
[effect of cryopreservation on pollen viability].the viability of pollen at room temperature lowers and disappears in few days; on the contrary the cryopreservation lengthens the pollen viability. pollen of pinus brutia, p. canariensis, p. halepensis, p. pinaster has been stored at -20 degrees c for one year with the aim of checking the variation of viability. the viability has been tested by fluorescein diacetate; the germination by in vitro culture for 96 hours has been observed and daily percentage of germinated pollen grains and maximum le ...19902073382
antimicrobial activities of several parts of pinus brutia, juniperus oxycedrus, abies cilicia, cedrus libani and pinus this study, the antimicrobial activities of several parts of various trees grown in the kahramanmaraş region of turkey were investigated by the disc diffusion method. chloroform, acetone and methanol extracts of leaves, resins, barks, cones and fruits of pinus brutia ten., juniperus oxycedrus l., abies cilicia ant. & kotschy carr., cedrus libani a. rich. and pinus nigra arn. were prepared and tested against bacillus megaterium dsm 32, bacillus subtilis img 22, bacillus cereus fmc 19, escheric ...199910548751
characterization of nuclear microsatellites in pinus halepensis mill. and their inheritance in p. halepensis and pinus brutia ten. 200011123630
ozone treatment affects pigment precursor metabolism in pine seedlings.five-week-old seedlings of pinus halepensis mill. and pinus brutia ten. were exposed to air polluted with ozone (o3) (250 nl l-1, 12 h day-1 for 4 days) or to ambient air containing ca 10-20 nl l-1 o3, in the light (180 &mgr;mol m-2 s-1 photosynthetic photon flux density [ppfd], 12 h day-1) and then fed for 24 h in the light (100 &mgr;mol m-2 s-1 ppfd) with various radioactive precursors of chlorophyll (chl) and carotene biosynthesis: 5-[4-14c]-aminolevulinic acid (14c-ala), l-[14c(u)]-glutamic ...200111454235
endoplasmic reticulum preprophase band in dividing root-tip cells of pinus dividing root-tip cells of pinus brutia ten., immunolocalization of the luminal endoplasmic reticulum (er) proteins, which have the c-terminal hdel sequence, reveals that the er is reorganized during the preprophase/prophase stage. portions of er were arrayed into a ring-like structure at the site of the microtubule preprophase band (mt-ppb). this preprophase er band (er-ppb) resembles that of the mt-ppb. the former undergoes a maturation process closely similar to that of the latter. our dat ...200111678288
annual shoot growth components related to growth of pinus brutia.shoot elongation patterns of pinus brutia ten. were studied in six natural populations and 10 open-pollinated families within each population. the data were collected from a provenance-progeny trial that was thinned at ages 13 and 17 years. annual height increment was partitioned into first flush (spring shoot) and subsequent flushes (summer shoots) and the contribution of each to annual height increment was measured from ages 7 to 17. spring shoot elongation patterns were similar in all populat ...200211772555
ecophysiology of seedlings of three mediterranean pine species in contrasting light regimes.seasonal dynamics of net photosynthesis (anet) in 2-year-old seedlings of pinus brutia ten., pinus pinea l. and pinus pinaster ait. were investigated. seedlings were grown in the field in two light regimes: sun (ambient light) and shade (25% of photosynthetically active radiation (par)). repeated measures analyses over a 12-month period showed that anet varied significantly among species and from season to season. maximum anet in sun-acclimated seedlings was low in winter (yet remained positive) ...200312511302
predicting live herbaceous moisture content from a seasonal drought order to provide a relatively simple means of predicting live herbaceous plant moisture content from a readily available meteorological index with an accuracy adequate for fire hazard assessment, the moisture content fluctuations of certain species were correlated with the values of a seasonal drought index based on soil moisture deficiency. the simple linear regression models provided the best fit of the relationship between plant moisture content and the keetch-byram drought index (kbdi) va ...200312647093
organization of the endoplasmic reticulum in dividing cells of the gymnosperms pinus brutia and pinus nigra, and of the pterophyte asplenium nidus.endoplasmic reticulum (er) organization in the dividing cells of the pterophyte asplenium nidus and of the gymnosperms pinus brutia and pinus nigra has been studied by immunolocalization techniques using the monoclonal antibody 2e7, which recognizes luminar er resident proteins containing c-terminal hdel sequences. in the pterophyte, the er reorganization during cell cycle is similar to that in angiosperms. among others, prominent er gatherings were found at the mitotic spindle poles and in the ...200312713797
slow pyrolysis of wood barks from pinus brutia ten. and product compositions.biomass in the form of pine bark (pinus brutia ten.) was pyrolysed in an externally heated fixed-bed reactor. the effects of temperature and heating rate on the yields and compositions of the products were investigated. pyrolysis runs were performed using reactor temperatures between 300 and 500 degrees c with heating rates of 7 and 40 degrees cmin(-1). the product yields were significantly influenced by the process conditions. the bio-oil obtained at 450 degrees c, at which the liquid product y ...200312798122
micropropagation of mature calabrian pine (pinus brutia ten.) from fascicular buds.dormant meristems of fascicles explanted from 10-year-old, field-grown trees of pinus brutia ten. were cultured in vitro. browning of cultured fascicles was reduced by including 150 mg l(-1) sodium diethyldithiocarbamate (sdd) in a cytokinin-containing medium. the stage of development of fascicles when placed in culture affected both shoot-bud production and the degree of browning. only fascicles at an advanced stage of development had a high rate of shoot-bud production. fascicles cultured for ...198714975825
removal of fe(ii) ions from aqueous solution by calabrian pine bark wastes.the ability of calabrian pine bark wastes (pinus brutia ten) for the removal of fe(ii) ions from aqueous solution at different concentrations and temperatures at a fixed ph was investigated. while the amounts of fe(ii) ions adsorbed onto the bark increased with increasing concentration, it increased slightly with increasing the temperature. kinetics studies showed that adsorption process followed the first-order kinetic model as well as intra-particle diffusion kinetics. adsorption isotherm foll ...200414987727
evaluation of the mechanical, physical properties and decay resistance of particleboard made from particles impregnated with pinus brutia bark extractives.the mechanical, physical properties and decay resistances of particleboard made from particles impregnated with pinus brutia bark extractives were examined. properties included were modulus of rupture, modulus of elasticity, internal bond, thickness swelling, and weight loss according to european standards. the results showed that particleboards made from particles impregnated with bark extractives had significantly lower mechanical values than those made from unimpregnated particles. impregnati ...200616256344
the harmful effects of air pollutants around the yenikoy thermal power plant on architecture of calabrian pine (pinus brutia ten.) needles.the influence of air pollutants on the architecture of calabrian pine (pinus brutia ten.) needles was examined in polluted and control forest sites around the yeniköy thermal power plant (ytpp) in muğla, turkey. the aim of this research was to test the hypothesis that air pollutants emitted from the ytpp cause the dilation of resin canal diameter on the cross-sections of calabrian pine needles. for this, the anatomical and morphological anomalies on the cross-sections of calabrian pine needles w ...200516334260
a diameter increment model for crimean pine (pinus nigra arnold) and calabrian pine (pinus brutia ten.) stands in isparta region, turkey.the purpose of this research was to test the precision of a diameter increment model for the estimation of future periodic diameter increment. individual trees of crimean pine (pinus nigra arnold) and calabrian pine (pinus brutia ten.) located in both natural and plantation stands were selected. for that reason, normal closed canopy, pure, even-aged and undisturbed stands were examined. in 2002, plots were sampled in three natural and three plantation stands in isparta region of turkey. the numb ...200516334284
modification of wood with environmentally friendly chemicals to improve decay resistance.turkish pine (pinus brutia ten.) solid wood was chemically modified to various weight percent gains (wpg) using either acetic, methacrylic, hexanoic and succinic anhydrides. laboratory soil block decay testing using the brown rot fungus c. puteana and g. trabeum was performed and weight loss calculated. all high degree of modified samples showed good biological resistance and severely reduced degradation. chemical modification of wood is very important for the prevention of biodeterioration whic ...200516459566
quantifying carbon budgets of conifer mediterranean forest ecosystems, turkey.aboveground biomass, aboveground litterfall, and leaf litter decomposition of five indigenous tree stands (pure stands of pinus brutia, pinus nigra, cedrus libani, juniperus excelsa, and a mixed stand of abies cilicica, p. nigra, and c. libani) were measured in an eastern mediterranean evergreen needleleaf forest of turkey. measurements were converted to regional scale estimates of carbon (c) stocks and fluxes of forest ecosystems, based on general non-site-specific allometric relationships. mea ...200616741812
dynamic equilibrium of radiocesium with stable cesium within the soil-mushroom system in turkish pine forest.mushrooms and soils collected from pine forests in izmir, turkey were measured for radiocesium and stable cs in 2002. the ranges of (137)cs and stable cs concentrations in mushrooms were 9.84+/-1.67 to 401+/-3.85bqkg(-1) dry weight and 0.040+/-0.004 to 11.3+/-1.09mgkg(-1) dry weight, respectively. the concentrations of (137)cs and stable cs in soils were 0.29+/-0.18 to 161+/-1.12bqkg(-1) dry weight and 0.14+/-0.004 to 1.44+/-0.045mgkg(-1) dry weight, respectively. even though different species w ...200717258362
the assessment of environmentally sensitive forest road construction in calabrian pine forest areas of turkey.forest road construction by bulldozers in calabrian pine (pinus brutia ten.) forests on mountainous terrain of turkey causes considerable damage to the environment and the forest standing alongside the road. this situation obliges a study of environmentally sound road construction in turkey. this study was carried out in 4 sample sites of antalya forest directorate in steep (34-50% gradient) and very steep terrain (51-70% gradient) conditions with bulldozer and excavator machine and direct damag ...200617402245
application of multi-way data analysis on excitation-emission spectra for plant identification.the ability to distinguish among diets fed to damascus goats using excitation-emission luminescence spectra was investigated. these diets consisted of medicago sativa l. (alfalfa), trifolium spp. (clover), pistacia lentiscus, phyllirea latifolia and pinus brutia. the three-dimensional luminescence response surface from phosphate buffered saline (pbs) extracts of each material was analyzed using muti-way analysis chemometric tools (mpca) and parallel factor analysis (parafac). using three princip ...200719071673
determination of extractability of pine bark using supercritical co(2) extraction and different solvents: optimization and prediction.bark from pinus brutia was extracted with supercritical fluid extraction (sfe), using co(2), at various extraction conditions both at laboratory and at pilot scale. optimized parameters were 200 bar, 60 degrees c, and 3% ethanol at a solvent/feed ratio of 30. additionally, the pine bark was sonicated (1 h at 50 degrees c) by different solvents (n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, and ethanol) to investigate the correlation between the different extraction setups and to obtain information o ...200919113873
effects of pinus brutia bark extract and pycnogenol in a rat model of carrageenan induced inflammation.the present study was conducted to explore the anti-inflammatory activities of pinus brutia bark extract and pycnogenol in a rat model of carrageenan-induced inflammation. firstly, the compositions of both samples were determined using hplc. then, carrageenan-induced paw edema was used to assess anti-inflammatory activity in mice. paw volume was measured before and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6h after the injection of carrageenan. intraperitoneal administration of both the extract and pycnogenol inhibited ...200919577447
biomonitoring of zinc and manganese in bark of turkish red pine of western anatolia.turkish red pine (pinus brutia) is a widespread evergreen tree in mediterranean andaegean regions of turkey. the barks of pinus brutia were tested as a possible biomonitor of zn and mn accumulation studied in western anatolia, turkey. samples collected from industry roadside, suburban and rural areas from thirty locations in the study area were investigated. the concentration of zinc and manganese were determined in the bark of the red pine by atomic absorption spectrometry. as a result of this ...200920143714
effects of forest fire on soil nutrients in turkish pine (pinus brutia, ten) is a long-standing and poorly understood component of the mediterranean forestlands in turkey. fire can alter plant composition, destroy biomass, alter soil physical and chemical properties and reduce soil nutrient pools. however fire can also promote productivity of certain ecosystems by mineralizing soil nutrients and promoting fast growing nitrogen fixing plant species. fire effects on soils and ecosystems in turkey and mediterranean regions are not well understood. this study uses a ret ...201020648809
soil respiration and root biomass responses to burning in calabrian pine (pinus brutia) stands in edirne, this study soil properties and root biomass responses to prescribed fire were investigated in 25-30 year-old calabrian pine (pinus brutia ten.) stands in edirne, turkey. the stands were established by planting and were subjected to prescribed burning in july 2005. soil respiration rates were determined every two months using the soda-lime method over a two-year period. fine (> or = 2 mm diameter) and small root (> 2-5 mm diameter) biomass were sampled approximately bimonthly using the sequent ...201020648810
phytosociological and ecological structure of mediterranean enclaves along the stream valleys in inner parts of black sea this study phytosociological structure of mediterranean enclaves which occured along the stream valleys in inner parts of black sea region was investigated. pinus brutia var. brutia and quercus coccifera are the most widespread communities in the study area. pinus pinea, arbutus andrachne, arbutus unedo, fontanesia philliraeoides subsp. philliraeoides and olea europaea l. var sylvestris have a restricted distribution in inner parts of black sea region as compared to p. brutia and q. coccifera ...201020648812
appraisal on the wound healing and anti-inflammatory activities of the essential oils obtained from the cones and needles of pinus species by in vivo and in vitro experimental models.according to ethnobotanical data, pinus species have been used against rheumatic pain and for wound healing in turkish folk medicine. essential oils from the cones and needles of five different pinus species (pinus brutia ten., pinus halepensis mill., pinus nigra arn., pinus pinea l. and pinus sylvestris l.) were evaluated for their in vivo wound healing and anti-inflammatory activities.201122155393
the phytogeography and ecotourism potential of the eastern province of lower part of the "köprü river" basin.köprü river basin is located in the western taurus mountains in south-western turkey. the area is in the mediterranean phytogeographical region. the climate in the area is typically mediterranean: mild and rainy in winter, hot and dry in summer. xerophytic plants can easily grow in this climate. pinus brutia forests are common in the study area. maquis and garique elements with sclerophyll character also occur in the region. the study aims to determine the distribution of the vegetation in the e ...201223424836
chemical composition, antimicrobial, insecticidal, phytotoxic and antioxidant activities of mediterranean pinus brutia and pinus pinea resin essential oils.essential oils of the resins of pinus brutia and pinus pinea were evaluated for their biological potential. essential oils were characterized using gc-ms and gc/fid. in vitro antimicrobial, phytotoxic, antioxidant, and insecticidal activities were carried out using the direct contact and the fumigant assays, respectively. the chemical profile of the essential oils of the resins of p. pinea and p. brutia included mainly α-pinene (21.39% and 25.40%), β-pinene (9.68% and 9.69%), and caryophyllene ( ...201425556061
effect of extracted galactoglucomannan oligosaccharides from pine wood (pinus brutia) on salmonella typhimurium colonisation, growth performance and intestinal morphology in broiler in vitro and in vivo study was conducted to evaluate the fermentability of isolated galactoglucomannan oligosaccharides (ggms) and the influence of their feeding on shedding and colonisation of salmonella typhimurium, growth performance and intestinal morphology in broiler chicks. the in vitro data demonstrated that three probiotic lactic acid bacteria namely lactobacillus casei, l. plantarum and enterococcus faecium were able to ferment the extracted oligosaccharides and other tested sugars ...201627419477
cloning and expression of a cyp720b orthologue involved in the biosynthesis of diterpene resin acids in pinus brutia.cytochrome p450 monooxygenases mediate a broad range of oxidative reactions involved in the biosynthesis of both primary and secondary metabolites in plants. until now, only two p450 genes, cyp720b1 from pinus taeda and cyp720b4 from picea sitchensis, have been functionally characterised and described in the literature. the purpose of this study was to describe the cloning and expression of cyp720b from pinus brutia due to its suggested role in the synthesis of bioactive compounds used for chemi ...201525394757
greek pinus essential oils: larvicidal activity and repellency against aedes albopictus (diptera: culicidae).the needle volatiles metabolites of seven pinus spp.: pinus nigra (3 samples), pinus stankewiczii, pinus brutia, pinus halepensis, pinus canariensis, pinus pinaster and pinus strobus from greece were determined by gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. p. nigra and p. canariensis essential oils were dominated by α-pinene (24.9-28.9 % and 15 %, respectively) and germacrene d (20.3-31.9 % and 55.8 %, respectively), whereas p. brutia and p. strobus by α-pinene (20.6 % and 31.4 ...201525399814
a study of air pollution with heavy metals in athens city and attica basin using evergreen trees as biological indicators.concentrations of five metals (cadmium, chromium, copper, nickel and lead) were determined in tree leaves collected from 13 areas of the attica basin and athens city, greece. geographical distribution patterns were investigated, and factors affecting toxic element accumulation in trees were discussed. the mean heavy metal content in the tree leaves is described in the descending order of copper>lead>nickel>chromium>cadmium. generally, the most damaged areas have been proved to be those near the ...201222410948
indicator species of essential forest tree species in the burdur district.the forests of burdur district for long have been subjected to over grazing and individual selection. as a result of this, majority of the forest areas in the district were degraded. in the district, afforestation efforts included majority of forestry implementations. it is well known that selecting suitable species plays an important role for achieving afforestation efforts. in this context, knowing the indicator species among the target species would be used in afforestation efforts, studies o ...201526591889
cucujus tulliae sp. n. - an endemic mediterranean saproxylic beetle from genus cucujus fabricius, 1775 (coleoptera, cucujidae), and keys for identification of adults and larvae native to europe.cucujus tulliaesp. n. is described as a new member of genus cucujus fabricius, 1775 (coleoptera, cucujidae), which enumerates at present eleven species distributed in eurasia and northern america. this saproxylic beetle is the first cucujus species known only from mediterranean and it is probably endemic to calabria (italy). the species was found especially in old-growth mountain forests of high conservation value (i.e. national parks) dominated by calabrian pine (pinus laricio calabrica). we hy ...201222933850
characteristics of heat-treated turkish pine and fir wood after thermowood processing.the finnish wood heat treatment technology thermowood, was recently introduced to turkey. data about the mechanical and physical properties of turkish wood species are important for industry and academia. in this study two industrially important turkish wood species, pine (pinus nigraarnold.) and fir (abies bornmülleriana matf.) were heat-treated using the thermowood process. pine and fir samples were thermally modified for 2 hr at 212 and 190 degrees c, respectively. the modulus of rupture (mor ...201021506490
chemical composition of natural colophony from pinus brutia and comparison with synthetic colophony.the compositions of colophony resins obtained from pinus brutia ten trees by three different methods (acid paste, carved hole and scraping) from ayvacik, gökova and kemalpaşa in turkey were analyzed by capillary gc-ms. the main components were the monoterpenes alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, and delta3-carene, and the diterpenic resin acids palustric, abietic, kaur-9(11)-16-en-18-oic and neoabietic acid. the synthetic colophony resins exhibited similar contents to those of the natural resins obtained ...201021213968
estimating tree bole volume using artificial neural network models for four species in turkey.tree bole volumes of 89 scots pine (pinus sylvestris l.), 96 brutian pine (pinus brutia ten.), 107 cilicica fir (abies cilicica carr.) and 67 cedar of lebanon (cedrus libani a. rich.) trees were estimated using artificial neural network (ann) models. neural networks offer a number of advantages including the ability to implicitly detect complex nonlinear relationships between input and output variables, which is very helpful in tree volume modeling. two different neural network architectures wer ...201019880241
seed germination of three provenances of pinus brutia (ten.) as influenced by stratification, temperature and water stress.seeds from three provenances of pinus brutia were stratified for 0 or 45 d (days) at 4 +/- 1 degrees c and then germinated at 15 degrees c or 20 degrees c on filter paper saturated with polyethylene glycol solutions to provide water potentials of 0, -0.2 and -0.4 mpa (mega pascal). regardless of stratification, germination was lower at 15 degrees c than 20 degrees c for seeds of all provenances. stratification significantly increased germination percentage at all water potentials regardless of t ...200717718000
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