haematology of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) restrained by physical or chemical means. | reference values for some haematological and plasma biochemical constituents were established in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) restrained either physically or chemically with tiletamine-zolazepam. the following variables were studied: haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration, total erythrocyte and leucocyte counts, haematological indices, erythrocyte dimensions, differential count of leucocytes, glucose, urea, uric acid, cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine, aspartate aminotransferase ... | 1993 | 8337802 |
prevalence and seasonality of oestrus caucasicus grunin, 1948 (diptera: oestridae) parasitizing the spanish ibex, capra pyrenaica (mammalia: artiodactyla). | prevalence and intensity of parasitism by oestrid larvae in the spanish ibex capra pyrenaica were determined for a period of 2.5 yr in sierra nevada natural park, southern spain. the most relevant result of this study was to find oestrus caucasicus parasitizing this ungulate in a geographical location far from its previously known distribution, e.g., the caucasus mountain range and central asia. larvae were found within 74% of the heads examined (n = 180). prevalence was higher in females and in ... | 1996 | 8604089 |
effect of captivity on the blood composition of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica). | blood analyses of seven free-ranging spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) captured from the wild and then held in captivity were used to determine the physiological changes in some haematological parameters and serum chemistry values during captivity. the captive animals had a higher haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration and larger numbers of erythrocytes than the same animals when they were captured. in addition, the absolute numbers of leucocytes and lymphocytes decreased progressively ... | 1995 | 8748172 |
haemonchosis in spanish ibex. | two cases of haemonchosis occurred in the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) population of the national hunting reserve of tortosa and beseit, northeastern spain, in july 1992 and may 1993. the animals were cachectic and recumbent and had an acute hemorrhagic, macrocytic and hypochromic anemia; which was related to a high infection of 2,016 and 1,863 haemonchus contortus, respectively, in the abomasum of the animals. | 1997 | 9249719 |
adenovirus infection in spanish ibex. | | 1998 | 9526871 |
seroprevalence of babesia ovis in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) in catalonia, northeastern spain. | a serologic survey was carried out in order to detect antibodies against babesia ovis in a large population of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) from a hunting reserve in catalonia, northeastern spain. for this purpose, an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat) was developed using a b. ovis isolate of ovine origin as antigen. of the total 475 sera tested, 155 (32.6%) showed titres between 1:160 and 1:1280 and were considered positive. these results reveal that exposure of spanish ibex to b. ovis ... | 1998 | 9637213 |
sarcoptic mange in spanish ibex from spain. | the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) population of the "sierras de cazorla, segura y las villas" nature park (spain) was isolated as the result of a severe epidemic of sarcoptic mange. in this context, the dynamic characteristics of the disease were analyzed in a wild group consisting of 35 animals from the beginning of the epizootic (when the mating period started) to the extinction of the population due to mange. monthly tracking permitted the sequential characterization of the patholo ... | 1999 | 10574523 |
presumptive babesia ovis infection in a spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). | on december 29 1995, a 13-year old, male spanish ibex was easily captured by hand, with depression, weakness and severe tick infestation, mainly in the periocular and auricular regions. blood and serum samples were collected and haematological analysis and serum iron levels were determined. red blood cell count, haematocrit, haemoglobin concentration and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (mchc) were decreased and mean corpuscular volume (mcv) increased (macrocytic-hypochromic anemia). s ... | 2000 | 10622613 |
seroepidemiology of chlamydial infections of wild ruminants in spain. | chlamydial infections were determined serologically among wild ruminants in the nature park of the sierras de cazorla, segura y las villas (cnp; spain). sampling was done during the period from 1990-95. there were 1,244 blood samples collected, consisting of 490 from fallow deer (dama dama), 343 from mouflon (ovis mussimon), 283 from red deer (cervus elaphus) and 128 from spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). specific complement-fixing antibodies of chlamydia spp. were detected by means of microtechni ... | 2000 | 10682742 |
effects of sarcoptic mange on serum proteins and immunoglobulin g levels in chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) and spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). | three groups of chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica) and three groups of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) were established to study the effects of sarcoptic mange on serum proteins and immunoglobulin g (igg) levels. the first group of chamois consisted of 22 healthy pyrenean chamois (r. pyrenaica pyrenaica) from a non-infested area, the second group consisted of 20 healthy cantabrian chamois (r. p. parva) from an area where sarcoptic mange has been reported since 1994 and the third group consisted of 16 ... | 2000 | 10714470 |
interspecies pregnancy of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) fetus in domestic goat (capra hircus) recipients induces abnormally high plasmatic levels of pregnancy-associated glycoprotein. | interspecies embryo transfer could be a valuable tool in preservation programs of endangered species. in this work the results of both interspecific-monospecific (ibex-in-goat) and interspecific-bispecific (mixed-species; ibex+goat-in-goat) embryo transfers in the capra genus are reported. the aim of this work was to compare the pag plasmatic profiles occurring in these interspecific gestations to those encountered in normal (i.e. intraspecies) pregnancies of spanish ibex and domestic goat. span ... | 1999 | 10729070 |
hematologic parameters of the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). | thirteen hematologic parameters were measured in 52 spanish ibexes (capra pyrenaica) from sierra nevada natural park, southern spain. the animals were captured, maintained in captivity, and physically restrained for blood collection. we compared hematologic values for healthy ibexes with animals infected with sarcoptic mites and animals treated for scabies and recovered. ibexes with scabies showed a decreased number of erythrocytes, a higher mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobi ... | 1999 | 10749444 |
immunoglobulin g class identification from wild ungulates by cross-reactivity with antisera to domestic animals. | seven species of spanish ungulates were tested for the presence of homologous immunoglobulin g (igg) with a gel-diffusion test using bovine, ovine, caprine and porcine igg antisera. homologous ovine and caprine igg were detected in sera from chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica), mouflon (ovis orientalis musimon), red deer (cervus elaphus), fallow deer (dama dama) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus). homologous porcine igg was detected in wild boar (sus scrofa) s ... | 2000 | 11014063 |
scanning electron microscopy of larval instars and imago of oestrus caucasicus (grunin, 1948) (diptera: oestridae). | oestrus caucasicus (grunin, 1948) is a larval parasite of the nasal cavities of capra caucasica, capra ibex and capra pyrenaica. this study is the first description of the parasite using scanning electron microscopy. the first larval instar shows minor differences with oestrus ovis. the second larval instar shows important synapomorphic features common to oestrus ovis but, also, distinctive features as the spines-crown or the currycomb-shaped spines. the third larval instar shows many difference ... | 2001 | 11474983 |
experimental ivermectin treatment of sarcoptic mange and establishment of a mange-free population of spanish ibex. | ivermectin was used to treat sarcoptic mange in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica). its therapeutic effectiveness was analyzed when it was administered through subcutaneous injection, to sick animals in the consolidation stage of mange (third phase) and, with double injections to chronically affected animals (fourth phase) at a dosage of 0.2 or 0.4 mg/kg body weight (bw). three wk after treatment, the animals in the third phase of mange treated with a high dose (0.4 mg/kg bw) of ivermectin ... | 2001 | 11763741 |
hematologic and biochemical reference intervals for spanish ibex. | we studied blood samples from 529 spanish ibexes (capra pyrenaica) from different andalusian mountain ranges in southern spain, primarily from sierra nevada. for each sample, 13 hematologic and 32 biochemical parameters were analyzed. within this database, we selected values obtained from live, free-ranging, physically restrained, clinically normal animals to determine reference intervals for these parameters. distribution of values within each parameter was determined and differences in values ... | 2003 | 12685085 |
a survey of the gastrointestinal nematodes of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) in a high mountain habitat. | we analyzed the content of the abomasum (n = 79) and small intestine (n = 83) of spanish ibex from sierra nevada natural park, southern spain. fifteen species of trichostrongylid nematodes were identified, 4 of which were found for the first time in this host, i.e., nematodirus fillicollis, n. oiratianus, ostertagia lyrata, and o. ostertagi. teladorsagia circumcincta and marshallagia marshalli were the most abundant abomasal species, whereas n. abnormalis, n. davtiani, and n. oiratianus were dom ... | 2003 | 12760646 |
seasonal ovulatory activity and plasma prolactin concentrations in the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) maintained in captivity. | seasonal changes in ovulatory activity, assessed by the measurement of plasma progesterone and plasma prolactin concentrations were monitored in 10 spanish ibex females captured in the national wildlife reserve of sierra nevada (south spain, 37 degrees n). five of the 10 female ibex showed ovulatory activity with a mean (+/- s.e.m.) duration of the oestrous cycle of 19.4 +/- 1 days (range: 17-23 days). on average, the five cyclic females weighed 28 +/- 0.9 kg. progesterone cycles occurred only i ... | 2003 | 14620629 |
ossification of the appendicular skeleton in the spanish ibex capra pyrenaica schinz, 1838 (artiodactyla: bovidae), with regard to determination of age. | we studied ossification macroscopically in 35 spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) appendicular skeletons in order to establish the skeletochronology in both sexes of the species. the age of animals had been determined by means of horn segment counts, teeth replacement and cementum layer counts from first incisors and ranged from <1 to 12 years. females showed a faster ossification process than males. moreover, for each age or year class considered, regarding both sexes, different stages of epiphyseal ... | 2004 | 15027960 |
low diversity in the major histocompatibility complex class ii drb1 gene of the spanish ibex, capra pyrenaica. | during the last two centuries, the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) has shown a significant demographic decline as a result of the progressive destruction of its natural habitat, disease epidemics, and uncontrolled hunting. partial sequencing of the class ii mhc drb1 gene revealed that the spanish ibex has remarkably low levels of genetic variation at this locus, with only six different drb1 alleles and an observed heterozygosity of 0.429-0.579. the rates of nonsynonymous vs synonymous substitutio ... | 2004 | 15241456 |
relationship between bronchopulmonary nematode larvae and relative abundances of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) from castilla-la mancha, spain. | the excretion of bronchopulmonary nematode infective larvae was evaluated in 160 faecal samples of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) collected from 13 populations in castilla-la mancha, south-central spain in september 2003. intensities and prevalences were compared with pasture availability, abundances of wild and domestic ungulates at both levels, i.e. for populations and for faeces in a two-step procedure. protostrongylid larvae showed similar infection rates (mean intensity: 1.56+/-0. ... | 2005 | 15946393 |
prevalence of toxoplasma gondii antibodies in red deer (cervus elaphus) and other wild ruminants from spain. | serum samples from 441 red deer (cervus elaphus) and 161 other wild ruminant species, collected between 1993 and 2005 from six regions of spain were tested for antibodies against toxoplasma gondii by the modified agglutination test (mat). antibodies to t. gondii (mat 1:25 or higher) were detected in 15.6% of red deer. statistically significant differences were observed among sampling sites with seroprevalence in red deer from catalonia (42.2%) being significantly higher compared with other spani ... | 2006 | 16359801 |
birth of live spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) derived from artificial insemination with epididymal spermatozoa retrieved after death. | as a consequence of increasing limitations to maintaining genetic variability in endangered wildlife species, methods of assisted reproduction widely used in domestic animals are being applied to nondomestic species. however, practical efforts have met limited success to date. the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) is a wild caprine originating exclusively in the mountains of spain. this study was designed to evaluate the fertilizing capability of cryopreserved spanish ibex epididymal sper ... | 2006 | 16376980 |
sex-difference in the ossification rate of the appendicular skeleton in capra pyrenaica schinz, 1838, and its utility in the sex identification of long bones. | the main goal of our work is to quantify differences in the rate of ossification in post-cranial iberian ibex skeletons, related to sex. another objective is to improve criteria for assessing the sex of post-cranial bones by combining the degree of ossification of the distal epiphysis and biometrical data. forty capra pyrenaica skeletons were examined in order to determine the degree of ossification by means of an ossification index. our results evidence that sexual differences in the rate of os ... | 2006 | 16542170 |
effect of egg yolk concentration on cryopreserving spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) epididymal spermatozoa. | tris-egg yolk based diluents provide adequate cryoprotection for the sperm of most wild species in which they have been tested. the objective of the current study was to evaluate various tris-based diluents containing different concentrations of egg yolk, for the fertilizing ability of epididymal spermatozoa of the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) after freezing and thawing. for this purpose, we used heterologous in vivo fertilization by intrauterine insemination of domestic goats (capra hircus). ... | 2006 | 16631249 |
horn quality and postmortem sperm parameters in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica). | the horns are secondary sexual characteristics used by males of many ungulate species for intra-sexual fights during the rut. thus, the dominant males with most developed horns are naturally selected for reproduction. several studies have suggested that the quality of the horn, in many wild ruminants, may be correlated with semen quality. the aim of the present study was to determine whether inter-individual differences in levels of horn asymmetry and horn size are related to differences in sper ... | 2007 | 16846702 |
potential pathogens carried by spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) in southern spain. | the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) population of southern spain was surveyed for potential pathogens associated with the conjunctiva, external ear canal, as well as reproductive and upper respiratory tracts. we sampled 321 ibex (131 adult males, 100 adult females, and 90 yearlings); these included 271 apparently healthy animals and 50 that were naturally infected with sarcoptes scabiei. a total of 688 bacterial isolates were identified (377 gram-negatives, 225 gram-positives, and 86 my ... | 2006 | 16870855 |
seroprevalence of neospora caninum in non-carnivorous wildlife from spain. | serum samples from 1034 non-carnivorous wildlife from spain were tested for antibodies to neospora caninum by competitive screening enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and confirmed by an indirect fluorescent antibody test (ifat). high agreement was observed between results in both techniques (kappa value higher than 0.9). prevalences of n. caninum antibodies positive by both techniques were 11.8% of 237 red deer (cervus elaphus), 7.7% of 13 barbary sheep (ammotragus lervia), 6.1% of 33 ro ... | 2007 | 16962706 |
sarcoptic mange and metapodial development in growing male iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica). | the effect of mange (sarcoptes scabiei) on metapodial growth was studied in 24 uninfested and 16 infested male iberian ibex from sierra nevada national park (southern spain). our results show that infested ibex had smaller metatarsal bones, lower body weight, and a delayed rhythm of ossification, by about 1 year. we conclude that skeletal development and body weight in the iberian ibex are sensitive to sarcoptic mange. | 2007 | 17110041 |
horn growth related to testosterone secretion in two wild mediterranean ruminant species: the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) and european mouflon (ovis orientalis musimon). | seasonal variations in the horn development and testicular activity of the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) (n=6) and european mouflon (ovis orientalis musimon) (n=5) were monitored to determine the role of increasing testosterone concentration on the arrest of horn growth during the rutting season. marked seasonal variations in the rate of horn growth (p<0.01) and testicular activity (p<0.001) were seen in both species, although the magnitude and timing of these changes were different ( ... | 2007 | 17123755 |
in vitro rearing oestrus caucasicus third-instar larvae and pupae (diptera: oestridae) from naturally-infested iberian ibex, capra pyrenaica (artiodactyla: bovidae). | third-instar oestrus caucasicus larvae (n = 236) obtained from iberian ibex, copra pyrenaica, were reared in a laboratory to obtain adult flies. they were maintained at a temperature of 21.9 +/- 2.7 degrees c and a relative humidity of 38.9 +/- 8.0 %. in all, 78 imagos emerged (33.1 %), with a sex-ratio at emergence not differing significantly from 1:1; 25 larvae did not complete pupariation. a total of 14 adult flies (17.9 % of the adults obtained) showed malformations, mainly in their wings. t ... | 2006 | 17285851 |
analysis of mitochondrial dna for authentication of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon) by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. | the prevention of fraudulent labeling of game meat constitutes an important part of food regulatory control and quality assurance systems. a polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (pcr-rflp) analysis based on mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (dna) was developed for authentication of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon). amplification and restriction site analysis of a dna fragment about 720 base pairs ( ... | 2007 | 17373450 |
social dominance and breeding activity in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) maintained in captivity. | the relationship between ovulatory activity and social dominance was determined in 10 spanish ibex females by recording their plasma progesterone and plasma cortisol levels. in a second experiment, the influence of dominance status on the establishment of pregnancy after introduction to males during late anoestrous (late october) was evaluated in another nine females. dominance hierarchies were established in both groups by noting agonistic interactions between the individual females. six high-r ... | 2007 | 17394791 |
mycoplasmas isolated from spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica): frequency and risk factors. | | 2007 | 17675635 |
kit-positive gastrointestinal stromal tumours in two spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica). | gastrointestinal mesenchymal tumours from two spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) were examined grossly, histologically and immunohistochemically. one neoplasm was a 1.5 kg tan multinodular cavitated mass in the forestomach. the other tumour was a firm mural mass 1.2 cm in diameter in the colon. microscopically, both tumours were formed mainly by spindle shaped cells arranged in closely packed interlacing fascicles. neoplastic cells in both tumours labelled positively for kit (cd117), vimen ... | 2008 | 17702621 |
epidemiology of fasciolosis affecting iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) in southern spain. | between 1995 and 2006, we surveyed the presence of fasciola hepatica in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) from andalucía (southern spain) by both necropsy (n = 2,096) and coprological approaches (n = 380). most of the samples came from the sierra nevada mountain range (n = 1,884 and 267, respectively), and all positive cases involved animals from this location. the prevalence reached 0.53% by necropsy and 1.87% by faecal examination. taking into account both diagnostic methodologies and the total n ... | 2008 | 18092179 |
recovery and cryopreservation of spanish ibex epididymal spermatozoa. | a tris-citric acid-glucose (tcg) diluent containing low concentrations (6%) of egg yolk, and a tcg extender containing lactose (without egg yolk), were compared for use in the cryopreservation of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) epididymal spermatozoa. to optimize the collection of epididymal spermatozoa, two spermatozoa recovery methods were tested: i) by using small cuts in the cauda epididymides and ii) by the application of air pressure (from a syringe) inside the vas deferens. the percentage ... | 2007 | 18357960 |
real-time pcr for quantitative detection of chamois (rupicapra rupicapra) and pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica) in meat mixtures. | a real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (pcr) technique was developed for the quantification of chamois and pyrenean ibex dnas in meat mixtures by using a sybr green detection platform. two species-specific systems and a eukaryotic endogenous system were combined in the real-time pcr approach to quantify the target species. in the specific systems, a 133 base pair (bp) fragment of the 12s rrna gene was amplified from chamois dna, and an 88 bp fragment from the d-loop region was amplif ... | 2008 | 18376592 |
epidemiology of mycoplasma agalactiae infection in free-ranging spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) in andalusia, southern spain. | mycoplasma agalactiae is the main causal agent of contagious agalactia syndrome in spain. it is a severe disease of small ruminants, endemic in mediterranean countries, that is characterized by mastitis, arthritis, and keratoconjunctivitis. this paper investigates the temporal, spatial, and host-related factors in the distribution of m. agalactiae infection from october 1996 to november 1998 and march 2002 to may 2003 in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) populations from andalusia, in southern spai ... | 2008 | 18436669 |
a comparison of the protective action of chicken and quail egg yolk in the cryopreservation of spanish ibex epididymal spermatozoa. | egg yolk-based diluents provide adequate cryoprotection for the sperm of several mammalian species. traditionally, chicken egg yolk has been used as additive for the freeze preservation of spermatozoa because of its wide availability. variations in the chemical composition of the egg yolk of different avian species appear to influence the protection afforded during cooling, freezing, and thawing. the aim of the present study was to assess the use of quail egg yolk as a novel additive for the epi ... | 2008 | 18571154 |
rumen protozoal diversity in the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) as compared with domestic goats (capra hircus). | rumen protozoal diversity in the spanish ibex (si) was studied in males (n=4), females (n=7) and young (n=4) from the maestrazgo (spain) and contrasted with domestic goats (n=3; dg) of the same region. there were no differences among si types in protozoal concentration or in the number of protozoal species. only protozoa from the genus entodinium were observed in si (seven species), the highest numbers corresponding to e. damae, e. ovibos and e. parvum. dg harboured threefold more species than s ... | 2009 | 18929470 |
hematologic and biochemical values for spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) captured via drive-net and box-trap. | between october 2002 and september 2004, 70 free-ranging spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) were captured in catalonia, northeastern spain, using two different physical methods, drive-net (n=26) and box-trap (n=44). blood samples were taken to determine 20 hematologic and 23 biochemical variables. values obtained fell within already published reference intervals, with the following exceptions: higher values for red blood cells (rbc), packed cell volume (pcv), white blood cells (wbc), eosinophil coun ... | 2008 | 18957652 |
use of acepromazine for stress control in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) captured by drive-net. | capture and restraint can induce stress in wild animals and tranquilizers may be beneficial in preventing some of the more adverse effects. a short-acting neuroleptic agent (acepromazine) was assessed in 25 spanish ibexes (capra pyrenaica) captured by drive-net. the animals were divided into a control group (14 ibexes) and a treated group (11 ibexes). heart rate and rectal temperature, as well as haematological and biochemical parameters, were used to evaluate the effects of tranquilization duri ... | 2010 | 19071042 |
the use of total serum proteins and triglycerides for monitoring body condition in the iberian wild goat (capra pyrenaica). | body condition in wild ungulates is traditionally evaluated during the necropsy of animals on the basis of the weight of fat stored around or within the vital organs, the weight of the organs themselves, and their derived indices. however, sometimes it is important to evaluate the nutritional status of the animal by means of blood and serum analyses and the interpretation of specific parameters. only in a very few studies is the nutritional status of the animal obtained by blood biochemistry and ... | 2008 | 19110711 |
first birth of an animal from an extinct subspecies (capra pyrenaica pyrenaica) by cloning. | two experiments have been performed to clone the bucardo, an extinct wild goat. the karyoplasts were thawed fibroblasts derived from skin biopsies, obtained and cryopreserved in 1999 from the last living specimen, a female, which died in 2000. cytoplasts were mature oocytes collected from the oviducts of superovulated domestic goats. oocytes were enucleated and coupled to bucardo's fibroblasts by electrofusion. reconstructed embryos were cultured for 36h or 7d and transferred to either spanish i ... | 2009 | 19167744 |
cryopreservation of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) sperm obtained by electroejaculation outside the rutting season. | the effectiveness of electroejaculation for obtaining spanish ibex sperm samples for freeze preserving outside the rutting season was evaluated-the aim being to optimise biological resources for the establishment of germplasm banks. the effect of different egg yolk concentrations (6% or 12%, v/v) in diluents of different buffer composition (tris-citric acid buffer or tes-tris buffer) on frozen-thawed samples of the above also investigated. experiments were undertaken with six ibex males in febru ... | 2009 | 19233455 |
revival of extinct species using nuclear transfer: hope for the mammoth, true for the pyrenean ibex, but is it time for "conservation cloning"? | recent accomplishments in the fields of nuclear transfer and genomics, such as the cloned offspring production from frozen mouse cells, cryopreserved at not too low temperatures without cryoprotectors; or the sequencing of wooly mammoth genome, have opened the opportunity for the revival of extinct species. as expected, they are receiving a lot of publicity in the media and also scientific attention. furthermore, it was recently published the "revival" of the first extinct subspecie: the pyrenea ... | 2009 | 19594389 |
bronchopulmonary nematode infection of capra pyrenaica in the sierra nevada massif, spain. | the present investigation examined the prevalence and abundance of bronchopulmonary nematodes in 213 randomly hunted iberian ibexes (capra pyrenaica) (87 females and 126 males) in the sierra nevada mountain range in spain between 2003 and 2006. post mortem examination revealed an overall prevalence of 72% for adult nematodes (cystocaulus ocreatus 44%, muellerius capillaris 44%, protostrongylus sp. 40%, and dictyocaulus filaria 4%). the abundances were 13.45+/-3.97, 5.18+/-2.49, 6.36+/-2.16, and ... | 2009 | 19596519 |
influence of recovery method and microbial contamination on the response to freezing-thawing in ibex (capra pyrenaica) epididymal spermatozoa. | the method of sperm recovery may influence the initial quality of sperm samples and their response to freezing-thawing. the aim of the present work was to compare two methods for collecting epididymal spermatozoa in order to improve the quality of recovered sperm and reduce possible contamination. testes were obtained from 23 legally hunted, adult ibex males. the sperm mass of the right epididymis was collected by small longitudinal and transverse cuts made in the cauda epididymidis. the sperm m ... | 2009 | 19786008 |
sarcoptes scabiei: specific immune response to sarcoptic mange in the iberian ibex capra pyrenaica depends on previous exposure and sex. | host acquired immunity is a critical factor that conditions the survival of parasites. nevertheless, there is a shortage of data concerning inter-individual immunological inequalities in wild mammals. sarcoptic mange is a widespread parasitosis that severely affects mammals such as the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica). despite some work on the subject, the immune response to sarcoptic mange infestation is still a complex and poorly understood phenomenon. to improve knowledge of the host-sarcoptes ... | 2010 | 19857492 |
the influence of washing spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) sperm on the effects of cryopreservation in dependency of the photoperiod. | extenders containing low concentrations of egg yolk are recommended for cryopreserving ibex spermatozoa. however, the phylogenetic relationship of the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) with domestic goats suggests that phospholipases in the seminal plasma may have a negative effect on the response to freezing-thawing when egg yolk-based diluents are employed. the aim of the current work was to determine how seminal plasma removal from spanish ibex semen, collected by electroejaculation over a perio ... | 2010 | 20092881 |
spatial distribution and risk factors of brucellosis in iberian wild ungulates. | the role of wildlife as a brucellosis reservoir for humans and domestic livestock remains to be properly established. the aim of this work was to determine the aetiology, apparent prevalence, spatial distribution and risk factors for brucellosis transmission in several iberian wild ungulates. | 2010 | 20205703 |
absence of tb in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) in a high-risk area. | | 2010 | 20511661 |
effects of anesthetic protocols on electroejaculation variables of iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica). | the effects of three intramuscular anesthesia protocols--detomidine 190 μg/kg plus ketamine 2 mg/kg, detomidine 270 μg/kg plus ketamine 1.4 mg/kg, and tiletamine 3.4 mg/kg plus zolazepam 3.4 mg/kg--on penis protrusion and ejaculation variables were compared in nine captive spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) subjected to electroejaculation. body temperature, heart, and respiratory rates, as well as a number of plasma biochemical variables were also recorded prior to and during anesthesia. the detomid ... | 2011 | 20542308 |
freezability of iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) spermatozoa according to the glycerolization temperature and plasma testosterone concentration. | ibex spermatozoa can be successfully frozen using glycerolated media. however, no information is available regarding the most effective method of glycerol addition in this species. the aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the glycerolization temperature on the response to freezing-thawing of ibex spermatozoa collected by electroejaculation. the effect of the interaction glycerolization temperature x plasma testosterone concentration was also evaluated. the spermatozoa used in th ... | 2010 | 20654610 |
mycoplasma agalactiae in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) in spain. | | 2010 | 20834008 |
negative effect of the arthropod parasite, sarcoptes scabiei, on testes mass in iberian ibex, capra pyrenaica. | testes mass is a key factor in male reproductive success and is potentially exposed to so-called 'parasitic castration'. this is the result of the direct destruction or alteration of reproductive cell lineages (parasitic castration sensu stricto), or the indirect detrimental effects - for example, via body condition - on the ability of progenitors to produce or rear offspring (parasitic castration sensu lato). there are enormous gaps in our knowledge on the effects of parasites on the testes of ... | 2010 | 21074328 |
epidemiological surveillance of bluetongue virus serotypes 1, 4 and 8 in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) in southern spain. | a cross-sectional study was carried out to assess the prevalence and circulation of bluetongue virus (btv) in spanish ibexes (capra pyrenaica hispanica). a total of 770 sera samples, 380 blood samples and 34 spleen samples were collected between 2006 and 2009 in andalusia (southern spain), a region and time period with a wide circulation of btv in livestock. thirty-one out of 770 (4.0%; ci(95%): 2.6-5.4) sera samples analyzed by elisa showed antibodies against btv. twenty-four out of 31 seroposi ... | 2010 | 21111545 |
usefulness of estimated surface area of damaged skin as a proxy of mite load in the monitoring of sarcoptic mange in free-ranging populations of iberian wild goat, capra pyrenaica. | in this study we examined the influence of several factors, like the surface of skin with lesions attributable to sarcoptes scabiei, the time of year and host sex and age on variations of mite load in iberian wild goats, capra pyrenaica, from the sierra nevada natural space, southern spain. as well, the surface area of skin with scabietic lesions estimated during field surveys were compared with measurements taken in the laboratory and the potential for using categories based on surface areas es ... | 2010 | 21130576 |
prevalence of toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum antibodies in spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica). | a cross-sectional study was carried out on spanish ibex populations in southern spain to assess the seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii and neospora caninum and to investigate the risk factors associated with these infections. using the modified agglutination test, the seroprevalence to t. gondii was 27.5% (146/531; ci(95%), 23.7-31.3), and this seropositivity significantly increased with age. among adults, statistically significant differences were observed between geographical locations and ov ... | 2010 | 21159529 |
assisted reproduction in mediterranean wild ruminants: lessons from the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). | despite apparent progress in reproductive technology as applied to wild ruminants, the success achieved in terms of the number of offspring that become healthy adults has remained low. difficulties often arise through a lack of knowledge regarding appropriate cryopreservation techniques, and indeed through a lack of detailed information on the reproductive physiology of the species in question. the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) is a wild caprid found exclusively in the mountains of iberia; only ... | 2010 | 21755689 |
effect of post-mortem time on post-thaw characteristics of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) spermatozoa. | viable epididymal sperm can be obtained in the spanish ibex during 24h after death, but it has been observed a significant effect of the post-mortem time on fertility success, so only goats inseminated with semen recovery during the first 8h became pregnant. the aim of this study was to determine the effect of post-mortem time on epididymal semen samples from of spanish ibex. for this purpose, sperm samples from 36 males were collected at different post-mortem times, from 2 to 24h, and cryoprese ... | 2011 | 22014412 |
pcr identification of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon) targeting specific sequences from the mitochondrial d-loop region. | a polymerase chain reaction (pcr) assay was developed for the identification of meats from chamois (rupicapra rupicapra), pyrenean ibex (capra pyrenaica), and mouflon (ovis ammon) by using oligonucleotides targeting mitochondrial d-loop sequences. a d-loop region (~700-1000 bp) was firstly amplified and sequenced from various game and domestic meat dnas, and three primer sets were then designed on the basis of nucleotide multialignment of the generated d-loop sequences. as expected from sequence ... | 2007 | 22061240 |
sarcoptes scabiei infestation does not alter the stability of ectoparasite communities. | the host represents a heterogeneous ecosystem where multiple parasite species co-occur and interact with each other for space and resources. although these interactions may rule the features of an infracommunity and may shape the infracommunity response to external perturbations, the resilience of ectoparasite communities to new infestations remains poorly explored. | 2016 | 27370780 |
seroprevalence and risk factors associated to mycobacterium bovis in wild artiodactyl species from southern spain, 2006-2010. | the control of bovine tuberculosis (btb) is at a critical point in the last stage of eradication in livestock. wildlife species recently have emerged infected with tb in europe, particularly ungulates in the iberian peninsula. epidemiological information regarding tb in wild ungulates including affected species, prevalence, associated risk factors and appropriate diagnostic methods need to be obtained in these countries. a cross-sectional study was carried out on wild artiodactyl species, includ ... | 2012 | 22523563 |
antimicrobial resistance in indicator escherichia coli isolates from free-ranging livestock and sympatric wild ungulates in a natural environment (northeastern spain). | antimicrobial resistance was assessed in indicator escherichia coli isolates from free-ranging livestock and sympatric wild boar (sus scrofa) and iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) in a national game reserve in northeastern spain. the frequency of antimicrobial resistance was low (0% to 7.9%). however, resistance to an extended-spectrum cephalosporin and fluoroquinolones was detected. | 2013 | 23892753 |
applicability of major histocompatibility complex drb1 alleles as markers to detect vertebrate hybridization: a case study from iberian ibex × domestic goat in southern spain. | hybridization between closely related wild and domestic species is of great concern because it can alter the evolutionary integrity of the affected populations. the high allelic variability of major histocompatibility complex (mhc) loci usually excludes them from being used in studies to detect hybridization events. however, if a) the parental species don't share alleles, and b) one of the parental species possesses an exceptionally low number of alleles (to facilitate analysis), then even mhc l ... | 2012 | 23006678 |
protection of spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) against bluetongue virus serotypes 1 and 8 in a subclinical experimental infection. | many wild ruminants such as spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) are susceptible to bluetongue virus (btv) infection, which causes disease mainly in domestic sheep and cattle. outbreaks involving either btv serotypes 1 (btv-1) and 8 (btv-8) are currently challenging europe. inclusion of wildlife vaccination among btv control measures should be considered in certain species. in the present study, four out of fifteen seronegative spanish ibexes were immunized with a single dose of inactivated vaccine ag ... | 2012 | 22666321 |
the role of wild ruminants as reservoirs of besnoitia besnoiti infection in cattle. | bovine besnoitiosis, a parasitic disease caused by besnoitia besnoiti, has been reported mainly in beef cattle raised under extensive pastoral systems and is considered to be re-emerging in western europe. horizontal transmission probably occurs either by means of blood sucking arthropods or as a consequence of direct contact between infected and non-infected cattle. however, the role that wild ruminants (e.g., red deer (cervus elaphus) and roe deer (capreolus capreolus)) may play in the parasit ... | 2016 | 27198769 |
shedding of clostridium difficile pcr ribotype 078 by zoo animals, and report of an unstable metronidazole-resistant isolate from a zebra foal (equus quagga burchellii). | clostridium difficile is an emerging and potentially zoonotic pathogen, but its prevalence in most animal species, including exhibition animals, is currently unknown. in this study we assessed the prevalence of faecal shedding of c. difficile by zoo animals, and determined the ribotype, toxin profile and antimicrobial susceptibility of recovered isolates. a total of 200 samples from 40 animal species (36.5% of which came from plains zebra, equus quagga burchellii) were analysed. c. difficile was ... | 2014 | 24467928 |
endemic caseous lymphadenitis in a wild caprinae population. | between 2010 and 2013, an outbreak of caseous lymphadenitis (cla) occurred in a captive stock of iberian ibexes (capra pyrenaica, schinz 1838) maintained for conservation purposes in the national game reserve 'ports de tortosa i beseit' (ptb), northeastern spain. the aim of this study was to assess the cla status in the free-ranging donor population of ibexes. an elisa test to detect antibodies to cla was performed in 360 hunter-harvested ibexes between 2007 and 2013. a spatial analysis and recu ... | 2017 | 28275091 |
management of a caseous lymphadenitis outbreak in a new iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) stock reservoir. | in 2010, an iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica) stock reservoir was established for conservation purposes in north-eastern spain. eighteen ibexes were captured in the wild and housed in a 17 hectare enclosure. once in captivity, a caseous lymphadenitis (cla) outbreak occurred and ibex handlings were carried out at six-month intervals between 2010 and 2013 to perform health examinations and sampling. treatment with a bacterin-based autovaccine and penicillin g benzatine was added during the ... | 2014 | 25492129 |
wide exposure to coxiella burnetii in ruminant and feline species living in a natural environment: zoonoses in a human-livestock-wildlife interface. | assessment of the role of wild and domestic hosts as potential reservoirs of misdiagnosed zoonoses, such as q fever by coxiella burnetii, is an important public health issue today both for wildlife conservation and management of disease in human-livestock-wildlife interface. this study used elisa, an indirect antibody, to research (2003-2013) c. burnetii infection in seven free-living wild and domestic ruminant species and in european wildcats (felis silvestris). the animals studied were 0 europ ... | 2017 | 27776577 |
detection of antibodies in wild ruminants to evaluate exposure to liver trematodes. | wild ruminants sharing pastures with domestic livestock are at risk of infection by liver trematodes. detection of antibodies provides a very useful tool to gain more knowledge about the distribution of these parasites. non-lethal methods are strongly encouraged for the analysis of the risk of infection among wild ruminants. a seroepidemiological survey was conducted to analyze exposure to hepatic trematodes ( fasciola hepatica and dicrocoelium dendriticum ) in wild ruminants from southern spain ... | 2012 | 22414166 |
lack of evidence of spill-over of salmonella enterica between cattle and sympatric iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) from a protected area in catalonia, ne spain. | salmonella enterica is a zoonotic agent of worldwide importance found in a wide range of wild hosts. however, its prevalence in many popular game species has never been assessed. iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) is the main game caprinae of the iberian peninsula and around two thousand individuals are hunted every year for trophy or for home consumption. in this work, 313 iberian ibexes from the ports de tortosa i beseit national game reserve (ne spain) were tested for salmonella enterica in faece ... | 2014 | 23217161 |
streptococcus caprae sp. nov., isolated from iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica hispanica). | biochemical and molecular genetic studies were performed on a novel gram-stain-positive, catalase-negative, coccus-shaped organism isolated from tonsil samples of two iberian ibexes. the micro-organism was identified as a streptococcal species based on its cellular, morphological and biochemical characteristics. 16s rrna gene sequence comparison studies confirmed its identification as a member of the genus streptococcus, but the organism did not correspond to any species of this genus. the neare ... | 2016 | 26486442 |
effect of shortening the prefreezing equilibration time with glycerol on the quality of chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), ibex (capra pyrenaica), mouflon (ovis musimon) and aoudad (ammotragus lervia) ejaculates. | the present study reports the effect of shortening the prefreezing equilibration time with glycerol on the quality of frozen-thawed ejaculated sperm from four mediterranean mountain ungulates: cantabrian chamois (rupicapra pyrenaica), iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica), mouflon (ovis musimon) and aoudad (ammotragus lervia). ejaculated sperm from these species were divided into two aliquots. one was diluted with either a tris-citric acid-glucose based medium (tcg-glycerol; for chamois and ibex sperm) ... | 2016 | 27346588 |
escherichia coli o157:h7 in wild boars (sus scrofa) and iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) sharing pastures with free-ranging livestock in a natural environment in spain. | wild ungulates have greatly increased in abundance and range throughout europe. this new situation presents a concern for public health because many wild ungulates are known reservoirs of zoonotic pathogens. | 2015 | 25807206 |
campylobacter shared between free-ranging cattle and sympatric wild ungulates in a natural environment (ne spain). | campylobacter infections are a public health concern and an increasingly common cause of food-borne zoonoses in the european union. however, little is known about their spill-over from free-ranging livestock to sympatric wild ungulates, especially in regards to uncommon campylobacter species. in this study, we aim to determine the prevalence of c. coli, c. jejuni and other c. spp. in game ungulates (wild boar sus scrofa and iberian ibex capra pyrenaica) and free-ranging sympatric cattle in a nat ... | 2014 | 24595731 |
molecular analyses reveal unexpected genetic structure in iberian ibex populations. | genetic differentiation in historically connected populations could be the result of genetic drift or adaptation, two processes that imply a need for differing strategies in population management. the aim of our study was to use neutral genetic markers to characterize c. pyrenaica populations genetically and examine results in terms of (i) demographic history, (ii) subspecific classification and (iii) the implications for the management of iberian ibex. | 2017 | 28135293 |
evaluation of three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for sarcoptic mange diagnosis and assessment in the iberian ibex, capra pyrenaica. | sarcoptic mange is a contagious skin disease caused by the mite sarcoptes scabiei, affecting different mammalian species worldwide including the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica), in which mortalities over 90 % of the population have been reported. no efficient diagnostic methods are available for this disease, particularly when there are low mite numbers and mild or no clinical signs. in this study, three enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (elisa) developed for dog (elisa a), cantabrian chamois (r ... | 2016 | 27769278 |
toxic and essential element concentrations in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) from the sierra nevada natural park (spain): reference intervals in whole blood. | iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) blood samples from the sierra nevada natural park (spain) were analyzed to establish concentrations of toxic and essential elements. samples (whole blood from 32 males and 34 females) were taken from wild animals and the concentrations of inorganic elements considered as (1) non-essential and toxic (pb, cd and as), (2) essential but potentially toxic (cu, zn and mn) and (3) occasionally beneficial (b, cr, al and ni), as well as (4) essential minerals (ca, na, k, p, ... | 2016 | 26687500 |
sex-biased severity of sarcoptic mange at the same biological cost in a sexually dimorphic ungulate. | in sexually dimorphic species, male susceptibility to parasite infection and mortality is frequently higher than in females. the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) is a sexually dimorphic mountain ungulate endemic to the iberian peninsula commonly affected by sarcoptic mange, a chronic catabolic skin disease caused by sarcoptes scabiei. since 1992, sarcoptic mange affects the iberian ibex population of the sierra nevada natural space (snns). this study aims at exploring whether mange severity, in te ... | 2015 | 26555065 |
sarcoptic mange breaks up bottom-up regulation of body condition in a large herbivore population. | both parasitic load and resource availability can impact individual fitness, yet little is known about the interplay between these parameters in shaping body condition, a key determinant of fitness in wild mammals inhabiting seasonal environments. | 2015 | 26546209 |
successful ultrarapid cryopreservation of wild iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) spermatozoa. | a method for cryopreserving wild ibex sperm at high cooling rates was developed. to design a freezing solution based on tris, citric acid, and glucose (tcg), two preliminary experiments were performed using glycerol (gly) and dimethyl sulfoxide (dmso) at different concentrations (5%, 10%, 20%). the 10% gly + 10% dmso combination reduced (p < 0.05) frozen-thawed sperm motility, which reached a minimum when 20% gly + 20% dmso was used. in the second experiment, sperm tolerance to three sucrose con ... | 2015 | 26316218 |
acute phase proteins increase with sarcoptic mange status and severity in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica, schinz 1838). | sarcoptic mange is a contagious skin disease caused by sarcoptes scabiei, affecting both domestic and wild mammals, including the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica), a medium-sized mountain ungulate almost endemic to the iberian peninsula. acute phase proteins (apps) could be an indicator of sarcoptic mange disease and severity in iberian ibex. serum samples from 131 healthy and sarcoptic mange-affected iberian ibexes were collected from 2005 to 2012 in sierra nevada natural space in southern spain. ... | 2015 | 26227139 |
physiological responses and characteristics of sperm collected after electroejaculation or transrectal ultrasound-guided massage of the accessory sex glands in anesthetized mouflons (ovis musimon) and iberian ibexes (capra pyrenaica). | the objective was to characterize the stress response and the seminal parameters obtained with electroejaculation (ee) or transrectal ultrasound-guided massage of the accessory sex glands (tumasg) in two captive but nondomestic ruminants, the mouflons and the iberian ibex under general anesthesia. in mouflons, the physiological responses (heart and respiratory rate, rectal temperature, cortisol, creatine kinase, potassium and glucose concentrations) changed similarly with both procedures. the tu ... | 2015 | 26174035 |
descriptive analysis of sperm head morphometry in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica): optimum sampling procedure and staining methods using sperm-class analyzer ®. | sperm morphology has been identified as one characteristic which can be useful in prediction of fertility in a species. the development of computer automated sperm morphometry analysis allows for objective analysis of sperm head dimensions. the aim of the current study was to develop an optimum sampling procedure to characterize the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) sperm head morphometrically. fresh semen from 11 males was collected using transrectal ultrasonic-guided massage of accessory sex glan ... | 2015 | 25721563 |
distinguishing disease effects from environmental effects in a mountain ungulate: seasonal variation in body weight, hematology, and serum chemistry among iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) affected by sarcoptic mange. | our study focuses on the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) from the sierra nevada natural space (southern spain), where sarcoptic mange is an endemic disease and animals are affected by a highly seasonal environment. our aim was to distinguish between disease and environmental influences on seasonal variation in body weight, hematology, and serum biochemistry in iberian ibex. we sampled 136 chemically immobilized male ibexes. the single effect of mange influenced hemoglobin, hematocrit, mean corpus ... | 2015 | 25380360 |
sperm selection by capripure(®) density-gradient centrifugation versus the dextran swim-up procedure in wild mountain ruminants. | this study compares the effectiveness of two methods of sperm selection - capripure(®) density-gradient centrifugation (dgc) and dextran swim-up (dsu) - in semen samples from iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) and european mouflon (ovis musimon). during the increasing photoperiod, capripure(®) dgc improved the percentage of sperm with progressive motility (p<0.05) in ibexes, and selected 60.6% of the initial total number of spermatozoa contained in the ejaculate samples. in mouflon, capripure(®) dgc ... | 2014 | 25064561 |
cryopreservation of epididymal sperm from ibexes (capra pyrenaica) using short equilibration time with glycerol. | two experiments were conducted to study the effect of shortening the equilibration time with the cryoprotectant glycerol before freezing epididymal sperm recovered postmortem from iberian ibex. in the first experiment, the standard equilibration time of 3 hours was compared with 2 hours, and subjective sperm motility and quality of movement were greater (p < 0.05) in the latter group. in the second experiment, reducing the equilibration time from 2 hours to 15 minutes did not affect sperm motili ... | 2014 | 24938799 |
sperm characteristics and heterologous in vitro fertilisation capacity of iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) epididymal sperm, frozen in the presence of the enzymatic antioxidant catalase. | the aim of this work was to evaluate the protective effect of catalase (cat) on frozen/thawed ibex epididymal sperm recovered post mortem, and to detect any harmful effect this might have on sperm fertilisation capacity. epididymal spermatozoa were diluted using a tris-citric acid-glucose medium (tcg) composed of 3.8% tris (w/v), 2.2% citric acid (w/v), 0.6% glucose (w/v), 5% glycerol (v/v), and 6% egg yolk (v/v). sperm masses from the right epididymis were diluted with tcg medium, while those f ... | 2014 | 24699464 |
postural laterality in iberian ibex capra pyrenaica: effects of age, sex and nursing suggest stress and social information. | most studies of lateralized behaviour have to date focused on active behaviour such as sensorial perception and locomotion and little is known about lateralized postures, such as lying, that can potentially magnify the effectiveness of lateralized perception and reaction. moreover, the relative importance of factors such as sex, age and the stress associated with social status in laterality is now a subject of increasing interest. in this study, we assess the importance of sex, age and reproduct ... | 2014 | 24611891 |
reliability of an elisa test for diagnosing oestrosis in iberian ibex. | oestrosis is one of the most prevalent parasitosis affecting the iberian ibex, capra pyrenaica . to date, both the diagnosis of oestrosis and the determination of the intensity of parasitism require the use of invasive methods (necropsy), which necessarily limit research possibilities. we analyzed the immune humoral response (igm and igg) against oestrus ovis l. excretory/secretory larval antigens in 32 sera taken from iberian ibex from the sierra nevada natural space (southern spain). three ant ... | 2014 | 24299554 |
effect of acepromazine and haloperidol in male iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) captured by box-trap. | short-acting neuroleptic drugs are used to prevent adverse effects of stress in wildlife. we compared the effect of acepromazine and haloperidol in iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) captured with box-traps. we captured 23 male iberian ibex at the national game reserve of ports de tortosa i beseit, northeastern spain, march 2003-june 2005. seven animals received 0.1 mg/kg of acepromazine maleate, eight received 0.33 mg/kg of haloperidol and eight animals acted as controls. clinical, hematologic, and ... | 2012 | 22740543 |
role of testosterone and photoperiod on seasonal changes in horn growth and sperm variables in the iberian ibex: a model for polygynous wild bovids. | this work examines the effect of testosterone secretion and photoperiod on seasonal changes in horn growth and sperm variables in the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica), here used as a model for polygynous wild bovids. the hypothesis that high levels of testosterone provide an endocrine signal that inhibits horn growth in autumn was tested by assessing the effect of cyproterone acetate (ca), an anti-androgen, administered in october - coinciding with the period of natural increases in plasma testost ... | 2012 | 22645301 |
seasonal variation in reproductive physiological status in the iberian ibex (capra pyrenaica) and its relationship with sperm freezability. | the present work examines the relationship between seasonal changes in testicular function, accessory gland size, and horn growth in iberian ibexes, as well as the relationship between these changes and the resistance of ibex spermatozoa to freezing-thawing. the size of the bulbourethral glands and seminal vesicles showed pronounced monthly variation (p < 0.001), which was correlated positively with the plasma testosterone concentration (p < 0.001) and scrotal circumference (p < 0.001). the size ... | 2011 | 21855981 |
an evaluation of the application of infrared thermal imaging to the tele-diagnosis of sarcoptic mange in the spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica). | the application of infrared thermal imaging to the diagnosis of sarcoptic mange in the wild spanish ibex (capra pyrenaica) was evaluated. seventy-three ibexes (35 males, 38 females) of varying ages were studied. each animal was observed using conventional binoculars (ot) to detect lesions characteristic of mange. infrared thermography (ir) was then performed and the resultant image judged negative or positive. the distance from the thermograph to the animal was measured, and the animal killed. s ... | 2002 | 12383630 |
aggressive behaviour, sexual strategies and their relation to age in male spanish ibex (capra pyrenica ). | this study aimed to investigate the factors determining male reproductive success during the rutting season of the spanish ibex. the rut lasts about seven weeks. at the begining of this period the old males engage in contests with each other, while the adult and subadult males spend more time courting the females. in the second half of this period, the old males court and gain reproductive acceptance while the adult and subadult males decrease their courtship activity. the old males also differ ... | 1986 | 24897349 |
estimating how inflated or obscured effects of climate affect forecasted species distribution. | climate is one of the main drivers of species distribution. however, as different environmental factors tend to co-vary, the effect of climate cannot be taken at face value, as it may be either inflated or obscured by other correlated factors. we used the favourability models of four species (alytes dickhilleni, vipera latasti, aquila fasciata and capra pyrenaica) inhabiting spanish mountains as case studies to evaluate the relative contribution of climate in their forecasted favourability by us ... | 2013 | 23349726 |