor amphibiorum infection in platypus (ornithorhynchus anatinus) from tasmania.mucor amphibiorum, a fungus previously isolated from frogs and toads, is reported from free-living platypus, ornithorhynchus anatinus, from rivers in northern tasmania. this fungus is responsible for the severe ulcerative skin condition originally described by munday and peel (1983). mucor amphibiorum was isolated from dermal lesions on four separate occasions. the gross and histopathological appearance of the fungal lesions were similar to the earlier description. in vivo this fungus develops a ...19938355354
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