
[histomorphometric study of bone microstructure of primates and domestic animal with the goal of species identification with reference to the effects of domestication].functional bone microstructure of long limb bones is a function of species-specific biomechanical properties such as locomotion and weight. histomorphometry and statistics were used to identify various primate species (hylobates moloch, pongo satyrus borneensis, pan tr. troglodytes, gorilla g. gorilla, homo sapiens), equid species (equus caballus, equus asinus, equus mulus, equus hemionus kulan, equus ferus przewalskii) and also extinct horses e.g. iron age, medieval and neolithic forms on the m ...200312872544
maxillary sinus atelectasis in a wild born gibbon (hylobates moloch).in a mixed sex sample of ten adult gibbon (hylobates moloch) skulls, one cranium of a male with maxillary sinus atelectasis of the left side was identified. while external inspection revealed a slight drop of the left orbital floor, serial coronal computer tomography (ct) scans show characteristic changes of the left maxillary sinus and its surrounding structures. in addition to the sunken orbital floor, radiological features of the specimen include an inward bowing of the medial sinus wall, sin ...200616091979
hybrid ape offspring of a mating of gibbon and siamang.the serendipitous mating of a male gibbon, hylobates moloch, and a female siamang, symphalangus syndactylus, has produced two female offspring born 1 year apart. the hybrid karyotype of 47 chromosomes comprises the haploid complements of the parental species, 22 for the gibbon and 25 for the siamang. chromosomal g and c banding comparisons revealed no clear homologies between the parental karyotypes except for the single chromosome in each species containing the nucleolus organizer region. the l ...2004451603
the varied path to adulthood: plasticity in developmental timing in hylobatids.maturation includes physical, reproductive, and social aspects that develop asynchronously. intra- and inter-individual variation in the relative timing of each aspect reflects context-dependent plasticity. plasticity in developmental timing may be important for the family-living small apes (family hylobatidae), where reproductive opportunities are monopolized by territorial breeding pairs. data on development in hylobatids are so far limited due to their elusive arboreal niche and long lifespan ...201626716909
an investigation into the use of music as potential auditory enrichment for moloch gibbons (hylobates moloch).the use of music as enrichment has rarely been explored in zoos, despite evidence that music has a positive effect on a range of laboratory housed animals. in this study of moloch gibbons, hylobates moloch, at howletts wild animal park (kent, england), instrumental classical music was played to eight individuals in two family groups. music was played 7 hr a day during three of six study weeks for each group, alternating with control weeks in which no music was played. in focal watches, data were ...201323733310
responses of javan gibbon (hylobates moloch) groups in submontane forest to monthly variation in food availability: evidence for variation on a fine spatial scale.primates tend to prefer specific plant foods, and primate home ranges may contain only a subset of food species present in an area. thus, primate feeding strategies should be sensitive to the phenology of specific species encountered within the home range in addition to responding to larger scale phenomena such as seasonal changes in rainfall or temperature. we studied three groups of javan gibbons (hylobates moloch) in the gunung halimun-salak national park, indonesia from april 2008 to march 2 ...201222972588
social dynamics modify behavioural development in captive white-cheeked (nomascus leucogenys) and silvery (hylobates moloch) gibbons.behavioural development was quantified in one family group of silvery gibbons (hylobates moloch) and one of white-cheeked gibbons (nomascus leucogenys) over 11 months during 2005 and 2008 at the perth zoo. levels of locomotion, solo play and play solicitation peaked by 5 years of age but continued solo and social play in older immatures suggested that social development continued until at least 7 years of age. mature offspring responded to play solicitations from younger siblings. the transition ...201121416217
diet and ranging behavior of the endangered javan gibbon (hylobates moloch) in a submontane tropical rainforest.altitude influences forest structure and food abundance and distribution, which in turn affect primate feeding and ranging patterns. javan gibbons (hylobates moloch) are endemic to forests spanning a broad range of altitudes on java, indonesia. most information about javan gibbon behavior comes from studies in lowland forests, while the vast majority of wild gibbons remaining inhabit hill and lower montane forests. we studied the diets, activity patterns, and ranging behavior of three gibbon gro ...201120938967
female reproductive parameters in the javan gibbon (hylobates moloch).javan gibbons (hylobates moloch) are one of the most endangered gibbon species in the world. data on the reproductive biology of the species are almost nonexistent, and a general understanding of the female reproductive biology of this species is important for both ex situ and in situ conservation. using 18 years of data from 11 captive individuals, we provide new information on the reproductive biology of javan gibbons based on sexual swelling and menstrual bleeding, including reproductive deve ...201019851996
the effect of feeding enrichment on the moloch gibbon (hylobates moloch).this study explored the effect of 3 feeding devices (food-filled baskets, polyvinyl chloride tubes, frozen ice pops) on the behavior of 4 zoo-housed moloch gibbons. the project studied the gibbons for 5 days during a control condition (no feeding enrichment) and 5 days per condition of feeding enrichment, when 3 of the same type of feeding device were suspended within the animals' exhibit. the gibbons interacted with the feeders an average of 172.25 times. the animals showed no significant diffe ...200919107662
sympatric apes in sacred forests: shared space and habitat use by humans and endangered javan gibbons (hylobates moloch).in this research, we use a combination of ethnographic observation and gis analysis to explore the use of space by humans and gibbons (hylobates moloch) to determine areas of potential space competition in the sacred forest and nature reserve cagar alam leuweung sancang in west java, indonesia. more specifically, we test whether gibbons respond to the presence of humans in a manner consistent with predator-avoidance and predicted that the gibbon study subjects would avoid areas visited by humans ...201626790025
reversal of precedence: the oldest available name of the javan gibbon and a complete synonymy of the species.over the course of their long research history, a plethora of scientific names have been applied to the different species of apes (hominoidea). although numerous authors, past and present, have attempted to reconstruct hominoid nomenclatural history in detail, it appears that parts of it, mostly concerning the lesser apes or gibbons, still remain overlooked. here i show that simia nanodes lichtenstein, 1791 is a senior synonym of simia moloch audebert, 1797, otherwise regarded as the oldest bino ...202032333129
information transfer through food from parents to offspring in wild javan gibbons.the adaptive functions of food transfer from parents to their offspring have been explained mainly by two mutually non-exclusive hypotheses: the nutritional and informational hypotheses. in this study, we examined the functions of food transfer in wild javan gibbons (hylobates moloch) by testing these hypotheses from both infants' and mothers' perspectives. we observed 83 cases of food solicitations that resulted in 54 occasions of food transfers in three groups over a 19-month period in gunung ...202031959761
modelling population viability of three independent javan gibbon (hylobates moloch) populations on java, indonesia.population viability analysis is a predictive procedure that uses a combination of different modelling approaches to estimate species vulnerability to extinction. javan gibbons (hylobates moloch) are vulnerable to local extinction primarily due to loss of habitat and hunting for the illegal pet trade. using the modelling software vortex, we assessed the status of javan gibbons in 3 areas (ujung kulon national park, halimun-salak national park, and dieng mountains) which hold over half of the rem ...201729393266
coalescent-based analyses of genomic sequence data provide a robust resolution of phylogenetic relationships among major groups of gibbons.the phylogenetic relationships among extant gibbon species remain unresolved despite numerous efforts using morphological, behavorial, and genetic data and the sequencing of whole genomes. a major challenge in reconstructing the gibbon phylogeny is the radiative speciation process, which resulted in extremely short internal branches in the species phylogeny and extensive incomplete lineage sorting with extensive gene-tree heterogeneity across the genome. here, we analyze two genomic-scale data s ...201829087487
a new look at an old canal.attempts to explain abducens vulnerability have centered around the petroclival segment of its pathway in the skull base, in particular, its relations to the dorello's canal and the petrosphenoidal ligament of grüber. this study aims to contribute to the definition of the dorello's canal and to the understanding of abducens vulnerability from an evolutionary perspective. the petroclival region and the dorello's canal in particular were examined in a sample of 86 primate skulls. the sample contai ...201122451800
a quick and robust mhc typing method for free-ranging and captive primate species.gene products of the major histocompatibility complex (mhc) of human and non-human primates play a crucial role in adaptive immunity, and most of the relevant genes not only show a high degree of variability (polymorphism) but also copy number variation (cnv) is observed. due to this diversity, mhc proteins influence the capability of individuals to cope with various pathogens. mhc and/or mhc-linked gene products such as odorant receptor genes are thought to influence mate choice and reproductiv ...201728084496
calling in wild silvery gibbons (hylobates moloch) in java (indonesia): behavior, phylogeny, and conservation.hardly any behavioral data are available for the silvery gibbon (hylobates moloch), an endangered primate that is endemic to the island of java, indonesia. we studied the singing behavior of the easternmost population of this species in the dieng mountains, central java, in 1998-1999. we aimed to document the timing of singing, quantify the amount of singing by the respective sexes, and explore the role of bioacoustics in density estimation. a total of 122 song bouts in at least 12 groups were m ...200616419119
gibbons exploit information about what a competitor can much nonhuman animals understand about seeing has been the focus of comparative cognition research for decades. many social primates (and other species) are sensitive to cues about what others can and cannot see. whether this sensitivity evolved in primates through shared descent or convergent evolution remains unclear. the current study tested gibbons-the apes that are least studied yet most distantly related to humans and one of the less social primates-in two food-competition tasks. speci ...202031781885
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