
identification and full sequence of an isolate of alternanthera mosaic potexvirus infecting phlox stolonifera.a potexvirus was isolated from creeping phlox (phlox stolonifera) plants from a commercial nursery in pennsylvania. the virus was serologically related to clover yellow mosaic virus, plantain virus x, potato virus x, and potato aucuba mosaic virus, and was most closely related to papaya mosaic virus (papmv). the sequence of a pcr fragment obtained with potexvirus group-specific primers was distinct from that of papmv; the coat protein (cp) gene and 3' untranslated region (utr) were closely relat ...200616211329
pathogenicity of alternanthera mosaic virus is affected by determinants in rna-dependent rna polymerase and by reduced efficacy of silencing suppression in a movement-competent tgb1.four biologically active cdna clones were derived from the alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv; genus potexvirus) isolate, altmv-sp, which differ in symptoms in infected nicotiana benthamiana plants. two clones induced necrosis and plant death; a mixture of all four clones induced milder symptoms than altmv-sp. replication of all clones was enhanced by a minimum of fourfold at 15 degrees c. a mixture of clones 4-7 (severe) and 3-1 (mild) was indistinguishable from altmv-sp, but the ratio of 4-7 to ...201020019006
efficiency of vigs and gene expression in a novel bipartite potexvirus vector delivery system as a function of strength of tgb1 silencing suppression.we have developed plant virus-based vectors for virus-induced gene silencing (vigs) and protein expression, based on alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv), for infection of a wide range of host plants including nicotiana benthamiana and arabidopsis thaliana by either mechanical inoculation of in vitro transcripts or via agroinfiltration. in vivo transcripts produced by co-agroinfiltration of bacteriophage t7 rna polymerase resulted in t7-driven altmv infection from a binary vector in the absence of ...201020381827
mutation of a chloroplast-targeting signal in alternanthera mosaic virus tgb3 impairs cell-to-cell movement and eliminates long-distance virus movement.cell-to-cell movement of potexviruses requires coordinated action of the coat protein and triple gene block (tgb) proteins. the structural properties of alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv) tgb3 were examined by methods differentiating between signal peptides and transmembrane domains, and its subcellular localization was studied by agrobacterium-mediated transient expression and confocal microscopy. unlike potato virus x (pvx) tgb3, altmv tgb3 was not associated with the endoplasmic reticulum, an ...201020392901
the complete nucleotide sequence of alternanthera mosaic virus infecting portulaca grandiflora represents a new strain distinct from phlox isolates.a southeastern european isolate of alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv-mu) of the genus potexvirus (family flexiviridae) was purified from the ornamental plant portulaca grandiflora. the complete nucleotide sequence (6606 nucleotides) of altmv-mu genomic rna was defined. the altmv-mu genome is different from those of all isolates described earlier and is most closely related to genomes of partly sequenced portulaca isolates altmv-po (america) and altmv-it (italy). phylogenetic analysis supports th ...201021127957
new viral vector for superproduction of epitopes of vaccine proteins in plants.the novel viral vectors pvx-cp altmv and pvxdt-cp altmv are superexpressors of the capsid protein (cp). these viral vectors were constructed on the basis of the potato virus x (pvx) genome andalternantheramosaic virus (altmv) cp gene. the expression, based on the hybrid viral vectors, is genetically safe, since the systemic transport and formation of infective viral particles are blocked. cp altmv can self-assemble into virus-like particles (vlps) in the absence of genomic rna. the vectors can b ...201122649706
characterization of alternanthera mosaic virus and its coat protein.a new isolate of alternantheramosaic virus (altmv-mu) was purified from portulaca grandiflora plants. it has been shown that the altmv-mu coat protein (cp) can be efficiently reassembled in vitro under different conditions into helical rna-free virus-like particles (vlps) antigenically related to native virus. the altmv-mu and vlps were examined by atomic force and transmission electron microscopies. the encapsidated altmv-mu rna is nontranslatable in vitro. however, it can be translationally ac ...201122216073
structural properties of potexvirus coat proteins detected by optical has been shown by x-ray analysis that cores of coat proteins (cps) from three potexviruses, flexible helical rna-containing plant viruses, have similar α-helical structure. however, this similarity cannot explain structural lability of potexvirus virions, which is believed to determine their biological activity. here, we used circular dichroism (cd) spectroscopy in the far uv region to compare optical properties of cps from three potexviruses with the same morphology and similar structure. cp ...201628259129
complete genome sequence of alternanthera mosaic virus, isolated from achyranthes bidentata in asia.alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv) infecting achyranthes bidentata was first detected in asia, and the complete genome sequence (6,604 nucleotides) was determined. sequence identity analysis and phylogenetic analysis confirmed that this isolate is the most phylogenetically distant altmv isolate worldwide.201626988034
double subgenomic promoter control for a target gene superexpression by a plant viral vector.several new deconstructed vectors based on a potexvirus genome sequence for efficient expression of heterologous proteins in plants were designed. the first obtained vector (altmv-single), based on the alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv) strain mu genome, bears a typical architecture for deconstructed plant viral vectors, i.e. a triple gene block was deleted from the viral genome and the model gene of interest was placed under control of the first viral subgenomic promoter. to enhance the efficie ...201526547072
selective interaction between chloroplast β-atpase and tgb1l88 retards severe symptoms caused by alternanthera mosaic virus infection.the multifunctional triple gene block protein 1 (tgb1) of the potexvirus alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv) has been reported to have silencing suppressor, cell-to-cell movement, and helicase functions. yeast two hybrid screening using an arabidopsis thaliana cdna library with tgb1 as bait, and co-purification with tgb1 inclusion bodies identified several host proteins which interact with altmv tgb1. host protein interactions with tgb1 were confirmed by biomolecular fluorescence complementation, ...201425288986
altmv tgb1 nucleolar localization requires homologous interaction and correlates with cell wall localization associated with cell-to-cell movement.the potexvirus alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv) has multifunctional triple gene block (tgb) proteins, among which our studies have focused on the properties of the tgb1 protein. the tgb1 of altmv has functions including rna binding, rna silencing suppression, and cell-to-cell movement, and is known to form homologous interactions. the helicase domains of altmv tgb1 were separately mutated to identify which regions are involved in homologous tgb1 interactions. the yeast two hybrid system and bi ...201325288976
the coat protein of alternanthera mosaic virus is the elicitor of a temperature-sensitive systemic necrosis in nicotiana benthamiana, and interacts with a host boron transporter protein.different isolates of alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv; potexvirus), including four infectious clones derived from altmv-sp, induce distinct systemic symptoms in nicotiana benthamiana. virus accumulation was enhanced at 15 °c compared to 25 °c; severe clone altmv 3-7 induced systemic necrosis (sn) and plant death at 15 °c. no interaction with potexvirus resistance gene rx was detected, although sn was ablated by silencing of sgt1, as for other cases of potexvirus-induced necrosis. substitution ...201424606704
insights into alternanthera mosaic virus tgb3 functions: interactions with nicotiana benthamiana psbo correlate with chloroplast vesiculation and veinal necrosis caused by tgb3 over-expression.alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv) triple gene block 3 (tgb3) protein is involved in viral movement. altmv tgb3 subcellular localization was previously shown to be distinct from that of potato virus x (pvx) tgb3, and a chloroplast binding domain identified; veinal necrosis and chloroplast vesiculation were observed in nicotiana benthamiana when altmv tgb3 was over-expressed from pvx. plants with over-expressed tgb3 showed more lethal damage under dark conditions than under light. yeast-two-hybri ...201323386854
structure and properties of virions and virus-like particles derived from the coat protein of alternanthera mosaic virus.plant viruses and their virus-like particles (vlps) have a lot of advantages for biotechnological applications including complete safety for humans. alternanthera mosaic virus (altmv) is a potentially promising object for design of novel materials. the 3d structures of altmv virions and its vlps were obtained by single particle em at ~13å resolution. the comparison of the reconstructions and a trypsin treatment revealed that altmv cps possesses a different fold in the presence (virions) and abse ...201728837650
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