
fatal experimental babesia microti infections in the norwegian lemming, lemmus lemmus (l.).experimental infections of babesia microti in laboratory-reared clethrionomys glareolus revealed that approximately 15% of the erythrocytes were infected with single ring forms during peak parasitemia. infected erythrocytes could be detected in blood smears up to one month post infection. c. glareolus treated with a single injection of depo-medrol i.m. two days prior to infection displayed a four-fold increase in number of infected erythrocytes at peak parasitemia, 35% of which contained more th ...1978357267
trypanosoma (herpetosoma) lemmi sp. n. from the norwegian lemming, lemmus lemmus (l.). 1978640525
hematological, splenic and adrenal changes associated with natural and experimental infections of trypanosoma lemmi in the norwegian lemming, lemmus lemmus (l.).both natural and experimental trypanosoma lemmi infections in norwegian lemmings caused slight anemias and hypoglycemia. leucocyte counts remained the same. adrenal and splenic hypertrophy were associated with natural infections whereas only splenic hypertrophy was present in the experimental infection. grahamella sp. infections were also associated with adrenal and splenic hypertrophy in wild lemmings. it is suggested that blood parasites which are associated with anemia, hypoglycemia and adren ...1978744544
breeding and reproduction of fifteen wild rodents maintained as laboratory on reproduction and production were presented for laboratory colonies of microtus pennsylvanicus tananaensis, m oeconomus macfarlani, m o operarius, m mirurus, m abbreviatus, lemmus lemmus, l sibiricus trimucronatus, dicrostonyx stevensoni, clethrionomys rutilus, peromyscus maniculatus borealis, p m bairdii, baiomys taylori, calomys ducilla, c callosus, acomys cahirinus. litter size varied from 2.0 in a cahirinus to 5.5 in c callosus. infant (neonatal) and juvenile losses through the end of ...1976775192
[new findings concerning the spread of natural foci of infection in the transpolar region of eastern siberia].new materials are presented on the presence of the foci of anthropozoonozes in the extreme north. for the first time there was established the existence in the subarctic tundra of the taimyr peninsula of the arbovirus foci of the tick-borne encephalitis complex. a virus of the tick-borne encephalitis complex was isolated in 1973 from the gamasida ticks haemogamasus ambulans thorel. and hirstionyssus isabellinus oudms. and the nests of the siberian lemming lemmus lemmus l. this pointed to the exi ...19751243720
corrections in the names of rodent coccidia (apicomplexa, coccidiasina).the following new taxonomic combinations are introduced for coccidia whose names were previously given erroneously: dorisa bengalensis (bandyopadhyay & ray, 1982) n. comb. from the indian palm squirrel funambulus pennanti in india; eimeria sicistae from the intestine of the birch mouse sicista tianschanica in the ussr; e. hydrochaeri carini, 1937 emend. from the capybara hydrochaerus hydrochaerus in south america; frenkelia sp. (doby, jeannes & rault 1965) from the brain of the water vole arvico ...19873123645
seasonal differences in habitats of the norwegian lemming, lemmus lemmus (l.), in 1959 and 1960 at kilpisjärvi, finnish lapland. 19715151514
calorigenic effect of noradrenaline in the norwegian lemming, lemmus lemmus (l.). 19705417489
[listeriosis in norwegian lemmings (lemmus lemmus l.)]. 19836229954
experimental infections by brucella suis type 4 in alaskan rodents.the susceptibility of nine species of rodents and one species of lagomorph to brucella suis type 4 was studied experimentally. the rodent species included: guinea pig (cavia porcellus), scandinavian lemming (lemmus lemmus), brown lemming (l. sibiricus), northern red-backed vole (clethrionomys rutilis), varying lemmings (dicrostonyx stevensoni and d. rubricatus), yellow-cheeked vole (microtus xanthognathus), flying squirrel (glaucomys sabrinus) and ground squirrel (citellus parryii). the lagomorp ...19807463596
serosurvey for orthopoxviruses in rodents and shrews from norway.two hundred and twenty one blood samples representing eight different rodent species and the common shrew (sorex araneus), collected in norway between 1993 and 1995, were examined for anti-orthopoxvirus antibodies by a competition enzyme linked imunnosorbent assay (elisa) and, when possible, an indirect immunofluorescence assay. the serological results indicated that the bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus), woodmouse (apodemus sylvaticus) and norway lemming (lemmus lemmus) may be reservoir speci ...19989577770
phase- and density-dependent population dynamics in norwegian lemmings: interaction between deterministic and stochastic processes.we analysed two 26-year long (1970-1995) time-series on annual population growth rates of norwegian lemmings (lemmus lemmus) from finse, south norway, using a threshold autoregressive (tar) approach. we demonstrate that the population dynamics is both phase- and density-dependent. the phase-dependence accounts for the observed nonlinearity. we used the deduced stochastic model structure as a basis for evaluating the dynamic properties of this system. the dynamics is characterized either by limit ...19989821362
isolation and characterization of a hantavirus from lemmus sibiricus: evidence for host switch during hantavirus evolution.a novel hantavirus, first detected in siberian lemmings (lemmus sibiricus) collected near the topografov river in the taymyr peninsula, siberia (a. plyusnin et al., lancet 347:1835-1836, 1996), was isolated in vero e6 cells and in laboratory-bred norwegian lemmings (lemmus lemmus). the virus, named topografov virus (top), was most closely related to khabarovsk virus (kbr) and puumala viruses (puu). in a cross focus reduction neutralization test, anti-top lemmus antisera showed titers at least fo ...199910364307
ultrastructure of frenkelia sp. from a norwegian lemming in apparently healthy norwegian lemming (lemmus lemmus) caught in northern finland was observed to have a whitish body 0.5 to 1.0 mm in diameter in the external layer of the cerebral cortex. by light microscopy a highly lobulated cyst of frenkelia sp. was observed. by transmission electron microscopy lemmus) collected in the cyst wall was seen consisting of a parasitophorous vacuolar membrane, an underlying electron-dense layer and a granular layer. the membrane was only slightly convoluted. the ...200010813619
glacial survival of the norwegian lemming (lemmus lemmus) in scandinavia: inference from mitochondrial dna order to evaluate the biogeographical hypothesis that the norwegian lemming (lemmus lemmus) survived the last glacial period in some scandinavian refugia, we examined variation in the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial control region (402 base pairs (bp)) and the cytochrome b (cyt b) region (633 bp) in norwegian and siberian (lemmus sibiricus) lemmings. the phylogenetic distinction and cyt b divergence estimate of 1.8% between the norwegian and siberian lemmings suggest that their separ ...200111345325
development of the acrosomic system of the spermatozoon in the norwegian lemming (lemmus lemmus). 196514263016
rapid field test for detection of hantavirus antibodies in rodents.puumala virus (puuv) is the causative agent of nephropathia epidemica, a mild form of haemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. puuv is transmitted to humans via aerosolized excreta of the infected bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus). current methods for screening of the puuv prevalence among bank vole populations are laborious, combining sampling in the field and subsequent analyses in the laboratory. in order to facilitate animal testing, a new serological immunochromatographic rapid test was de ...200415188724
diabetes and myocarditis in voles and lemmings at cyclic peak densities--induced by ljungan virus?although it is well-documented from theoretical studies that pathogens have the capacity to generate cycles, the occurrence and role of pathogens and disease have been poorly empirically studied in cyclic voles and lemmings. in screening for the occurrence of disease in cyclic vole and lemming populations, we found that a high proportion of live-trapped clethrionomys glareolus, c. rufocanus, microtus agrestis and lemmus lemmus at high collective peak density, shortly before the decline, suffered ...200616868760
timing of population peaks of norway lemming in relation to atmospheric pressure: a hypothesis to explain the spatial synchrony.herbivore cycles are often synchronized over larger areas than what could be explained by dispersal. in norway, the 3-4 year lemming cycle usually show no more than a one-year time lag between different regions, despite distances of up to 1000 km. if important food plants are forced to reallocate defensive proteins in years with high seed production, spatially synchronized herbivore outbreaks may be due to climate-synchronized peaks in flowering. because lemming peaks are expected to occur one y ...201627249449
field detection of francisella tularensis.a field investigation was undertaken following an outbreak of water-borne tularemia in northern norway. francisella tularensis bacterial cellular components were analysed by rapid immunochromatography (ri)-testing, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) and polymerase chain reaction (pcr). water from 1 reservoir, fed from a rapid stream, tested negative. from another reservoir, 2 of a chain of 3 wells tested negative. the third well, at the end of the chain, contained lemming (lemmus lemmus) ...200010879600
functional responses of the rough-legged buzzard in a multi-prey system.the functional response is a key element of predator-prey interactions. basic functional response theory explains foraging behavior of individual predators, but many empirical studies of free-ranging predators have estimated functional responses by using population-averaged data. we used a novel approach to investigate functional responses of an avian predator (the rough legged-buzzard buteo lagopus pontoppidan, 1763) to intra-annual spatial variation in rodent density in subarctic sweden, using ...201424448699
absorption of sodium, potassium and water in the colon of the norway lemming lemmus lemmus (l.). 1975240571
indirect food web interactions mediated by predator-rodent dynamics: relative roles of lemmings and voles.production cycles in birds are proposed as prime cases of indirect interactions in food webs. they are thought to be driven by predators switching from rodents to bird nests in the crash phase of rodent population cycles. although rodent cycles are geographically widespread and found in different rodent taxa, bird production cycles appear to be most profound in the high arctic where lemmings dominate. we hypothesized that this may be due to arctic lemmings inducing stronger predator responses th ...201324173526
selection of cyanogenesis in the leaves and petals of lotus corniculatus l. at high latitudes.a survey of lotus corniculatus populations in the jostedal valley of s. w. norway has revealed that plants with cyanogenic leaves are rare in the south of the valley, but predominate in the harsh conditions which are found further north. a similar cline occurs for cyanogenesis in the petals and scoring of plants for both leaf and petal cyanogenesis has confirmed that there is a relationship between the expression of cyanogenesis in these two parts of the plant. the colour of the keel petals, a t ...198328310695
[physical factors in animal experiments for testing antimasspsychotic drugs].lemmingson et al. have observed that the movement of masspsychotic lemmings (lemmus lemmus) shows a distinct preference for the left direction. they suggested that this is due to the influence of the coriolis force. according to this proposition the influence of the coriolis force on a group of masspsychotic animals has been investigated quantitatively. the results suggest the following model: normally the influence of the coriolos force, which on the northern hemisphere acts to the right, is co ...19751242672
observations on the use of the exercise-wheel in relation to the social rank and hormonal conditions in the bank vole (clethrionomys glareolus), and the norway lemming (lemmus lemmus). 19715166538
the postnatal development of homoiothermy in the norwegian lemming (lemmus lemmus). 19645855859
experimental tuberculosis in the norwegian lemming (lemmus lemmus). 196314065863
tularaemia in norwegian dogs.we describe tularaemia in a norwegian dog caused by francisella tularensis subspecies holarctica. a hamilton hound and his owner developed tulaeremia after hunting an infected mountain hare (lepus timidus). the dog showed signs of lethargy, anorexia and fever during a period two to four days after hunting and thereafter fully recovered. its antibody titers increased 32-fold from one to three weeks post exposure. thereafter, the titer declined and leveled off at moderate positive values up to one ...201425150161
linking climate change to lemming cycles.the population cycles of rodents at northern latitudes have puzzled people for centuries, and their impact is manifest throughout the alpine ecosystem. climate change is known to be able to drive animal population dynamics between stable and cyclic phases, and has been suggested to cause the recent changes in cyclic dynamics of rodents and their predators. but although predator-rodent interactions are commonly argued to be the cause of the fennoscandian rodent cycles, the role of the environment ...200818987742
the norwegian lemming lemmus lemmus l. 1758 in the period of global warming. 201621221905
experimental investigation of a hantavirus host-switch between arvicoline rodents lemmus lemmus and myodes glareolus. 201324581373
on the origin of the norwegian lemming.the pleistocene glacial cycles resulted in significant changes in species distributions, and it has been discussed whether this caused increased rates of population divergence and speciation. one species that is likely to have evolved during the pleistocene is the norwegian lemming (lemmus lemmus). however, the origin of this species, both in terms of when and from what ancestral taxon it evolved, has been difficult to ascertain. here, we use ancient dna recovered from lemming remains from a ser ...201424661631
densities of microtime rodents along a pollution gradient from a copper-nickel smelter.population densities of microtine rodents were studied along an air pollution gradient in the kola peninsula, russia, by long-term and short-term trapping. the study area is affected by high sulphur dioxide and heavy metal emissions from the severonikel copper-nickel smelter in monchegorsk. the density of clethrionomys rufocanus, the most abundant vole species in the area, was lowest close to the smelter and increased with distance up to the farthest, less polluted trapping sites. clethrionomys ...199428313738
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