
To fear or to feed: the effects of turbidity on perception of risk by a marine fish.Coral reefs are currently experiencing a number of worsening anthropogenic stressors, with nearshore reefs suffering from increasing sedimentation because of growing human populations and development in coastal regions. In habitats where vision and olfaction serve as the primary sources of information, reduced visual input from suspended sediment may lead to significant alterations in prey fish behaviour. Here, we test whether prey compensate for reduced visual information by increasing their an ...201121849308
dispersal in the spiny damselfish, acanthochromis polyacanthus, a coral reef fish species without a larval pelagic stage.the spiny damselfish, acanthochromis polyacanthus, is widely distributed throughout the indo-australian archipelago. however, this species lacks a larval dispersal stage and shows genetic differentiation between populations from closely spaced reefs. to investigate the dispersal strategy of this unique species, we used microsatellite markers to determine genetic relatedness at five dispersal scales: within broods of juveniles, between adults within a collection site (approximately 30 m(2)), betw ...200819120989
meta-population structure in a coral reef fish demonstrated by genetic data on patterns of migration, extinction and strategies for coral reefs are dependant on information about the spatial population structure and connectivity of reef organisms. genetic tools can reveal important information about population structure, however, this information is lacking for many reef species. we used a mitochondrial molecular marker to examine the population genetic structure and the potential for meta-population dynamics in a direct developing coral reef fish using 283 individuals from 15 reefs on the great bar ...200818786273
habitat-related variation in reproductive endocrine condition in the coral reef damselfish acanthochromis polyacanthus.spiny damselfish acanthochromis polyacanthus are brood protectors with no larval dispersal stage, with the result that characteristics of local populations are likely to reflect local habitat conditions. in order to assess the possible effect of habitat on reproductive characteristics, spiny damselfish were captured by divers in 1999 and 2001 from reefs around lizard island in the northern section of australia's great barrier reef, chosen to represent a range of coral cover characteristics. fish ...200817761181
contrasting genetic structures across two hybrid zones of a tropical reef fish, acanthochromis polyacanthus (bleeker 1855).hybrid zones are natural laboratories offering insights into speciation processes. narrow hybrid zones are less common in the sea than on land consistent with higher dispersal among marine populations. acanthochromis polyacanthus is an unusual bony marine fish with philopatric dispersal that exists as allopatric stocks of white, bicoloured and black fish on the great barrier reef (gbr). at two latitudes, different morphs coexist and hybridize at narrow contact zones. sequence data from mitochond ...200616405595
from record performance to hypoxia tolerance: respiratory transition in damselfish larvae settling on a coral reef.the fastest swimming fishes in relation to size are found among coral reef fish larvae on their way to settle on reefs. by testing two damselfishes, chromis atripectoralis and pomacentrus amboinensis, we show that the high swimming speeds of the pre-settlement larvae are accompanied by the highest rates of oxygen uptake ever recorded in ectothermic vertebrates. as expected, these high rates of oxygen uptake occur at the cost of poor hypoxia tolerance. however, hypoxia tolerance is needed when co ...200717015334
monophyletic origin of brood care in damselfishes.the absence of a pelagic larval stage and brood care has evolved very few times in coral reef fishes. damselfishes, a widely represented group with more than 380 species, includes only three such species, the monotypic acanthochromis polyacanthus, and the two altrichthys species, altrichthys azurelineatus and altrichthys curatus. in a recent study, cooper et al. provided a comprehensive phylogenetic hypothesis for the damselfish family, based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequences, with more tha ...201121272656
effects of chlorpyrifos on cholinesterase activity and stress markers in the tropical reef fish acanthochromis polyacanthus.tropical coastal ecosystems, including the great barrier reef (gbr) of australia are increasingly threatened by pollution; yet few studies have investigated the sensitivity of gbr species to these pollutants. here we exposed juveniles of the tropical reef fish acanthochromis polyacanthus (spiny damselfish) to three concentrations of the insecticide chlorpyrifos (cpf) and measured (i) muscle cholinesterase (che) activity; (ii) hepatic glutathione-s-transferase (gst) activity; and (iii) coenzyme q ...201221962920
thermal sensitivity does not determine acclimation capacity for a tropical reef fish.1. short-term measures of metabolic responses to warmer environments are expected to indicate the sensitivity of species to regional warming. however, given time, species may be able to acclimate to increasing temperature. thus, it is useful to determine if short-term responses provide a good predictor for long-term acclimation ability. 2. the tropical reef fish acanthochromis polyacanthus was used to test whether the ability for developmental thermal acclimation of two populations was indicated ...201222433064
social learning and acquired recognition of a predator by a marine fish.predation is known to influence the distribution of behavioural traits among prey individuals, populations and communities over both evolutionary and ecological time scales. prey have evolved mechanisms of rapidly learning the identity of predators. chemical cues are often used by prey to assess predation risk especially in aquatic systems where visual cues are unreliable. social learning is a method of threat assessment common among a variety of freshwater fish taxa, which incorporates chemosen ...201222453926
elevated co2 enhances aerobic scope of a coral reef fish.the uptake of anthropogenic co2 by the ocean has been suggested to impact marine ecosystems by decreasing the respiratory capacity of fish and other water breathers. we investigated the aerobic metabolic scope of the spiny damselfish, acanthochromis polyacanthus, from the great barrier reef, australia when exposed for 17 days to co2 conditions predicted for the end of the century (946 μatm co2). surprisingly, resting o2 consumption rates were significantly lower and maximal o2 consumption rates ...201327293607
temperature: a prolonged confounding factor on cholinesterase activity in the tropical reef fish acanthochromis polyacanthus.cholinesterase activity usually decreases in fish exposed to anticholinesterase compounds such as organophosphate and carbamate pesticides. here we show that tropical reef fish acanthochromis polyacanthus (or spiny damsel) also exhibits a decrease in che activity when exposed to elevated temperature from 28°c to 32°c or 34°c after 4 days. we further demonstrate that the decline persists even after 7 days of recovery at control temperature. this is the first report of a drop in che activity in fi ...201323891782
localised intraspecific variation in the swimming phenotype of a coral reef fish across different wave exposures.wave-driven water flow is a major force structuring marine communities. species distributions are partly determined by the ability to cope with variation in water flow, such as differences in the assemblage of fish species found in a given water flow environment being linked to swimming ability (based on fin shape and mode of locomotion). it remains unclear, however, whether similar assembly rules apply within a species. here we show phenotypic variation among sites in traits functionally linked ...201424132502
physiological plasticity to water flow habitat in the damselfish, acanthochromis polyacanthus: linking phenotype to performance.the relationships among animal form, function and performance are complex, and vary across environments. therefore, it can be difficult to identify morphological and/or physiological traits responsible for enhancing performance in a given habitat. in fishes, differences in swimming performance across water flow gradients are related to morphological variation among and within species. however, physiological traits related to performance have been less well studied. we experimentally reared juven ...201525807560
a species pair of bivesicula yamaguti, 1934 (trematoda: bivesiculidae) in unrelated great barrier reef fishes: implications for the basis of speciation in coral reef fish trematodes.combined morphological and molecular analysis shows that a species of bivesicula yamaguti, 1934 from four species of apogonidae günther [nectamia fusca (quoy & gaimard), ostorhinchus angustatus (smith & radcliffe), o. cookii (macleay) and taeniamia fucata (cantor)] on the great barrier reef is morphologically similar to, but clearly distinct from b. unexpecta cribb, bray & barker, 1994 which infects a sympatric pomacentrid, acanthochromis polyacanthus (bleeker). bivesicula neglecta n. sp. is pro ...201526063300
plasticity of escape responses: prior predator experience enhances escape performance in a coral reef fish.teleost and amphibian prey undertake fast-start escape responses during a predatory attack in an attempt to avoid being captured. although previously viewed as a reflex reaction controlled by the autonomic nervous system, the escape responses of individuals when repeatedly startled are highly variable in their characteristics, suggesting some behavioural mediation of the response. previous studies have shown that fishes are able to learn from past experiences, but few studies have assessed how p ...201526244861
experimental methods in aquatic respirometry: the importance of mixing devices and accounting for background light of an increasing trend in fish biology towards using static respirometry techniques without the inclusion of a mixing mechanism and without accurately accounting for the influence of microbial (background) respiration, this paper quantifies the effect of these approaches on the oxygen consumption rates (ṁo2 ) measured from juvenile barramundi lates calcarifer (mean ± s.e. mass = 20·31 ± 0·81 g) and adult spiny chromis damselfish acanthochromis polyacanthus (22·03 ± 2·53 g). background r ...201626768972
simulated coal spill causes mortality and growth inhibition in tropical marine organisms.coal is a principal fossil fuel driving economic and social development, and increases in global coal shipments have paralleled expansion of the industry. to identify the potential harm associated with chronic marine coal contamination, three taxa abundant in tropical marine ecosystems (the coral acropora tenuis, the reef fish acanthochromis polyacanthus and the seagrass halodule uninervis) were exposed to five concentrations (0-275 mg coal l(-1)) of suspended coal dust (<63 μm) over 28 d. resul ...201627174014
potential for adaptation to climate change in a coral reef fish.predicting the impacts of climate change requires knowledge of the potential to adapt to rising temperatures, which is unknown for most species. adaptive potential may be especially important in tropical species that have narrow thermal ranges and live close to their thermal optimum. we used the animal model to estimate heritability, genotype by environment interactions and nongenetic maternal components of phenotypic variation in fitness-related traits in the coral reef damselfish, acanthochrom ...201727469983
altered brain ion gradients following compensation for elevated co2 are linked to behavioural alterations in a coral reef fish.neurosensory and behavioural disruptions are some of the most consistently reported responses upon exposure to ocean acidification-relevant co2 levels, especially in coral reef fishes. the underlying cause of these disruptions is thought to be altered current across the gabaa receptor in neuronal cells due to changes in ion gradients (hco3(-) and/or cl(-)) that occur in the body following compensation for elevated ambient co2. despite these widely-documented behavioural disruptions, the present ...201627620837
transgenerational plasticity of reproduction depends on rate of warming across generations.predicting the impacts of climate change to biological systems requires an understanding of the ability for species to acclimate to the projected environmental change through phenotypic plasticity. determining the effects of higher temperatures on individual performance is made more complex by the potential for environmental conditions experienced in previous and current generations to independently affect phenotypic responses to high temperatures. we used a model coral reef fish (acanthochromis ...201627695516
strong genetic divergence among populations of a marine fish with limited dispersal, acanthochromis polyacanthus, within the great barrier reef and the coral sea.acanthochromis polyacanthus is an unusual tropical marine damselfish that uniquely lacks pelagic larvae and has lost the capacity for broad-scale dispersal among coral reefs. on the modern great barrier reef (gbr), three color morphs meet and hydridize at two zones of secondary contact. allozyme electrophoreses revealed strong differences between morphs from the southern zone but few differences between morphs from the northern counterpart, thus suggesting different contact histories. we explore ...200111794786
barriers to gene flow in embiotoca jacksoni, a marine fish lacking a pelagic larval stage.marine species generally show high dispersal capabilities, which should be accompanied by high levels of gene flow and low speciation rates. however, studies that focused on the relationship between dispersal and gene flow in marine fishes have been inconclusive. this study focuses on the black surfperch, embiotoca jacksoni, a temperate reef fish that lacks a pelagic larval stage and lives on almost continuous reefs along the california and baja california coasts. mitochondrial control-region se ...200010937199
alterations in gill structure in tropical reef fishes as a result of elevated temperatures.tropical regions are expected to be some of the most affected by rising sea surface temperatures (ssts) because seasonal temperature variations are minimal. as temperatures rise, less oxygen dissolves in water, but metabolic requirements of fish and thus, the demand for effective oxygen uptake, increase. gill remodelling is an acclimation strategy well documented in freshwater cyprinids experiencing large seasonal variations in temperature and oxygen as well as an amphibious killifish upon air e ...201424862962
derivation of a water quality guideline for aluminium in marine waters.metal risk assessment of industrialized harbors and coastal marine waters requires the application of robust water quality guidelines to determine the likelihood of biological impacts. currently there is no such guideline available for aluminium in marine waters. a water quality guideline of 24 µg total al/l has been developed for aluminium in marine waters based on chronic 10% inhibition or effect concentrations (ic10 or ec10) and no-observed-effect concentrations (noecs) from 11 species (2 lit ...201525318392
reproductive condition and behavior in relation to plasma levels of gonadal steroids in the spiny damselfish acanthochromis polyacanthus.gonadal condition and plasma levels of gonadal steroids were measured in relation to behavior in the biparental brood-protecting spiny damselfish acanthochromis polyacanthus. fish were captured by scuba divers from natural populations on australia's great barrier reef and immediately bled underwater, following diver or video observation of precapture behaviour. in winter (july), most fish were nonterritorial, with a low proportion of mature males, or vitellogenic females present. in spring (nove ...199910375464
field observations on the reproductive behaviour of a pomacentrid fish, acanthochromis polyacanthus. 19734781186
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