
anoxia tolerance and freeze tolerance in hatchling turtles.freezing survival in hatchling turtles may be limited by ischemic anoxia in frozen tissues and the associated accumulation of lactate and reactive oxygen species (ros). to determine whether mechanisms for coping with anoxia are also important in freeze tolerance, we examined the association between capacities for freezing survival and anoxia tolerance in hatchlings of seven species of turtles. tolerance to freezing (-2.5 degrees c) was high in emydoidea blandingii, chrysemys picta, terrapene orn ...200515739066
physiological responses to freezing in hatchlings of freeze-tolerant and -intolerant turtles.freeze tolerance is a complex cold-hardiness adaptation that has independently evolved in a diverse group of organisms, including several ectothermic vertebrates. because little is known about the mechanistic basis for freeze tolerance in reptiles, we compared responses to experimental freezing in winter-acclimatized hatchlings representing nine taxa of temperate north american turtles, including ones that tolerated freezing and others that did not. viability rates of hatchlings frozen to -3 deg ...200616758216
a mycoplasma species of emydidae turtles in the northeastern usa.mycoplasma infections can cause significant morbidity and mortality in captive and wild chelonians. as part of a health assessment of endangered bog turtles (glyptemys muhlenbergii) in the northeastern us, choanal and cloacal swabs from these and other sympatric species, including spotted turtles (clemmys guttata), eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina), wood turtles (glyptemys insculpta), and common snapping turtles (chelydra serpentina) from 10 sampling sites in the states (us) of d ...201525574806
the origin of efferent fibers to the inner ear in a turtle (terrapene ornata). a horseradish peroxidase study.the origin of efferent acoustic and vestibular fibers was determined in the turtle terrapene ornata. after injection of an aqueous solution of horseradish peroxidase (hrp) into either the cochlear duct or into the ampullae of the horizontal and anterior semicircular canals, neurons in the medullary reticular formation were labeled by the reaction production of retrogradely transported hrp. these neurons were located bilaterally in the medial reticular nucleus. the majority were found ipsilateral ...19827116163
isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the three-toed box turtle (terrapene carolina triunguis) and cross-amplification in other terrapene species.we isolated and characterized eight polymorphic microsatellite loci for a texas population of three-toed box turtle, terrapene carolina triunguis, using a refined hybridization capture procedure. all eight primer pairs amplified successfully at all loci in seven texas ornate box turtles (t. ornata ornata). due to the decline and conservation concerns of north american box turtles, these isolated microsatellites may be a most valuable tool for evaluating baseline population genetic structure for ...200921564865
adenovirus and mycoplasma infection in an ornate box turtle (terrapene ornata ornata) in hungary.a female, adult ornate box turtle (terrapene ornata ornata) with fatty liver was submitted for virologic examination in hungary. signs of an adenovirus infection including degeneration of the liver cells, enlarged nuclei and intranuclear inclusion bodies were detected by light microscopic examination. the presence of an adenovirus was later confirmed by obtaining partial sequence data from the adenoviral dna-dependent dna-polymerase. phylogenetic analyses revealed that this novel chelonian adeno ...200919375875
experimental transmission and induction of ranaviral disease in western ornate box turtles (terrapene ornata ornata) and red-eared sliders (trachemys scripta elegans).an experimental transmission study was designed to determine whether a causal relationship exists between a ranavirus (bstrv) isolated from a burmese star tortoise that died and the lesions observed in that tortoise. a pilot study was performed with 3 box turtles (terrapene ornata ornata) and 3 red-eared sliders (ress; trachemys scripta elegans) to assess their suitability in a larger study. based on the outcome of this study, ress were selected, and 2 groups of 4 ress received either an oral (p ...200717491069
blood biochemical reference intervals for wild ornate box turtles ( terrapene ornata) during the active season.blood biochemical and hematology analyses are helpful indicators of the physiologic health of animals, particularly when making conservation and management decisions for threatened species. in this study, we 1) established blood biochemical reference intervals for two populations of threatened, free-ranging ornate box turtles ( terrapene ornata) in northern illinois during their active season and 2) examined the effects of individual carapace temperature ( tc) on blood biochemical variables by u ...201829561712
prevalence of box turtle adenovirus in eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina) presented to a wildlife rehabilitation center in virginia, usa.eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina) are a native north american species with a declining population trend that may be attributable to habitat fragmentation, vehicle collisions, and disease. adenoviral infections can cause significant morbidity and mortality in captive reptile populations. adenoviruses have been documented in box turtles, but their occurrence and impact in wild populations are unknown. a disease survey was performed at the wildlife center of virginia, usa, to assess ...202031926506
plasma antibacterial activities in ornate (terrapene ornata) and eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina).chelonians are one of the most imperiled vertebrate taxa and many species are increasingly threatened by disease, however, the immune response in this group is understudied. we quantified the innate immune response of eastern (terrapene carolina; ebt) and ornate (terrapene ornate; obt) box turtles using plasma antibacterial activity assays. plasma from both species abolished or significantly reduced the growth of all eight bacterial species evaluated, including salmonella typhimurium, escherichi ...202032037741
erythrocyte sedimentation rate and hemoglobin-binding protein in free-living box turtles (terrapene spp.).the acute phase response is a highly conserved reaction to infection, inflammation, trauma, stress, and neoplasia. acute phase assays are useful for wildlife health assessment, however, they are infrequently utilized in reptiles. this study evaluated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (esr) in eastern (terrapene carolina carolina) and ornate box turtles (terrapene ornata ornata) and hemoglobin-binding protein (hbp) in t. ornata. erythrocyte sedimentation rate in 90 t. carolina and 105 t. ornata was ...202032555669
plasma complement activation mechanisms differ in ornate (terrapene ornata ornata) and eastern box turtles (terrapene carolina carolina).eastern (terrapene carolina carolina) and ornate (terrapene ornata ornata) box turtles have robust plasma antibacterial activity, however, the mechanism behind this activity is unknown. we used sheep red blood cell (srbc) hemolysis assays, mannan-affinity chromatography, sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (sds-page), and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight (maldi-tof) to explore the mechanisms of complement activity in box turtles. plasma from both s ...202033075215
mortality in three-toed box turtles (terrapene mexicana triunguis) at two sites in missouri.once ubiquitous, north american box turtles are experiencing reductions in abundance and range, but the magnitude of these losses is largely unknown. in missouri, native box turtles (terrapene mexicana triunguis and terrapene ornata ornata) are declining across the state due to anthropogenic disturbances such as urbanization, habitat fragmentation, and vehicle collisions. through radio-tracking over a period of 7 years, we documented the survival of adult three-toed box turtles at two sites in m ...201931824970
a physiological study of the effect of hibernation on the ornate box turtle. 195914432194
sensory cues in the feeding of the ornate box turtle. 19655863821
temperature regulation responses of ornate box turtles, terrapene ornata, to heat. 19744151830
percentage contribution of increased heart rate to increased oxygen transport during activity in pseudemys scripta, terrapene ornata and other reptiles. 19744152022
effects of temperatures and activity on aerobic and anaerobic metabolism and heart rate in the turtles pseudemys scripta and terrapene ornata. 19744152109
effects of slope, substrate, and temperature on forces associated with locomotion of the ornate box turtle, terrapene spite of several studies of the locomotor performances of reptiles, we know as yet relatively little about the mechanical forces involved. the present investigation examined the effects of substrate, slope and temperature on the pulling forces exerted by ornate box turtles tethered to a force transducer. these forces increased with body mass in a nearly isometric manner. the forces exerted during the initial effort were greatest on a styrofoam substrate, whereas maximum forces generated were ...200415313480
low metabolic cost of locomotion in ornate box turtles, terrapene ornata.evolution has produced a wide range of body plans, but for a given body mass, the energetic cost of transport (cot) of terrestrial animals falls in a relatively narrow range. previous research indicates that the cot depends on the proficiency of minimizing mechanical work performed, efficiency of performing that work, and cost of generating force to support weight. turtles are unique in that their protective shell and shoulder-girdle articulation may eliminate the need for the ;muscular sling'. ...200819011205
establishment of a fibrinogen reference interval in ornate box turtles (terrapene ornata ornata).this study sought to establish a reference interval for fibrinogen in healthy ornate box turtles ( terrapene ornata ornata). a total of 48 turtles were enrolled, with 42 turtles deemed to be noninflammatory and thus fitting the inclusion criteria and utilized to estimate a fibrinogen reference interval. turtles were excluded based upon physical examination and blood work abnormalities. a shapiro-wilk normality test indicated that the noninflammatory turtle fibrinogen values were normally distrib ...201627691974
sequence-based molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography of the american box turtles (terrapene spp.) with support from dna barcoding.the classification of the american box turtles (terrapene spp.) has remained enigmatic to systematists. previous comprehensive phylogenetic studies focused primarily on morphology. the goal of this study was to re-assess the classification of terrapene spp. by obtaining dna sequence data from a broad geographic range and from all four recognized species and 11 subspecies within the genus. tissue samples were obtained for all taxa except for terrapene nelsoni klauberi. dna was extracted, and the ...201323523575
a new eimerian (apicomplexa: eimeriidae), from ornate box turtle, terrapene ornata (agassiz) (testudines: emydidae) from northwest arkansas, usa.a new species of eimeria schneider, 1875 (apicomplexa: eimeriidae) collected from an ornate box turtle, terrapene ornata (agassiz) from arkansas, usa, is described. oöcysts of eimeria doddi n. sp. are ovoidal to ellipsoidal with a smooth, light to darker brown, bi-layered wall, measure 21.1 × 14.0 µm, and have a length/width (l/w) ratio of 1.5; both micropyle and oöcyst residuum are absent, but a polar granule is present. sporocysts are ellipsoidal, 9.9 × 6.1 µm, l/w 1.6; the stieda body is pres ...201728130676
cold-hardiness and evaporative water loss in hatchling turtles.north american turtles hatch in late summer and spend their first winter either on land or underwater. adaptations for terrestrial overwintering of hatchlings in northern regions, where winter thermal and hydric regimes are harsh, have not been systematically investigated in many species. we measured intrinsic supercooling capacity, resistance to inoculative freezing, and desiccation resistance in hatchlings of terrestrial and aquatic turtles collected from northern (terrapene ornata, chrysemys ...200811436135
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