
isolation and identification of mycoplasma strains from various species of wild rodents.attempts were made to isolate mycoplasmas from respiratory and urogenital tracts of 35 apparently healthy wild rodents comprising 7 species under 4 genera. mycoplasmas were isolated from nasal and oral cavities, tracheas, vaginas and penises of the wild rats: ricefield rats (rattus argentiventer), roof rats (r. rattus) and polynesian rats (r. exulans), but none was isolated from brown rats (r. norvegicus), house mice (mus musculus), smithi's voles (eothenomys smithi) and soft-furred field rats ( ...19938513017
a new species of leptotrombidium (acari:trombiculidae) collected in active rice fields in northern thailand.leptotrombidium (leptotrombidium) chiangraiensis tanskul & linthicum is described and illustrated as new from specimens collected from the rodents rattus rattus (l., 1758), rattus argentiventer (robinson & kloss, 1916), rattus losea (swinhoe, 1870), and bandicota indica (bechstein, 1800) in chiangrai province northern thailand. the new species was collected in active rice fields and adjacent fruit plantation areas. the etiological agent of scrub typhus, orientia (formerly rickettsia) tsutsugamus ...19979151504
studies on animal schistosomes in peninsular malaysia: record of naturally infected animals and additional hosts of schistosoma spindale.surveillance studies on cercarial dermatitis were carried out in paddy growing areas in peninsular malaysia. it was observed that dermatitis in paddy planters occurred in paddy fields which were cultivated using animals such as bafflos or fields where domestic animals were allowed to graze during the off planting season as these animals harbored the parasite. the causative agent of cercarial dermatitis was schistosoma spindale. a total of 215 small mammals trapped from alor setar and 126 trapped ...19979444010
effect of rain on the feeding of the malaysian rice-field rat. 194915400253
[surveillance on severe acute respiratory syndrome associated coronavirus in animals at a live animal market of guangzhou in 2004].to study the prevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (sars-cov) like virus in animals at a live animal market of guanzhou in 2004 before and after culling of wild animal action taken by the local authority, in order to predict the re-emerging of sars from animal originals in this region.200515921605
epidemiology of bartonella infection in rodents and shrews in taiwan.during the period of august 2002 and november 2004, an epidemiological investigation for bartonella infection was conducted in small mammals in taiwan. using whole blood culture on chocolate agar plates, bartonella species were successfully isolated from 41.3% of the 310 animals tested. the isolation rate of bartonella species varied among different animal species, including 52.7% of the 169 rattus norvegicus, 28.6% of the 126 sucus murinus, 10% of the 10 rattus rattus and 66.7% of the three rat ...201019538457
notocotylus loeiensis n. sp. (trematoda: notocotylidae) from rattus losea (rodentia: muridae) in thailand.notocotylus loeiensis n. sp. (trematoda: notocotylidae) is described from the cecum of the lesser rice field rat (rattus losea), from loei province in thailand with a prevalence of 9.1% (eight of 88 rats infected). the new species differs from previously described notocotylus species mainly by the extreme prebifurcal position of the genital pore and the number of ventral papillae. this is the first description at the species level of notocotylus from mammals in southeast asia.201121395203
prevalence of intestinal and blood parasites among wild rats in kuala lumpur, malaysia.a survey was undertaken to investigate the prevalence of intestinal and blood parasites among wild rats in urban area of kuala lumpur, malaysia. a total of 137 stool and blood samples were collected from wild rats from sentul and chow kit areas. five species of rats were captured and supplied by kuala lumpur city hall. the most common was rattus rattus diardii (malayan black rat), 67%, followed by rattus norvegicus (norway rat), 10%, rattus argentiventer (rice-field rat), 10%, rattus tiomanicus ...201223202599
detection of hepatitis b virus-like nucleotide sequences in liver samples from murine rodents and asian house recent years, hepatitis b virus (hbv) has been detected in some species of animals. in this study, we found hbv-like nucleotide sequences in murine rodents and asian house shrews (suncus murinus) collected in china. a total of 801 animals were trapped. we found that 0.48% (3/624) of the murine rodents and 1.69% (3/177) of asian house shrews were positive for hbv-like dna. detection of hbv-like dna in brown rats (rattus norvegicus), rice-field rat (rattus losea), and asian house shrews indicat ...201931216240
survey of angiostrongylus cantonensis in rats and giant african land snails in phitsanulok province, survey the angiostrongylus cantonensis (a. cantonensis) or the rat lungworm in a rat, definitive host, and in a giant african land snail (achatina fulica), the intermediate host, in phitsanulok, thailand.201121914534
human-dominated habitats and helminth parasitism in southeast asian murids.the effect of habitat anthropization is investigated using a comparative analysis based on a literature survey of the gastrointestinal helminths of murid rodents described in southeast asia (sea). the literature survey gave 30 references on helminth diversity concerning 20 murid rodent species. the diversity of helminths was high with a total of 13 species of cestodes, 15 species of trematodes, 29 species of nematodes and one species of acanthocephalans. the highest helminth species richness was ...201020593196
a new ecology for scrub typhus associated with a focus of antibiotic resistance in rice farmers in thailand.following the documentation of chloramphenicol-resistant and doxycycline-resistant strains of orientia tsutsugamushi (hyashi) in northern thailand, we conducted ecological and epidemiological studies near the houses of patients hospitalized with antibiotic-resistant infections. new associations between chiggers, rodents, and o. tsutsugamushi in active rice agriculture areas, an ecological habitat not described previously, are reported. rattus rattus (l.) was the most common species (representing ...19989701943
tikusnema javaense n. gen., n. sp. (nematoda: acuarioidea) and other nematodes from rattus argentiventer collected in west java, indonesia.nematodes collected from the ricefield rat, rattus argentiventer (rodentia: muridae), in pusakanagara and sukamandi, west java, indonesia, are reported. tikusnema javaense n. gen., n. sp. (nematoda:acuariidae:seuratiinae) is described from the small intestine. this new genus is distinguished readily from other genera of the subfamily seuratiinae in having 4 strongly protruded cuticular leaves in the posterior cephalic portion and in having a pair of prominent cuticular ornamentations posterior t ...19921403420
parasites of some rodents in malaysia.a total of 2,337 rodents trapped from various parts of peninsular malaysia were dissected and studied for the distribution and prevalence of parasitic infections. four new rodent hosts for sarcocystis in malaysia are reported (bandicota indica, rattus sabanus rattus argentiventer and rattus norvegicus). sarcocystis was found in 17.2 percent of the rodents examined. rattus annandalei, rattus tiomanicus and rattus norvegicus are new hosts of syphacia muris in peninsular malsysia. rattus sabanus wa ...1979113889
integrative taxonomic approach of trypanosomes in the blood of rodents and soricids in asian countries, with the description of three new species.trypanosoma lewisi (kinetoplastea: trypanosomatida: trypanosomatidae) with a cosmopolitan distribution is the type species of the subgenus herpetosoma, which includes ca. 50 nominal species isolated mainly from rodents. since members of herpetosoma in different host species have an almost identical morphology of bloodstream forms, these trypanosomes are referred to as 't. lewisi-like', and the molecular genetic characterization of each species is necessary to verify their taxonomy. in the presen ...201930353232
molecular epidemiological survey of leptospira infection of wild rodents in the urban settlement of cambodia.leptospirosis remains a major public health threat in cambodia. in this study, we aimed at facilitating the development of preventive strategies against leptospirosis in cambodia by conducting molecular epidemiological surveys of leptospira infection among wild rodents.201829494314
molecular epidemiology of leptospira interrogans in rattus norvegicus in hanoi, vietnam.leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease that is caused by pathogenic spirochaetes of leptospira spp. and it has become a public health concern in urban localities in the tropics. rats are important reservoir animals for the transmission of leptospirosis in urban areas. leptospirosis is considered endemic in vietnam. however, information on the causative leptospira genotypes and serotypes in the country is limited. we investigated the carrier status of leptospira spp. in rats captured in hanoi by cul ...201930965020
molecular characterization of the ribosomal dna unit of sarcocystis singaporensis, sarcocystis zamani and sarcocystis zuoi from rodents in thailand.sarcocystis species are heteroxenous cyst-forming coccidian protozoan parasites with a wide host range, including rodents. in this study, sarcocystis spp. samples were isolated from bandicota indica, rattus argentiventer, r. tiomanicus and r. norvegicus across five provinces of thailand. two major groups of sarcocystis cysts were determined in this study: large and small cysts. by sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses based on the partial sequences of 28s ribosomal dna, the large cysts ...201728701623
how important are rats as vectors of leptospirosis in the mekong delta of vietnam?leptospirosis is a zoonosis known to be endemic in the mekong delta of vietnam, even though clinical reports are uncommon. we investigated leptospira infection in rats purchased in food markets during the rainy season (october) (n=150), as well as those trapped during the dry season (february-march) (n=125) in the region using rt-pcr for the lipl32 gene, confirmed by 16s rrna, as well as by the microscopic agglutination test (mat). results were compared with the serovar distribution of human cas ...201525629781
epidemiology of blood parasitic infections in the urban rat population in peninsular malaysia.a total of 719 wild rats were captured from four localities representing the west (kuala lumpur), east (kuantan), north (georgetown) and south (malacca) to determine the diversity of blood protozoan from the urban wild rat population in peninsular malaysia. five rat species were recovered with rattus rattus diardii being the most dominant species, followed by rattus norvegicus, rattus exulans, rattus annandalei and rattus argentiventer. two blood protozoan species were found infecting the rodent ...201425134892
comparison between quantitative buffy coat (qbc) and giemsa-stained thin film (gtf) technique for blood protozoan infections in wild rats.the quantitative buffy coat (qbc) technique and conventional giemsa thin blood smear was compared to determine the sensitivity and specificity of the technique in detecting blood parasitic infection of the rodent populations from four urban cities in peninsular malaysia. a total of 432 blood samples from four rat species (rattus norvegicus, rattus rattus diardii, rattus exulans and rattus argentiventer) were screened using both techniques and successfully detected two blood protozoan species (tr ...201425382468
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in rodents from various locations in peninsular malaysia.numerous studies have reported the prevalence of toxoplasmosis among malaysians and various domestic animals; but there is paucity of information on its prevalence among rodents which could potentially contribute to the transmission of toxoplasma gondii in both domestic and sylvatic fauna. five hundred twenty-six rodents were captured from six locations in malaysia and identified to species. serum samples were collected from these rodents and tested for t.gondii antibodies using an immunofluores ...201526521512
evaluation of the role of rats as reservoir hosts for fishborne zoonotic trematodes in two endemic northern vietnam fish farms.fishborne zoonotic trematodes (fzts) pose a food safety risk for the aquaculture industry in vietnam. the risk of being infected from eating raw fish applies not only to humans but also to domestic animals which can serve as reservoir hosts in fish farms. the role of rodents, commonly found in fish farms, as reservoir hosts has not been adequately evaluated. to study this question, commensal and rice field rats were collected from fish farms in nghia lac and nghia phu communes, nam dinh province ...201222592535
biodiversity and macroparasitic distribution of the wild rat population of carey island, klang.a study to determine the diversity and distribution of ectoparasites and endoparasites infesting wild rat population of carey island was carried out from june to december 2010. a total of 81 rats were captured from various locations on carey island. four rat species were identified namely, rattus tiomanicus (45.7%), rattus rattus diardii (25.9%), rattus argentiventer (16%) and rattus norvegicus (12.3%). low diversity of ecto and endoparasites were observed infecting the rodent population with 8 ...201323959485
cytonuclear discordance among southeast asian black rats (rattus rattus complex).black rats are major invasive vertebrate pests with severe ecological, economic and health impacts. remarkably, their evolutionary history has received little attention, and there is no firm agreement on how many species should be recognized within the black rat complex. this species complex is native to india and southeast asia. according to current taxonomic classification, there are three taxa living in sympatry in several parts of thailand, cambodia and lao people's democratic republic, wher ...201323278980
dot enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) for the detection of toxocara infection using a rat model.toxocariasis is a zoonotic disease usually caused by dog and cat roundworms, toxocara canis and t. cati. detection and diagnosis is difficult in paratenic and accidental hosts, including humans, as they cannot be detected through conventional methods such as fecal examination. diagnosis therefore relies on immunological methods and molecular methods such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and western blot, which are both time-consuming and requires sophisticated equipment. in the phili ...201729114122
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