mycoplasmas isolated from stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus) used in falconry in the united arab emirates. | the aim of this study was to evaluate the risk of transmission of mycoplasma spp. from quarry to hunting falcons in the middle east. groups of 17 houbara bustards (chlamydotis undulata) and 29 stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus) kept at three different private collections in dubai were evaluated for the presence of mycoplasma. additionally, 10 falcons used for hunting were investigated for comparison. the falcons showed no clinical signs and were examined within the scope of a routine health che ... | 2009 | 19569479 |
novel insights into chromosome evolution of charadriiformes: extensive genomic reshuffling in the wattled jacana (jacana jacana, charadriiformes, jacanidae). | the order charadriiformes comprises three major clades: lari and scolopaci as sister group to charadrii. until now, only three charadriiformes species have been studied by chromosome painting: larus argentatus (lari), burhinus oedicnemus and vanellus chilensis (charadrii). hence, there is a lack of information concerning the third clade, scolapaci. based on this, and to gain a better understanding of karyotype evolution in the order charadriiformes, we applied conventional and molecular cytogene ... | 2020 | 32105288 |
novel insights into the map stage of true navigation in nonmigratory wild birds (stone curlews, burhinus oedicnemus). | in the map-and-compass model of true navigation, animals at unfamiliar sites determine their position relative to a destination site (the map stage) before progressing toward it (the compass stage). a major challenge in animal navigation research is to understand the still cryptic map stage in general and the map stage for free-ranging wild animals in particular. to address this challenge, we experimentally translocated wild, nonmigratory birds (stone curlews [burhinus oedicnemus]) far from thei ... | 2016 | 27172601 |
avian comparative genomics: reciprocal chromosome painting between domestic chicken (gallus gallus) and the stone curlew (burhinus oedicnemus, charadriiformes)--an atypical species with low diploid number. | the chicken is the most extensively studied species in birds and thus constitutes an ideal reference for comparative genomics in birds. comparative cytogenetic studies indicate that the chicken has retained many chromosome characters of the ancestral avian karyotype. the homology between chicken macrochromosomes (1-9 and z) and their counterparts in more than 40 avian species of 10 different orders has been established by chromosome painting. however, the avian homologues of chicken microchromos ... | 2009 | 19172404 |
an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in a collection of stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus) in dubai. | we describe an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in stone curlews kept in a mixed-species rearing unit in dubai. cryptosporidium was the predominant intestinal pathogen detected, although microbiological investigations revealed a concurrent salmonella infantis infection in two of the 29 stone curlew chicks that died. nineteen of 29 birds had catarrhal enteritis associated with histopathological findings of numerous cryptosporidium developmental stages at the mucosal surface. catarrhal enteritis was ... | 2008 | 18798028 |
avipoxvirus infection in a collection of captive stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus). | a natural outbreak of avipoxvirus occurred in recently purchased stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus) at a breeding farm and subsequently spread to other stone curlews residing at the farm. the initial outbreak was characterized by mild vesicular skin lesions on the legs, which then developed crusts and bled. the overall morbidity rate was 100%, but none of the birds died, and all recovered without complication. four gallinaceous species, also kept on the farm, did not develop lesions. avipoxviru ... | 2007 | 18069171 |
trace element bioaccumulation in stone curlew (burhinus oedicnemus, linnaeus, 1758): a case study from sicily (italy). | : the study aimed to highlight the degree of trace element contamination along three sites of sicily: the magnisi peninsula (mp), located in proximity to the augusta-priolo-melilli petrochemical plant; the ragusa agro-ecosystem (ra), characterized by a rural landscape; and the gela plain (gp), characterized by intensive agriculture and a disused petrochemical plant. we collected biological samples (abraded back feathers and blood) of the stone curlew (burhinus oedicnemus linnaeus, 1758) as well ... | 2020 | 32605267 |
analysis of eurasian stone curlew (burhinus oedicnemus) microbial flora reveals the presence of multi-drug resistant pathogens in agro-pastoral areas of sicily (italy). | spread of multi-drug resistant (mdr) bacteria in natural environments pose a risk to human and animal health. wild birds are considered to be reservoirs of human pathogens and vectors of antimicrobial resistance distribution in the environment. the aim of this study is to assess the occurrence of antibiotic resistant bacteria in isolates from bird specimens living in three agro-pastoral areas of the southeastern sicily. we analyzed the microbiomes of the eurasian stone curlew burhinus oedicnemus ... | 2020 | 33163668 |
sphaerirostris wertheimae sp. n., and other acanthocephala from vertebrates of israel. | sphaerirostris wertheimae sp. n., is described from burhinus oedicnemus and vanellus vanellus in israel. it is characterized by having 42 to 50 longitudinal rows of 12 to 14 hooks, the largest of which are 44 to 56 mu long. seventeen species of acanthocephala are reported from birds, mammals, and a reptile. | 1975 | 1127557 |
sex-related differences in plasma chemistry reference values in stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus). | | 2005 | 16024676 |
ventricular candidiasis in stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus). | ventricular candidiasis is consistently one of the most prominent pathologic conditions diagnosed in stone curlews (burhinus oedicnemus) in the united arab emirates, predominately affecting the captive population. predisposing factors are a humid environment, stress, immunosuppression, inadequate nutrition, and an extended use of oral antibiotics. in this report, we describe the clinical signs, diagnosis, and pathologic result in stone curlews with ventricular candidiasis. | 2011 | 22017057 |
chromosome painting in vanellus chilensis: detection of a fusion common to clade charadrii (charadriiformes). | the southern lapwing (vanellus chilensis) is endemic to america and is well-known because of the vast expansion of its geographical distribution and its involvement in air accidents. despite its popularity, there is no information concerning the genomic organization and karyotype of this species. hence, because other species of the genus vanellus have variable diploid numbers from 2n = 58 to 76, the aim of this report was to analyze the karyotype of v. chilensis by means of classical and molecul ... | 2015 | 26088018 |
multidirectional chromosome painting substantiates the occurrence of extensive genomic reshuffling within accipitriformes. | previous cross-species painting studies with probes from chicken (gallus gallus) chromosomes 1-10 and a paint pool of nineteen microchromosomes have revealed that the drastic karyotypic reorganization in accipitridae is due to extensive synteny disruptions and associations. however, the number of synteny association events and identities of microchromosomes involved in such synteny associations remain undefined, due to the lack of paint probes derived from individual chicken microchromosomes. mo ... | 2015 | 26409465 |
multiple gene typing and phylogeny of avipoxvirus associated with cutaneous lesions in a stone curlew. | avipoxvirus (apv) infections have been observed in a wide variety of wild, captive and domestic avian hosts, recently including a range of island endemic and endangered species. however, not enough is known about genome diversity and phylogenetic relationships of apvs, as well as their host-range specificity. a wild stone curlew (burhinus oedicnemus) was recovered in sardinia (italy), showing large wart-like lesions and nodules on both legs and toes, which resulted positive to poxvirus by pcr. h ... | 2017 | 28054222 |
hematologic and plasma biochemical reference values in indian peafowl (pavo cristatus). | blood samples were collected from captive, adult, clinically normal indian peafowl (pavo cristatus) for hematologic and plasma biochemical analyses. hematologic parameters investigated were total red blood cell count, hemoglobin, packed cell volume, fibrinogen, mean cell volume, mean cell hemoglobin, mean cell hemoglobin concentration, total white blood cell count, differential white blood cell count, and thrombocyte count. plasma biochemical parameters investigated were alanine aminotransferase ... | 2010 | 20806654 |
cross-species chromosome painting corroborates microchromosome fusion during karyotype evolution of birds. | the stone curlew, also known as thick-knee (burhinus oedicnemus, boe), represents a phylogenetically young species of the shorebirds (charadriiformes) that exhibits one of the most atypical genome organizations known within the class of aves, due to an extremely low diploid number (2n = 42) and only 6 pairs of microchromosomes in its complement. this distinct deviation from the 'typical' avian karyotype is attributed to repeated fusions of ancestral microchromosomes. in order to compare differen ... | 2010 | 20068299 |